NJ - Father puts toddler in washing machine.


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Jul 14, 2005
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In the silent footage from the laundromat's security camera, the dad scoops up the diaper-clad toddler, shoves him head first into the front-loading washer, and shuts the door. He and the mom seem amused at first, but panic quickly sets in when they realize that they can't get the washer door open. It's locked automatically, and the tot is trapped inside as the washer starts to run. (Warning: The video is disturbing).

No word on whether the parents will be investigated for, well, anything.

What??? Really??? Why aren't there charges yet? Or at least an investigation!

I cannot bring myself to play the video. No thank you, nuh uh.
Oh my, that was terrifying to watch!
I want to think that the Dad just wanted to play, goof around with the baby and wave through the window.(he/she seemed to be into watching the other washer). He just didn't realize money had been put in it and it was going to start up.

So scary!! Heartbreaking to watch that baby tumble!
I can't watch the video - torturing children just doesn't sit well with me.

So did Dad not realize the machine was ready to go? Did he call 911? What happened to the poor child.

How on earth does playing equate to putting your child in a washer and shutting the door :( If I was in the laundrymat, Ida kicked his arss if I saw him even start to do that.

Some people don't deserve to be parents.


Stupid idiot. Joke or not, it was idiotic.

Just glad they acted fast enough to get that baby out. How scary to be shoved into a hole, door shut, mommy and daddy staring at you through the door then water rushing in and spinning you around. God help that poor child if this is how the parents choose to 'play'.
OMG! I just watched this video. What is wrong with people??? If these "parents" (cough, cough) haven't been charged they certainly should be! How dumb can you be???
I've thought for a long time that front loaders that lock are EXTREMELY dangerous. I could certainly see a case where a distracted mother is loading a large washer, tossing in clothing, sorting clothing, and unbeknownst to her a small child crawls in to check it out.

To not be able to open a machine like that, where there are busy moms with little kids - is a recipe for disaster and death.

It's like those freezers that lock for a couple minutes after you open them, to keep them from being opened too frequently. Death traps.
I agree on those washers. I have done laundry in places with no attendents present. Thank god an attendent was there. But in this case, put together a dangerous machine AND a dangerous father! Besides the tumbling that baby could have been severely burned in scalding hot water!
OMG! Terrifying! They should at the very least be reported to DPS! Ugh.:maddening::maddening::maddening::maddening:
Oh my, that was terrifying to watch!
I want to think that the Dad just wanted to play, goof around with the baby and wave through the window.(he/she seemed to be into watching the other washer). He just didn't realize money had been put in it and it was going to start up.

So scary!! Heartbreaking to watch that baby tumble!

It seems obvious to me that they had no intention of harming the child. It seems like dad was just playing and both mom and dad seemed totally panicked when the door wouldn't open and mom was beside herself waiting for them to get it turned off and the child out. Definitely a dumb move and they need some attention from child welfare for sure, but I don't see that there was any intent to hurt the child.

Does anyone know what happened to the child? Is he/she okay?
The news said the child had some bumps and bruises but was otherwise physically OK. As for emotionally, I wonder if the child was traumatized. This father must have rocks in his head! Its sure a good thing that an attendant was there to disable the machine. I hope Protective Services is checking into this and giving the people parenting classes.
It seems obvious to me that they had no intention of harming the child. It seems like dad was just playing and both mom and dad seemed totally panicked when the door wouldn't open and mom was beside herself waiting for them to get it turned off and the child out. Definitely a dumb move and they need some attention from child welfare for sure, but I don't see that there was any intent to hurt the child.

Does anyone know what happened to the child? Is he/she okay?

ITA! Those parents were freaked out! It was terrible to watch.

That attendant is a hero. He acted SO FAST, IMO it saved that poor baby from being hurt worse. I read he only had somes bruises.

It was a stupid move, I agree but not malicious.
ITA! Those parents were freaked out! It was terrible to watch.

That attendant is a hero. He acted SO FAST, IMO it saved that poor baby from being hurt worse. I read he only had somes bruises.

It was a stupid move, I agree but not malicious.

I agree that this wasn't malicious! BUT!!! Malicious or not, the parents need some counselling in the least. This is not the act of a parent who knows right from wrong!

What parent in their right mind would even playfully put their child in a washer? I have played some pranks on my kid, more then a few, but none of them have been physically harmful!

Pranks are fine. It goes along with teaching your child not to take things too seriously. But no 'good' parent would ever put their child in harms way to the extent this man did.

Yes, after the fact, they seemed down right devastated! As they should! The father didn't think this through enough, for sure, and to the extend he actually put his child at risk for SERIOUS injury and possibly death!!!!

These parents need intervention. They need support. They need someone to teach them common sense in the least.
This just doesn't sound malicious to me. Not smart, but not really intending to harm the child I hope.
Perhaps these parents are very young? I can't bring myself to watch the video....
I agree, I don't think the daddy thought that it would harm the little one, stupid, yes, but not intending harm.
It said "Junior Wash" so he probably thought as a joke "we'll wash Junior"!
I have a nephew that I can see doing this, such a joker.
Don't think the parents should be arrested, but could use some baby safety classes.

It is very apparent that the parents here were in a state of panic when they saw that they could not open the door of the washer.

I have front loading washers, once it is loaded and the on button pushed, it does lock, however, there is a pause button on the front that very quickly stops it and a second push unlocks it.
Wonder why the laundromat does not have that kind.
This just doesn't sound malicious to me. Not smart, but not really intending to harm the child I hope.
Perhaps these parents are very young? I can't bring myself to watch the video....

They looked very young to me and IMO they were totally hysterical they couldn't get the washer open. Mom was so frustrated she was punching the table. I'm so glad the baby was okay.
I don't think these parents should be investigated or have to take classes. It was a stupid mistake, and IMO they learned a lesson from it.

Looking at the video, the child appears to be pointing at the washer. It seemed to me like the dad intended to simply put him in and let him look through the glass, then take him right back out again. It looked to me like he was playing with the child, not trying to scare him or be mean to him.

I consider myself a very good parent, but I certainly was not a perfect parent. I'm very grateful some of my mistakes weren't caught on video.
I don't think these parents should be investigated or have to take classes. It was a stupid mistake, and IMO they learned a lesson from it.

Looking at the video, the child appears to be pointing at the washer. It seemed to me like the dad intended to simply put him in and let him look through the glass, then take him right back out again. It looked to me like he was playing with the child, not trying to scare him or be mean to him.

I consider myself a very good parent, but I certainly was not a perfect parent. I'm very grateful some of my mistakes weren't caught on video.

Who plays by putting a child into a washing machine? They are lucky their kid isn't dead.
Does anyone know what happened to the child? Is he/she okay?

Police in Camden say that this does not appear to be criminal, but they are asking the parents come forward and prove the child is O.K.

According to Kong Eng the poor kid was alright. He's the worker that pulled the power. A big thanks to him. Other witnesses said the baby was laughing and had some bruising.

The owner of the store said she was thinking of putting up a sign to save her own butt. Ya have to put up a sign saying not to put kids in a washing machine?

Now this being Camden I'm wondering who will turn these people in? Considering the video had so many hits and nobody has said anything makes one wonder. Living in Camden I am sure they won't want social services at their door. Plus how do we know they are the parents? Could be an Uncle or friend?

From our news:

If I was in the laundrymat, Ida kicked his arss if I saw him even start to do that.

Mel, One does not kick arss in Camden unless you plan on getting stomped. One only calls 911 while being shot at, and that's even iffy.;):D

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