Worst Mother in Law Ever?


Verified Attorney
May 31, 2005
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This stepmom, Carolyn Bourne, decided to school her future daughter in law with an incredible e-mail rant. The future daughter in law, Heidi Withers, forwarded the e-mail to some friends. One published it on line. What do you all think?

Please note that the DIL has diabetes.

MIL is from across the pond.

Sounds like a fun wedding, right?



Full email here, which she sent her DIL, three times in a row, BTW:

this sounds suspiciously very similar to an email hoax that circulated a few years ago

did anyone verify that the future mother-in-law actually sent the e-mails?

or did anyone actually interview these people on camera so we can judge credibility?

if this is genuine, it's a huge coinkydink

I searched snopes but came up with nothing
This reminds me of the movie "Monster-in-law".
You can tell who is the American and who is not - we're so uncooth!.
Proud to be an American on this 4th of July!
Sounds like my MIL.
If this is a true email, my momma would say someone needs a band aid on their nose!
Might be a hoax but I've got a true one for you. I got a "welcome to the family" card from my MIL the year my Husband and I had been married 15 years. If I'm lying I'm dying.

She said that she had decided to put aside her disagreement with us having gotten married and welcomed me into the family.

I laughed showed it to my Husband and he tossed in the garbage for me.

People come into our lives to teach us something.

How to be and act....


How not to be and act...

My MIL taught me exactly how NOT to be a Mother in law. :) Thank you "you ol' female dog." :D
That email could have been written by my mil. I don't think I did a thing right in her eyes for years. I didn't write thank you notes as often or when I should have. Dh wore the wrong tux to our wedding and I should have changed my dress as well. Nevermind that we had been planning an evening wedding but needed to change the date for his parents because something came up on their schedule and the church was only available in the morning the day they could make it. They really didn't want their son to marry the likes of me.

27 years later I feel more tolerated.
Whether you think this is too much probably depends on:

1. If you're a DIL who's ever been so-abused by your MIL
2. If you're a MIL who doesn't really like your DIL
3. If you're a DIL who can't stand your MIL

I didn't read the whole thing...but what does the DIL having diabetes have to do with anything? Was the MIL taking jabs at her eating habits?

While it seems incredibly childish to send that email, it seems equally childish to forward it to all your friends.
At the risk of being unpopular I have to say I read the email and it doesn't seem all that nasty to me. In fact, I have to wonder if the future daughter-in-law has any manners. My momma raised me to write thank you notes, I wouldn't ask for a cracker at my aunt's house unless asked if I would like something, I take any special foods (mostly chocolate) to my inlaws when I visit, and I get up when they get up. I am a guest and I behave as a guest.
I don't know if the behavior mentioned in the email is true or not though. However DIL didn't respond publicly if at all, and did forward MIL email to friends. That is lacking in manners and is childish.
I am thinking MIL probably wouldn't have been so horrified over one or two transgressions but DIL might have been just plain ungracious. It is seen all to often these days.
I have to side with MIL with the information given.
Might be a hoax but I've got a true one for you. I got a "welcome to the family" card from my MIL the year my Husband and I had been married 15 years. If I'm lying I'm dying.

She said that she had decided to put aside her disagreement with us having gotten married and welcomed me into the family.

I laughed showed it to my Husband and he tossed in the garbage for me.

People come into our lives to teach us something.

How to be and act....


How not to be and act...

My MIL taught me exactly how NOT to be a Mother in law. :) Thank you "you ol' female dog." :D

What the hell???? That is just insanity. And I think that was a total lie that she had gotten over whatever issues she had with your marriage....if she truly had, she would have apologized for her previous behavior and then started to treat you well. Wow, just wow. I have never heard anything quite that strange. Sorry you had to deal with that, Kat. I love that you have taken something good from it though!! :)

At the risk of being unpopular I have to say I read the email and it doesn't seem all that nasty to me. In fact, I have to wonder if the future daughter-in-law has any manners. My momma raised me to write thank you notes, I wouldn't ask for a cracker at my aunt's house unless asked if I would like something, I take any special foods (mostly chocolate) to my inlaws when I visit, and I get up when they get up. I am a guest and I behave as a guest.
I don't know if the behavior mentioned in the email is true or not though. However DIL didn't respond publicly if at all, and did forward MIL email to friends. That is lacking in manners and is childish.
I am thinking MIL probably wouldn't have been so horrified over one or two transgressions but DIL might have been just plain ungracious. It is seen all to often these days.
I have to side with MIL with the information given.

I actually had the same types of thoughts when I first read this. The DIL's behavior, as described, is extremely rude and is no way to act around your future in-laws. I don't know the entire story, obviously, but I sure wish I had been a fly on the wall during the visit!!
Oh what a silly cow (the future MIL that is).

It is tragic that you have diabetes. However, you aren't the only young person in the world who is a diabetic.

That is a fricken LOW blow. As a diabetic, anyone who throws this horrid disease in anyone's face will get my wrath. This disease will make you tired (thus the sleep-in), the seconds (maybe not enough sugars), or the down and out grumpiness.

I take meds, watch my diet, but still have nerve neuropathy (which is quite common). This wench should be much more compassionate than she displayed in her e-mail. Stress also compounds diabetes -- why thanks mum.

My MIL is from the UK, and I think I displayed all those characteristics in the e-mail. But my MIL isn't a stuck up (unusual person) like this woman is.

Gawd - come out of the 1600's and get a clue!


Whether you think this is too much probably depends on:

1. If you're a DIL who's ever been so-abused by your MIL
2. If you're a MIL who doesn't really like your DIL
3. If you're a DIL who can't stand your MIL

I didn't read the whole thing...but what does the DIL having diabetes have to do with anything? Was the MIL taking jabs at her eating habits?

While it seems incredibly childish to send that email, it seems equally childish to forward it to all your friends.

BBM = I think so. Diabetics should eat small and often. If one is to try to adapt to the meal schedule of another, that will not work if one wants to serve 3 large meals a day. Sugar drops, sugar highs, etc. If the MIL is not in the shoes, she has no right to mention eating habits. I don't even eat on my family's schedule. I'm completely off course -- but that's me. 8/12/4/8 are the times that I eat to keep my sugars in check. Many diabetics do the same.


Wow. And I thought my MIL was bad. This makes me almost like her. Almost.

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