WARNING:GRAPHIC PHOTOS Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #8

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Feb 25, 2007
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Appeal is to be decided in May 2011.


Continue here and please remember that members are not the topic.
Besides that this is an interesting and heated discussion.

Thanks all
Continue here and please remember that members are not the topic.
Besides that this is an interesting and heated discussion.

Thanks all

Thanks for the new thread ... and the reminder. Meredith Kercher was the victim of a brutal murder where she was restrained and attacked with three different knives. Many of the injuries were little cuts and nicks, yet she had minimal defensive wounds. This certainly suggests that she was restrained during the more than 40 injuries she received. The Highest Court in Italy has upheld Rudy Guede's conviction and concluded that this crime was committed by more than one person. This does not bode well for Raffaele Sollecito and the woman from Seattle, as they are the accused co-conspirators.

I removed several posts from the last thread. Please heed JBean's warning above. I will be making recommendations for time outs if the personal attacks continue.

I'm bringing out a couple of news posts that should help everyone move and start a new line of discussion.

Current News:

This ruling (see below) does not bode well for Raffaele Sollecito. With the final ruling in Guede's case being that he did not act alone, it will now be very difficult for Raffaele to argue that he was not involved. There is a very slim chance that Raffaele can get out from underneath the bra clasp DNA, and maybe he can get out from under the knife lies, but otherwise he has a pretty big problem. The third convicted murderer of Meredith, the Seattle woman, has even less chance of wiggling out from underneath the murder conviction since she has the lies, crazy attitude and additional mixed DNA samples against her.

"Amanda Knox and her Italian ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito suffered a setback in their bid to be cleared of killing Meredith Kercher Thursday when Italy's supreme court said more than one person took part in the murder.

American student Knox and Sollecito are currently appealing against 26-year and 25-year sentences respectively in a separate court in the central city of Perugia, where Knox's flat mate Kercher was found with her throat cut on November 2, 2007.

The supreme court of Cassation said Thursday that a third person convicted of the murder, Ivorian drifter Rudy Guede, was not the only person involved, in its explanation for its December rejection of Guede's appeal against a 16-year sentence for the murder."


Another article that impacts the Seattle woman that refers to herself as Foxy Knoxy:

"The court stressed it had been asked only to assess Guede's guilt, ANSA reported, but its ruling was expected to affect Knox and Sollecito's argument that he acted alone.

According to ANSA, the Supreme Court ruled that Kercher was the victim of ''the brutal and overbearing force of a group conduct which highlights, in its unhappy protagonists, an orgiastic desire to unleash the most perverted criminal instincts…"

Otto, in the last thread you wrote this in response to our discussion of the phone calls:

Raffaele called his sister and then called police. Amanda called her mom to say what ???

Amanda called her mom two minutes before Raffaele called his sister for advice based on what was found at the cottage. Given the short amount of time between Amanda's phone call to her mom and the call to the carabinieri when exactly do you think Amanda and Raf discovered the blood in the bathroom and broken window?

neither has an answer. Amanda doesn't remember the call, and mom said they talked about so much that it couldn't possibly fit into the call duration. Too bad neither of them can give information about the contents of the phone call.

Here is the portion of the phone call brought up at trial. Edda does remember the first phone call and says what it was about - just not in detail. and Amanda only remembers the second phone call, but not the first.

EM: You called me three times.
AK: Oh, I don't remember that.
EM: Okay, you called me once to tell me some things
that had shocked you. But this happened before anything really happened in the house.
AK: I know I was calling, I remember calling
Filomena, but I really don't remember calling anyone else. I just don't
remember this thing about having called you.
EM: Why would that be? Stress, you think?
AK: Yes

Which is more likely, that Amanda's phone call was about murdering Meredith and that her mother would bring this up in a tapped prison conversation, or that Amanda simply doesn't remember the first phone call telling her mother about the strange things found at the cottage? And why play dumb to her mom when she could have just said, sure, she remembered the first phone call?
Otto, in the last thread you wrote this in response to our discussion of the phone calls:

Amanda called her mom two minutes before Raffaele called his sister for advice based on what was found at the cottage. Given the short amount of time between Amanda's phone call to her mom and the call to the carabinieri when exactly do you think Amanda and Raf discovered the blood in the bathroom and broken window?

Here is the portion of the phone call brought up at trial. Edda does remember the first phone call and says what it was about - just not in detail. and Amanda only remembers the second phone call, but not the first.

Which is more likely, that Amanda's phone call was about murdering Meredith and that her mother would bring this up in a tapped prison conversation, or that Amanda simply doesn't remember the first phone call telling her mother about the strange things found at the cottage? And why play dumb to her mom when she could have just said, sure, she remembered the first phone call?

Respectfully snipped from quote from above post:)
EM: Why would that be? Stress, you think?
AK: Yes

Maternal leading, guiding, suggesting, perhaps? Just something to kick around...:twocents:
Respectfully snipped from quote from above post:)

Maternal leading, guiding, suggesting, perhaps? Just something to kick around...:twocents:

Flourish, what do you think that phone call was about? Three minutes later Raffaele was on the phone with police telling them about the blood and broken window.

I find it hard to believe that Edda was asking Amanda to recount to her a phone conversation where she admitted culpability to Meredith's murder. Either she really wanted her to remember the call or if it was incriminating she wouldn't need to "guide" her, just not bring it up.
Otto, in the last thread you wrote this in response to our discussion of the phone calls:

Amanda called her mom two minutes before Raffaele called his sister for advice based on what was found at the cottage. Given the short amount of time between Amanda's phone call to her mom and the call to the carabinieri when exactly do you think Amanda and Raf discovered the blood in the bathroom and broken window?

Here is the portion of the phone call brought up at trial. Edda does remember the first phone call and says what it was about - just not in detail. and Amanda only remembers the second phone call, but not the first.

Which is more likely, that Amanda's phone call was about murdering Meredith and that her mother would bring this up in a tapped prison conversation, or that Amanda simply doesn't remember the first phone call telling her mother about the strange things found at the cottage? And why play dumb to her mom when she could have just said, sure, she remembered the first phone call?

The first phone call was not made when Amanda discovered anything wrong at the cottage. It was made a couple of hours later when she was at the cottage with Raffaele, so I cannot conclude that the call was a result of Amanda being concerned about the open door or blood on the bath mat. My conclusion is that she was not at all concerned about what she found at the cottage.

It is my understanding that Amanda called her mom during the time that she and Raffaele were in her bedroom with the door closed, at the same time that there was discussion about what to do about Meredith's locked door. The circumstances at the time, as I understand it, was that Filomina and friends plus police were at the cottage. Filomina and Amanda participated in the discussion about whether to break down the door. Filomina insisted, Amanda said that it was not unusual for Meredith to lock the door - another indication that Amanda was not all that concerned. At some point, Raffaele and Amanda positioned themselves in the kitchen, and the rest of the party was in the hallway around the door.

When the door was opened, they were ushered outside and then Amanda called her mom again to say that there was a foot. The first phone call was unusual both from the viewpoint of police and Edda ... and both asked why she called since nothing had happened. I see all the comments about Amanda calling because she was concerned, but the timing is all wrong for the call to be related to Amanda discovering that something was wrong at the cottage.
Thanks for the new thread ... and the reminder. Meredith Kercher was the victim of a brutal murder where she was restrained and attacked with three different knives. Many of the injuries were little cuts and nicks, yet she had minimal defensive wounds. This certainly suggests that she was restrained during the more than 40 injuries she received. The Highest Court in Italy has upheld Rudy Guede's conviction and concluded that this crime was committed by more than one person. This does not bode well for Raffaele Sollecito and the woman from Seattle, as they are the accused co-conspirators.

BBM. Thanks for the link. Not really surprising. As far as I know there is only evidence of 2 knives being used. The direction and characteristics of the cuts, the DNA on the kitchen knife and the knife imprint on the bed all point in the direction of 2 knives. That does not totally exclude a 3rd knife but also since RG left DNA on/in Meredith and her clothes I don't think he was holding a knife therefore only 2 knives.

Flourish, what do you think that phone call was about? Three minutes later Raffaele was on the phone with police telling them about the blood and broken window.

I find it hard to believe that Edda was asking Amanda to recount to her a phone conversation where she admitted culpability to Meredith's murder. Either she really wanted her to remember the call or if it was incriminating she wouldn't need to "guide" her, just not bring it up.

It's possible that Amanda was nervous about the fact that the bedroom door was about to be opened, as that is what was happening when she first phoned.
Flourish, what do you think that phone call was about? Three minutes later Raffaele was on the phone with police telling them about the blood and broken window.

I find it hard to believe that Edda was asking Amanda to recount to her a phone conversation where she admitted culpability to Meredith's murder. Either she really wanted her to remember the call or if it was incriminating she wouldn't need to "guide" her, just not bring it up.

Perhaps she was just calling home to report the suddenly concerning blood, etc. I can concede that that is possible, but I just don't buy completely into that idea.

If EM and AK were reviewing that night/morning, they would want to go over that phone call, because it existed and there were records of its existence, so, imo, they would have talked about it whether the content of the phone call was incriminating or not. I do think EM could have been suggesting the best way to explain all the "don't remembers," or at least this one in particular. FWIW:)
I removed several posts from the last thread. Please heed JBean's warning above. I will be making recommendations for time outs if the personal attacks continue.

I'm bringing out a couple of news posts that should help everyone move and start a new line of discussion.

Just to be clear, this is not new news. This was reported back in December:


It's resurfacing because the judge's have released their report on their decision. Perhaps the report will answer some of the questions we've wondered regarding his sentence reduction, specifically what Barbie Nadeau has recently claimed.

As far as them upholding Rudy's sentence, I'm not surprised they didn't reassess the number of people involved. IIRC, the supreme court only decides whether the suspects rights were violated in any way, that the trial was just, and does not involve your normal jury trial. I'll try to look more into this though. Either way I can't see how it would have any effect on the appeals, as that is still up to a jury to decide the outcome.
BBM. Thanks for the link. Not really surprising. As far as I know there is only evidence of 2 knives being used. The direction and characteristics of the cuts, the DNA on the kitchen knife and the knife imprint on the bed all point in the direction of 2 knives. That does not totally exclude a 3rd knife but also since RG left DNA on/in Meredith and her clothes I don't think he was holding a knife therefore only 2 knives.


Thanks. I could be mistaken. I was just reviewing the Judge's report to see what the conclusions were, but it's too grim to read through all the wounds. I see a reference to at least two knives in the first 135 pages ... will maybe check later.
The first phone call was not made when Amanda discovered anything wrong at the cottage. It was made a couple of hours later when she was at the cottage with Raffaele, so I cannot conclude that the call was a result of Amanda being concerned about the open door or blood on the bath mat. My conclusion is that she was not at all concerned about what she found at the cottage.

Correct, the call was made after she'd brought Raffaele back to the cottage to check out what she'd seen. I can imagine he agreed that it was strange and that they should call their relatives for advice. His sister told them to call the police number 112.

It is my understanding that Amanda called her mom during the time that she and Raffaele were in her bedroom with the door closed, at the same time that there was discussion about what to do about Meredith's locked door. The circumstances at the time, as I understand it, was that Filomina and friends plus police were at the cottage. Filomina and Amanda participated in the discussion about whether to break down the door. Filomina insisted, Amanda said that it was not unusual for Meredith to lock the door - another indication that Amanda was not all that concerned. At some point, Raffaele and Amanda positioned themselves in the kitchen, and the rest of the party was in the hallway around the door.

When the door was opened, they were ushered outside and then Amanda called her mom again to say that there was a foot. The first phone call was unusual both from the viewpoint of police and Edda ... and both asked why she called since nothing had happened. I see all the comments about Amanda calling because she was concerned, but the timing is all wrong for the call to be related to Amanda discovering that something was wrong at the cottage.

The judge's report either concedes that the postal police arrived after the 112 call by Raffaele or that it couldn't be concluded whether they arrived before or after the call. Either way it does not conclude that the postal police arrived before he called 112.
Just to be clear, this is not new news. This was reported back in December:


It's resurfacing because the judge's have released their report on their decision. Perhaps the report will answer some of the questions we've wondered regarding his sentence reduction, specifically what Barbie Nadeau has recently claimed.

As far as them upholding Rudy's sentence, I'm not surprised they didn't reassess the number of people involved. IIRC, the supreme court only decides whether the suspects rights were violated in any way, that the trial was just, and does not involve your normal jury trial. I'll try to look more into this though. Either way I can't see how it would have any effect on the appeals, as that is still up to a jury to decide the outcome.

It is news in the sense that the Judge's report and reasoning for the decision has been released. The report confirms that the court believes that more than one person was involved in the murder. That is now confirmed, and does not bode well for Amanda and Raffaele unless they are found innocent under appeal.

What did Barbie Nadeau recently claim?
Correct, the call was made after she'd brought Raffaele back to the cottage to check out what she'd seen. I can imagine he agreed that it was strange and that they should call their relatives for advice. His sister told them to call the police number 112.

The judge's report either concedes that the postal police arrived after the 112 call by Raffaele or that it couldn't be concluded whether they arrived before or after the call. Either way it does not conclude that the postal police arrived before he called 112.

I'm not going to look for the links right now, but I understand that Amanda and Raffaele went into her bedroom and closed the door while several people were at the cottage. It is assumed that they made phone calls at that time.
Perhaps she was just calling home to report the suddenly concerning blood, etc. I can concede that that is possible, but I just don't buy completely into that idea.

If EM and AK were reviewing that night/morning, they would want to go over that phone call, because it existed and there were records of its existence, so, imo, they would have talked about it whether the content of the phone call was incriminating or not. I do think EM could have been suggesting the best way to explain all the "don't remembers," or at least this one in particular. FWIW:)

So Edda risked her daughter's future by asking her that question? What if she had asked her what the phone call was about and Amanda responded "Oh the one where I told you I helped murder Meredith?"
I can't see Edda risking that happening.
I'm not going to look for the links right now, but I understand that Amanda and Raffaele went into her bedroom and closed the door while several people were at the cottage. It is assumed that they made phone calls at that time.

Yes, no need for a link. I believe they were in her bedroom at one point... I don't think that proves they called 112 at that time. I'll have to take a look at the judge's report to see what it concluded about the arrival time of the postal police.
It's possible that Amanda was nervous about the fact that the bedroom door was about to be opened, as that is what was happening when she first phoned.

The first call made to her mother was approximately 40 minutes before the door was broken down. She called her mother a second time at 1:24 to tell her the door had been kicked down and "a foot" was found in the room.
So Edda risked her daughter's future by asking her that question? What if she had asked her what the phone call was about and Amanda responded "Oh the one where I told you I helped murder Meredith?"
I can't see Edda risking that happening.

LOL, no I don't imagine AK would ever respond that way. Wasn't this a jail conversation? Did they really have an expectation of privacy? I'm suggesting that "don't remember" is roughly translatable as "that's incriminating." jmo:)

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