Texas EquuSearch traveling to Sri Lanka


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Oct 2, 2003
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Texas EquuSearch announced on January 9, 2005 plans to travel to Sri Lanka to aid in the rescue and search efforts for the missing people devastated by the recent Tsunami in the Indian Ocean. To donate to TES to aid in covering travel and search related expenses, please visit http://www.guidestar.org/controller...eport=1&partner=networkforgood&ein=76-0664878

TES will be traveling to Sri Lanka and working with I-Freed (International Foundation for Revitalization, Empowerment, Education and Development) when we arrive. TES thanks all members, volunteers and donors for helping us perform such a worth while duty.

U.S. Congrssman Nick Lampson will be traveling with TES.

My friend Marie will be going with TES. She is a long time Rachel Cooke Search member, a Rachel Alert Member, and a Texas EquuSearch member. My sister and I are putting together a care package for Marie and the other TES members to take with them. They will probably leave tomorrow.
From Rachel's thread here at WS.

Robert Cooke has decided to do something to help others, once again. In partnership with Texas EquuSearch , please see the Rachel Cooke Tsunami Relief Fund page

You can also read more about this effort on the Texas EquuSearch press release

Please consider donating to this very worthy cause to honor Rachel Cooke.

With love and HOPE, Lanie
*copied with permission from the author* ;)
Texas Equusearch Members Heading To Sri Lanka
Group To Use ATVs, Infrared Equipment To Search For Survivors

POSTED: 9:11 am CST January 11, 2005

DICKINSON, Texas -- A nonprofit Texas organization that searches for missing people is joining the international effort to find tsunami victims.

Members of Texas EquuSearch are planning to travel to Sri Lanka this week. The group's founder, Tim Miller, and 15 volunteers will use all-terrain vehicles as well as infrared and night-vision equipment to search for people missing since the giant wall of water struck Dec. 26.

"Everyone has their hopes up because they found someone alive two days ago," Miller said Monday. "We know that is only a miracle, but more miracles could happen."

Last week, Miller and his group were contacted by the International Foundation for Revitalization, Empowerment, Education and Development. Sri Lankan expatriates formed the Houston-based foundation in 2002 in hopes of strengthening communities in their homeland.

"They called and said they had seen us on TV and (asked) was there any possible way we could help out with the victims over there," Miller said.

The volunteers hope to leave for Sri Lanka on Wednesday.

Channel 2
Many thanks to the good folks at Channel 13 for adding Texas EquuSearch to their more ways to help list.

Blessings to Tim and all the EquuSearchers.

With HOPE, Lanie
The TES crew got back to Texas last Monday.

My friend Marie gave out the contents of the "care package" we donated to children and families there. She also ended up giving them everything she had except the clothes she was wearing.

The teachers and kids still need pens, paper, calculators, and school books. We will probably put something together with our local schools to collect money and supplies. We have a thread on Rachel's Message board started.

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