Tech Forensics, computers cel phones, texts,


Old and Re-Tired Websleuth
Oct 28, 2009
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Were computers seized from Baker home in the sealed warrant search? Have LE received phone records, texts etc. yet?

How big a role will these things play in a trial?

How long do forensics of technological nature such as these take?

All things Computer, etc Forensics here.
Thanks for the nifty new thread :)
So anyone know any tech people or LE detectives, etc who may know how long the computere, etc forensics would take to compile, analyse?
Seems like it took a little while in ICA's case, but I guess it would depend on how deep they had to dig?
Do we know if/how many computers, laptops, and/or cell phones were taken into evidence? And when?

Gosh I am recognizing now how much Sunshine Laws are our friends.
Noetic, I completely agree. If Zahra still had her computer, or if someone else had confiscated it. Knowing what became of that computer is very important IMO
I would have to suspect they took it away from her to use for themselves, especially since she was not allowed to contact family or friends.
So anyone know any tech people or LE detectives, etc who may know how long the computere, etc forensics would take to compile, analyse?

I suspect the time involved is mostly dependent on the electronic forensic lab work load. Have followed three cases from around the Raleigh area in the past - SBI doing the analysis of computers - one case it was about 3 weeks, another it was about 6 months. But to qualify - that was the time it took before the press found results or when new warrants were released with probable cause sections including data from the computers.

A couple of other things I do know - they do not collect the entire computer - only the hard drive. As to cell records, no warrant is necessary, only a subpeona. From what I have seen, one won't know about it or possible results unless it is referenced in a probable cause section of a warrant. Seems to me though, warrants in Zahra's case will continue to be sealed even though EBs attorneys let the cats out of the bag so to speak. This is only what I have seen in other high profile cases in NC - there are always variations.
Great thread. I suspect computer evidence will play a very large part in the case - searches for how to dismember a body anyone?
Were computers seized from Baker home in the sealed warrant search? Have LE received phone records, texts etc. yet?

How big a role will these things play in a trial?

How long do forensics of technological nature such as these take?

All things Computer, etc Forensics here.

Great thread and finally something right down my alley! The computer forensics will play a huge part in this case, I have no doubt whatsoever. I am sure their ISP, etc were court ordered to turn over online activity on their account.

Once forensics copies the hard drive it could take awhile to compile all the evidence found. The device will searched with a fine tooth comb compiling deleted files, online activity such as email, websites visited, google searches and documents written.

Since it seems these two were online freaks, I believe this evidence will be a turning point as to to timeline, COD and guilt to which party. Watch closely. :angel:

ETA moo
I wonder if these two would have been smart enough to have gotten rid of computers during the clean up. But, even if they were that smart, I would think the money factor would come into play. In other words, I doubt they would have trashed them as opposed to selling them.

(Just thinking out loud.)
I think they kept them. I can't see them being able to live without their computers, so I think they would have taken the risk to keep them. IMO
Great thread and many thanks for starting it! I am hopeful that the evaluation and/or forensics of the computer data will lead us to know more about the roles each of them played in the Zahra dynamic.
I wonder if these two would have been smart enough to have gotten rid of computers during the clean up. But, even if they were that smart, I would think the money factor would come into play. In other words, I doubt they would have trashed them as opposed to selling them.

(Just thinking out loud.)

I am with Belinda, tossing or otherwise gettign rid of computers would be like chopping off your own arm to one such as EB. I don't think she can imagine life without her computer and I doubt she had the forsight to realize she was going to be in jail and unable to access it. I think LE's got any computers that were used by EB and AB. Just my own.
I have a feeling this will take much longer than normal because EB used a lot of different aliases so she could have signed up for the internet by any of the known names and even unknown.

This could be true too with cell phone but with cell phone they can go by phone number. If it was one of those Go Phone though, that might make it harder.
T'is true about many different aliases, however, this information is most likely to be in her computer. :)

Most anything you do online is never gone or just erased. It's out there somewhere sitting on a server......
I have a feeling this will take much longer than normal because EB used a lot of different aliases so she could have signed up for the internet by any of the known names and even unknown.

This could be true too with cell phone but with cell phone they can go by phone number. If it was one of those Go Phone though, that might make it harder.

Pretty common for drug dealers to use throw away phones. And again, if we are to believe BB...well...

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