Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life: "Irrelevant and Scandalous"

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DNA Solves the moderator contemplates how well this thread is gonna go.

Pls behave. the moderator contemplates how well this thread is gonna go.

Pls behave.

Thanks BJB! I hesitated to even use the S-E-X word, but it's in the story!

Okay, gotta get to work now . . .
I suppose they wouldnt be doing their jobs if they didnt try this. those pics taken after 26 June 2008 are most assuredly relevant and so are her lies during that time.

after all if she'd told the full truth all along and spent every day from the day caylee was "lost" as a weeping, hysterical mess.....she wouldnt be facing the needle would she?
Take Casey's lies, stealing and sex life out of her daily existence, and all you have left is her sitting around doing nothing and watching the occasional bit of TV ... oh hang on, that's all she does now! Look, of course they don't want it all coming into trial, it makes her look bad, but then not as bad as the 31 days, missing Caylee, evidence of decomp in the trunk, and the Zanny the Nanny story. I don't think the defense will be able to keep all of it out, but I'm not convinced the state needs any of it in either.
Thanks BJB! I hesitated to even use the S-E-X word, but it's in the story!

Okay, gotta get to work now . . .

LOL. Uh huh. Like I'm buyin' the whole :angel: routine. :snooty:

I had no choice in the matter :rolleyes: just reportin' the news.

...then *poof*off to work :takeoff: :floorlaugh:

Leaving it for now...but keeping a finger on the 'close thread' button when/if it turns into completely non-[re]productive ranting, etc. Starting a pool in the mod forum on how long this will take:

So far: BJB = $5 on 15 mins​ the moderator contemplates how well this thread is gonna go.

Pls behave.

LOL. I saw the title and was like, oh boy, this is big ol' can of worms opening up! But I'll be good, I promise.

I think, at the very least, her having sex with Tony, what was it the night of the 16th, should come in to show how little she regarded Caylee. Where was Caylee while this was going on, Casey? Obviously you weren't doing the deed right in front of her...

The only way I can definitely see past sexual experiences coming in is if the state is going to try and show a pattern to Caylee's care and Casey's activities to show what a not great mom Casey was to Caylee. Basically, bring it in to undercut MOTY's credibility. Now she lied so much during the investigation and was convicted of theft, so I can't see those not coming in. That would surprise me. Anyway, I'm not sure they need the past sexual stuff with everything else in this case, but I can see them considering it, especially if Baez tries to say Casey is pure as the driven snow and would never do anything wrong, including lying, stealing, and killing Caylee.

I really really REALLY hope he's that stupid in court. That opens the door to the state bringing in a lot of stuff to prove him wrong...including the fact that she's, oh, CONVICTED of stealing. Gonna be hard to get past those what, 7 counts on the record right now? And she lied to LE, who would be happy to get on the stand and testify about that. The lying and stealing have to be in. The past sexual stuff is a maybe to me at this point.

Isn't there a ruling to that effect that can be brought up? Some evidence can only be brought in the defense opens that door? I know that's not the legalese wording, sorry...
I think her mistruths are very relevant since she told so many lies to LE after CA called LE with her imfamous, I found my daughters car today and it smells like a there's been a dead body in the damn car! Not one word of truth out of the mouth of an alleged mother who's child has been allegedly missing for 31 days! Very relevent, it will stay in the proceedings..

I don't remember if ICA's party photos were kept in evidence? It goes to the same frame of mind/state of mind..JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Are they trying to erase her history of all these bad deeds in order to present the theory that "something" happened to Casey when Caylee was taken from her? They can't erase the lies that she, herself, put on official records but they might try to say Casey used to be a fine person but when she lost Caylee she suffered a break in reality?

Are they going to try to lead the jury to believe all the scandalous and inappropriate behavior only started because she, too, was a victim? (It so matches the Rapunzel hair!)
oh yes the lying the stealing at least are VERY revelant!
(didn't ica HERSELF say she will lie and steal and do whatever to get her daughter back?sorry guys i couldnt resist that last line)
the lying and stealing were going on way before caylee disappeared, so its not like caylees gone, poof she snaps and steals friends and loved ones blind, been going on WAY before caylee disappeared and truth be told, probably before shed been born.
The defense moves to have KC's sex life, and tales of her lying & stealing excluded from testimony.

Story here:

Does anyone else find this laughable? I can't wait to see JP's reaction!!

I briefly read a snippet from this motion last night. It said that testimony about her lying was irrelevant, and it mentioned charges of providing false information to police. Umm, color me clueless but how is lying irrelevant to lying??:waitasec:
How Ironic that the defense wants to bring in all Kronk's prior bad acts but keep out all KC's prior 'bad acts'!

I can see the Judge allowing all mention of her sex life prior to Jun 16th to be kept out, I think that is a possibility. However, from June 16th on, her behavior is extremely relevent as most of us have said here on WS over and over. I would not be surprised if the motion in regards to TonE was because they do not want him testifying about how she woke up in the middle of the night, sweating, crying and shaking (wasn't that what he said?)

I can see the Judge granting the motion about the other Tony, that really doesn't have anything to do with the case, more of a window into her 'normal behavior'.

Maybe that is what the State is trying to do with these guys and all the other witnesses about her lying and stealing! Showing that her behavior before Caylee went missing and her behavior after did not change in any way. She went right on doing what she had been doing all along with no concern for her missing daughter. You know that just might be what the defense is trying to prevent the jury from hearing and seeing.
What timing? His Honor is on vacation next week, he mentions this to the court at this last hearing for sealing the penalty phase witnessess, so this cuts 5 days from His Honor getting to these motions. I understand the defense has a schedule to keep but their timing couldn't be worse! I don't think this will make the court happy...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
machushla said:
How Ironic that the defense wants to bring in all Kronk's prior bad acts but keep out all KC's prior 'bad acts'!

You say ironic, I say hypocrits! :banghead: Each and everyone one of them with ICA at the helm...Maybe these were the oders ICA barked at the defense as she left the courtroom, get those motions in, ya' hear me! LMAO IMO, this has ICA written allllll over it. It's what she wants....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Baez, your CLIENT is irrelevant and scandalous. Does that throw the entire case out for you? It should. Hell, her own family has made Caylee irrelevant and have been nothing but scandalous in doing so - you going to do a motion to throw them out too?

Irrelevant and scandalous. You're worried more about your already tarnished client being shown for what she truly is in court? In effect, you want to lie about who and what Casey is and steal Caylee's innocence and sweep her under the rug to try in vain to get that miracle acquittal? What a piece of work you are, and Mason...

I hope HHJP gets so mad at them for doing this at the last minute that they get nothing but big fat denials for Christmas!
How about the night that Caylee disappeared in the middle of the night when KC stayed overnight with RM? KC claims her mother called and told her to bring Caylee home and CA denies it ever happened. Where was Caylee? It was earlier in the year, late winter, early spring when this incident happened. KC was there in the morning when they woke up but no Caylee. If KC brought Caylee home and put her to bed CA would have known the next morning that KC was not home to care for Caylee. Not something CA would not remember since KC was the main caregiver. So where was the car???? jmo
^ Yes, this story has always bugged me no end! Xanny the Nanny came along and secreted the child into the night? Was Caylee 'sent off into a slumber' and stowed away at times of inconvenience? Or is Cindy just lying again, and she did have Casey 'bring her home to me NOW'. Who knows. It's all very odd.
Wait for it - next the Defense is going to file a motion to bring in Caylee's prior bad acts! You know like preventing KC from living the 'good life', being a financial drain on KC because of all the baby sitting fees? I swear I would not put something like this past the defense.

Seriously, I can see them getting people to talk about 'temper tantrums', refusing to listen to her Mom, wandering off when they are out together, etc. then come back and say that KC just 'snapped' from all the pressure she was under because of this, her relationship with her Mom, her inability to find a job to support herself (excuse me while I laugh myself sick here) etc. etc. etc. So she really didn't MEAN to kill precious little Caylee, it just happened!
I briefly read a snippet from this motion last night. It said that testimony about her lying was irrelevant, and it mentioned charges of providing false information to police. Umm, color me clueless but how is lying irrelevant to lying??:waitasec:
[O/T: Every time I read one of strawberry's posts, I hear it in a "Sally Brown" voice in my head.]


"Casey's Lies, Stealing, Social/Sex Life": Irrelevant, No. Scandalous, Yep!
ICA herself admits to this.

She will lie, she will steal, she will do what she has to to get Caylee back! IIRC, those were the words she uttered to LE when she was confronted with the incredible information she provided. LE asked her how does lying help us find Caylee, it doesn't, she said...SO, IMMHO, this is why she was charged with providing "false information" 5 charges to LE. This motion gets denied! JMHO

Justice for Caylee

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