Damiens' artwork + Museum of Modern Art

This may be too late to be of any use but I found some info... there must have been some issue with it.

In a January interview with GQ he says:

GQ: Damien, what do you do now? Do you find a job?
Damien Echols: I have a book coming out in September. I'm probably going to be doing an art show at the MOMA before then. That's what I'm interested in exploring right now—writing, visual art, whatever it is. I'm just making life more magical.

Inked Mag had a feature in August where he revealed that he was "in talks" with MOMA. He also explains that it's a piece of performance art.

The only MOMA event I can find is a very recent appearance at a film screening. He must be in talks or they must be taking a while to put it together.
i can't the link right now, so just take this as my opinion - jason's art WILL be on display, but not at MOMA - but instead, a rather obscure gallery, but also in NY. oh - here it is:

"I'm doing an art show at my home away from home, Sacred Gallery!!!! Look at http://sacredgallerynyc.com for details." (from jason's twitter account).
ahhhhh. here is another mention - it's actually to be 'performance art' at MoMA in which damien will read tarot cards - nothing definite - talks in progress :)

"INKED: You’re also a visual artist. Have you been working on any new work?

DAMIEN ECHOLS: I’m actually getting ready to explore and branch out into other areas right now. I’m in talks with people right now about actually doing a show at MoMA [the Museum of Modern Art]. It’s actually going to be performance art. I’m going to be doing tarot readings."


if i lived in NYC - i'd have to go, to see if, in person, his eyes are as soulless as they look in pictures :(
This may be too late to be of any use but I found some info... there must have been some issue with it.

In a January interview with GQ he says:

Inked Mag had a feature in August where he revealed that he was "in talks" with MOMA. He also explains that it's a piece of performance art.

The only MOMA event I can find is a very recent appearance at a film screening. He must be in talks or they must be taking a while to put it together.

thank you so much for the link to 'inked magazine' Veidt - i KNEW i'd read that but could not find the link

i run across so many new articles about damien and jason, as i have my google newsfeed set to include any articles about them. i guess i need to start posting them in the 'media' thread so everything can be all together in the event of a new trial :)
Isn't that amazing, talented artists work for years for an opportunity like this then someone like Damien Echols comes along with a lot a celebrity, a great life story and very little experience and BAM .. all doors are open. We'll see how he goes.

Here is a link from the actual gallery where he had the exhibition with a gallery of images at the bottom of his work:

Isn't that amazing, talented artists work for years for an opportunity like this then someone like Damien Echols comes along with a lot a celebrity, a great life story and very little experience and BAM .. all doors are open. We'll see how he goes.

Here is a link from the actual gallery where he had the exhibition with a gallery of images at the bottom of his work:

banksy comes to mind as does basquiat. there are as many different kinds of artists as there are art mediums. i know several artists who are master craftsmen who live in the mountains of east tennessee and do truly beautiful work but will never be salvador dali or pablo piccaso.

yes, i think DE's fame is a factor in landing this gig, just as many artists eccentricities and celebrities have landed art gallery showings. perhaps some people feel they should show thomas kinkade instead, (shudders), but that would get pretty boring after about 5 seconds. ;-)

not sure you could consider his a great life story. tragic, thus far with the potential to become great, maybe.

recommendation- watch Exit Through The Gift Shop.
The thing about Damien is that he's still mentally about 16 or 17

Unfortunately, this is true. His youth was stolen from him by the State of Arkansas, and he had to sacrifice the chance for restitution in order to gain his freedom. In all honesty, although he often does things that I simply don't understand, I don't begrudge him any fame or money from his "celebrity" status. I'm just glad that he's now getting a chance to live his life as a free man. I hope and pray that someday (hopefully soon) he will also be an exonerated man as well.

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