IMVU and SWs released 2011.01.04

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Retired WS Staff
Aug 3, 2008
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Hi, all -

There have been some questions about the newly released search warrants regarding IMVU and WS poster, NoeticSoul, named in the warrant. This post is to outline the rules in discussing this topic.

--IMVU activities can be discussed on this thread, but ONLY if they specifically are about this case and the case players

--there is to be NO copying and posting from any threads in the private forums discussing IMVU

--NoeticSoul has posted that she will not be answering questions on the forum or via PMs about her IMVU involvement. Please respect this and remember that sleuthing a member is a violation of TOS and will result in a TO. If NoeticSoul wishes to respond to questions in the future, she will do so.

This is a perfect example of when posters become involved in a case that they may face public scrutiny about their involvement. I urge ALL posters to think carefully before becoming involved in a case. And, I want to remind everyone that you are on your own when reaching out to case players -- you are not reaching out on behalf of Websleuths without the express permission of Tricia.

Members of Law Enforcement regularly read at WS. Generally they contact WS Admins when they register, but there is no requirement that they do so. Unless they ask us to, we do not publicly identify them, but all posters should be aware that public comments about illegal activity could bring them attention they may not want. WS receives subpoenas on a regular basis from various agencies. WS will comply with all valid subpoenas received.

Please thank this post, so that I know you have read it.
Thank you daisy7. Wishing everyone at WS's the best and wishing justice for Zahra. I will gladly stand up for that any day.
I hope it's ok for me to ask this. What does the letters IMVU stand for?
I think that Noetic will gladly suffer the public scrutiny, as would most of us. Zahra is smiling down on you Noetic for getting involved.......Thank You.
I think that Noetic will gladly suffer the public scrutiny, as would most of us. Zahra is smiling down on you Noetic for getting involved.......Thank You.

Noetic is a shining example of doing the right thing. She had knowledge and resources that could be offered and used them in a positive way. She did it for all the right reasons. I, personally, am most impress with the way she has handled herself. She has kept everything close to her vest and only shared with those that really enforcement. Hats off to you, Noetic!
Are we allowed to post the exact wording from the search warrant related to this topic? This is the first I have heard of this, and I think that speaks volumes to Noetic Soul. I am sorry that this has been included in the warrants, but I believe there are good people here who only want Justice for Zahra. JMO but I respect those who take a higher road to ensure the rights of a little girl, who never got to speak for herself. Thank you on behalf of those who stand behind you for doing what you believe is the right thing!
Are we allowed to post the exact wording from the search warrant related to this topic? This is the first I have heard of this, and I think that speaks volumes to Noetic Soul. I am sorry that this has been included in the warrants, but I believe there are good people here who only want Justice for Zahra. JMO but I respect those who take a higher road to ensure the rights of a little girl, who never got to speak for herself. Thank you on behalf of those who stand behind you for doing what you believe is the right thing!

BBM. Yes.
Does anyone know where pages 4 & 5 are located on the IMVU warrant? I can't seem to find them. If you arrow down on it, it says page 3 of 6, then says page 6 of 6. Is there a media site that posts all 6 pages? Thanks for your help.
IMVU scares the bejesus out of me! Hats off to all who were brave enough to dwell there. Noetic is a special person to care that much. JMO and im sure many others feel the same way.
I went to IMVU after reading all this just to see what it was all about and it confused the beejeebees out of me. I"ll admit I felt stupid if people like EB could figure it out and here I am with no clue as to what I was doing, LOL! Needless to say I visited once, had no idea and haven't been back.

Back to the chainsaw role playing....has it been confirmed that a chainsaw has been found anywhere as relating to the case? If it has I can't find it but I haven't gone over everything with a fine tooth comb either.
In photos posted online during the search of the yard, soon after Zahra went missing[reported by ab], there was a pic of a white [evidence] bag with what looked like a chainsaw inside. I've found this pic, below at link, but there is a better close up that I am still searching for. When I find it I will post it here. White bag is on left of pic in front of orangy color leaves, to right of broken branches.

ETA this video; at about 3:30-3:50 you see the white bag again. This is from 10/28/10. I an still looking for the close pic.
Okay I think I'm thinking of hearsay. I live in Hickory so there was ALOT of that going around. The chainsaw I heard about was not at the house. I think I'm just thinking about a rumor which we all know is just that.
Okay I think I'm thinking of hearsay. I live in Hickory so there was ALOT of that going around. The chainsaw I heard about was not at the house. I think I'm just thinking about a rumor which we all know is just that.
FWIW, I don't recall a chainsaw listed among the items recovered in the search warrant.
"12. On November 3, 2010, a Web Sleuth User with the handle of "NoeticSoul" blogged that she was an IMVU user and that she had a conversation with Adam Baker and/or Elisa Baker regarding their involvement with chain saw massacre role-playing and information that Aaron Young was also involved in this role-playing as well. The date of September 22nd was given regarding their virtual family "doing a murder with chainsaws". NoeticSoul also noted that a user name that needed to be watched was "sweetlilspitfire69" as possibly connected to this case as well. NoeticSoul had advised that an employee of IMVU had confirmed to her that Elisa Baker, Adam Baker, Aaron Young, and Kava Fullman were all active IMVU users and that all accounts except Adam Baker's had been active as of 10/29/2010."

IMVU Warrants
pg 6/6

see above noted link
I decided to check into the "availability" of chain saws on IMVU and give more details as to how fighting/killing works on IMVU so maybe some could understand how it works IF it did indeed happen in this case.

One must first understand that items in IMVU are pre assigned specific actions. Outside of those actions you cannot "make" them do anything you would just hold it.

For instance, if you have an iphone accessory the actions associated with it might be something like "dial" (your avatar will fake dial) and "listen" (your avatar will raise the phone to it's head)

So ... Back to the chain saws. There is really only one type (different colors) but the actions associated with it are the same. You can pull the cord, you can "whack" (hold it over your head and bring in down ward) , you can (hold it out and it shakes) and a flying dutchman (you spin around with it in your hand).

Those are the only actions available with the chainsaw. If someone were standing in front of me and i did a flying dutchman it would go through their avatar as if they were invisiable (they would not fall to the ground, bleed, die or anything like that).

Fighting and killing in IMVU are limited mostly to TEXT. There are different "fighting styles" known as letters (T1 , T2, T3, T4 , T5) all of them indicate how to post your wording and how a "kill" is made via your messages.
For examples: T1 you post paragraphs, in turns with high detail outlining your "attack" this is the most complicated form of fighting role play on IMVU. It can take months to learn the "format" and requires someone be very literate and detailed.
T5 is the most simple form of fighting / killing on IMVU - you post five short lines leading to an attack Ie;
*I look at Tim with intent to kill*
*I quickly palm my knife*
*Quietly, I walk up behind Tim*
*I aim the blade across his throat*
*As he dies, I drop him to the ground*
At any time Tim could post a block and therefore would not be killed.
If you manged to post the full five lines without a block he'd be "dead" (again he doesn't bleed, convulse or anything like that - he may fall to the ground and appear dead like for a short period) It is my understanding that some groups keep "score" of the number of kills and pair up like ability players to "fight" each other.

Here is a photo of my avatar wielding a chainsaw in a "bloody" room. Know this is kind of boring but it better explains and details how it works on IMVU. I think some people are getting the perception that it's COD style video game killing and it's not at all like that and doesn't have the ability to be like that.


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Right, and I think having to actually type the stuff out in some way makes it more personal don't you? It's not just mind numbing clicking, you are actually having to THINK up your actions.
What would make a person even think to pick up a vertual chainsaw? Im glad I dont understand it.
The last time someone accessed Aaron's IMVU account was 3 Mar 2010, so unless Aaron has another account, he was not involved in any massacre role playing games on 22 Sept 2010.

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