Cell Phone Activity Discussion Thread #2

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Oct 28, 2009
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This thread is for discussion of all things cell phone related: timelines, pings, locations, users, etc.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=154466"]Link to Thread #1 here.[/ame]
Dane did not say the phone he turned on was new....

Text from Dane to Russ:

‎"I used Megan’s cell phone to have my phone turned on and some rides lined up for the next days of moving into my new place," Dane, mystery phone man says in text.
transcript of JP and MK on 11/11/11

MK: as we here at America live reported this week, investigators in this case have told the family that they have phone records proving that even though DB and JI's phones were restricted on the day that the baby went missing, a call was at least attempted at 11:57pm on DB's phone that night. That's the time in which DB told investigators she was sleeping. That call went to the phone of a woman named MW, who lives in a questionable house, and who tells police and other that she does not know DB or her husband JI, and says she did not get any call or voicemail. Now, we here at America Live are learning that at 3:17 am and at 3:32am that same night, someone tried to access DB's voicemail on DB's phone. Someone also tried to use the internet on that phone repeatedly. Joining me Live now, for the first time, the attorney for the Irwin family, John Picerno. These events are starting to create a timeline that you believe could support an intruder theory. Tell us why.

JP: That's right. The timing of everything is, just as you just said in your opening comments, there is no other evidence other than the fact that Debbie was asleep after midnight, she went to bed after 10:30. she was asleep throughout the morning. This phone problem that they had was when the phones were cut off and could only recieve incoming phone calls and incoming texts from early in the afternoon. She recieved a uh, her husband, uh not her husband, her fiance Jeremy tried to contact her early in the evening to tell her that he was going to be late coming home, it went direct to the verizon message, stating that the phone is not operable. And then the next thing that we have is FBI confirmation that at 11:57pm according to the phone records that they showed both to Joe and myself, that there was an outgoing phone call to MW that lasted approximately 50 seconds. There is absolutely no other phone calls that were ever made between the two, the FBI has all of the records. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that these two people knew eachother, or that in any way were connected.

MK: And then the next phone record that evening shows that somebody attempted to call DB's voicemail at 3:17 and 3:22am?

JP: That is correct. Along with the fact that the internet browser was activated 5 times although from the records you can't tell exactly the time that the buttons were pushed to search the internet.

MK: so was the internet successfully accessed, do we know?

JP: I believe so. I don't believe that there would be a record of it.

MK: Okay, so are the feds telling you what, if anything was searched if something was searched?

JP: No, that wasn't discussed when we were there. We actually saw the phone records, we saw the ping records as well, and that part was not discussed.
MK: The ping records. Where do they show? How far away from the home did the cellphones get?

JP: Anywhere from 1/5th of a mile up to 1/3 of a mile, in a, sort of a, if you can visualize a baseball field from their house, and that is in the wooded area behind their house all the way down to the banks of the Missouri river.

MK: So the cellphones never got more than 1/3rd of a mile away from the Irwin home?

JP: Not according to the powerpoint presentation that the FBI showed to both Mr.Tacopina and myself on Nov.1st when we met with them for 3 hours.

MK: And so John, lets talk it through because you can argue this either way as you know. We've been sure to underscore to our viewers throughout the coverage of this case that they need to keep an open mind. We don't know what happened. There could be a baby girl out there right now that needs our help. But, if you want to argue it as the prosecution might against the parents, they could say 11:57pm, DB tries to call someone, MW, on her phone. Mw according to our reporting, lives in a house in which crystal meth is used regularly and our witness who lives in that house says she also is a user. DB is calling her, perhaps for drugs, perhaps for some other reason. Doesn't get through- something happens with the baby. And who else would be calling DB's own voicemail at 3:30 in the morning other than DB? Talk that through with me.

JP: Sure. The 11:57 call, the phone number that was dialed is MW's. Again, these two people don't know eachother. If you were going to call somebody for a drug connection, you would already have their phone number, you would already have called their phone number in the past because you would have already been in the position to score drugs from this person earlier. Uh, the only person that would dial that number of MW would be somebody who knew her phone number. Obviously, from where we are looking at, since we know DB and JI had no knowledge that this person even existed, the only person that has been involved in this investigation thus far that knew that phone number was Jersey.

MK: Now, the police are saying that they have moved on from Jersey. We have heard reports that Jersey has an alibi for the critical hours of that evening. Is that what you have heard as well?

JP: I have heard that they have moved on from Jersey, I have not heard that he had a solid alibi.

MK: Okay, we haven't confirmed that, it's just that you know, you hear things in the case that may or may not be true. Okay then, so explain then, why would Jersey, if he had this phone, why would he be trying to access DB's voicemail at 3:30am?

JP: Why would anybody be trying to access the voicemail, especially someone who knew that you couldn't access the voicemail because the phones had been turned off? So the owner of the phone had known from Verizon that the phones were no longer operable. and so, it doesn't make any sense for someone to try and collect that voicemail.

MK: I know you believe that this information could support the theory that this homeless guy, Jersey, who is in custody now on other charges, could be the man who possibly took this baby. Perhaps breaking into the house, trying to make a call at 11:57, and then trying to access the voicemail at 3:17 and 3:32. If the phones never got no more than a 1/3 mile radius away from the Irwin home, does that suggest to you, and if it was Jersey calling the voicemail, that would suggest that he sat within 1/3 of a mile of the Irwin home from the time he got in there around midnight to 3:30, why would he do that?

JP: Okay, first of all there is a big point we need to mention in terms of the voicemail access. What was hit was actually the code to get to the voicemail, which is *86, and that was hit twice. And, that doesn't get you into the voicemail, that gets you to the access of the voicemail and at that point you'd have to punch in your personal code unless it was preset. Once again, that supports the fact that the owner of that phone, knowing that the phone had been turned off, would have no reason to dial the voicemail to find out anything because they know that it doesn't work. So that makes absolutely no sense. In terms of, and i'm not saying that it's this Jersey guy, it could very well be him, it could be one of his cohorts, it could be anybody. It could be any number of people. And you know, I've been doing this for twenty years and the actions of drug addicts and what they're doing and when they are doing it is never logical. And so the pings, it's my understanding that the pings would continue to go off those towers unless and until the batteries were removed. So- I have no idea what happened to the phones, we haven't seen them and I have no idea what happened to the movement of the phones.

MK: Two quick questions. Do you have any reason to believe that DB has a drug problem or has tried this drug of choice from this house, meth?

JP: None.

MK: Okay, and secondly. Earlier there was a report that you suggested that the police told them that they are suspects, is that the case?

JP: I haven't suggested that they told them they were suspects. Our information, both from DB and from Mr.Sean Obrien who was an attorney that accompanied them down on Oct.8th which was the third interview/interrogation that they had willingly appeared at, that the detectives in charge of the interrogation were accusing DB of being involved and knowing what's going on.

MK: She told us that as well, and the cops are saying she is not a suspect. Just wanted to confirm that for the record.

transcript of cellphone info from JP interview with MK today, 11/18/11


MK: Okay, I want to turn now to the cellphones. Because I know you have been pursuing other leads. And there is a lot of questions going around about the cellphones of the parents, and whether in fact they did have restricted service as the parents told me, as they have told many people on the day and night that Baby Lisa went missing. The police, as you know, and as you've told me, came in and claimed that DB's phone attempted an 11:57pm phone call that night that lasted 50 seconds. To MW's phone. A lot of people have been saying how could it be 50 seconds long if the phone service was restricted? You've spoken with Verizon, you've done some re-verifying on this, what do we know?

JP: I haven't spoken with Verizon but our investigators have. As far as we know, from early in the afternoon, on the day in question, the phones could dial outgoing calls. As far as the call specifically, at 11:57, we don't have any belief that the call actually went through.

MK: Wait, let me stop you. The phones could dial outgoing calls? could place outgoing calls?

JP: Could place an outgoing call which would be recorded, but the outgoing call would not be received by the other party.

MK: Okay, so you pick up your phone, you dial, I dial JP and it says "This is Verizon, please pay your bill."

JP: That is my understanding based on the knowledge that we have at the present time.

MK: Do we know then why the Verizon records would show a 50 second call? You know, sitting there listening to that recording for 50 seconds?

JP: Again, not being a phone expert, I don't know. We are trying to verify that. Uh, we can't get through- you know how it is when you call a cellphone company, because there is no active case we are not allowed to subpena the records. Much of the information that we are getting relative to that phone comes from the FBI when we had that initial meeting with them.

MK: Okay, now I want to talk to you about this guy Dane. Who is this guy Dane and why are you looking at him more and more?

JP: Well, the word that we are getting, and I guess a local reporter in KC interviewed uh, at least Dane's father. He is linked to being in the home of MW where that phone call went to at 11:57, it is our contention that whoever took Baby Lisa made that phone call when they took the phones. MW has claimed she didn't have her phone that night. This Dane individual was identified as being a person in possession of her phone that evening, and so much of the investigation has centered around finding him. Evidently he was out of the KC area on a hunting trip and just recently returned. From what I've read, the reporter from KC went to his parents home, interviewed his father on the porch and supposedly had some contact via text with an individual who purported to be Dane.

Wright: He used my phone to call his mom to try to get his phone turned back on, she told him to act like a grown up and get it done himself. I witnessed the conversation.; the same age as Dane's daughter.

Rugen: What time did he call his mom roughly?

Wright: Hell if I know, that boy had my phone more than I did.

Rugen: Any idea if it was early in the evening or after midnight or...?

Wright: A different day. TOTALLY DIFFERENT DAY.

Rugen: So, you are saying that he lied when he told Russ Ptacek he was trying to get his service on that night and that is not true?

Wright: It was not that night. He called his mother on a totally different day. Mid-morning, I'm not sure the date.

So...Dane says he was trying to get his phone hooked up THAT night, but MW is disputing that. Why? It's very possible that he took his moms advice and decided to deal with it on his own no? I knew it wouldn't be long before we got a rebuttal from MW :)

So...Dane says he was trying to get his phone hooked up THAT night, but MW is disputing that. Why? It's very possible that he took his moms advice and decided to deal with it on his own no? I knew it wouldn't be long before we got a rebuttal from MW :)

Rugen: What time did he call his mom roughly?

Wright: Hell if I know, that boy had my phone more than I did.

Rugen: Any idea if it was early in the evening or after midnight or...?

Wright: A different day. TOTALLY DIFFERENT DAY.

Rugen: So, you are saying that he lied when he told Russ Ptacek he was trying to get his service on that night and that is not true?

Wright: It was not that night. He called his mother on a totally different day. Mid-morning, I'm not sure the date.

I didn't take this to mean that he wasn't actually trying to get his service on that night, but that he hadn't spoken to his MOTHER that night. I think it's just the way MW answered the question.
Am I the only one who giggled a little at the "hell if I know" part? Go dad.

So...Dane says he was trying to get his phone hooked up THAT night, but MW is disputing that. Why? It's very possible that he took his moms advice and decided to deal with it on his own no? I knew it wouldn't be long before we got a rebuttal from MW :)
MW doesn't seem to have a darn thing to hide. She answers EVERYTHING, maybe too much. It's hard to tell from an article, but she does seem to fire off the answers. Not much anticipation on her part, makes me believe her. Not everything, but mostly.
Rugen: What time did he call his mom roughly?

Wright: Hell if I know, that boy had my phone more than I did.

Rugen: Any idea if it was early in the evening or after midnight or...?

Wright: A different day. TOTALLY DIFFERENT DAY.

Rugen: So, you are saying that he lied when he told Russ Ptacek he was trying to get his service on that night and that is not true?

Wright: It was not that night. He called his mother on a totally different day. Mid-morning, I'm not sure the date.

I didn't take this to mean that he wasn't actually trying to get his service on that night, but that he hadn't spoken to his MOTHER that night. I think it's just the way MW answered the question.

I also think Dane may have tried and failed to get his phone set up that night - thus the phone call to his mom to help him get the phone set up on a different day.
MK: Do we know then why the Verizon records would show a 50 second call? You know, sitting there listening to that recording for 50 seconds?

JP: Again, not being a phone expert, I don't know. We are trying to verify that. Uh, we can't get through- you know how it is when you call a cellphone company, because there is no active case we are not allowed to subpena the records. Much of the information that we are getting relative to that phone comes from the FBI when we had that initial meeting with them.

Whose cellphone records is JP referring to? I thought the person who owned the phones could get their records?!
MK: Do we know then why the Verizon records would show a 50 second call? You know, sitting there listening to that recording for 50 seconds?

JP: Again, not being a phone expert, I don't know. We are trying to verify that. Uh, we can't get through- you know how it is when you call a cellphone company, because there is no active case we are not allowed to subpena the records. Much of the information that we are getting relative to that phone comes from the FBI when we had that initial meeting with them.

Whose cellphone records is JP referring to? I thought the person who owned the phones could get their records?!

Hmm.... now why wouldn't DB want to get her own cell phone records to help in this investigation....? :waitasec:
Hmm.... now why wouldn't DB want to get her own cell phone records to help in this investigation....? :waitasec:

I'm confused by the question. DB is not an investigator nor a defense lawyer. Are you thinking she would get her own records and give them to LE (LE would get them faster then she would)?
I'm confused by the question. DB is not an investigator nor a defense lawyer. Are you thinking she would get her own records and give them to LE (LE would get them faster then she would)?

No... Picerno told Megyn Kelly that the defense lawyers could not subpoena DB and JI's phone records because no one has been arrested yet. He's only looked at "what the FBI has shown them".

Why hasn't DB and JI gotten their own phone records to show their own attorneys?
No... Picerno told Megyn Kelly that the defense lawyers could not subpoena DB and JI's phone records because no one has been arrested yet. He's only looked at "what the FBI has shown them".

Why hasn't DB and JI gotten their own phone records to show their own attorneys?

That's a legitimate question, but then we really wouldn't know if they had would we? With all the cell phone conversations that are going around, it's not LE that's talking, it's everyone else. Perhaps DB already gave those to LE? If not, they need to, it just may clear up some of the questions.
That's a legitimate question, but then we really wouldn't know if they had would we? With all the cell phone conversations that are going around, it's not LE that's talking, it's everyone else. Perhaps DB already gave those to LE? If not, they need to, it just may clear up some of the questions.

LE is going to get phone records from the source, not from anyone who could potentially be involved in the disappearance. LE got their phone records from the service provider. The defense attorneys say they've only seen what the FBI has shown them.
No... Picerno told Megyn Kelly that the defense lawyers could not subpoena DB and JI's phone records because no one has been arrested yet. He's only looked at "what the FBI has shown them".

Why hasn't DB and JI gotten their own phone records to show their own attorneys?

I don't think customers are entitled to "pings". Costs way too much to produce, and it's a hassle.
LE is going to get phone records from the source, not from anyone who could potentially be involved in the disappearance. LE got their phone records from the service provider. The defense attorneys say they've only seen what the FBI has shown them.

I am sure the defense attorneys have seen what would be on anyone's phone bills.

But regarding pings, when the Internet was accessed, uncompleted calls etc....that would only be available via court order.
I don't think customers are entitled to "pings". Costs way too much to produce, and it's a hassle.

Again, the defense attorneys were not talking about pings. Picerno was talking about the 11:57 call, which he was limited in what he could say because he could not subpoena the phone records. Obviously, his client has not been anxious to supply them either.
I am sure the defense attorneys have seen what would be on anyone's phone bills.

But regarding pings, when the Internet was accessed, uncompleted calls etc....that would only be available via court order.

Respectfully snipped from "tehcloser" on page 8 of the "Jersey Bragged" thread:

Then how do we explain this quote from yesterdays interview with JP and MK?

MK: Do we know then why the Verizon records would show a 50 second call? You know, sitting there listening to that recording for 50 seconds?

JP: Again, not being a phone expert, I don't know. We are trying to verify that. Uh, we can't get through- you know how it is when you call a cellphone company, because there is no active case we are not allowed to subpena the records. Much of the information that we are getting relative to that phone comes from the FBI when we had that initial meeting with them.

He's not speaking of the pings here ........he's answering a question about the 50 second call.
Respectfully snipped from "tehcloser" on page 8 of the "Jersey Bragged" thread:

Then how do we explain this quote from yesterdays interview with JP and MK?

MK: Do we know then why the Verizon records would show a 50 second call? You know, sitting there listening to that recording for 50 seconds?

JP: Again, not being a phone expert, I don't know. We are trying to verify that. Uh, we can't get through- you know how it is when you call a cellphone company, because there is no active case we are not allowed to subpena the records. Much of the information that we are getting relative to that phone comes from the FBI when we had that initial meeting with them.

He's not speaking of the pings here ........he's answering a question about the 50 second call.

<modsnip> Maybe we're agreeing. Maybe we're not. i've never had my phone service cut off from lack of payment and hope I never do but I would think DB's phone records available to her attorneys would NOT show anything about the 11:57 call because the call was not completed. It went to a service center.

ETA: I guess we are disagreeing. You don't think DB provided the records. I'm saying I am sure her attorneys got what they could but because of the call center there's a lot they wouldn't get and has nothing to do with DB being uncooperative with her own attorneys.
<modsnip>. Maybe we're agreeing. Maybe we're not. i've never had my phone service cut off from lack of payment and hope I never do but I would think DB's phone records available to her attorneys would NOT show anything about the 11:57 call because the call was not completed. It went to a service center.

ETA: I guess we are disagreeing. You don't think DB provided the records. I'm saying I am sure her attorneys got what they could but because of the call center there's a lot they wouldn't get and has nothing to do with DB being uncooperative with her own attorneys.

Not possible. We wouldn't know about the 11:57 call if it didn't show up on the phone records.
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