How do you feel about Misty

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Feb 22, 2009
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This is being disgusted in several threads so I decided to start a thread so we can put our thoughts of Misty in one place.

Please be respectful, we all know the rules, no name calling or just plain being mean. I would like this thread to stay open.

I personally feel sorry for Misty and feel she is being used. Countless times here at WS we look for kids who are 12, 13, 16 years old who ran away or where kidnapped, abused or treated badly. When Misty met Ron she was being abused, by her parents and by Ron. abuse doesn't have to be physical, many times emotional abuse can be 100 times worse. At 15 Misty should have been in school, playing in the band or playing softball like my daughter, not being involved with all these drug dealers, shaking up and playing mommy to a grown mans kids.
Why is it when a 15 or 16 year old is kidnapped, or molested or abused, everyone is like that poor kid poor baby, but people dont seem to see Misty this way. Yes she is 18 years old now but she wasn't when all this happened, she wasn't when she was the one left in charged of the babies, after living the kind of life Misty did, she was abused and she found herself in the arms of a predator.
Misty has lived a life of drugs and abuse her entire life that is all she knows. I am glad Misty is in jail, where she is away from drugs away from Ron, and eats 3 times a day she has a bed to sleep in everynight and a warm place in the winter and a cool place in summer. She may now be able to get an education and may now have a chance to make something of herself. Unlike KC who I feel is plain evil who had everything and it was never enough. I beleive misty is misguided and needs help and has the potential to become something.
My heart breaks for Haleigh and I want justice served for her. However I feel that Misty is the fall guy here and if Misty is responsible for Haleigh being gone, I think it was an accident and I feel that Ron and TN, and Lisa, and Hank are the ones that are responsible. Misty was a child herself. Why do we not see Misty as a victim... what if Misty was the one missing when she was with Ron, who would we then put the blame on? we would be angry at Lisa and at Hank, we would be demanding Ron thrown in jail as a SO.. Why is no one demanding justice for Misty too?
The important thing here is finding Haleigh but next in line is assuring Misty is treated fairly because IMO she is a victim too.

Okay I'm going to go hide behind this couch now as I expect I will be flamed just be kind please.:truce::couch:
I agree that Misty is a victim, but she allowed Haleigh to be one too. For that, I have no sympathy. I think she will get the brunt of this drug deal, but if she would have told the truth about what happened that night and what she Knows it would be different now. So Misty I wish you the best of luck in Oct. because that is all you can count on now, is luck unless you give up what happened that night.
I believe Misty..was under the influence of Ron..and he plied her with drugs and sex and a place to to eat..

Even tho she was raised by a dysfunctional family, she may have been looking for some stability and a place where she felt NEEDED...and loved..

We did not know what Ron may have promised her..if she lived with him...probably things he could never get for her...perhaps promises he kept breaking...telling her string her along..and to keep her "starry eyed".

Ron SHOULD have known better than to get involved with a teen ager...girls at that age..especially from dysfunctional families ...are eager to feel accepted and loved...AND HE KNEW THAT..

Having said that....a part of me does feel for Misty.....she just got mixed up with the wrong guy......and is now paying a heavy price for that...

Like you said, perhaps prison will be a place she can "start over" and get some education, her health back, and some guidance...Surely she would want that...

As far as her involvement in the Haleigh case....She probably did..some of the cover up and lying to protect Ron..(who I believe is GUILTY) and once again, he may have promised her ...who knows go along with protecting him...and if she was in love with him, she would be inclined to do that..

I believe Ron has TREMENDOUS influence over her..because he knows she loves him..

and he is going to use that to his advantage....Because Ron LOVES Ron...

all in my own opinion
I feel for Misty having to grow up around drug addicted parents and older relatives who "messed with her" (according to Flora and Misty herself). But, I think she was criminal minded or she'd never have been going to other said drug dealers when she busted up with Ron, been doing any drugs around kids, or dealing drugs. This is not some mixed up teen getting involved with older guys, it's someone very criminally turned at a young age. Misty already knew her way around before she met Ron, and then there's the report that she cussed and face slapped a toddler at the bus stop. She was also said to be yapping about getting bad dope, so she didn't even care who could hear her talking or what she said around children. I believe either she did something to Haleigh or was gone or passed out when Haleigh was taken. There's no sympathy for that.
Well, I have to feel sorry for Misty. I think that someone in her position that has only ever known that kind of life, does not know that is not how you are supposed to act. Who did she have in her life to teach her better?
She has been covering for Ron the entire time, IMO. He is not innocent in this at all.
She was a baby taking care of a baby with evil all around her. She needs to tell everything she knows, for once and for all, and let the chips falll where they may. She is going away for a long time anyway.
Going to hide with butterfly.....
I do not like a lot of things Misty does but it is easy to be my age and label Misty and others like her as foolish. Misty is a victim of her environment and she is very "me" oriented, but being "me" oriented sort of goes along with that age, IMO. Truth is, Misty reminds me a lot of myself at her age. I was struggling to survive, too, and in the process I made some very poor choices.

If we could consider only Misty's involvement with that [unusual person] Ronald and her drug trafficking activities, I would be able to cut her a lot more slack, but we certainly cannot just ignore Misty being a key figure in a missing child case. Because...even though Misty is a victim of circumstance, she did have choices. She may not have been mature enough to see those choices, but she had them nonetheless. Little Haleigh did not have choices; she had to live where she was told to live, with people who were ill-equipped emotionally to care for her and when she cried, her cries fell on deaf ears.

Any sympathy I feel for Misty (and I do have twinges from time to time) is seriously diminished due to her choices to not do the right thing to ensure justice for Haleigh. If Misty really was in no position to help Haleigh in the heat of the moment, she certainly has been in a position since then to do right by that baby girl--yet time after time she has chosen not to! Her lies about being asleep, then the new lies about being afraid of Joe, combined with statements that maybe "the other side of the family" took Haleigh...

Sorry, folks...I am a liberal thinker for the most part, but I cannot muster enough tolerance to exonerate Misty for not doing the right thing from the beginning. I cannot help but think of the possibility that had Misty acted right away, Haleigh might have been found, or at the very least all evidence would not be gone forever.

I do not see justice happening for Haleigh, and Misty bears some responsibility for that. Although I do not believe that Misty killed Haleigh, I do believe that she had some opportunity early on to help investigators and she chose not to do so. And no matter how many excuses I try to make for Misty's upbringing, I cannot think of any acceptable excuse for not helping a five-year-old in danger and/or assisting LE in every way possible to bring those culpable to justice. Haleigh deserved that and she did not get it; for that reason, I am unable to extend much sympathy Misty's way.

Do I feel sorry for Misty? Nope. Yes, I wish life had been kinder to Misty. Just like I wish life had been kinder to Haleigh. Just like I wish this tragedy had never happened.
It's always a shame when a young woman like her ends up in prison for the choices they made in life. I cannot say that she didn't know any better, because I think she did. Some teens are just much harder to control than others, they defy any authority. Maybe Hank and Lisa tried, but she might have been rebellious and thumbed her nose at them, so they gave up. Easier to do that than to put your foot down with some parents.
At any rate, IIRC, she was 16 when she moved in with Ronald, and turned 17 a couple of months before Haleigh disapppeared. I doubt if he forced her, she made the choice to sleep in his bed, so I can't blame him 100%. Compared to the life she was living before, maybe he looked like Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy all rolled into one. He gave her food, shelter, clothes, and dope... what more could she ask for? And all she had to do was watch his kids, learn how to use the can opener and sleep with him. What a deal!!!
I don't mean to make fun of the OP, but I have mixed feelings. I feel sad that she is in the trouble she's in, but OTOH, if she had told the truth from the beginning, she might not be in this predicament right now. Whatever she says now, is gonna be pick-and-choose-which-lie-you-want-to-believe. JMO.
I do not like a lot of things Misty does but it is easy to be my age and label Misty and others like her as foolish. Misty is a victim of her environment and she is very "me" oriented, but being "me" oriented sort of goes along with that age, IMO. Truth is, Misty reminds me a lot of myself at her age. I was struggling to survive, too, and in the process I made some very poor choices.

If we could consider only Misty's involvement with that [unusual person] Ronald and her drug trafficking activities, I would be able to cut her a lot more slack, but we certainly cannot just ignore Misty being a key figure in a missing child case. Because...even though Misty is a victim of circumstance, she did have choices. She may not have been mature enough to see those choices, but she had them nonetheless. Little Haleigh did not have choices; she had to live where she was told to live, with people who were ill-equipped emotionally to care for her and when she cried, her cries fell on deaf ears.

Any sympathy I feel for Misty (and I do have twinges from time to time) is seriously diminished due to her choices to not do the right thing to ensure justice for Haleigh. If Misty really was in no position to help Haleigh in the heat of the moment, she certainly has been in a position since then to do right by that baby girl--yet time after time she has chosen not to! Her lies about being asleep, then the new lies about being afraid of Joe, combined with statements that maybe "the other side of the family" took Haleigh...

Sorry, folks...I am a liberal thinker for the most part, but I cannot muster enough tolerance to exonerate Misty for not doing the right thing from the beginning. I cannot help but think of the possibility that had Misty acted right away, Haleigh might have been found, or at the very least all evidence would not be gone forever.

I do not see justice happening for Haleigh, and Misty bears some responsibility for that. Although I do not believe that Misty killed Haleigh, I do believe that she had some opportunity early on to help investigators and she chose not to do so. And no matter how many excuses I try to make for Misty's upbringing, I cannot think of any acceptable excuse for not helping a five-year-old in danger and/or assisting LE in every way possible to bring those culpable to justice. Haleigh deserved that and she did not get it; for that reason, I am unable to extend much sympathy Misty's way.

Do I feel sorry for Misty? Nope. Yes, I wish life had been kinder to Misty. Just like I wish life had been kinder to Haleigh. Just like I wish this tragedy had never happened.

Excellent post krkrjx. I agree with the so very many legitimate and accurate points that you made in the above post.

Tho, I realize that we differ in our opinions of Ron's direct involvement[I do believe his lifestyle and selfish behaviors are what led to Haleigh's demise], our opinions of Misty's innocence and culpability seem to be the same.

I too feel that Misty has had many choices that were available her to even save Haleigh, and then even after it was too late to save her she has had multiple opportunities to ensure justice for Haleigh by telling what she knew after the fact, before evidence was destroyed by mother nature and animals taking their course...

I do have twinges of feeling sorry for her but when I am immediately reminded that her with holding of imperative info has caused this precious child to go unfound and justice unserved that outweighs any feelings for Misty 100%...
I'm sorry, I am in the beleif that Misty mentally can not handle this situation. I don't think she has or has had the capacity to make the right decisons. If you are never taught to read or write you will never know how to read or write, the same thing can be said about her judgements if she she was never taught the diffrence between right and wrong how can she be expected to know the diffrence.....
I don't know what happened to Haleigh, I wish I did, and if Misty caused harm to Haleigh then yes I want her punished, but I don't think that she deserves the same sort of punishment as lets say Ron if he is the one responsible, because it is my beleif Ron does know better.
My personal opinion on this matter is that something happened to Haleigh and Misty didn't know how to handle the situation and handled it inappropriately, the way my 8 year old son does when he is scared and doesn't know what to do.
I'm sorry, I am in the beleif that Misty mentally can not handle this situation. I don't think she has or has had the capacity to make the right decisons. If you are never taught to read or write you will never know how to read or write, the same thing can be said about her judgements if she she was never taught the diffrence between right and wrong how can she be expected to know the diffrence.....
I don't know what happened to Haleigh, I wish I did, and if Misty caused harm to Haleigh then yes I want her punished, but I don't think that she deserves the same sort of punishment as lets say Ron if he is the one responsible, because it is my beleif Ron does know better.
My personal opinion on this matter is that something happened to Haleigh and Misty didn't know how to handle the situation and handled it inappropriately, the way my 8 year old son does when he is scared and doesn't know what to do.

Hi butterfly! Tho, I may not agree totally with all of what is your opinion of Misty, I do agree with some, I do understand most, and I completely respect ALL of your opinions about Misty..

That said referring to the above BBM. This is an excellent point and IMO extremely accurate analogy of what happened with Misty the night Haleigh was murdered..

It is exactly how an 8 yr old would handle certain dire situations. Being scared and not knowing what to do..
You have made something very apparent to me be your stating this.. That the night that this all occurred she handled it just as an 8 yr old would, hid, closing her eyes, possibly, and just trying to "wish"it all away. Quite possibly even keeping her eyes shut, hid under covers, possibly, and just waiting "for it to all just go away". Just like an 8 yr old would, IMO...
Tho, I respectfully disagree with you about the not being taught right from wrong, therefor she possible wouldn't know.. That is where I feel her biggest and/or greatest amount of culpability comes into play... In that after the fact[after Haleigh was murdered and disposed of, or she atleast knew that Haleigh had been taken with nefarious intentions and had not been returned] It is at this point that she no doubt knew right from wrong and it was her duty to tell what she knew of that had happened... IMMEDIATELY WHEN THE POLICE BECAME INVOLVED[if not sooner] where my biggest problem most lies with Misty is that she did nothing to help after the immediate danger for herself, and for possibly Jr had passed... jmo BUT ABSOLUTE EXCELLENT POINT, butterfly.. Thank you..
When I think of Misty, I see a kid. A really immature, dumb girl, trying to play grown-up, & when she wanted out? Ron & TN pulled her back in. So, I don't blame her for much. not even if she killed Haleigh. I save most of that blame for Ron. It was his job to take care of his kids & he knew better than this. no excuses. I'm really sad that Misty's in this mess, & Im' sad that she's probably gonna spend the rest of her life locked up like an animal. & I blame Ron for that too. He preyed on young girls, but when things went bad, he wasn't held accountable.
How do I feel about Misty?

Let me say first that disengaged myself emotionally from this case a long time ago. The only emotional reaction that I have is for Haleigh. Honestly.

As for Misty, I feel nothing for her (or the other people living in that home when Haleigh disappeared or Misty's family, and none of RC's family too but that's off topic)

This is just my humble opinion, but I, personally, feel that if I sympathize with Misty and feel bad for her about how she was raised until she went to live with RC, the choices she made while she lived with him and the choices and behavoirs she has exhibited after Haleigh went missing~~~ If I look for excuses for her actions that I listed above then I, myself, take away from Haleigh. I just feel that way I can't help it.

I honestly do not care about a single one of them with the exception of Haleigh. Did she have a tragic life? Yes she did and as she said one time "it's not going to get better" or something to that effect, but in my mind and in my heart, I can't excuse her or make excuses for her or sympathize with her---Haleigh was only five years old. She's gone. She's deceased. Misty does know that IMHO.
IMO, Misty was used....abused....and thrown to the wolves.

Sometimes I feel like Misty was not around when the crime occurred against Haleigh.....and then there are those days where I feel she knows what happened and maybe even present when the crime occurred. However, I do not believe that Misty is the one who caused Haleigh's death. And for that I feel sorry for her....but what I can't get pass is her decision to help cover up the crime.

I have always felt that the Cummings kept a choke hold on Misty in the beginning for a reason. They rallied around her and praised her for being the "best girlfriend" ever. Then after the drug bust, Teresa had this to say:

Today, Haleigh's paternal grandmother says she doesn't know who Croslin has turned out to be. "I feel that somewhere in those two or three days before Haleigh went missing, she took a wrong turn in life, and that brought her to where she is today," Neves said of the young woman her son dated, married and has since divorced. "I do not feel she is the same person she was when I first met her. It's like night and day."

Teresa feels that in the two or three days before Haleigh went missing, Misty took a wrong turn in her life that brought her to where she is now. But after Haleigh went missing, they saw her as a mature adult who loved Haleigh and Jr. Did Teresa not know that her son put Misty out prior to her wild weekend? At one point, Teresa wanted us to believe that Ron and Misty had made up Sunday before Haleigh "disappeared". Is Teresa saying that whatever happened that weekend with Misty is why Misty is in trouble now? I just don't get it. Too much emphasis is being put on the weekend before Haleigh went missing for it not to be significant as to finding out what really happened to Haleigh. JMO
I would like to take a minute and thank every single person in the Haleigh Furom. This thread has had over 150 people view it and acouple of posts and even though this thread has the potential to light some fires, everyone has respected each others opinion and been very kind in thier posts. None of us new Haleigh none of us know this family, but we have become a family through this and even in this tragedy, I am glad to have come to know many of you and knowing in this world there is evil and hatred I am proud to be a member of WS where I can meet with a group of people who care so much for others they have never met, and discusss things civilly even if we dont agree. .
I too appreciate the different opinions, and while they all don't agree, they are civil. I believe we all know after all of this time we are here for justice for Haleigh! Very good opinions here and all have merit.
I don't have a lot of sympathy for Misty as I feel she should have done the "right thing" long ago. But what troubles me is this: After Haleigh went missing, the Cummings clan took Misty in and treated her like royalty. Does anyone really believe that Ronald would have married Misty had it not been for what happened to Haleigh? I, for one, cannot understand why LE doesn't see this as the biggest clue in this case. No, Misty didn't have a lot of chances in her life, so I believe that Ronald did look like her "Prince Charming" and all he has ever done for her is use and abuse her. I do hope that Misty uses the opportunities she will be given in prison to make something of her life, but she won't be able to unless she does right by Haleigh first.
Misty might not have an education, but she does have street education.

She might not be book smart but she is street wise/smart. She knows the difference between right and wrong even being so overly immature, at times. She's the baby of her family and probably got her way alot. Misty is very manipulative, she knows she throws a tantrum and gets her way, this is how I picture her. I also feel she is a very angry girl, lashes out without thinking (impulsive). She lies like there's no tomorrow because she too knows the truth would make it much harder to swallow. How many times has she used the age card? I'm only 16, what do they expect??? How much do they think I can take??? Has she abused herself in allowing others to abuse her??? Is this all she knows???

RC should not have had her as his live in babysitter/lover. Everything he did, went against the court order. TN was to be helping RC raise his children, not a 16 year old homeless girl. Seems they all dropped the ball and in the end, HaLeigh paid with her own life.

When MC took off for that three day binge, why did they beg her to continue to babysit. Why didn't RC just let her go??? She didn't want to be there this fateful evening and I can't help wonder if MC lost her cool with HaLeigh? Was she jealous of RC's love for HaLeigh? She's said many times, HaLeigh was RC's heart...Was MC being used, YES...Did RC truly have love for her? NO...RC looks out for RC, IMO...

Lifestyle is the reason HaLeigh was put in this position. MC went from one dysfunctional family right into the arms of another dyfuctional family, RC....I fault HC Sr. and LC...they should have never allowed MC to play house. They should have wanted better for her and insisted she think about the responsibility she's taking on...they both should have known better and wanted better for their children and themselves.

Then I think about the area they lived in. Saturated Satsuma with guns, drugs and violence. How many SO's/RSO's are in that one area alone? It doesn't help matters any...

Do I have empathy for MC? Can I muster up sympathy for her??? I can't. I feel she had a chance to tell the truth about HaLeigh but only dug herself deeper in this by implicating too many stories and who might be involved. MC seems to have learned how to put herself as an innocent victim, for she's been doing it for as long as she's been in the street. She knows how to get what she wants, when she wants it, only this time, the Cummings clan insisted she be where she didn't want to be and I can't shake the feeling she lost her cool with HaLeigh! Did she call Tommy to come help her clean up? Is she changing her story once again to look like the innocent party, the victim?

I only hope LE can get to the bottom of HaLeigh's demise. They have a huge task in front of them. Peeling the onion, one layer at a time, I do hope they get to the core!

Where is HaLeigh???

I do feel sorry for her upbringing and all the chances she never got. But despite all that she knows right from wrong and truth from a lie enough to have done the right thing by Haleigh, and something else was more important to her than doing the right thing for the little girl she claimed to love as her own.
There just are no words for me on her anymore....I just am so disgusted with this whole hee haw gang. (except for Crystal....I will always feel so very sorry for her.)

(I get this affliction a lot, it appears)

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