GUILTY PA - Michael True for sexual assault of 11yo girl, Greensburg, 2011

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Jun 13, 2007
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Even I'm speechless over this.

Michael True of Greensburg, PA was released from prison a few months ago for sexually assaulting a girl that was 9 years old. True again assaulted the girl who is now 11 years old.


According to this article a relative who is named said another relative allowed True into the home when he "just showed up". Named relative kept an eye on him and saw him assault the child.


LE say he's been on the Sex Offender Registry for ten years so my guess is this is not his only victim.

This poor child. He assaults her and then they leave him back in to do it again? Anybody in that house getting locked up?
I just watched him, and I'm glad that I did," Knopp said. "He should be locked away and the key should be thrown away.

Are you serious?? WTH KNOPP needs to be put in prison endangering a child for one count ... OMG
Just watched????? Lord, help us all. That poor child. Her worst nightmare came true. Everything that anyone promised her within the family, in therapy, or at court, flew right out the window. Why should she trust? She was not kept safe.

The relative has a MS page but there isn't much on it. She looks to be a young woman but certainly old enough to quietly dial 911.
I really don't understand this .. also isn't there some kind of victim protection that her rapist cant be near her.. I forgot what that is called.. not restraining order but I swear I have heard of that before like something to do with Parole
I really don't understand this .. also isn't there some kind of victim protection that her rapist cant be near her.. I forgot what that is called.. not restraining order but I swear I have heard of that before like something to do with Parole

GS, I'm no expert, but from reading alot of these cases there's often a condition of parole that the perp can not go near the victim.

Makes me wonder who this guy is to these people?

No matter they need to be locked up as well. Then again what happens to this poor child.

Also it says he's been on the registry for 10 years. This crime did not happen ten years ago. Soooooo what happened prior?

This is a real life nightmare. I feel sick for the poor little girl. Physically sick.
they should all be charged and the child removed to custody of the state

her life would've been difficult enough trying to heal from the first assault
and now, now, how can she ever trust that she will be safe again?
This whole story is a WTF or WTH story .... To quote Filly I am speechless over this ...
From the link above !!
He pleaded guilty to indecent assault and was sentenced to serve 6 to 23 months in prison, according to Westmoreland County Court records.

I'm really wondering if there's a part of this story missing. ITA with everyone, it makes no sense. Judges can certainly place restrictions of the convicted ie. no contact with the victim but we all know that doesn't work so great.

I wonder how this man is connected with this child. I'm thinking that it must be a father, uncle or older brother and that's why he was allowed in. I also wonder about the others just observing. There's several possibilities. Are they terrified of this man? Are they all a bit "slow" and didn't quite know how to react? Or was the act very quick like a hug and a swift fondling--ie. rubbing her bottom? That would certainly violate his probation and would rise to the level of indecent contact. It would also totally unhinge the child, IMO, especially that family members were present.

I'm thinking it might be a combination of several of these factors. Someone obviously called LE as he was confronted in the hallway, and confessed. He was either leaving or had been allowed to stay by the family and LE came to the door and called him into the hallway. How did LE know to come in the first place, however?
there has to be more to this story. There simply must be. How do these morons open the door and allow access to this man's victim, YET AGAIN???? This poor child. I cannot even begin to imagine her sense of betrayal and terror when confronted with this man YET AGAIN????!!!!!

I have no more words, I am spitting mad for this child's sake. I am gonna sit on my fingers for a bit and let impatientredhead chime in on this one. She will unleash a far more articulate rant on this than I find my self capable of at the moment. I have no doubt when she reads this one there will be hell to pay.
they should all be charged and the child removed to custody of the state

her life would've been difficult enough trying to heal from the first assault
and now, now, how can she ever trust that she will be safe again?

No kidding. How could you trust adults again? Just watched, WTF! :banghead::banghead:
I'm really wondering if there's a part of this story missing. ITA with everyone, it makes no sense. Judges can certainly place restrictions of the convicted ie. no contact with the victim but we all know that doesn't work so great.

I wonder how this man is connected with this child. I'm thinking that it must be a father, uncle or older brother and that's why he was allowed in. I also wonder about the others just observing. There's several possibilities. Are they terrified of this man? Are they all a bit "slow" and didn't quite know how to react? Or was the act very quick like a hug and a swift fondling--ie. rubbing her bottom? That would certainly violate his probation and would rise to the level of indecent contact. It would also totally unhinge the child, IMO, especially that family members were present.

I'm thinking it might be a combination of several of these factors. Someone obviously called LE as he was confronted in the hallway, and confessed. He was either leaving or had been allowed to stay by the family and LE came to the door and called him into the hallway. How did LE know to come in the first place, however?

They should have shut the door in his face when he showed up at it.

Police said two women who live in True's apartment building called police to tell them they saw him touch an 11-year-old girl.

That paragraph just confused me more. They lived in his apartment building...yet they are two of the three witnesses? Did he live in the same building as the girl? I'll throw in my WTH?

And then we have this one:
The victim's relative, ****** Knopp, said she was at the East Pittsburgh Street home when True showed up. She said she wanted him to leave, but another relative allowed him to stay. Knopp said she kept an eye on True and witnessed the assault.
"I just watched him, and I'm glad that I did," Knopp said. "He should be locked away and the key should be thrown away."
Channel 11 News was unable to get in touch with the relative who allowed True back into the home where police said the assault happened.
First name redacted by me.

It appears that Knopp wasn't the one that let him stay, not that makes this better in any way.
I have the distinct impression that True held some sway/control over Ms. K, the witness. On her MS page, she looks to be a teen. She might have said far more to the reporter. I'm going to give her a pass until we hear more details.

ETA: Hmmmm. I was expecting some huge and menacing looking guy. He's not a happy looking fellow but he's also not a large and imposing man. He's 5'5" and 140 lbs. That does NOT mean that he can't be intimidating but it just makes me wonder. Were all the people in that apartment small women who feared him?
I have the distinct impression that True held some sway/control over Ms. K, the witness. On her MS page, she looks to be a teen. She might have said far more to the reporter. I'm going to give her a pass until we hear more details.

ETA: Hmmmm. I was expecting some huge and menacing looking guy. He's not a happy looking fellow but he's also not a large and imposing man. He's 5'5" and 140 lbs. That does NOT mean that he can't be intimidating but it just makes me wonder. Were all the people in that apartment small women who feared him?

Agreed. Ms. K there appears really young. In other words she's not the person paying the rent. Just for the fact the guy is a creeper would make her a tad fearful IMO.

His protruding frontal lobe there is enough to make me a little freaked out. Not that would stop me from jumping out of a tree when he least expected it and well whatever. Up close and personal it's either he's related, he's got something the other women/people in that place want, or they are all afraid of him.

I'm gonna choose Door number 2. He just showed up out of nowhere. Well, he's been "home" almost 6 months and now shows up? I'm betting he had something they needed or wanted. Why else would someone allow the abuser back into a home with that poor kid?

Meanwhile I do not think he lived in the same apaprtment building. He was compliant and hopefully the PO checked where the child lived. I looked up his addy on the map as it said Apartment A which makes me believe it's like a duplex or something as opposed to a sprawling building.

Interesting he's a mere two blocks or so from the court house.

Our prayers are going out for you young lady. We are so sorry you have been failed by so many.

They soooooooooooooo better be getting help for this young girl. Somebody better be. I can't even think of it without getting sick and losing my breath. Her fear!!!!!!!!!!!! are wise in ways I will never be. I never thought of Door 2. Most probably correct. My world view is smaller than yours. Country and small town living doesn't teach the same lessons as the big city does.

Now you've really got me freaked out. You sit up in trees waiting to pounce on people who have done wrong? I promise, I'm being good...... article quotes LE as saying he's been on the registry for ten years, but the other says he's been on it only since the 2008 assault. Which is correct? And if ten years, what did he do then and WHY TF is he out walking around at this point?!?

And, it seems like a lot of witnesses standing around here. What happened to the protective "pack" that should have slammed the door in this guy's face and kept him from this little innocent? Filly's thought was the same as mine, this sounds like a party to which this creep thought he'd contribute some "party favors" so he was allowed to stick around. I hope not, especially with an 11-year-old at the apartment. I want to hear what went down with EVERYONE here! *insert sizzling sound of brain about to explode*

ETA: One of his new charges is "corruption of a minor." So my guess is yes, there probably was some substance involved. are wise in ways I will never be. I never thought of Door 2. Most probably correct. My world view is smaller than yours. Country and small town living doesn't teach the same lessons as the big city does.

Now you've really got me freaked out. You sit up in trees waiting to pounce on people who have done wrong? I promise, I'm being good......

Hey, I never said I DID it, Izzy.:D Sure, a big guy like that and he hurts a child again and people allow it? Besides calling the law you'd have to get him in his sleep or track his routine. Find a tree, and loads more comes after that, after you shock him. He may have to wind up in hospital having shattered pieces of a bottle removed from a not so nice place. Again, violence begets violence, but some folks don't learn otherwise.

Yes, the only reason I can think they'd let him in is as Reen said "party favors". Specifically in my mind drugs. Maybe I am wrong, but why else let this creeper have access to this child? I guess that or he's kin. Then again you wanna go see your relative go the heck over his house.
One afternoon shortly after bringing my kids home from school, a fire-truck, several police cars and an ambulance showed up at my next-door neighbors house. Knowing the 2 kids (12 yo boy, 9 yo girl) were home alone til parents got off work - I ran over to asst the kids, just as dad was being carried out on a stretcher. He heard he was about to be arrested for the molestation of his 9 yr old step daughter (and his 9 yr old bio daughter) - he attempted suicide by sniffing bleach (I know, really).

The kids were already in Foster Care, to get them back mom filed for divorce. That night she told me she had been molested by her own father - so she knew this pain. We cried together for her daughter and step daughter.

Dear old step/dad pleaded guilty (so the girls didn't have to testify AND because HE GOT A DEAL) and was sent to prison, where he immediately found Jesus and mom stopped the divorce (forgiving him - it was the CHRISTIAN thing to do), soon there after mom was leaving DD with me on the weekends she made the long drive to "visit". She gave DD the option to "visit" or not. DD picked not every time. I wish I could have kept this child forever. (The nerve, to even think this was OK...)

They moved several times and eventually we fell out of touch. The last time I saw the family, DD was a young teen and mom was waiting for DH to be paroled.

I'm putting this out there to say nothing in this (OP) story surprises me. Nauseates, disgusts, infuriates, but no surprises. Some people are too stupid to know WTH they are doing when it comes to protecting any victim, like the one here, who thought watching the perp was sufficient and calling the police after the fact... <<shaking head and saying a prayer for this poor child>>

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