Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

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Jul 3, 2008
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Will HHJP hold true to dealing with Jose Baez's discovery violations after this verdict?

If so, could this mean the end of his career even though Casey has been found Not Guilty?
Will HHJP hold true to dealing with Jose Baez's discovery violations after this verdict?

If so, could this mean the end of his career even though Casey has been found Not Guilty?

I hope he does but I'm not holding my breath for it. IIRC the SAO was supposed to draft up the sanctions motion and submit it to HHJP at the end of the trial.

Since JA is retiring, who knows if anyone will pick up that ball and run with it.

They may all just want to move on and put this behind them.

Personally, I think that would be a shame if that happens. Baez not getting any sanctions for his obvious disrespect for the court systems, court rulings, etc. and then winning the case will only underline to him that sort of behavior is acceptable.

Worst that might happen is some type of letter reprimand, imo.

Won't amount to a hill of beans.
I don't know if HHJP will do anything or not. Over on the legal question thread, I believe the opinion is no. Even if he did, I don't know if it would amount to much more than a reprimand.

JB's career, even if reprimanded or worst case told he can't practice in Orange County for x amount of months, will go forward. This is a boon for him. Criminal defendants tend to take an attorney that has been in the news and won a big case, even if it is only one case. Some prefer an underhanded attorney, the guilty ones, and JB will fit the bill. The only thing that can go wrong is JB charging drastically inflated prices or losing a whole lot of cases in a row and it getting out in the media.
Will Jose Baez be held accountable and brought up on the Contempt Charges?

The one good thing that could still come out of this trial will be formal charges being brought against Jose Baez and his DT for contempt of court, misrepresenting the law, discovery violations, and generally disrespecting the court and it's procedures.

If Judge Belvin Perry does not follow through then it is my hope that the Florida Bar will investigate or do whatever it is they have to do to insure that this group is inspected with a fine tooth comb.

I am wondering if a class action suit could be brought by all of the innocent people who were defamed and falsely accused by this group. If so, I hope that will go forward.
Will Jose Baez be held accountable and brought up on the Contempt Charges?

The one good thing that could still come out of this trial will be formal charges being brought against Jose Baez and his DT for contempt of court, misrepresenting the law, discovery violations, and generally disrespecting the court and it's procedures.

If Judge Belvin Perry does not follow through then it is my hope that the Florida Bar will investigate or do whatever it is they have to do to insure that this group is inspected with a fine tooth comb.

I am wondering if a class action suit could be brought by all of the innocent people who were defamed and falsely accused by this group. If so, I hope that will go forward.

LOL! Funniest post of the day!
Bill Clinton was proven, via DNA, to be a perjurer...and he did not lose his license completely.
So, no beathe holding here either. But I am happy to know that at least three people got to the bar on this guy-HHJS, Dominic Casey and HHJP. That will prevent him from being elected to the bench or public office, IMO. Well, :waitasec:, seems anything can happen, doesn't it?
Let's not forget the words straight from His Honors mouth:
This court does not make threats.

I would assume since the promise of sanctions is in the court record, something must be done.

I'm back but only because I have a new mission........
One from Nov 2009 - The Motion filed by the defense re: Roy Kronk
Page 4
9) Despite the State's sole focus on herself, Miss Anthony
has uncovered circumstantial evidence which tends to indicate that
Ray M. Kronk, and not Miss Anthony, is equally as likely
to be responsible for the death of Caylee Anthony.

Even thought it goes on to say "while circumstantial in nature" The Defense claims Caylee died in July in the family pool.
According to this website, Attorney's can file pleadings,
motions or other papers if:
3) the allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary support or, if specifically so identified, are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and

4) the denials of factual contentions are warranted on the evidence or, if specifically so identified, are reasonably based on a lack of information or belief.

I think 3 & 4 apply to Roy Kronk - and if these aren't true/factual then the Attorney can be Sanctioned

Nor, apparently, does this judge believe he needs to follow the law and release the juror names.

Nor, apparently, does this judge believe he needs to follow the law and release the juror names.
He knows that there are 1,000's, 100,000's of people that would call them or show up on their doorstep right now
I sure hope HHJP does. Otherwise JB will see that it is ok to continue to act like this with no repercussions.
He will pay whatever fine imposed on him gladly. He won a major high profile case I don't even think he thought he could do this good.

The drudge of society from the prison will line up to get him to represent him. He'll have plenty of business to offset his fine...
Maybe the Judge will order Baez to Have Casey babysit for baez for a few weeks. I mean after all he knows he got a murdere off.:crazy:
I think near the end of the trial JA also did some of the same type of discovery violations. The judge know this. I doubt he will do much to either side. Even if JB was sanctioned, it will not ruin his career. Attorneys push the envelope all the time, it is a minor violation with a minor sanction.
He will pay whatever fine imposed on him gladly. He won a major high profile case I don't even think he thought he could do this good.
The drudge of society from the prison will line up to get him to represent him. He'll have plenty of business to offset his fine...

I don't think so either. He never paid KC's taxes out of her tax money. Guess he never thought the IRS would have a case. Surprise, surprise.... jmo
Why does everyone hold such hatred for JB and want his career ruined? He did not kill Caylee. If everyone thinks he such a bad attorney, then you must also think that he had nothing to do with the not guilty verdict. Why the vendetta against JB? Why would anyone take pleasure in seeing a man's career ruined because you did not like his client? Does this bring justice for Caylee? If you had a child Caylee's age, would you teach them to hate like this?
Why does everyone hold such hatred for JB and want his career ruined? He did not kill Caylee. If everyone thinks he such a bad attorney, then you must also think that he had nothing to do with the not guilty verdict. Why the vendetta against JB? Why would anyone take pleasure in seeing a man's career ruined because you did not like his client? Does this bring justice for Caylee? If you had a child Caylee's age, would you teach them to hate like this?

He's dishonest and unethical. He lied in his opening statement. He tried to destroy two innocent people. He is an example of everything wrong with the legal system. He said there were "no winners" then goes out to drink champagne. Yes I would teach my kids to despise people who bring pain and misery to the world.
He's dishonest and unethical. He lied in his opening statement. He tried to destroy two innocent people. He is an example of everything wrong with the legal system. He said there were "no winners" then goes out to drink champagne. Yes I would teach my kids to despise people who bring pain and misery to the world.
I totally agree with you. He made up stories to create reasonable doubt. If we go with the "Caylee died in the pool" June 15/16 - he still went after everyone after that time frame. Roy Kronk should at least be able to sue Linda Kenney Baden for slander, when she said (when still a member of the DT) that there was as much evidence against him as the Murderer as their was against Casey. Semantics , I know, but how many people believe him to be involved in Caylee's murder because of the DT's lies.
How do we find out if the Bar is checking out JB?

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