Sign Petition to Establish 3,000 foot residency restriction for RSO's!

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Todd Picuyane

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Jul 5, 2010
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A wonderful group in the Austin, Texas area has started a national petition to restrict registered sex offenders from living within 3,000 feet of all schools, parks, and other designated facilities in the ENTIRE COUNTRY. If passed, this will be a FEDERAL law. The law WILL be retroactive and force RSO's to move if they are in violation.

Here is the link to the petition site:

Keep ALL SEX OFFENDERS from living 3000 feet or more from schools, daycares, playground.

Once you sign your name, go ahead and respond to the thread. Let's see if we can get a significant number of people here to sign the petition, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY AS WELL.

In addition, CALL your local press, including TV news stations, newspapers, and other childrens and victims organizations. We need to make this VIRAL, folks! Registered sex offenders represent the biggest threat to the security of our country's children, and they must be kept their distance.
Where do you propose that they live then?

Why 3000 feet? Why not 300 feet or 30000 feet? How did you arrive at that number, was it chosen simply to maximise inconvenience but with no practical purpose otherwise?

If you want to create zones where they can't live, then you must equally be willing to propose zones where these excluded facilities may not be located.
This seems like a good idea, but I remeber seeing a story about some place in FLA where the only place these RSO's could live was under a bridge in tents, b/c that was the only place in town that wasn't within x amount of feet from a school. I also read a story in CA where an elderly man had to leave his nursing home b/c it was too close to a school. He had been caught in a parked car with a hooker while on leave during WW2.
One the one hand, you can never be too careful with sex offenders, but on the other hand, if we leave these regulations up to a judge, shink, or parole board, they will eventually make a mistake, and we'll see someone re-offend, and the press and public will say "OMG, what's he doing out of prison, or living next to a school?!!"
IMO, we should err on the side of caution, though.
Maybe if they were all housed together, like a trailer park in some rural unincorporated community? That would make it easier for their probation/parole officers to keep an eye on them.
Being able to look up a sex offender online is great, but what about people who aren't internet savvy or don't have a computer? If they were all housed together in "RSOville", the community would know to be on their gaurd.
"The petition you are trying to access has expired, because it failed to meet the signature threshold."

Oh, this is very sad news.
In my opinion, RSO's should not be able to live close to schools, parks, or places where children gather. I also believe that they should be prohibited from loitering in these same areas.

I don't know why I always thought there was a residency law in all States; I was very mistaken.

I was informed that some RSO's in our State live right next to school bus stops.

Over and over and over again we hear that our children have disappeared on the way home from the bus, or that they never even made it to the bus.

Is it any wonder why ??
Where do you propose that they live then?

Why 3000 feet? Why not 300 feet or 30000 feet? How did you arrive at that number, was it chosen simply to maximise inconvenience but with no practical purpose otherwise?

If you want to create zones where they can't live, then you must equally be willing to propose zones where these excluded facilities may not be located.

I agree. This was actually my thesis in grad school. It doesnt work. The majority of sex offenders dont pray on random children. Its usually someone they know, like a family member. Ostracizing them from society doesnt help the situation. This "3000 feet from schools" petition is just an example of how uneducated society is about the whole issue.
I agree. This was actually my thesis in grad school. It doesnt work. The majority of sex offenders dont pray on random children. Its usually someone they know, like a family member. Ostracizing them from society doesnt help the situation. This "3000 feet from schools" petition is just an example of how uneducated society is about the whole issue.

I agree with just about everything said above.

And it would matter what kind of "sexual offense" they mean. If it were violent offenses, that would be one thing. But it is very hard to decipher (from registries) who a violent sexual offender would be. The offender should also have some form of vicious crime (ie assault, forcible rape, etc) which is what I mean.

There are two people I personally know of on the sex offender list in my area. One is a guy who was dating a girl a couple years younger. They had been dating for a while and as soon as he turned 18, the girl's mother filed charges because she didn't like the guy. They had already been "consummating" their relationship for while before he turned 18. He is now a "convicted Sex Offender" without assault, trickery or violence in his history.
The other guy is, for lack of a better term, a "special" kid. He is on the registry because he kissed (a mere kiss, not a sloppy make-out type kiss) a little girl who was visiting a relative in a Nursing Home while he was visiting a grandparent there.

With those two, I feel it is an injustice to even be placed on such a list. But to add residency and employment restrictions for the future? That is an unspeakable injustice.

If there were a way to find out who would seek out victims in the future, I wouldn't be against it. But as it is now my friend's cousin whose girlfriend's mama didn't like him and the retarded boy playing with a younger child are on the list. These people are not a danger to their community so I am against laws like this proposal as those two guys are now indistinguishable from someone who would prowl the streets looking for someone to rape.
We had a poster here are few years ago whose daughter stepped behind a bush to pee after a long, rock concert. She was seen squatting by campus police and arrested for indecent exposure. The DA offered her a deal that would include lifelong registry as a sex offender.

Whom does this help? (I never heard whether the girl took the deal or went to trial.)

Like the boy who cried wolf, we've gone overboard labeling and punishing "sex offenders" who are non-violent and who have not committed crimes against children. We shouldn't be surprised if the system breaks down.

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