2011.1.21 HHJP: NO to Kronk's prior bad acts!

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If justice doesn't get you, karma will.
Jan 7, 2010
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*does happy dance*

Oh thank you Lord and HHJP! No making Kronk the suspect in court! I figured this particular denial deserved it's own thread! The defense is DEFINITELY running out of options everyday it seems!

And Kronk gets to remain the hero that he is in court. I think that is only appropriate. He found Caylee, and now he gets to help bring justice to Caylee in court. I can't wait for that! And I know Kronk must be having a great Friday today!


*does happy dance*

Oh thank you Lord and HHJP! No making Kronk the suspect in court! I figured this particular denial deserved it's own thread! The defense is DEFINITELY running out of options everyday it seems!

And Kronk gets to remain the hero that he is in court. I think that is only appropriate. He found Caylee, and now he gets to help bring justice to Caylee in court. I can't wait for that! And I know Kronk must be having a great Friday today!

oh wow! What can the defense do next? If I was GA I would get the H out of town. That it all they have left, IMO
Yep, that bus is headed directly to the A family at this point. The defense just doesn't have anything left to blame this on but them. Thank GOD they can't blame it on Kronk anymore! I hated that they brought up bitter exes to try make him look bad. Well, it's not going anywhere anymore!

Get ready Cindy and George, that bus has your name on it!
Didn't the depo of the exwife not pan out anyway? Oy my memory is failing me. Did she get deposed by the defense and LE?
I am so happy for Roy Kronk. Caylee's hero. I really hope that after this trial is over that he can find peace. Him finding the remains of Caylee will live with him the rest of his life. As satisfying as it may be that he did find her, it also has to be traumatizing. It is something I never wish to witness... not to say that I would never help search for a missing child, and I would pray that the child was found, but I would not want to be the one to find him/her.

Sending hugs to Mr. Kronk today!


*does happy dance*

Oh thank you Lord and HHJP! No making Kronk the suspect in court! I figured this particular denial deserved it's own thread! The defense is DEFINITELY running out of options everyday it seems!

And Kronk gets to remain the hero that he is in court. I think that is only appropriate. He found Caylee, and now he gets to help bring justice to Caylee in court. I can't wait for that! And I know Kronk must be having a great Friday today!

I'm so very glad to hear this! Judge Perry knows what he's doing and I'm just loving his decisions! There sure has been a load of bad news getting dumped on JB lately, I hope he's stocked up on the pink Pepto.
Didn't the depo of the exwife not pan out anyway? Oy my memory is failing me. Did she get deposed by the defense and LE?

They were supposed to do one by Skype with his sick ex, but I don't think it happened. I can't remember. I think they depoed the other ex. The only one I definitely remember is that they did depo Kronk's son.
YES!! No prior bad acts allowed!
However, you may ask him about his numerous calls to LE, dating back to August, which pretty much sinks your latest efforts in placing the remains at the location after ICA was well, ICA. Have a nice day!! And LOL with that, y'all!!
You were hoping to Kronk Roy, but you just got THWARTED.
They were supposed to do one by Skype with his sick ex, but I don't think it happened. I can't remember. I think they depoed the other ex. The only one I definitely remember is that they did depo Kronk's son.

Thanks for the thread!
Hurray for Roy !! :great:

I'm sure Roy will be vindicated come trial time ... and IF the defense tries to attack him, it will NOT go over big with the jury ... He's a hero in all this afterall and I'm sure that's the way the jury will see it ... :woohoo:
Still think the defense missed the chance of using Roy Kronk as a major ally in this case by using the numerous calls he made to LE to show up flaws in the OCSO ala the OJ Simpson trial. May still happen.

Is it just me or do most of us here think we could come up with a better strategy to defend Casey (if we wanted to) than the defense have?
They were supposed to do one by Skype with his sick ex, but I don't think it happened. I can't remember. I think they depoed the other ex. The only one I definitely remember is that they did depo Kronk's son.

I remember during a hearing LDB talked about being stonewalled by these folks attorneys. But I'm sure the depos were eventually done. So I'm thinking that Krystal Sparks and her son Brandon may not have been so accomodating in sworn depositions to the Florida State Attorney Office as they apparently were to PI Mort Smith and Leonard Padilla. And wasn't Brandon pegged by Dominic Casey as a suspect? That might have changed his mind about helping this defense team crucify his father.:waitasec:
Is it just me or do most of us here think we could come up with a better strategy to defend Casey (if we wanted to) than the defense have?


I know that my cat could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and puke out something that made more sense than most of the defense's pleadings thus far, so yeah, I'm pretty sure we all could've come up with something a lot better strategy-wise, too. :D
They were supposed to do one by Skype with his sick ex, but I don't think it happened. I can't remember. I think they depoed the other ex. The only one I definitely remember is that they did depo Kronk's son.

That's what I'm thinking. And I think the sick one was the one who was supposedly duct taped?
This has to relieve Mr Kronk. As to the statement about his numerous calls to 911 showing an issue with the investigation, well you can now expect Mr. Baez or Mr. Mason to be all over that one. Unless they have it well covered.

LOL (lots of luck) ICA.
Thanks to Madginlaw

2010.07.30 RAW INTERVIEW Kronk, Lawyer Talks To WFTV After Questioning


RAW INTERVIEW (07/30/10):Kronk, Lawyer Talk To WFTV After Questioning

Former meter reader Roy Kronk spoke with WFTV after he was questioned Friday by Casey Anthony's lawyers.

Roy Kronk Questioned By Casey's Defense Team

Updated: 4:34 pm EDT July 30, 2010

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Anthony's defense team questioned Roy Kronk under oath Friday. Kronk found Caylee Anthony's remains in the woods near her house.

Roy Kronk is a key prosecution witness and the defense wants to discredit him. The defense is trying to make connections between the duct tape that was found layered over Caylee's face and the man who found her.

Kronk said the defense's theory doesn't make sense. Roy Kronk has faced rumor and ridicule since he found Caylee Marie Anthony.

Still, Kronk said he'd do it again.

"Doing the right thing is its own reward," Kronk told WFTV.

The rumor and ridicule have come from Casey's lawyers through Kronk's ex-wives, who speculated he could be the murderer.

The defense hasn't backed off its claim that Kronk should be a suspect.

The defense filed court documents saying Kronk should be a suspect. Kronk says he's been telling the truth.

The defense canceled Friday's depositions of Casey's ex-fiance Jesse Grund and his father, but has rescheduled them for August 11.
I remember the day I first took notice of Mark Nejame as one of the good guys, when he stopped working for the Anthonys took the five grand he said he had made off the case and turned around and donated it to Roy Kronk!

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5388837&postcount=392"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - All Texas Equusearch-Related Filings #1[/ame]
The World According09-16-2010, 08:58 PM
clip of a very calm Casey on day of indictment speaking to federal agent, preening her hair and clothing, very flippant, said she was not nervous about the day because she expected it, Yuri and others told her on day one this was where they intended to have her.

JVM: Defense grilled Sgt. Allen about secret recording of pop in car. Over and over again, the defense claims the body was put there while Casey was jailed.

Mr. Miller, founder of Texas Equusearch , can this searching through the search reports jeopardize TESand your volunteers?

Tim Miller: , No, with Mark's help, we are able to protect our searchers. In fact, for any of our volunteers who may be watching, if anyone who was on that search, please e mail us. If you get a call, tell the truth. If you saw the area was wet, say that. If you saw the area was dry. Just tell the truth. The records have been here for over a year. We want to get past this. We have other searches, for other missing people.

JVM: Tim, 32 people! That was a lot of searchers to search that area, 32?

TM: Yes, and we have a dog handler among them. She said the dog did alert. We marked that area as a place we definitely were to come back to when it was dry. They all said the are was underwater. We have photographs from the air that show it was under water. The best decision I ever made was when I suspended the search because of the water. If a horse or a person had stepped on that little skeleton, it may have been lost forever.

JVM: What is this heated stuff Mark said about Jose Baez? He made some comment to Cheney Mason about his partner, that Baez's claims are made up, complete and utter fabrications? What is that about?

The reality is we released the 32 names a year ago, they were available in my office, defense never came to get them, so we hand delivered them to Baez. To have them spin that we have held back, and the documents were not available, is utter nonsense.

We now have set up a way that the defense calls to the searchers will be monitored, their lawyers will be in the room, TES representative will be in the room, a retired judge has been appointed by the Judge Perry to be in the room. We are going to protect our 4200 searchers.

JVM: The bitter back and forth between the defense and TES. We have a caller with a question for you. Mary in Ohio has a question about Lee at the funeral, she thinks Casey asked Lee to move body.He said cryptic things in his comments, something to the effect of I did what you asked me to. I think Casey asked him to move the body. What do you think?

TM: Knowing what I know, Caylee's body was there before the baby was reported missing. The investigators did a good job.

JVM: Related conspiracy theory regarding Kronk. Leonard Padilla said Kronk knew where to find the body, he knew exactly where he was going.

MN: LP has not been right once in this case. He thought the body was in a different location altogether. He has been wrong on everything. I met with Mr. Kronk. I gave him the 5K. I was fully satisfied that Mr. Kronk was a good man that went out there, followed his instincts and did the right thing. I would not have given him the five thousand dollars until I assured myself of Mr. Kronk.

JVM: We have to leave it there. Please come back soon.

This is clip Jane was showing [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIuyLdCOCG8[/ame] She presents as calm as can be although the reason she is sitting there is she is arrested for murder, meaning it is believed her precious child is indeed dead!
http://www.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAtb0ilyRyo youtube.com/watch?v=3mTrrC9HVJQ


Thanks to Madginlaw

2010.07.30 RAW INTERVIEW Kronk, Lawyer Talks To WFTV After Questioning


RAW INTERVIEW (07/30/10):Kronk, Lawyer Talk To WFTV After Questioning

Former meter reader Roy Kronk spoke with WFTV after he was questioned Friday by Casey Anthony's lawyers.

Roy Kronk Questioned By Casey's Defense Team

Updated: 4:34 pm EDT July 30, 2010

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Anthony's defense team questioned Roy Kronk under oath Friday. Kronk found Caylee Anthony's remains in the woods near her house.

Roy Kronk is a key prosecution witness and the defense wants to discredit him. The defense is trying to make connections between the duct tape that was found layered over Caylee's face and the man who found her.

Kronk said the defense's theory doesn't make sense. Roy Kronk has faced rumor and ridicule since he found Caylee Marie Anthony.

Still, Kronk said he'd do it again.

"Doing the right thing is its own reward," Kronk told WFTV.

The rumor and ridicule have come from Casey's lawyers through Kronk's ex-wives, who speculated he could be the murderer.

The defense hasn't backed off its claim that Kronk should be a suspect.

The defense filed court documents saying Kronk should be a suspect. Kronk says he's been telling the truth.

The defense canceled Friday's depositions of Casey's ex-fiance Jesse Grund and his father, but has rescheduled them for August 11.

BBM. Wow, the defense was so enamored with Kronk as a suspect that they put off the Grund depos? That's the way it sounds. Baez was seriously going to do this at trial, and thank GOD HHJP said no. Man, Baez must be seriously upset that Kronk as a suspect didn't work out for the defense.

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