Surgical cure for Diabetes?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2009
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Is surgery a cure for Type II Diabetes?

Seems like a good thing to me, especially in stubborn/resistant cases... but there are arguments for and against-- anyone want to weigh in on the issue? (pun intended!)

Doctor: Advances great, but diabetes a "tsunami"

Excerpt: Schauer is the study leader of the Cleveland Clinic's research that may offer hope for many through surgery. His organization's research found after one year, 42 percent of people who underwent gastric bypass surgery procedure had their diabetes completely under control with low blood sugar, compared to just 12 percent for those using just medications.

The research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine this week with another study that found, similarly, that surgery can reverse and possibly cure diabetes.

Here's an argument against surgery as the cure...

Why the New Surgical Cure for Diabetes Will Fail!

Quote: Two seemingly groundbreaking studies, published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Type 2 diabetes, or "diabesity," could be cured with gastric bypass surgery. The flurry of media attention and medical commentary hail this as a great advance in the fight against diabetes. The cure was finally discovered for what was always thought to be a progressive incurable disease. But is this really a step backwards? Yes, and here's why.

No one is asking the most obvious question. How did the surgery cure the diabetes? Did the surgeons simply cut out the diabetes like a cancerous tumor?

No. The patients in the studies changed their diet. They changed what they put in their stomach and that's something that doesn't require surgery to change.
I am a very brittle child diabetic so this is not for me but you can bet if it was, I may consider it.

I think it depends on how much a person wants to undergo and how severe the condition effects their lives. Much research needs to be done, but if not genetic, many type2 diabetics should undertake a good diet and exercise and may see an improvement in BS control. Yet, I will not advocate what another should do but this is standard protocal for a type 2.

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