TX - Aaron Parker & Mabel Larsen for child neglect, Liberty County, 2012


Both Larsen and Parker were still on probation after being convicted of injury to a different child, a 10-year-old girl in October 2009. The girl was Parker's daughter. She had been tied to a weight bench with zip ties, and was removed by CPS after neighbors found her soiled and starving. She is now living with relatives.

A month later CPS also removed four other children -- a four-year-old girl, and three boys, ages six, seven and nine. All of them are in adoptive placement.

Detectives say Larsen is refusing to answer their questions, except to say this newly-rescued baby is hers.

Captain Evans said, "It is my understanding that she hasn't changed her position. She is still less than cooperative."

the things id love to say would get me banned from here.....
How were they not red-flagged with the hospital for a mandatory CPS referral? They do that all the time up here, and I guarantee they would have done it in a case where the couple was previously convicted of a crime against a child, and had 5 other kids, total, living in out of home placement, let along four of them in adoptive placement, which indicates the impending or already accomplished termination of parental rights.

How does this even happen after they had so many strikes against them already?
How do people like this have a baby in their custody? :banghead:

And then there are people like me (who can't have bio children) and we have to prove ourselves to be a fit parent, back ground checks, blah blah blah and approx $30,000...to become a parent.

These abuse/neglect/murder cases make me sick.

NMK - I completely agree with you! I believe CPS failed this baby. Why wasn't it red-flagged? When we did foster care in FL, there was a baby born that we were going to have placed with us (but he ended up in a medical foster home) that was automatically removed from the mothers care because her other 3 children had already had their rights terminated. He was removed upon birth/discharge from the hospital.
How do people like this have a baby in their custody? :banghead:

And then there are people like me (who can't have bio children) and we have to prove ourselves to be a fit parent, back ground checks, blah blah blah and approx $30,000...to become a parent.

These abuse/neglect/murder cases make me sick.

NMK - I completely agree with you! I believe CPS failed this baby. Why wasn't it red-flagged? When we did foster care in FL, there was a baby born that we were going to have placed with us (but he ended up in a medical foster home) that was automatically removed from the mothers care because her other 3 children had already had their rights terminated. He was removed upon birth/discharge from the hospital.

ITA. I went through years of infertility treatments and miscarriages before we were finally blessed with our DD. If anything, my parenting mistakes have been that I tend to smother instead of mother.

But after reading stories like this, I just go squeeze her some more even if she groans "Mo-oooooom! Quit!"

There seems to be such injustice in how fertile child abusers often are and how some families with nothing but love and kindness to give are challenged in becoming parents. :(

Police believe mother Mabel Jo Larsen, 32, and the baby's father, Aaron Michael Parker, 34, kept the child a secret after Child Protective Services took away five of their other children.

Both parents plead guilty to child injury last year and officials found evidence of narcotics at the residence.

Both are on probation for previous child abuse and neglect cases, investigators said.

Three years ago, Child Protective Services removed five other children from the home.

A 10-year-old was found to have suffered emotional and physical abuse.

'She was skin and bones. She was being held to a weigh bench with zip ties,' said neighbor Shanna Hopkins to KHOU.

CPS was shocked to hear that another child was in their care.
How horrible! My heart breaks for these children and for those who can't have children and want them so much.

All children need to be brought up in a home with love and caring. And we wonder why there are so many criminals. (not giving all a pass) but I can't see a happy outcome for children brought up in such horrible conditions.

Children need to be loved and nurtured. Boundries yes, but safe ones, without abuse.

Sorry, but it just gets to be too much sometimes. JMO
August 2012:

Detectives responding to an animal cruelty call in Cleveland, Texas, were horrified to discover a one-year-old girl suckling on spoiled milk beside a cage with cockroaches crawling in and out of her diaper...

The 12-month-old was checked out by EMS and was found to be in good health, officers said...
Of the animals that were found, some of the dogs were unable to move and a dead horse was found in the back yard.

'Deputies arrived, (they) did find several emaciated horses, dogs, cats and even a deceased horse, and we have yet to determine how many other deceased animals are here on the property,' he said.

August 2012:

The 1-year-old girl wasfound by deputiesTuesday in a room full of feces and trash.
When I picked up the child, there were roaches that were on her legs and also a roach in her hair, so it was pretty tough, said Capt. Rex Evans with the Liberty County Sheriff s Office...

Investigators also found 20 cats, 15 dogs and the two horses that were so hungry they were eating plywood.

August 2012:

CPS officials did not know the child existed, do not know where the baby was born and can only take the mother's word that the girl was delivered almost 13 months ago.

"Unless we had a new report, we couldn't just go visit them. According to our records, they had no children," Carter said. "The law doesn't allow us to monitor people. Once a case is closed, it's closed."

A judge granted the state emergency custody of the child, who is in foster care. A full hearing is scheduled next week...

Parker and Larsen lost their parental rights to the other four children after failing to show up for the civil trial in mid-May 2011, according to Liberty County court records. They appealed the case, but the ruling was upheld last month by a state appeals court.

If the little girl discovered Tuesday indeed was born in July 2011, Larsen would have been in her third trimester during the trial.

Their absence "may have been because she was really pregnant," Carter said.

By August, when the pair pleaded guilty to one count each of injury to a child and were sentenced to three years of probation, the new baby had been born - if Larsen is telling the truth...

By January, Larsen was in trouble with the law again - this time, for driving while intoxicated and drug possession charges...

Late Thursday, Capt. Rex Evans with the Liberty County Sheriff's Office said authorities are still looking for Parker, 34, and have not learned much about his whereabouts from relatives and associates...

Larsen remains in the Liberty County jail on a probation violation, bond forfeiture and cruelty to animals charge.


Pictures of some of the emaciated animals available at link :(
August 2012:

Both Larsen and Parker were still on probation after being convicted of injury to a different child, a 10-year-old girl in October 2009. The girl was Parker's daughter. She had been tied to a weight bench with zip ties, and was removed by CPS after neighbors found her soiled and starving. She is now living with relatives.

A month later CPS also removed four other children -- a four-year-old girl, and three boys, ages six, seven and nine. All of them are in adoptive placement.


Aaron Michael Parker, 34, was located Friday and arrested on a probation violation. He remains in the Liberty County jail..

According to Liberty County court documents, Parker violated his probation twice last month: On July 5 for testing positive for methamphetamine and benzodiazepine, a controlled substance. He then failed to appear for an administrative hearing on July 24...

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On Wednesday, volunteers from the Houston SPCA arrived to remove the malnourished animals from the home. Along with the two horses, 15 dogs were recovered including four puppies. Many of the dogs were suffering from skin and eye infections and some were so weak that they were unable to stand. Most of the 20-30 underfed cats that were observed on Tuesday had escaped through an open back door. Their whereabouts remains unknown.

Whoa what a messed up couple these two are. Horrific!

I'm glad they got the child out before it was too late. The animals too. Hope they all find better, loving homes. All living beings deserve that.

But what if they get out of jail? Will they get more kids, and animals, to play the cruel game of neglect?

Sometimes i wish people like that would just overdose ... do everyone a favor.

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