GUILTY UK - Colin Batley & 3 others for child sex ring, Kidwelly, Wales, 2010

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'Sex cult' paedophile found guilty

"An "evil" paedophile has been found guilty of leading a satanic sex cult from his home in a small Welsh town. Colin Batley, 48, of Kidwelly, West Wales, presided over a quasi-religious cult which preyed on young children and indulged in occult rites. At Swansea Crown Court, he was found guilty of carrying out a series of perverted sexual acts on children and adults, including rape...."


"...They included 11 separate rapes, three indecent assaults, causing prostitution for personal gain, causing a child to have sex and inciting a child to have sex. The jury also found him guilty of six counts of buggery and four counts of possessing indecent images of a child.

His wife, Elaine Batley, 47, Jacqueline Marling, 42, and Shelly Millar, 35, all lived at separate addresses in Clos yr Onnen in Kidwelly. All three were found guilty of sex-related charges they faced during the five-week trial...."

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Photo of Batley here:
Batley was a dog breeder. Yep. Says he's not into the occult. Says he's Mormon. And yet one of the passages in his book clearly states, "Let all chaste women be despised” and “Sex with anyone is not just permissible but to be encouraged" and "Prostitution is to be admired.” Really??

Jury told of West Wales 'Sex Cult'

"A “MANIPULATIVE” man and four women moved from London to a quiet West Wales village where they established a sex cult, a jury was told today. Colin Batley, 48, used the women to find him children and young adults who he sexually abused..."


"...the defendants held regular meetings of the “quasi religious cult” at their homes in Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire. He added the four women, Batley’s wife Elaine, 47, Jackie Marling, 42, Shelley Miller, 35 and Sandra Iveson, 49, all had Egyptian Eye of Horus tattoos to show indicate membership of the group.

He claimed Batley would preach from a text, The Book of the Law, written in Cairo by English occultist and magician Aleister Crowley and warned about the consequences of failing to do what they were told. He described Batley as “evil and manipulative” and claimed he used the cult to justify his sexual behaviour. The prosecutor said of Batley: “He is the principal. He and the others became entwined. It became much more than that, a cult...."


"....Batley, a dog breeder, said the allegations against him were “a load of rubbish”. He said he had tried reading The Book of the Law but “gave up” and added he was a Mormon and his religion was the Bible...."

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WARNING: There could be triggers in this article.

Alleged cult leader: ‘They are all out to get me’

"...The schoolgirl victim, 15, was so convinced she would be murdered by shadowy cult assassins if she said “no” that she gave in. The girl, who cannot be named, gave evidence via video link in the trial at Swansea Crown Court, in south Wales.

She frequently sobbed and was forced to look away as she told how she was intimidated into becoming an unwilling cult member. Once initiated, she was passed around as a sex toy, with the cult leader calling her to his service with a click of his fingers, the court heard...."


"....Batley, claimed Mr Murphy [the prosecutor], then used his elevated position to rape both girls and boys, to make underage teens have sex with each other and to persuade the women to join in...."

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".....Batley denied ever receiving money from prostitution and described how he made money from breeding dogs and gambling.

Mr Murphy said that all of the female defendants had spoken of their passion for Egypt. The prosecution case is that tattoos on the women were a "sign of the cult" -- but according to the defence they were merely signs of "friendship".

Asked about an occasion when "hooded robes" were worn when sex acts allegedly took place, Elaine Batley claimed it had been "just fancy dress" at a Hallowe'en party and nothing untoward had happened...."

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Also many other British articles--some tabloid, some not. Not good. At all.
Lengthy Daily Mail account, which details the "Great Beast"/Crowley link:

'Evil' paedophile found guilty of running satanic sex cult from cul-de-sac in seaside village
Sex cult was inspired by 'the Great Beast'

The inspiration for the bizarre Kidwelly cul-de-sac sex cult was an occultist, mystic and magician known as the Great Beast.

Aleister Crowley died in 1947, aged 73, but was already renowned in the popular press as 'the wickedest man in the world'.

He was a sexually-liberated recreational drug-taker long before the 1960s social revolution and followed a 'Do what thou wilt' philosophy.

Interest in his teachings grew in the 1960s with rock stars such as Jimmy Page, of Led Zeppelin, influenced by his ideas.

At their basis is a three-chapter text called The Book Of The Law that Crowley wrote in Cairo in 1904.

He claimed each chapter was written in an hour on three consecutive days by divine inspiration or his 'Higher Self'.It formed the basis of a new satanic religion which Colin Batley used more than a century later as a guide for his own sex cult, Swansea Crown Court heard.

more at link above
Believe, I used a quote from the the first article I linked to. I agree, I don't see the word satanism mentioned other than there. The convicted man states that he is Mormon. I'll look further but all I've seen are descriptions and snips of testimony referring to ceremonies or activities which could, or might not be, related to satanic or some other occult or "personally created" practice.

A pedophile is a pedophile. That's for sure.
There's this statement too:

"...In the lounge, a white cloth would be draped over a table to form an altar with candles and burning incense; nearby were tanks full of snakes and Satanic symbols. Those present would put on hooded robes and wear upside-down crucifixes...."

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I haven't found testimony from the women yet. Possibly that points more toward satanism. I'll post it if I do find it.
Yes, this poses the question, were the crimes committed in the name of satanism or was this just a "gimmick" which a sick pedophile used for his own perverted pleasure? But don't we take other forms of religious/belief path terrorism at face value?

From the link above:

"...Batley, it emerged during the trial, had been reported to Carmarthenshire Social Services in 2002 by a concerned relative. She said Batley had been abused by his own father and that ‘history was about to repeat itself’. The warning went unheeded, allowing Batley and his cult to prey on youngsters week after week, month after month for another eight years...."


"...The Batleys had four children, one of whom, Damian, died of strangulation three years ago when a bizarre sex game went wrong. He was found hanging from his bedroom door at the family home and had been filming himself.

Finally, last year, one of Batley’s victims went to the police. It was one of the girls he had impregnated as a teenager. She said she feared he might target her own child.
Batley was tipped off about the police inquiry and, by the time he was arrested, had destroyed potential evidence. But officers found home-made films of two of his victims on his camcorder. Interviewed 11 times by detectives, he steadfastly maintained his innocence.

The jury did not believe him. They saw him for what he was – ‘an evil and manipulative sexual predator’ who had used the cult and ‘black magic’ as a cover for his own perverted ends...."

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He bred Rottweilers. How did I just somehow know it wouldn't be Chinese Cresteds?
I guess if the convicted identify as a satanic group, I'll accept that. Who knows whether Batley truly believed in satanism or merely used it as a ploy to gain power. I'm not sure it matters. I'm very bothered by the multi-generational issue here. Supposedly, he was abused by his father from a young age and has been sexually acting out since a child. If we'd learned of his abuse while he was a child, we would have had compassion and asked for treatment. Instead he went on to repeat his father's sins. If children's abuse is not discovered and treated, it has a tendency to poison their lives, IMO. Hopefully, the children rescued from this group will receive intense treatment and therapy. An update on this disturbing case:

'Ruler of a sick kingdom': Cul-de-sac sex cult leader Colin Batley is jailed and 'may never be released'

'You've dedicated your life since the age of 12 to satisfying your sexual urges,' says judge

"The ‘evil ruler’ of a Satanic sex cult who preyed on young children for more than a decade was yesterday told he may never be released from prison. Sexual predator Colin Batley created his own ‘sick little kingdom’ where his victims were subjected to ‘organised and systematic’ abuse.

The former Tesco security guard was sentenced to 22 years at Swansea Crown Court but warned he may never be released from prison for the depraved crimes he committed as master of his black magic sect in a sleepy Welsh seaside town...."


"...His sinister coven included bisexual wife Elaine Batley, 47, ‘right-hand woman’ Jacqueline Marling, 42, and prostitute Shelly Millar, 35. They called him ‘Lord’, wore upside down crucifixes and were branded with matching ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus tattoos. For their part in Batley’s vile cult, they were jailed for a total of 25 years - Marling for 12 years, Elaine Batley for eight and Millar for five...."


"Since an early age he had been dabbling in the occult and was obsessed with the works of arch satanist Aleister Crowley. In Kidwelly, his home was transformed into the cult’s temple, complete with tanks full of snakes and satanic idolatry. Each Sunday he held meetings, where he would preach from Crowley’s Book of Law, dress in hooded robes, chant before an altar and then orchestrate or participate in group sex. Batley’s hold became so strong he prevented a teenager from having an abortion, telling her that babies belonged to the cult and not their mothers. Judge Thomas added: ‘You have fully lived up to the ideals of your mentor Aleister Crowley. You used the occult to further your sexual excesses - children were kept as toys for sex purposes...."

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Great to know that he'll be eligible for parole in only 11 years.
Just noticed that they've added this article:

Sex abuse cult had 'classic traits' says expert
An expert on cult recruitment methods says the Kidwelly sex cult could have turned up in any community

"Ian Haworth, general secretary of the Cult Information Centre, said the group led by Colin Batley appeared to show many of the classic traits.

"Sadly it's something I've heard year after year in the 32 years I've worked full time in this field," he said. "People fall under the control of the leader who does with them as he chooses and they will obey orders accordingly." Mr Haworth has worked as a full-time specialist, consultant and expert witness in cultism since 1979, informed by his own experience as a former member of a cult...."

more at link

I buy the cult aspect and can see the occult aspect-to me the word Satanic is being used fast and loose here. JMO.

I think a child rapist is a child rapist is a child rapist regardless of their political or religious affiliation. I am quite certain the defendant feels important when he sees himself as characterized as something mysterious and grand...vs a garden variety child rapist who used others to get him what he wanted. A used car salesman with a taste for children....unfortunately to me that makes him nothing special and particulary loathesome.
Satanic cult boss convinced me he could make tsunamis happen

When G**** was 11 Batley initiated her into the cult.

She said: "Colin raped me for the first time. It was a sunny summer day and I'd come inside to escape the heat when he forced himself on me.

When G**** turned 14 her mother began to join in the sex abuse, and when she was 16 Jacqueline even filmed her having sex with a boy of 15.

Batley ruled the cult with his encyclopaedic knowledge of The Book Of The Law, a text written by his hero Crowley, and used twisted logic to keep control.
I wonder if Batley ever contributed to this site. It states:

"[Much thanks is extended to all those who have offered great advice but who wish to remain anonymous for one reason or another.]"

There are links to different works of Crowley's here. I didn't realize that Crowley dictated the entire thing in one hour in 1904. Batley stated on the witness stand that he is actually Mormon. I find it curious that there's also a Mormon Book of Law. A very different book indeed but I have to wonder what caused Batley to claim Mormonism as his actual faith when the victims were quite certain about his path being one which followed Crowley's philosophy.

And here's the wiki link about the Book of Law:

I believe this is the text:
Believe, I used a quote from the the first article I linked to. I agree, I don't see the word satanism mentioned other than there. The convicted man states that he is Mormon. I'll look further but all I've seen are descriptions and snips of testimony referring to ceremonies or activities which could, or might not be, related to satanic or some other occult or "personally created" practice.

A pedophile is a pedophile. That's for sure.

Not saying that this is the case. But satanic cults have a history of hiding behind another religion during the day, but then practicing Satanism by night. Its a great way to remain under the radar, if they were to practice say Mormonism , no one would suspect them, or have any reason to...

In her recently released memoir, Annabelle Forest reveals she had slept with almost 2,000 men by her 18th birthday after being forced in to prostitution to raise money for the cult's 'church'.

The couple's twisted ideology was based on the Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley, and made children believe they were proving themselves to god by having sex with other members, all the while egged on by Batley, now 48...

Annabelle, who now lives in north England, has chronicled her horrifying childhood in a memoir tited The Devil on The Doorstep: My Escape from a Satanic Sex Cult.

[Co-author Katy Weisz] said: "I suppose I write a lot of memoirs of people who have had unpleasant experiences, but this story is easily one of the most shocking ones. Most disturbing was the way Colin Batley, the cult leader, convinced the others that there was something more profound to what they were doing than just the horrific abuse of children.

"The judge said that his harem of attendants were duped under his every word."...

"Whenever [Annabelle Forest] hears of a natural disaster, she thinks it's Colin. He always told her that he had that power, and she still thinks she's cursed.

"He used to claim that he had a direct connection to speak to the Gods of his cult. He would conduct ceremonies stood in front of pyramids and images of Egyptian Gods.

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