Bill Cosby accused; will charges be filed?

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Sat, Feb. 05, 2005
Female accuser said to have tapes of conversations with Cosby
Knight Ridder Newspapers

PHILADELPHIA - (KRT) - The Canadian woman who has accused Bill Cosby of drugging and groping her has taped conversations with him that occurred after she reported the offense to authorities, sources have told the Philadelphia Daily News.

The conversations were initiated by Cosby and support her allegations, sources said.

Dolores Troiani and Bebe Kivitz, the Canadian woman's attorneys, turned over copies of the tapes to the Montgomery County, Pa., prosecutor's office a couple of weeks ago, sources said.--->>

Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. expected to announce sometime next week whether charges will be filed against Cosby "or anyone else."--->>

The alleged victim said she was out to dinner with Cosby and others at a local restaurant sometime last January, the Philadelphia police report said. Afterward, Cosby invited her to return to his home, the report said. She said she complained of "stress and tension" and he offered her some pills. She took them and became "dizzy and sick," the report said.

Cosby helped her to a sofa, where she rested. After that, she said, her memories are fuzzy but she recalls Cosby "touching her breast and placing her hand on his penis," the report said.

She said she awoke about 4 a.m. with "her clothing in disarray and her bra undone," the report said. She then drove herself home. She only saw Cosby once after that, her attorney, Dolores Troiani, said

I'm thinking charges won't be be filed, but we should know soon.
I find this interesting and am surprised there has not been more of a fuss made about it esp. as Kobe got dragged through the mud on so little evidence .
I read on abother board that people are dismissing this woman as a liar but these are the same people who ,over the summer,were screaming for Kobe's blood dispite the fact his accuser has ZERO credibility.

I hope we hear more soon!!!
Well Messie, I can't help you with the Koby thing cause I fell on the other side of the fence, but I'm surprised that not more is being made about this as well. Due to Cosby's recent remarks in the press recently that have been angering members of the "black" community, I would think that those angry at him over those comments would be picking up this ball and running with it. I think before we rush to judgment about Cosby, we need to hear more about this, but I don't see why he would be immune from being a "_ick head" simply because he seems like a nice guy.
I don't have an opinion about this yet, but I will tell you that over the years I have read other things about Mr. Cosby being quick to put the move on the ladies.
Yah, I'm on the other side with the Kobe thing as well.

This is not the first time there were "rumours" about Bill Cosby either...but nothing this specific and concrete just hazy "rumours"'s not like he slipped her a drug...she willingly took whatever it was he allegedly offered and everything gets hazy after that. Bill Cosby has had a pretty good reputation for many many years (other than the unfounded rumours mentioned above) and he is known for his work with children and family entertainment...

whereas Kobe is just some young cocky sports star who although he scores mega points and is a big moneymaker in the NBA, his coaches don't seem to have too many good things to say about him...

And then there's OJ...a sterling sports hero, until...well we all know that one.

So it just goes to show that the outside reputation is not what counts in court.

ETA: Lcookster you were posting just as I was I'm glad I'm not the only one who knows the rumours about Cosby.
Janice Dickenson ("The World's First SuperModel") claims in her book,'No LifeGuard On Duty', that Cosby put the moves on her but that was the first I heard of it myself.I have issues with Cosby myself (like how he never graduated from my alma mater ,Temple University,but yet he got an "honorary" doctorate and the school kisses his behind - His high school,Central High,in Philly does the same thing and he never graduated from there either,he got a GED!) not related to this scandal.

Im sorry for bringing up Kobe in the way I did I was just trying to use it as an example-didnt mean to offend anyone! I mean Kobe was everywhere and ,imo,Cosby is a MUCH bigger celeb than Kobe will ever be and its weird this thing is so "hush-hush" and thats what I was trying to get across!!

It is weird that an "icon" in black entertainment isnt being defended by the same people defending Michael Jackson though isnt it? I know Cosby pissed some people with his comments but still its really weird..........
messiecake said:
Janice Dickenson ("The World's First SuperModel") claims in her book,'No LifeGuard On Duty', that Cosby put the moves on her but that was the first I heard of it myself.I have issues with Cosby myself (like how he never graduated from my alma mater ,Temple University,but yet he got an "honorary" doctorate and the school kisses his behind - His high school,Central High,in Philly does the same thing and he never graduated from there either,he got a GED!) not related to this scandal.

Im sorry for bringing up Kobe in the way I did I was just trying to use it as an example-didnt mean to offend anyone! I mean Kobe was everywhere and ,imo,Cosby is a MUCH bigger celeb than Kobe will ever be and its weird this thing is so "hush-hush" and thats what I was trying to get across!!

It is weird that an "icon" in black entertainment isnt being defended by the same people defending Michael Jackson though isnt it? I know Cosby pissed some people with his comments but still its really weird..........

Messie, I heard that he did earn that doctorate in education.
Does anyone but me think that since the paternity thing and his son getting killed that Bill has been steadily getting a little more "off center"? It just seems that he got angrier and angrier and then started making really out-of-character statements, and then he suddenly began turning guest appearances he was paid for into tirades on his personal opinions - none of which were heartwarming OR funny. Recently he got all embroiled in a controversy about telling other African Americans they didn't raise their kids right and weren't good role models. Now these accusations and other "whispers" start popping up and he has nothing to say. I sincerely wonder if he is not suffering from an illness or perhaps has had depression he isn't coping well with. Sure seems like he is undergoing a major personality change in the last few years- and I am not sure I like the new personality.
cynder said:
Does anyone but me think that since the paternity thing and his son getting killed that Bill has been steadily getting a little more "off center"? It just seems that he got angrier and angrier and then started making really out-of-character statements, and then he suddenly began turning guest appearances he was paid for into tirades on his personal opinions - none of which were heartwarming OR funny. Recently he got all embroiled in a controversy about telling other African Americans they didn't raise their kids right and weren't good role models. Now these accusations and other "whispers" start popping up and he has nothing to say. I sincerely wonder if he is not suffering from an illness or perhaps has had depression he isn't coping well with. Sure seems like he is undergoing a major personality change in the last few years- and I am not sure I like the new personality.

There has been a big change in him hasn't there?

He was always the benevolent "Dr.Cliff Huxtable" and now he is coming off as angry.I hadn't thought about Ennis' death being ,possibly,the cause of that.
I myself agree with alot of the statements he has made *but* I do see your point about him being a paid speaker and then going off on an unexpected rant.

No Bill Cosby got a GED and attended Temple University(same as I did!) ,briefly,He never graduated with a degree.All his degrees have been"honorary".
Maybe it hasn't been paid much attention because the woman accusing him didn't make any claims until a year had passed.
Cosby biographies found online state that he received a high school diploma by correspondence while in the Navy, rather than a GED. Also, that he graduated from Temple, then earned a master's and doctorate from U of MA at Amherst. Bill and Camille Cosby have provided many academic scholarships to students at Temple.

Long after he had achieved success as an entertainer, Cosby, a graduate of Temple University, returned to college in the 1970s to obtain a master's degree and a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. -

The Temple Times claims Cosby as an alumnus.

Camille Cosby was awarded an honorary doctorate at Temple in '97. She has also earned a doctorate in Education , also from MA.

Mr and Mrs Cosby have been awarded numerous honorary degrees from American universities.
messiecake said:
Im sorry for bringing up Kobe in the way I did I was just trying to use it as an example-didnt mean to offend anyone! I mean Kobe was everywhere and ,imo,Cosby is a MUCH bigger celeb than Kobe will ever be and its weird this thing is so "hush-hush" and thats what I was trying to get across!!

It is weird that an "icon" in black entertainment isnt being defended by the same people defending Michael Jackson though isnt it? I know Cosby pissed some people with his comments but still its really weird..........

I wasn't offended, I think I knew exactly what you meant....I think the big major difference is Kobe was kind of "in your face" and still is...very flamboyant. Also the "latest thing" ...young sports star.

Whereas I feel that Cosby's "glory days" have passed...he is older and sort of not as "flashy" or flamboyant as Kobe, or MJ. Plus he never had the "bad boy" rep. even though there were rumours.

Cynder, I think you may be right about the depression...I thought the same thing.
LovelyPigeon said:
Cosby biographies found online state that he received a high school diploma by correspondence while in the Navy, rather than a GED. Also, that he graduated from Temple, then earned a master's and doctorate from U of MA at Amherst. Bill and Camille Cosby have provided many academic scholarships to students at Temple.

Long after he had achieved success as an entertainer, Cosby, a graduate of Temple University, returned to college in the 1970s to obtain a master's degree and a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. -

The Temple Times claims Cosby as an alumnus.

Camille Cosby was awarded an honorary doctorate at Temple in '97. She has also earned a doctorate in Education , also from MA.

Mr and Mrs Cosby have been awarded numerous honorary degrees from American universities.

Thanks for finding that. I knew I had heard that he earned his doctorate. I think he's speaking out about what happening to his race because he can't stand it any more. Seventy percent of black children are born out of wedlock. That's horrible!!! He's respected. He CAN say these things and some will listen to him. I don't know if what this woman says is true, but I'm willing to wait and hear if she's got any evidence. Surely he's not perfect, but he's not selling crack on the corner either.
messiecake said:
Janice Dickenson ("The World's First SuperModel") claims in her book,'No LifeGuard On Duty', that Cosby put the moves on her but that was the first I heard of it myself.I have issues with Cosby myself (like how he never graduated from my alma mater ,Temple University,but yet he got an "honorary" doctorate and the school kisses his behind - His high school,Central High,in Philly does the same thing and he never graduated from there either,he got a GED!) not related to this scandal.

Im sorry for bringing up Kobe in the way I did I was just trying to use it as an example-didnt mean to offend anyone! I mean Kobe was everywhere and ,imo,Cosby is a MUCH bigger celeb than Kobe will ever be and its weird this thing is so "hush-hush" and thats what I was trying to get across!!

It is weird that an "icon" in black entertainment isnt being defended by the same people defending Michael Jackson though isnt it? I know Cosby pissed some people with his comments but still its really weird..........

I read Janice's book also. She sure is /was a wild thing. It was interesting to say the least.
LovelyPigeon said:
Cosby biographies found online state that he received a high school diploma by correspondence while in the Navy, rather than a GED. Also, that he graduated from Temple, then earned a master's and doctorate from U of MA at Amherst. Bill and Camille Cosby have provided many academic scholarships to students at Temple.

Long after he had achieved success as an entertainer, Cosby, a graduate of Temple University, returned to college in the 1970s to obtain a master's degree and a doctorate in education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. -

The Temple Times claims Cosby as an alumnus.

Camille Cosby was awarded an honorary doctorate at Temple in '97. She has also earned a doctorate in Education , also from MA.

Mr and Mrs Cosby have been awarded numerous honorary degrees from American universities.

Temple claims him but he did not graduate from there-ever.He attended but did not have enough credits to graduate.
I am a graduate of Temple as well as being from Philly and thats the word I have always heard.
Central High School also lists him as a Graduate but he was kicked out .
He returns every few years to speak and he has been given a diploma from them DECADES after the fact.
He got his GED -what do you think the Navy program was????

I never denied he went to college or got a legit degree I am just saying he didnt get "real" degrees from Central or Temple.I know nothing of Amherst.

Im not a fan of "honorary" degrees and feel they belittle "real" degrees thatr are hard earned and paid for by students.
I hate seeing celebrities waltz into a College ,give a 20 minute speech,and leave with their "Doctorate".
I had to overcome ALOT to get to College and I am still paying off my education 8 years after the fact!!!!!
kato said:
I read Janice's book also. She sure is /was a wild thing. It was interesting to say the least.

I LOVE Janice!!!!!!
She has I new book out btw............
kato said:
Do get it. You won't be able to put it down.

I'm going to order it today from Amazon. Thanks!! Wasn't she recently on one of those reality shows? Someone said they think her breast implants are leaking or something because she's seriously bizarre. Did you get that impression too?

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