Major Power Outage AZ & CA

Dr. Know?

Former Member
Sep 5, 2008
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SDG&E: "Power Out Well Into the Night"
Cause for massive power outage unknown

Communities across San Diego went dark on Thursday afternoon as a power outage plagued parts of the county. Southern parts of Orange County, Coachella Valley, eastern San Diego and northern Mexico are experiencing outages as well.

An SDG&E official just stated, "We expect power to be out well into the night." He also said power could be out into the morning.
My husband just called me from San Diego. He's in the barracks while his ship is in dry dock. Says horns are honking and sirens are going off everywhere and he's not sure how he's going to get any dinner.
Leave it to a man to worry about the food! :lol:

We had a power outage here about a week and a half ago. It was five minutes into the Websleuths radio show and Tricia had to go solo! :eek:

What happened was some people cut wires to sell for drugs!!! And it put 7000 people and 5 small towns out of power for over 7 hours!!!
It's 113 degrees in Yuma. Glad I'm not there. Total gridlock in San Diego and it's rush hour.
This just came in my CNN email alert:

Authorities were investigating a rush-hour power blackout in parts of Southern California, Arizona and Mexico on Thursday that left more than 1 million customers without power and caused widespread traffic jams.

San Diego Gas & Electric said all its 1.4 million customers were without power. The problem appeared to have originated in Arizona, the utility said.

Power outages in California on Thursday stretched from San Clemente to the state's border with Mexico, a San Diego County spokesman told CNN.

The cause of the blackout was unclear. The San Diego utility said greater power usage during hot weather could be responsible.

"This is crazy, gridlock everywhere," Brian Korhummel told CNN's iReport.
IIt is a messing my area! I have my trusty phone so u all cantget rid of me hehehe
I was wondering what we would do without you, Bean! haha

Sure do hope this isn't a pre 9/11 plan. I also got an alert earlier that there have been some concerns about Al Quada on 9/11, but supposedly in Washington DC and NY.
No traffic lites andthe traffic's jammedin every direction here. Don't think we will have power again for a long time
I was wondering what we would do without you, Bean! haha

Sure do hope this isn't a pre 9/11 plan. I also got an alert earlier that there have been some concerns about Al Quada on 9/11, but supposedly in Washington DC and NY.

They r telling us it iscompletelyequipment failureno terrorists
I live just north of san onofre so I will get power first ...right? I amgetting those automated phone callsfrom thecity telling me power isout. Well no chit sherlock
I hope the folks in AZ have a lot of generators! They need air conditioning or the young and the old might suffer heat strokes! :(
Up here in Los Angeles, we seem to be all right. Lights, a/c, not even a flicker.

Darn. I use power outages as practice for earthquakes, and eat all the ice cream in my freezer first. No excuse for that tonight, sorry to say. LOL.

Herding Cats
I will check in later have to recharge in the car. Gas stations 7 11 everything is closed or closing. I am not going to get that cold beer. left work in Newport and everything is fine up there. But down here is UNREAL

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