Is the jury going to find Jodi Arias guilty of murder?

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Will Jodi Arias be found guilty of murder?

  • Yes, she will be found guilty

    Votes: 266 92.4%
  • No, she will be found not guilty

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • No, it will be a hung jury

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • Not sure and/or other...

    Votes: 12 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sep 11, 2008
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Arias has denied any involvement in the crime, implicated others, and eventually claimed self defense after years of abuse. Her trial, which began Jan. 2, will outline what prosecutors say was a fatal attraction that led to a young man's bloody death.

Thread where our members are discussing the trial: [ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial Watchers Thread - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I'm just not sure. I know she's guilty, but after watching the Smith/Johnson case, and how easy they got off, AZ has me bothered. Then there's the parents who raped their one month old baby, and killed him. Their sentence?

She rec'd 15 years in spite of injuries included bruises all over his body, with a broken leg and fractured ribs. With good behaviour she could get out in record time.

I don't know what's going on with the other perp - I don't think he's gone to trial yet.

I just don't like the court system in AZ - it makes me uncomfortable. Along with the fact that she's a woman, and the jury is comprised of mostly men - I don't see them giving her the DP. Again - just my opinion.

However, I pray she gets what she deserves!


Based on her love of being a star performer in her own trial, tears and all, center of attention and winner of jailhouse version of American Idol, I think LIP is not enough punishment for her since she seems to thrive on the attention and will do well with her buddy cell mates.
:seeya: Good Morning ...

I just saw this poll, however, I have not voted.

First, let me say she is GUILTY of 1st degree murder, imo !

Second, I only caught a little bit of the trial yesterday afternoon and was only able to read some of the updates here at WS ... I totally forgot that the trial started on the 2nd ...

But JMO ... ya just never know with "juries" ... after the injustice of the CA trial, I just don't "trust" juries ...

I hope they find her GUILTY because she is !

I sure hope they do find her guilty and I also hope we never ever have to see or hear the narcissist singing in jail again. She is a real piece of work IMO. It is very creepy to watch her in court as well.
I voted guilty. I don't know if she will get the DP though. Will just have to wait and see on that one.
Guilty....mark my words. I wonder how the jury felt when they watched that 'mark my words' interview.
I am thinking she will be found guilty but no death penalty. While I understand why many users, as well as the victims family, feel that the death penalty is appropriate, I think it was a stretch to ask for it. It's going to be, IMO, too difficult to prove premeditation when it so appears to be a ~crime of passion~ on the surface. Plus with the way the defense seems to be going with the emotional abuse angle, I think that will sway the jury away from it. JMO only.
In Maricopa County, where the citizens elected tough Joe Arpaio as sheriff? Of course she's going to be found guilty! But rarely do juries hand out the death penalty anymore, so she'll probably get a prison sentence (hopefully LWOP!).
Abolutely they are going to find her guilty because she IS guilty and the evidence supports it.

All of her pathological lies are going to come back to bite her in the butt. Her defense claim is irrational and unbelievable and doesnt comport with all that is known thus far and we are just beginning the trial. The evidence is overwhelmingly against her.

I hope that every interview she gave is played for the jurors. It shows a very evil mind and psychopathic in nature. They will be able to see how calm she is when telling the biggest bunch of bull ever and she doesn't bat an eyelash.

The .25 caliber gun stolen from the home she lived in just prior to the murder and Travis being shot by a .25 caliber will not be dismissed by this jury. That will be one of the smoking guns in this case, imo.

The traveling over a thousand miles to get to his home. Her abuse excuse makes no sense whatsoever. This was a very obsessed woman who had the mentality of 'if I cant have you no one can.'

She makes Glenn Close look like a nice lady in comparison.:)

I am not shocked that the BWS is in this case. It seems every brutal case I read or see when a female kills an adult male in the most heinous way ...they dragout the old standby of abuse into the case.

I find it quite ironic actually because women demand equality as they should except when they land their butt in the criminal justice system and then conveniently they revert back to being supposedly meak, timid, and abused. Most all jurors are not like the clueless imfamous pinellas jurors who drank the koolaid. This jury is not going to drink the koolaid, imo.

In fact I wouldnt be surprised when the verdict is rendered and if the jurors speakout... that we learn they were insulted by such a stupid defense. I know I would be if I was a juror on this case.

If anyone deserves death it is Jodi Airas. I hope the jury keeps their mind on all the aggravating factors instead of concentrating on the fact that she is white. female, and not attractive but looks ok. Often times we see same like crimes done by males and females and the punishment is biased against the male and jurors will hesitate in giving a female the death penalty. I hope they do and if they go by all the planning she did and the heinous way she carried it out along with all the lies she told ........they will give her what she so richly deserves. Death.

I am thinking she will be found guilty but no death penalty. While I understand why many users, as well as the victims family, feel that the death penalty is appropriate, I think it was a stretch to ask for it. It's going to be, IMO, too difficult to prove premeditation when it so appears to be a ~crime of passion~ on the surface. Plus with the way the defense seems to be going with the emotional abuse angle, I think that will sway the jury away from it. JMO only.

I think the premeditation aspect of this case will be the easiest to prove. This case reeks of premeditation.

Even the stolen .25 caliber weapon gun owned by her grandparents that she lived with . shortly before he was murdered and shot by ...oops a .25 caliber weapon shows premediation.

She came a thousand miles with weapons in hand and that is not a crime of passion case by any stretch of the imagination. That is as premeditated as it gets.

Imo, the jury will get it right.

She should have tried to plead but we see so many cases where psychopaths never will because they really believe they can win even when the evidence of overwhelmingly against them and think everyone is going to believe their pathological lies.
I spend my time trying to decipher if JA is a psychopath or if there is a Cluster B issue going on (NPD, BPD, or Histrionic).
But heck, that's how I roll.........:twocents:
Poor Travis didn't want the Death Penalty, but he received it (in a gruesome and inhumane way) I hope they do the same for JA, however, I'm with a lot of posters here, I don't trust juries anymore!
The DA going for the DP is a deeply stupid move (well even having the DP is deeply stupid, topic for another thread).

Juries are extremely hesitant to sentence a woman to death.

If a jury is faced with the DP, or acquittal (which they are in this case) then they will almost inevitably lean towards acquittal, just because she is a young pretty well spoken white woman. Juries just do not wish to be responsible for sentencing a woman to death.

If the DP was off the table, yes I'd say this conviction is in the bag.

As they insist on going for the DP, I'd say they could well have lost the case before it even begins.

Let me just say that I believe Arias is as guilty as sin. The determination to go for the DP may well be her ticket to freedom.

This is not how justice should work.

I am going to try the art of positive thinking here and say YES she will be found guilty. I have almost given up on the idea of justice prevailing in most instances anymore, and anytime I get depressed thinking this evil person may not pay for her actions I quickly remind myself it isn't Florida. That is no guarantee justice will be served, of course, but at least the odds are significantly better that Lady Justice will not be murdered all over again.

I agree about the Death Penalty being a potential problem, though. But again I have to remind myself that this is not Florida...the jurors in this case hopefully possess the mental capacity to understand that they have the option to recommend a sentence other than death.
There's more reasonable doubt in this case than there was in Casey's. She's going to walk.
The DA going for the DP is a deeply stupid move (well even having the DP is deeply stupid, topic for another thread).

Juries are extremely hesitant to sentence a woman to death.

If a jury is faced with the DP, or acquittal (which they are in this case) then they will almost inevitably lean towards acquittal, just because she is a young pretty well spoken white woman. Juries just do not wish to be responsible for sentencing a woman to death.

If the DP was off the table, yes I'd say this conviction is in the bag.

As they insist on going for the DP, I'd say they could well have lost the case before it even begins.

Let me just say that I believe Arias is as guilty as sin. The determination to go for the DP may well be her ticket to freedom.

This is not how justice should work.


This. I completely agree with you.

Plus, her attorneys have put up a better opening statement than Jose Baez, and that's everything. She's walking.

But, that's the justice system. That's reasonable doubt. It's put in place to have more guilty go free than innocent executed.

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