CA - Moreno Valley 7th arrest for gang rape of 11 year old girl

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mother daughter sister wife friend paralegal
Oct 28, 2009
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OMG - This is too much. Where are these kids coming from and WTH is the matter with them? Why do they think it's OK to do this?
This just got all kinds of worse....

Girl, 11, lured to park, gang raped

The other six boys and the girl who brought her to Victoriano Park were arrested on suspicion of juvenile charges. Police have not identified any of the boys because they are minors, but said they are over 14 and could be charged as adults.

Both Sykes and the six boys were part of a known Moreno Valley criminal street gang. Gang members frequently will gang rape female members as part of a gang initiation, but this case was unusual because it targeted an innocent victim, Moreno Valley police Lt. Chad Bianco said.

The 11-year-old girl was at a shopping center near the corner of Lassalle and Iris avenues about 6 p.m. March 10, when she was approached by the older girl, who was an acquaintance, Bianco said.

The older girl led the victim to Victoriano Park where the boys and Sykes were waiting for her.

“It appears what happened is they were looking for a victim and she was lured her back to the males waiting for her,” Bianco said.
I happen to know this area a bit as a friend lives not far away. Moreno Park has had an increasing problem with organized gang violence. My heart breaks for this little girl.

Somehow, I see the precursors to this crime as quite different as that of the gang rape of the child in Cleveland, TX. The outcome is exactly the same but the community's response needs to modified to fit the components of the crime.

Where are our esteemed young celebrities--actors, musicians, sports stars--when we so desperately need them to speak to our young men???? Five minutes of puerile lust or the attainment of street "creds" can ruin so many young lives.
Here's another article from MSNBC:

This is so awful. Two little girls in just a few month's time. There needs to be a way to reach out and let boys and gangs know just how awful and ugly this is. A public shaming or something. There has to be something. :(

I wish that Myspace, Facebook, Youtube and the TV networks would step up and ask young celebrities to take a stand. Clergy, politicians, and wise elders can only do so much. Young boys and men might far better listen to one of their sports or music idols.

Families, please please make certain that your children and teens are not listening to music that defames women. We can't allow it. Even with the edited versions, the kids know all the words. This is filtering down to even 1st and 2nd graders. It's truly poisoning their minds. Some might think it's an unavoidable phase and thus not put up a fight. It's a given that kids will still listen but they need to hear that their parents and elders do NOT approve and know that it's not allowed in the family home.

I've long wished that parents would look up the lyrics to every single song on each CD and download and present them to the children. They are all available on the internet. That's what I did. I'd print them up and hand the teen the lyrics and have them read them out loud. It got the point across. It was especially poignant in our family as nine of my children were born to prostitutes. These songs were essentially defaming their mothers. I could not tolerate that in my home. My theory was that if you're going to listen to a song, you'd better be able to read the lyrics out loud at the dinner table.

I didn't raise 14 and come out stupid or naive. Of course, I know they still listened in a clandestine manner but they knew what their mother and father approved of and what we abhor.
I happen to know this area a bit as a friend lives not far away. Moreno Park has had an increasing problem with organized gang violence. My heart breaks for this little girl.

Somehow, I see the precursors to this crime as quite different as that of the gang rape of the child in Cleveland, TX. The outcome is exactly the same but the community's response needs to modified to fit the components of the crime.

Where are our esteemed young celebrities--actors, musicians, sports stars--when we so desperately need them to speak to our young men???? Five minutes of puerile lust or the attainment of street "creds" can ruin so many young lives.

Missizzy - Our "musicians" write songs about gitt'en some, pull'en train and being first. Sports stars are seen with any number of young women (vs a steady relationship), ''dating'' prossy's and are found to be sexting other players wives. Actors are too busy promoting this and that to be a role model or some of the younger ones are no better than the thugs on the street. (more so the females lately). Charley Sheen and his *advertiser censored* stars are on tons of magazines? NO HELP!!!!

What young man (all these are over 16 IIRC) truly thinks this is OK, that they really don't know better? I'm not buying this. 11 - barely more than a baby. No one can tell me these boys don't know gang rape is wrong. Why else would they hide it? Run away....

I know teenagers do not have an adult brain and lack good (or any) judgement, but this is not just boys being boys, this is a vicious rape and assault - carried out by street thugs who just keep getting younger.

I am truly disturbed by the part another girl played in this!!

All of my sympathy goes to this little girl, betrayed by not only a gang of males but also by another girl! How can she ever feel safe again? Hoping she and her family are getting all the help they need.
LeftCoastMom--Of course you are right about most musicians, sports stars and celebrities. It's outrageous. And if one dares to come across "kinder and gentler", they get shunned. Something that's always bothered me is that very few seem to engage in these pursuits and STILL stand up for what's right with their teen audience. And a simple public service announcement once a year when you're spouting vile lyrics the rest of the time just doesn't cut it with me. Aren't there some celebrities out there who can engage our kids in a healthy manner?


I found a new article concerning the case. This is interesting as it gives some background on demographics. Those who don't live in or know Southern California really have no grasp about the Inland Empire. When this reporter states that adults are computing for hours each day, they're not kidding. Many many people drive to LA or Orange County for their employment and think nothing of a 1.5 to 2 hour commute EACH way, sometimes longer. That is not a healthy way to raise children, IMO. I don't think it's so hot for the human psyche at all. The children and teens, unless engaged in some sort of sports or school program are unsupervised for hours each day, not to mention school holidays. I'm a native Southern Californian and have always looked at these outlying suburbs with great worry. Children need the influence of their families. Parents have to have the physical energy to deal with their kids' issues when they get home. I understand that these developments were built for families that just could not afford to live closer in but I honestly think that it's only going to get worse.

And no, the young girl who did the luring still doesn't seem to be charged.

Calif. suburb residents alarmed after gang rape
Thanks for the update - those people should be concerned, but it sounds like this type of crime was just waiting to happen there, like everywhere else gang bangers hang out.

Those tax payers/home owners should be up in arms over the female perp not being charged. IMO she is just as guilty as those boys!

I wish I had a solution to the problem, I've always been big on personal responsibility, sadly that doesn't prevent anyone from becoming a victim.

And you're right, parents who are gone 12 or 13 hours a day, working in a city 2 hours away, often have no clue what's going on with their kids. Something they didn't consider when Jr was 5 and going to a babysitter.

Then we have Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus as the it girl for young teens vs Punky Brewster that my (older) kids watched growing up - parents have their jobs cut out for them.

What a mess.
You know, after I wrote that post, I felt badly. Am I being too judgmental? I certainly understand the desire of families to have a nice house with a yard for their kids. But at what price? I've spent some time in the Inland Empire and the far East Bay up near SF (same demographics) and the parents are flat out exhausted with these mind numbing commutes. Lots of people don't realize just how few areas is California have any sort of rapid transit or even a great bus system. No, it's one person per car going 5 mph for hours. That can't put a parent into a good space to deal with kid issues waiting at home. And because these massive developments are new, rarely are children's extended family close by as a support system.

I'm reminded about the studies done on the English children who were sent out to live with host families during the bombing blitz of London. Every one was shocked to learn that the children who stayed with their parents, even in the midst of horrid chaos, fear and hunger, did far better than those who were sent to the safe and bucolic countryside. Very simply, children need their parents--when toddlers, when teens, and when young adults.

One of the silver linings I really hope to see with this depression we're experiencing is a reprioritization of what's really important in our families. Nothing can take the place of a parent's time, direction, and involvement. Parents might have to really tighten their belts and lower their expectations, but the rewards can be great.
Your post reminded me of a movie that came out when I was a kid called "Over the Edge" (I think). It was about kids in a middle class suburb whose parents made that sort of commute. There was nothing for the kids to do in this town except hang out at a youth rec center, smoke pot and roam the streets. The parents were so wrapped up in the pursuit of the American dream, their kids were raising themselves and each other. Eventually in the climactic end of the movie the kids locked the parents into the high school during a meeting and tried to burn the school down.

The message was that we pay a price when we leave our children to their own devices for the long term like that. We pay a price.
OMG - where are the parents? They should be charged right along with these kids! There is NO excuse in the world for this kind of behaviour. American Dream, American Scheme -- your children have to be your first priority! My mother raised me, I (and DH) raise our son. I swear if he ever did anything like this, I'd be right there alongside him asking them to cuff me. Maybe it's just me, but I keep a very tight leash on my son (and he sure doesn't like me for it), but what am I supposed to do - let him run free.

Just yesterday he phoned and said a bunch of kids wanted to meet up at the park across the street from the school. Ummmm....NO - get your arss home right now. Young teens and parks do not sit well with me. I had no idea what they were up to, but it couldn't possibly be playing on the swings.

If you have a young girl, please do whatever you can to protect them. There are video games that actually promote this type of behaviour, and our young teen boys are becoming more rebellious than ever. They look at the here and now, and not what the consequences could be down the road.



Michael Devon Sykes entered the pleas Wednesday to charges of aggravated sexual assault of a child, kidnapping to commit robbery or rape and engaging in criminal street gang activity.

only a bit more at link

Michael Devon Bobby Sykes sat in the jury box of a Riverside courtroom wearing a red jail uniform as his attorney entered the plea and denied the six felonies and special allegations. His mother sat in the audience, but declined to comment.

A lot more at this link

Basically same coverage as first two links.
mgardner--ITA, how I wish more parents would stop trying to be their children's friends and start being their parents. Parents guide. Parents are not always liked. But they go the distance. It's not what your child does, it's how you respond to it. The pay-off, if you do your job well, is that you can be friends starting at about age 25. It's truly a joy to watch those who claimed you were a member of the "mean club", turn around and raise their children exactly as you raised them.

I'm afraid to say that a whole lot of parents, who seemingly wish the best for their children, have a lot of reorganization to do in their lives. So many have lost sight of the real goal--healthy and caring human beings.

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