Corporal Yuri Melich's testimony

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Feb 3, 2009
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YM: my name is Yuri Melich

LDB: how are you employed?


LDB: how long?

just under ten years

LDB: ?

internal affairs

LDB: in 2008?

corporal in missing persons

LDB: can you give responsibities?

we investigated cases of missing persons and investigated allegations of child abuse.

LDB: how long?

transfered in 2008

LDB: prior to promotion?

two years homicide division, investigation property crimes

LDB: break ins at houses?


LDB: prior to your assignment as a dect were you patrol?


LDB: on july 16th 2008 did you receive a call from Hosey re: the events at Hopespring?


LDB: did you respond?

I did

LDB: time?

just before four in the morning three fifty one I believe

LDB: when arrived did meet with ICA?


LDB: did you know she had given a written statement?


LDB: If I may approach the witness your honor?

YM w/LDB...

OCSO 10 in professional standards section.....detective Corp. in unit ....Supv of that unit other duties and investigated child abuse cases....promoted there in 2008 April....just over 2 years work w/homicide division...prior to that investigating property crimes in East side of OC....prior to Detective worked in occur 4937 hopespring....on 7/15 arrived 3:51 am.....met w/kc....aware kc gave written statement to patrol officers..

review records....provided with statement upon arrival and show to kc........ask if it was her statement and wrote it herself adopt statement as her own......(DT Objects=YM doesn't know circumstances surrounding when statement was taken.....LDB - YM confirmed it was her statement.....HHBP any further objection? based upon that objection it will be overruled)

LDB: do you recognize it?

I do

LDB: were you provided with that on arrival?


LDB: from the patrol deputies?


LDB: show it to casey?

I believe I did, yes

LDB: ask if her statement?


LDB: wrote it herself?


LDB: seek to put "ki" into evidence

JB: objection due to ettiquite...this officer was not present...

HHJP: florida?

LDB: these statements were adopted in their entirety and ask the defendant if they were her statements.

HHJP: overruled and received in evidence.

LDB: sorry that is number 60. Permission to publish 60 to the jury your honor.
JB: objection

HHJP: its in now, its in.

LDB: technical difficulty with trying to display it on the monitor. I apologize.
LDB: you see the doc in front of you?

I do

LDB: (long pause) Can you read to the jury Miss Anthony's statement?

On monday june 9th 2008 between 9 and 1 I KC took Caylee Marie to her Nanny's apt. Caylee is about three feet tall, white female, shoulder length hair. On the day of her disappearance...On monday june 9 2008 I took Caylee to the sawgrass apartments. Her nanny ZFG has watched her for the last two and a half years...she has dark brown curly hair and dark brown hair...Jeffery Micheal Hoppkins...met Z in 2004 around Christmas...after dropping Caylee off I went to work at Universal...I let work and went to apt to pick up daughter but I realized no one was home. I had briefly met...I waited outside the apt. I had called Z earlier that no longer in service...about seven I headed to familiar of Caylee's favorite places was JBP...I paced at one of the places I felt at home TL apartment. Since Caylee's disappearance I have stayed at TL. I have lied stolen from my friends and family to do what it took...out of fear...I am still afraid of what my have happened to caylee...a quick call from zenaida but cannot get info from her...everyday I have gone to malls, parks, any info about Caylee or Zenaida, whether going to a popular bar...Jeff lives in Jacksonvill...around 12 pm I received a phone call from Caylee...the first time I heard her voice in four weeks...all that matters is getting my daughter back...never able to check on the well being of my daughter...zenaida never said if she will bring Caylee home.
LDB: where did you review that statement with miss anthony?


LDB: did she agree to speak with you?


LDB: spare bedroom and speak with her?


LDB: did you place her on tape?


LDB: have you listened to that tape?


LDB: does it fairly reflect the convo with kc?


(oh, we get to hear the tape, I think. woo hoo. )
HHJP: objection overruled and received into evidence.

LDB: have you reviewed the transcript from the tape?


LDB: have you determined the transcript is a accurate account?


LDB: seek to enter it into evidence

HHJP: you may publish

(tape is playing)

YM reads kc's statement into docket....

YM met w/kc in spare bedroom re: her her on tape in the spare bedroom audio tape....listened to it....fairly and accurately reflect conversation....(DT object-noted previous motions overruled) transcript generated from the tape is accurate version....

play tape from 04:11 hours am 7/16/08....kc bd 03/19/86....calls regarding missing child....sworn statement accurate and your signature true and accurate....explain what happens if false report go ahead rescind statement and tell a different story....truth story to stick with...Caylee born 8/9/05.....

Casey states birthday. YM tells her he was called because of a missing child. He wants to make sure her sworn statement is hers. She says yes. He wants to explain what happens if she makes a false statement, that if she wants to change the statement. She says it is the truth. He says Okay.

Your daughters name is Caylee?


On june 9th you took Caylee to the baby sitter?

ZFG, Casey spells, sawgrass apartments, she does not remember address but remembers 210. She gives directions as to where it is, shed near building...

she new Zenaida four years, meet through JMHopkins met through Universal...she was his nanny at the time.

Does Jeff work for Universal?

No moved down to Jacksonvill...last spoke to him a month ago, does not have number for him off hand. She had two phones one through universal, one won't keep charge.

Lose a phone? personal?

She uses it for personal and business. Same number she just lost the phone. The SIM card is in the other other number for Zenaida and Jeff but they are not saved on the SIM card. She filed an incident report...she left the phone on her desk she wants to have a working phone instead of having a phone that does not stay charged.

She knows she left it on her desk and had not been to desk in three or four days. Met Zenaida through Jeffery...for almost four years...met her when Casey was pg...within the last year she began watching Caylee...looking for new nanny...Jeff offered she agreed and it went from there...Lauren Gibbs...

when she stop watching child?

April of 2006. Zenaida started watching. I would drop her off, for a few months we went to Jeffs house that was a couple of years off, to drop off Caylee where Zenaida would go to watch the kids...then started to bring the kids to Zenaida's apt.

When did you start taking Caylee? 2006 2007 your started taking her to Sawgrass...

Robinson....close to downtown lived there for a few months and moved to sawgrass...bumby can't remember apartment number...

six seven months the middle 2007...Zenaida was at that apt for the last three months before that she lived with her mom...not a well marked neighborhood...

had you dropped the child off there before? yes...

so's house..

yes, her mom was not living there at the time she had gotten a place with her sister...

she was living with these two girls at sawgrass?


you dropped off Caylee to go to work?

I got off of work, left universal like a normal day, knock on door nobody answers...her cell is out of I sit down on the steps to see if it was a fluke if something happened time passed and I went to JBP, went to a couple of stores...and after about seven when I hadn't heard anything I was upset and frantic and went to a neutral place...didn't want to come home didn't know what I would say...I ended up going to sutton place...

talk to Tony about Caylee?


Talk to anyone about Caylee?

A couple mutual friends, Jeff Hopkins...tried to attempt to contact Zenaida's mother.

You know her mother's name?

(long pause) it is gloria

any of these numbers in the SIM card?


so after a full year you do not have...

Zenaida has switched phones a number of times, Jeff's number has changed because he moved...

How can we get jeffs number?

the internet I can get it off of maybe

Juliette Lewis is an event co ordinator?

Have a number for Juliette?

I..can't...her number just changed just in the last two months just moved to NY. she left universal about two months ago.

who else did you talk to?

within that small group, I tried to get info by going to fusian ultra lounge asking if anyone heard about my nanny. the only two people I told were jeff and juliette...definitely online on our old worksheets...she has a new number that I just programed...talked to her three weeks ago shortly after she left.

what is the reason you didn't call the police before? we are here because your parents, why didn't you call?

I was naive to think I could handle this myself...fear of the unknown of the potential of Caylee getting hurt of not seeing my daughter again.

Is there anything about this story that is untrue?


did you hurt Caylee?

no sir

ZFG took your daughter?

she is the last person I seen with my daughter yes.
Taking some money from some people, any problems with drugs?


Thoughts of suicide?


Underlying cause to why Zenaida would take your child?

Only how much she loves Caylee and what a great child she is.

Zenaida has family in NY?

she is originally from NY, she pretty grew up there, she is black and puerto rican...birthday is in september...
Willing to drive with me?


Anything you want to tell me that is important?

Caylee has distinctive features, birthmark on shoulder.

What kind?

Like a small line like a small be be mark.

Anything else?

I just want my daughter back.

Raise your hand, is the truth?

LDB: did you go to look at those places?


LDB: where did you go?

301 n polside, near bumby and robinson off of glenwood

LDB: did you get out of car?

no we drove by and I asked her to point out the windows of Zenaida's family, she indicated the two windows belong to the apt.

LDB: are there people Casey knew that lived off glenwood?


LDB: during the drive that morning did she mention friends lived across the street?


LDB: did she say she spent time there since her daughter went missing?


LDB: where go?

sawgrass, I asked her to direct me to the apt where she dropped caylee off

LDB: ?


LDB: get out of car?


LDB: any other statement other than to direct you?

I don't recall no

LDB: last location?

no, almost katty corner apartments on Conway and Michigan...but its a several single story town homes...each individually owned.

LDB: what doing there?

she claims this was a location where Zenaida lived and she had dropped the child off at we drove through the complex more than once but in the general area.

LDB: anywhere else?

no the only location where we got out of the car

LDB: what occurred?

we had a marked following us...


if we got out of the car and knocked on the door, I asked Casey to sit in car, I would knock on doors and if anyone looked familiar and we would go from there.

LDB: did miss anthony tell you any of those people looked familiar?


LDB: directed anywhere else by miss anthony?


LDB: what time is it after this is completed? It was light?

just after six in the morning

LDB: where did you go?

drove her home

LDB: did you have her cell

I don't recall if she had it I did not have it.

LDB: when you dropped her at home you let her go in house?


LDB: did you indicate you would continue to investigate?

general sense, yes

LDB: did you leave at that point and begin an investigation of the information she had provided to you?


HHJP: cross
JB: you ever go by any other names other than Yuri Melich


JB: may we approach?

HHJP: no

JB: I'd like to show the relevance

HHJP: okay you can approach.


kc took YM to address near Bumby....301 N hillside Glenwood and Robinson...Bumby runs parallel....kc knew individuals RM & AH used to live directly across street from this address...she didn't mention these friends lived across street nor that she had been visiting there.....we went to Sawgrass Apts... 1st apt building in complex on the right #210...neither Kc nor YM got out there....went to almost caddy-corner from Sawgrass are Conway Apts @ Conway & Michigan.....several town homes attached in one building....claimed this was where ZTN used to thru entire complex at least once ...kc wasn't sure exact apt but pointed to a general area....only location went to from the car....starting to get light....marked patrol car following in case ym were to get out of car and knock on doors (object-ovrruled)....kc to tell if anyone in the apts looked familiar....she didn't.....Crossing @ Conway at just after 6 am getting light outside....drove kc home.....ym didn't have kc's cell doesn't recall if kc had her cell....drop her @ home she went on into the house....continue to investigate.....can't remember what I specifically told her but general sense yes......left Kc and began to pursue info given.....

Cross by JB
(Jb asking Thwart Atty for bull maybe?)

Jb w/YM

go by other names besides YM? (object- sustained) by the name Dick Tracy Orlando? (object- sustained) JB Judge if I may.....ok approach!

JB: I would like to approach the bench

HHJP: no

JB: I would like to explain the relevance

HHJP: okay

side bar

(hope this one posts, I lost the first)
HHJP: I am going to ask the jury to step outside we are going to take care of this brief legal matter, thank you.

Will the jury rise.

HHJP: do you have copies of those for us Mr. Baez?

JB: fumble, bumble...gave to LDB

LDB: I have not received them I have notes on all I have received, although if Mr. Baez can provide a copy at this time...

HHJP: Dect. Melich please stand down while we obtain a copy of this.

HHBP what evidence is there of a drowning Mr. Baez? JA said there is No evidence as what Mr. Baez says is NOT evidence…..JA reading with case law….this comment has nothing to do with a bias in this case……JB’s other comments thus far has not demonstrated that Mrs. A’ knew something about a drowning as CA spoke to a reporter but not LE……some speculations about a drowning…..does YM have a bias in this case or against this witness . . . does not show that……YM was home mending while broken leg…..

HHBP: objection will be sustained – you can make a copy of it and attach it to record for appellate but it is not relevant to this particular case……

CM wants to discuss bias….HHBP will take a look at it a threshold must be shown….and can always discuss that…. Dick Tracy ….any other blog materials DT will be attempting to utilize…HHBP asks about a reprimand brought up @ bench….so jury doesn’t PopTArt again……JB sorry judge I missed that……HHBP asks again very slowly……Jb wants to inquire YM supv reprimanded him for blogging…….court won’t allow JB fact that he blogged can’t say he was reprimanded……if only blog JB attempting to show there is no need to…….JB says YM was reprimanded for this blogs…….any Detective going on the World Wide Web for exposure…..HHBP demands which posts references this case…..Jb said most of them do……. There is one from 9/22/08 someone says we aren’t here to question him ….this thread is for well wishes only……not to talk about this case…… can’t talk about case outside of work……basically this is as public as one can get….have dogs trained to retrieve it……JB not implicating he is giving up confidential info on the WWW….what’s it like……Caylee A….one from 9/20/08 11:41 am……thank you for keeping Caylee on the forefront we all working for her…..only hope we find her soon……..people can find closure…..broken leg……most of these are general in nature……mentioned Caylee name there……..not onlyas an OSCO should do it…..other than the one you showed me or I just read goes to anything impeachable……JB will refrain from discuss this issue @ this time…..I will bring up specific

JA wants all WS provided to the entire SA team they have never been given or seen these before.


It should be noted all during the time that WS has been mentioned the site has been extremely difficult to access…..I have logged off and am typing these notes in real time to post later once the site is back up and running……WS has been mentioned in the trial and on HLN and broadcasted live across the nation….I imagine the amount of hits WS took at that exact moment is the reason for the difficulty in getting into WS…..
Back in court…..bring witness back ….
HHBP forgot about YM….
Det. Melich w/JB….
What info did YM know about the case….without giving any hearsay/info/what was said…what was going on when arrived? Missing person case….theft of car….theft of Money….some theft involved….KC already went to Sawgrass Apts…..YM aware nobody home there? (object-=sustain)….Any other info about kc’s action that evening….she had gone w/Deps to another location statement had been filled out…..YM aware apartment was vacant (object-hearsay – sustained) General understanding of why there primarily look for missing child….don’t recall condition of garage door….don’t recall what cars he saw parked where…..later there was a comment about odor coming from the car….doesn’t remember who made it….he didn’t inspect the car…..told about missing child…..told kc took deps and had no results….never looked @ car or called CSI to come look, didn’t secure evidence that night…..did nothing with the car… YM investigation didn ‘t find necessary to secure car (object- overrule) ……KC was a suspect?? Not at the time I got there – she was mother of Missing child….hadn’t even talked to her, didn’t see kc handcuffed, didn’t mirandize……she was Mom of 2 ½ y/o… info that didn’t pan out…YM didn’t know what kc would tell him…..misunderstood her? … her statement….thought her info contained in there was suspect….ym wrote that in his report……..KC’s version is suspect according to YM based on what he read in report….kc hasn’t taken YM or prior officers to the child….she is not a suspect….can’t tell you why people use quotations in their writing….in yM’s report kc went some where she felt safe…..can’t answer why YM put that in quotes at the time……she had seen movies and reports when asked why she should call police… of the things she told me during the drive or before the tape is why put it in quotes…..JB wants to know if YM’s opinion thinks kc’s statements are outrageous….(object-hearsay in court for his client- sustained!)


YM w/JB...I couldn't tell story was fabricated @ that point....there was a lot of detail in her story....kc known ZTN for 4 years, Jeffrey Michael Hopkins....she can't give any info on how to reach.....based on what YM asked contact number or where he worked currently....went to NC and moved down to 5 she goes into statement about simcard did any of that make sense to you? (object - sustained) JB did you confront kc on simcards? YM not confront ask her about simcards....

JB - pg 11 lines 16-25
Juliette Lewis
kc can't think of one.....reason doesn't have number just moved up north within last 2 months subleasing apartment....within 10 seconds a coworker @ universal....event planner and then tells you this person moved 2 months ago and child has been missing a month....she had no number for this person - that is what kc told YM.....couldn't investigate or confront anyone....strike & rephrase...did ya do anything that said wait a minute this doesn't make any sense.... dealing with something a little unique....can't say I felt @ the time.....asked about drugs...o.coke/meth/extacy/other Rx meds....problems drugs or narcotics....JB then you asked her if she ever committed suicide? YM if she had she would not be here to ask......ask if she has been to Lakeside .....Psychiatric Hospital....reason asking questions you realize info is not right? No....can't tell you what I was thinkin at the time....matter of routine (object- sustained) info gotten in investiagtion at that point...(object- sustained).....another moment judge....

JB were you made aware that evening ....or did you make any other inquiries to other individuals in the home about kc? GA and CA....made aware of possible seizures for kc? ....object
copy of report? Not with me......
(of note ... there appear to be quite a few empty seats in the courtroom this afternoon!)

No further questions....
No redirect....
Witness excused subject to recall....

(We Love you Yuri!!!)

Please note that Websleuths had a surge of guests when Websleuths was mentioned and so some of this testimony may be missing. :eek:
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