Motive...or not

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Nov 10, 2010
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I am going to throw this thread out to create some discussion among those who still have an interest in this case. I have several different theories, but am curious as to what others may think specifically about Shawn Adkins.

IF Shawn Adkins, being a named POI, had anything to do with Hailey's disappearance, what do you speculate a motive would be??

Was there a motive? Why? or Why not?? OR was there no precise motive?

What was he to gain....or what to lose?
Think of the 'coincidences' with him around that time.... did those things happen because of his behavior that really were not related to Hailey, or because of something to do with Hailey??

Think about everything so far in this case as we know it.Thank you.
I think if SA had anything to do with Hailey's disappearance or the CP, he'd have already been arrested for something. For a long time, I believed it could have been him, but not so much now.
IMO bd either got into a fight w/ Hailey and hurt her, then sa was thrown in cause he was there and what eles is he gonna do but hurry up and get rid of her body . OR bd gave sa permission to "have" Hailey :-( and bd had this planned out. Maybe sa never thought bd would carry out the plan but when she did what could sa do but participate.
In either scenario I place all the blame on Hailey's mother. I only think of sa in a peripheral sort of way.
To me, I don't understand why he would cover for bd so much. I can only think it's to keep himself out of jail, but he's not gonna want to hang w/ bd the rest of his life. When he finally tries to shake bd is when we might get information.

And yea all of sa's moves that Monday & Tuesday were all about getting rid of her body and evidence and throwing his pings off. All part of bd's plan. IMO
I hate that SA is the only suspect and therefore the only one we can speculate on here. But....maybe Hailey busted him fooling around on Billie again?
I think SA is a pervert & parasite & Hailey was killed by him during an attempt to molest her.
I have to gather my thoughts and refresh my memory before I post.

Res, thank you for starting this thread, your perseverance in your quest to find Hailey is a testament to your character.
SA is the only named suspect, but it was, several months ago, confirmed to Tricia that Billie Jean is a POI. And I think it was Billie Jean, have for quite some time. As for SA, I think he was covering for her, (God only knoweth why), all along. moo
SA is the only named suspect, but it was, several months ago, confirmed to Tricia that Billie Jean is a POI. And I think it was Billie Jean, have for quite some time. As for SA, I think he was covering for her, (God only knoweth why), all along. moo
It come to light...dodn't you know
I have always thought that SA and/or BD were the culprits. I'm not clear on what their motive(s) were, and I go back and forth on whether I think BD committed the act and SA cleaned up or vice-versa.

I periodically check on this forum, along with Kyron's, to see if these sweet children have been found or if someone has been charged with their disappearance. Sadly, no one has. It breaks my heart that these children (and many others) are out there somewhere, alive or dead, and have not been brought home and, more importantly, that the perpetrators are free to roam the streets and breathe the same air as we do. I have to believe that some day, Karma will be visited upon them with a vengence. MOO.
Thank you all for your thoughts. I am quite aware that there is not always a motive, evil happens. But in thinking of SA I was trying to think IF there was a motive. It appears he liked 'bad' stuff but how far was he willing to go to personally 'experience' it? Was he willing to risk all, and commit a 'perfect' crime??
I have to wonder about the sequence of events involving him that crucial weekend. Were his actions related to doing something to Hailey? Or were they just par for the course, crap he always did.

Walking into his job, and walking back out 10 minutes later- has he missed work like that before? He might of been a good employee, but even those do weird things related to their jobs. Was this action completely new, or out of the blue? Maybe he was thinking if he did this, he would get fired and could collect unemployment. Voluntarily quitting ones job doesn't usually get you unemployment benefits, unless a hostile workplace is involved, at least to my knowledge. Maybe he was thinking he needed to keep some money coming in , or Billie was gonna be ticked off....and did he realize his 'plan' was wack?

OR maybe he did something to Hailey and this was bizarre behavior.

What about the phone pings, or lack there of?? Maybe he did go to granny's, and wound up at mama's..on the computer doing who knows what... but in between, I gotta wonder if Shawn might have been getting a little yummy nummy on the side??? Lots of nooks and cranny between Ccty & Big Spring for a little morning delight....

OR was he taking care of other, less delightful, business....

If he really 'liked' Billie, of what benefit to him would it be to harm her daughter? I mean was he wanting an attaboy?? Or what? This would be a really insane way to 'break up' with someone.
OR was her disappearance part of a grand plan for all to be foot loose and fancy free, and ride off into the sunset, live it up and party hardy, with no strings attached, no responsibilities of children....the other child, pfftt, and someone decided I'm not gonna have Hailey, so no one else is either, so..... wonder if someone said if you love me then you will make it so we can go away together ( they are still supposedly 'together')
...could that be motive enough to disappear Hailey?

Why was Shawn locked in the house & supposedly 'spooked' when DD showed up that day- was Shawn in the midst of some hair raising activity? Was he , ahh, entertaining himself??? OR someone else???
Or did he figure he was busted, for either not being at work....or nervous because he HAD done something to Hailey.....
........ taking care of more not so delightful business??

Was everything business as usual that night that Hailey was supposedly spending the night away?? Or did that household, one or more members already know she wasn't coming home?
Was Shawn his own maker of a sequence of unfortunate events, that left the finger of blame pointing at him?
Or were these events part of a greater evil? Is he capable, alone or NOT, of pulling off the disappearance of a child?? Why???

Is Shawn ( and another/others???) at fault or completely clueless? Is this some big cover up...extending beyond the walls of Chestnut street.......of a greater evil??
Gosh where is that child , and WHO is responsible???

I am merely speculating....I have concerns over whether or not Shawn IS the only POI, or only one of ever how many.....
OR a real POI may be out there.
I just don't want stupid to win.
Find Hailey:(
I think Shawn had been grooming Hailey for awhile. He chose Billie as his gf because he like Hailey so much. Then Shawn convinced Billie to get Hailey a new tv for her bedroom for Christmas. That was what changed just before shw went missing. She was suddenly sleeping in her own room again. I think Shawn wanted her to sleep in her room so he could have some privacy with her. And I think he had his way with her and went too far that night, maybe drugged her too.

When Billie left for work Hailey was still knocked out. Shawn went to work, but was worried about what Hailey was going to do when she woke up. Was she going to tell someone what happened? So he waited until Billie left and then he went and waited for hailey to wake up. When she did, she was angry and she remembered everything. So Shawn had to dispose of her, which he did. Then he came back home to pack up a bag for her to stage a runaway scenario, but her brother came home and ruined that plan.
I have always thought that SA and/or BD were the culprits. I'm not clear on what their motive(s) were, and I go back and forth on whether I think BD committed the act and SA cleaned up or vice-versa.

I periodically check on this forum, along with Kyron's, to see if these sweet children have been found or if someone has been charged with their disappearance. Sadly, no one has. It breaks my heart that these children (and many others) are out there somewhere, alive or dead, and have not been brought home and, more importantly, that the perpetrators are free to roam the streets and breathe the same air as we do. I have to believe that some day, Karma will be visited upon them with a vengence. MOO.

From your fingertips to God's ears.
Res one thing that sticks out in my mind ...

The sex tape SA and BD made in the home. Obviously there was some sort of camera/recording equipment in that house. I wouldn't have placed a lot of importance in the tape, if not for the disclosure of bestiality, *advertiser censored* and child *advertiser censored* that was found and linked to SA.

I've often wondered if SA wanted to make a tape with Hailey. Not only for his own gratification, but also for commercial sale purposes. Did he do drugs with BD that night, get her to pass out and then go after Hailey? Did it turn into a snuff film or did he accidentally overdose her?

That morning BD peeked in on Hailey and left for work. SA came back to the house after BD left, grabbed Hailey's body and disposed of her. The clean-up came later (deer in the headlight look).
Sooo many good theories, believable and possible every one. I have not settled on a theory as I feel I am lacking information. I do, however, believe SA and BD are both responsible for Hailey missing. The motive is as sick and twisted as their hobby the two of them share. I am also of the opinion that something hinky is up with LE and the "powers that be" in Colorado City. JMO
I can't really discuss what my theory is concerning a motive for Hailey's disappearance but I do have one. I think that there was a reason that Hailey had to disappear when she did. I do think that Hailey was being sexually abused and I do believe that she had to disappear because all hell was about to bust loose. I came to my conclusion immediately after viewing this video, the last time Hailey was seen at school.

[ame=""]Video - Breaking News Videos from[/ame]
I'm not convinced that SA had anything to do with it. Granted, he was behaving oddly, but so was everyone else in the story. They all had unusual behaviours that day.

I think there are two "fates" for HD, either she is dead or she has run away/in hiding elsewhere.

There are three groups of people who could be responsible:
1) BD/SA(/DD)
2) CD/household/family
3) Someone else, which in turn could be three possibilities
-A) A complete stranger
-B) Family or friends
-C) A "love" interest, either teenaged or older (at age is unlikely, since such a person would not be able to conceal her).

I'm not going to speculate on which of those is the correct one, but you could make some sort of argument for most of those possibilites. Certainly, IMO, one of those possibilites was not adequately investigated at the time because of blinkered focus on SA.

But, let us focus on something happening in BDs house:

Either something happened the night before, or it happened that day.

If it happened that day then there is the problem with the phone ping timing and the reports of HD being seen that day. While one or some of those people might have been mistaken, they all knew who she was and the chances of all three being wrong is low. So, if she was alive that day, whatever happened must have happened inbetween the time SA returned home from the mothers house and when DD returned. I simply don't believe there was enough time to have done something and to have disposed of enough evidence that no one would notice anything, either at the time or subsequently during the investigation. True, both SA and BD failed their polygraphs, but IMO that was probably because they were doing something else illegal that day (possibly drugs) that they couldnt talk about, so they appeared deceptive. In any case, if SA, or BD (or for that matter, DD) did something, and the others knew about it, the chances of at least one not breaking and coming clean is remote. Someone would have talked. Certainly, BD appears convinced that SA is not involved, and even CD seems to think that. Wierd.

The other possibility is that something happened the evening before. This would still run into the problem of the sightings, but for the sake of argument lets assume those are wrong. If one of the people in the house did something wrong and that resulted in HDs death, why would everyone else there keep quite about it and be complicit in the cover up? That doesn't make sense. Theories about BD "giving" HD to SA, or producing *advertiser censored*, are rediculous IMO, because if that sort of atmosphere was going on, most people closely associated with them would have known something was wrong. Those things don't happen overnight, they escalate over time. HD certainly wouldnt have kept quite, nor would DD. So what circumstances would lead to everyone keeping quite? The only reasonable possibility in that scenario IMO would be if HD was given or got hold of drugs belonging to the adults in the house, and ODed. Then everyone would have motivation to keep their mouths shut, because talking would allmost certainly lead to very serious charges being filed against them. From their point of view it would be a regretable accident, but an accident nonetheless, and not something risking going to jail for. And therefore the coverup and wierd behaviour the next day.

IMO the most likely explanations for HDs dissappearance are:
1) She has run away and being sheltered by friends and/or family
2) She has ODed while in the custody of someone close to her, and that fact is being hidden and covered up.

There is a possibility that it was a spontaneous homicide by someone close to her, but if that were the case we would expect to see some evidence of that. Also, the person involved would have had some history of behaviour leading up to that, and so far we don't see anything to suggest anything like that.

I think the chances of a stranger abduction/homicide are very remote.
I can't really discuss what my theory is concerning a motive for Hailey's disappearance but I do have one. I think that there was a reason that Hailey had to disappear when she did. I do think that Hailey was being sexually abused and I do believe that she had to disappear because all hell was about to bust loose. I came to my conclusion immediately after viewing this video, the last time Hailey was seen at school.

Video - Breaking News Videos from

I see what you're saying, lonetraveler. I had never seen this clip before. Any good links to other dated shots for comparison?
I see what you're saying, lonetraveler. I had never seen this clip before. Any good links to other dated shots for comparison?

I remember the discussion about the video way back when. Honestly, I don't see what I "think" you see?

The pixel quality of the video is very poor. Is it the way she is walking or ??
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