Female Sexual Asphyxia

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Sep 8, 2004
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JonBenet was a six year old female. Some people hold the view that she may have engaged in autoerotic practices thereby incurring a fatality, or been party to consensual activity?

What follows is a brief overview of FEMALE SEXUAL ASPHYXIA, taking particular note of any gender differences. Some of the examples may OFFEND since they are GRAPHIC so please dont read any further if you dislike sexual details.

Turvy1995 said:
MYTH # 1 - AGE
"Decedents tend to be young boys"

Adelson[1], in his book, The Pathology of Homicide, published in 1974, was a proponent of this theory. He stated, in reference to autoerotic deaths, that they were "A unique group of accidental hangings usually involving young boys ages nine and fourteen or fifteen." And he described it as the termination of a dangerous game played by boys. He was later cited by Geberth[4] and Holmes[6] concerning this specific issue.

This statement is a myth because it is only partly accurate. According to the study of autoerotic asphyxial deaths published by Hazelwood, Burgess, & Dietz[5], operating with the largest subject population of any study to date (N=132), 37 of the subjects were white teenage males. However, 42 of the subjects were white males (plus one black) between the ages of 20 and 29. An additional 28 subjects were white males (plus one Hispanic and two black) between the ages of 30 and 39. This clearly shows that each of those three age clusters are strongly represented by the data. In light of this sampling, the age generalization cannot practically be applied to the occurrence of autoerotic fatalities. When applied to a death investigation, the need for reconciliation of this myth is compounded.


"Autoerotic Fatalities occur only in men"

This is by far the most concerning myth. It harkens back to a misguided male mind set that females do not have the same sexual desires as males, and therefore do not masturbate. Not only is it supported by Adelson[1], but Geberth[4]. Similarly, DiMaio & DiMaio[3] minimize female occurrences by saying of sexual asphyxia "Such deaths are rare, with the victim virtually always a male. Only a few cases involving a females have been reported,".

The inferences made by the above authors are entirely misleading. Although female occurrences are not as frequent as male occurrences, they do exist in the data. If the Pathologist or death investigator does not think to look at female cases with the possibility of autoerotic fatality in mind, then something may be overlooked in the examination of the body, the scene or the history.

In a lecture that the author attended in the winter of this year given by S.A. Max Thiel(ret.)[8] of the FBI on the subject of autoerotic fatalities, there was a marked show of public embarrassment and disbelief in the audience. One female attendee asked how any female could possibly perform an autoerotic act. She seemed unbelieving of the answer that she received.

Female data are presented by Hazelwood, Burgess, and Dietz[5], Sass[7], and Holmes[6].

Example [5]: "A thirty year old single woman was found dead in her locked apartment. She was nude and lying supine on a blanket on the bedroom floor. A pillow beneath her buttocks elevated them. Her legs were slightly spread, and her arms were by her sides. A blouse was lodged in her mouth and covered her face. Next to the body was a dental plate belonging to the victim. Near her left foot were an empty beer can, an ashtray, and a drinking glass. Neither the body nor the scene exhibited signs of a struggle. The victim's clothes and purse (containing her keys) were on her bed. A vibrator and leather bondage materials were found in her closet. The door was locked with a spring bolt. The autopsy report indicated that she had choked to death."

Example [5]: "A black woman in her early twenties was discovered in a severely decomposed condition. She was found on a bed in her locked apartment where she had resided alone. She was nude and lay face down with a pillow under her abdomen and her buttocks in the air. Her right hand was beneath her, near her vagina. Her face was turned to one side, and a knife was beneath her cheek. On the bed immediately below her vagina lay a long sausage, which in all probability, fell from her vagina after death. On the kitchen counter a package of similar sausages, once frozen, had since thawed. The apartment door had been locked from within, and no other persons were known to posses a key."

Hazelwood, Burgess, and Dietz[5] note that the cause of death in this second example remained undetermined due to severe decomposition, but included it because of a similar Japanese case that presented a woman who died while masturbating with a carrot (Tomita & Uchida[9]). The cause of death was determined, in that case, to have been a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is a form of stroke.

Example [7]: "This case occurred in a midwestern city...and involved a woman 35 years of age, a divorcee with a nine-year-old daughter. The mother was found deceased by the daughter in the morning after the child arose from a night's sleep in an adjoining room.

The child had gone to bed at 10:00 p.m....upon awakening noticed a strange humming noise coming from her mother's room. After entering the room, she found her mother hanging deceased in a small closet off the bedroom.

The victim was found completely nude lying on a small shelved space at the rear of the closet. Her feet were against the wall and her body was extended in a prone position, head downward...There was a folded quilt placed on the front portion of the shelf that was immediately under he abdomen and upper thighs...

...She died of strangulation. An electric vibrator connected to an extension cord was found running. The vibrator was positioned between her thighs and the hard rubber massage head in contact with the victim's vulva. There was a string-type clothespin on the nipple of her right breast, compressing the nipple, and another clothespin of the same type was found immediately below her left breast.

Example[8]: "A twenty-two year old single woman was discovered dead by her sister, who had been staying with the victim temporarily. The sister had been away for two days and returned on Sunday at 9:00 p.m....She went directly to her bedroom and did not discover the victim until the following morning.

The deceased was found in an arched position with an electrical cord attached to her neck by a slip knot, passing over a doorknob, and wrapped around her ankles. Her abdomen, thighs, and forearms rested on the floor, and her feet were pulled back toward her head. The right side of her head was against the door's edge, and her hair was entangled in the slip knot. She was clothed in a blouse that she normally wore for sleeping. Commercial lubrication cream was found in the victim's vagina, and a battery-operated vibrator was found 4 feet from her body. The only trauma was a 1 1/2-inch contusion above and behind her right ear. The scene was not disturbed, and there was no sign of a struggle. On her bed were a series of drafted letters she had written in response to an advertisement seeking a possible sexual liaison.

Autopsy revealed no evidence of recent intercourse, and no alcohol or other drugs were detected in the body. The cause of death was determined to be asphyxia due to laryngeal compression.

The victim had been in excellent physical condition, had made plans for a canoe trip on the day following her death, and had recently been in good spirits. She was sexually active but was reportedly disappointed in her sexual relationships as she had difficulty attaining orgasm. She used contraceptive cream and a diaphragm to prevent pregnancy, and these items were located in her car.

...Over the place where the body was lying on this shelved area was a small narrow shelf 66in. above the floor. This was attached to the wall by two steel brackets and the one closest to the shelved area had a nylon hose tied around it which formed a long loop. The victim has placed her head in the loop and placed a hand towel between her neck and the nylon hose. Her face was turned toward the wall and laying against it."

Example[10]: A 19-year old white female was found dead in her bedroom by family. She was lying on the bed with rope wrapped around her neck and tied to her ankles. She was wearing panties and a hairbrush handle was inserted into the vagina. [Byard and Bramwell 1988 ]

Women masturbate. Women engage in autoerotic behavior. Women who engage in dangerous forms of autoerotic behavior can die from it. Asphyxia and trauma are not sexually discriminate in their effects on human anatomy. If that tenet of autoerotic fatalities is ignored by a death investigator, or a pathologist, then autoerotic fatalities among women may be overlooked. The belief that it doesn't happen among women may create classification errors in future reporting despite any previous documentation to the contrary.
These cases highlight the fact that female autoerotic deaths do NOT appear to present the same as male autoerotic deaths scenes.

Byard, Hucker and Hazelwood ( 1990 ) presented a comparison of male and female autoerotic death scenes. They gave an age range in males of 9 to 80 years and in females 19 to 68 years, they atribute the use of bizarre props, unusual clothing, *advertiser censored*, devices to cause pain etc, evidence of fetishism to the male death scene, and their absence to the female death scene.

So in statistical terms the likelyhood of Burke engaging in autoerotic activity is close to zero ie on the bottom left side of the bell curve tail. And JonBenet at 6-years old does not even fall into the female range!

So next lets consider Consensual Autoerotic Asphyxia. In the context of JonBenet's death, Burke has been proposed, possibly including an unknown accomplice.

Whilst its not possible to rule this out completely its probabilty or likelyhood is very very low.

Anyone wanting to construct the death of JonBenet by consensual autoerotic asphyxia, and taking into account the above information on Female Sexual Asphyxia may wish to factor Patsy or another female relative into the frame?

In the United States deaths are commonly classified as Natural, Suicide, Accident, or Homicide.

Now in the event where a death has occured and it can be shown to be from an accident some Insurance Companies will pay out higher insurance claims.

Also when true consensual sexual asphyxia results in death, say as in between Burke and JonBenet, the death is ACCIDENTAL, and NOT a homicide!

Although well meaning relatives may alter the crime scene or the surviving actor does not wish to trust the police with a valid version of events. It is still the case it would be judged as an accident and NOT a homicide!

Recent insurance claim refused by the Danaher Corporation and its appeal.

... In its decision, the court agreed that the autoerotic behaviour engaged in by Mr Parker was foolish, and high risk. However, the court also recognized that research regarding autoerotic asphyxiation suggests that it is "a repetitive pattern of behaviour that individuals engage in over a period of years and that the intent of the individuals performing this act is not death" ( Danaher Corporation et al vs Parker 1994 )

They also believed that the "common understanding of man" would be that Mr Parker's death was the result of an accident. They subsequently ruled it was an accident, and awarded Mary Parker the accidental death benefits.

So did the Ramsays file an insurance claim after the Grand Jury decision? If they did not, why not?

Obviously any non-consensual autoerotic asphyxia, that is where some person restricts the air supply of another person, then this is an intentional criminal act, any subsequent death would be classified as a homicide!


Turvy1995 :- http://www.corpus-delicti.com/auto.html

Autoerotic Asphyxiation Paraphilia:-

Thanks for bringing out into the open this aspect of the crime.

The device wrapped around JonBenet's neck was, without a doubt, designed for sexual breath control play. It eventually killed her, but I don't think that was the original intent of the device being around her neck. An erotic asphyxiation masturbation device like that is used in conjunction with padding, such as a towel or scarf, to gently restrict blood (and thus air) to the brain to enhance the orgasm. Without the padding the ligature device could (and did) become a death weapon.

What we don't know is who put it there on JonBenet's neck. Was it an intruder, or was it Burke, or was it a parent, or was it some other family member, or was it a person known to the Ramseys who had been invited into the house, or was it JonBenet herself?

We know children around that age, both male and female, masturbate. But there is nothing in the record that reveals any female preteens, especially as young as six, as having engaged in erotic asphyxiation (EA) or autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA) and who died accidentally as a result. But, of course, there's always a first time for everything. The youngest victim I could find in my research was 9 years old, and was a male..

The internet has almost endless volumes of information on EA and AEA accidental deaths, and I think I've read nearly all of them while researching this subject. One of the important common threads in erotic asphyxiation deaths is the covering up of the death by the family in order to prevent embarrassment. In the JonBenet case I feel as though this could have been at least a part of the motivation the Ramsey's had in lying and covering up what really happened that night.

Maybe it was designed for sex play or just a control device. Some may fashion one to play with their wolf-dogs? My guess , based on the knots, that one could interpret as japanese knots, it is a home fashioned yawara stick made by a person who studied the "ninja" level of weapons.
sissi said:
Maybe it was designed for sex play or just a control device. Some may fashion one to play with their wolf-dogs? My guess , based on the knots, that one could interpret as japanese knots, it is a home fashioned yawara stick made by a person who studied the "ninja" level of weapons.


Did any of the LHP group have dogs, wolves or other domesticated animals? I should think FBI could indentify the animal hairs as to species. They have that expertise. Would there have been such hairs in Glenn Meyer's environment--at the Barnhills'? Hadn't the body, after it was brought upstairs, been covered by a blanket and the Colorado Avalanche garment? I forgot, were these hairs just on the body and in the bag, or were they on the white blanket too? The identity of these hairs is probably someting LE knows that we don't.

Tell us more about yawara sticks and ninja weapons.

I see what you mean about possible "alibi-speak" on the part of LHP. Did she write a book or not; and, if not, why not, and if so, what's the title?

Does anyone know the statistics regarding accidental asphyxiation during play in children, including especially strangulation?

Is it likely that JBR or any other member of the household, for that matter, would be engaging in AEA at that time of day and under the circumstances? Isn't it more likely that she and Burke would be playing with their Christmas toys, assuming they got up after the parents went to bed and assuming that they were actually put to bed right away in the first place as the parents reported (which seems logical when you've got to get up early to keep an appointment). What was JBR's coat doing in the white jag? I thought John said he took it off her in her bedroom, while she lay on the bed?

We have to look at this matter in it's entirety; the big picture.
BlueCrab said:
In the JonBenet case I feel as though this could have been at least a part of the motivation the Ramsey's had in lying and covering up what really happened that night.
I agree. I do think the Ramsays are covering up. There is the outside possibility that Burke was trying this out for the first time, having had prior coaching, maybe from some asian who had a penchant for knots? Result Accident. So the Grand Jury returns an Accident decision, but why its sealed beats me?

If you factor the red turtleneck into consensual autoerotic play and relocate it upstairs, most elements for AEA fall into place.
RedChief said:
What was JBR's coat doing in the white jag? I thought John said he took it off her in her bedroom, while she lay on the bed?

Where is it written that JonBenet's coat was left in the Jaguar?
RedChief said:

Did any of the LHP group have dogs, wolves or other domesticated animals? I should think FBI could indentify the animal hairs as to species. They have that expertise. Would there have been such hairs in Glenn Meyer's environment--at the Barnhills'? Hadn't the body, after it was brought upstairs, been covered by a blanket and the Colorado Avalanche garment? I forgot, were these hairs just on the body and in the bag, or were they on the white blanket too? The identity of these hairs is probably someting LE knows that we don't.

Tell us more about yawara sticks and ninja weapons.

I see what you mean about possible "alibi-speak" on the part of LHP. Did she write a book or not; and, if not, why not, and if so, what's the title?

Does anyone know the statistics regarding accidental asphyxiation during play in children, including especially strangulation?

Is it likely that JBR or any other member of the household, for that matter, would be engaging in AEA at that time of day and under the circumstances? Isn't it more likely that she and Burke would be playing with their Christmas toys, assuming they got up after the parents went to bed and assuming that they were actually put to bed right away in the first place as the parents reported (which seems logical when you've got to get up early to keep an appointment). What was JBR's coat doing in the white jag? I thought John said he took it off her in her bedroom, while she lay on the bed?

We have to look at this matter in it's entirety; the big picture.

I don't know, the rumor had it that the McReynolds had a wolf dog, and that in the hills these dogs were popular, however, I really do not know if they or the Pughs had one. I believe the only person solidly identified as owning one was Helgoth.
The hairs seemed to be concentrated in her hands, while it would make sense that at least a few would be in other areas, I have never read anything to indicate this.
LHP was writing a book, with the first chapter available and online. I read it, it was disgustingly dripping with sexual innuendo, given this ,I suspect ,Darnay's wife was the writer/editor. She,LHP, had asked for permission to write more detail, however, it seems much of what she wanted to put into print was sealed grand jury information,she was denied that right, and gave up on the project.

I believe an article on this kind of weapon was in "Soldiers of Fortune" mag. Looking online I found only this.Not exactly what I envisioned, will continue to search....
BlueCrab said:
Where is it written that JonBenet's coat was left in the Jaguar?


I think it's mentioned in the Holy Bible, the book of Revelation?

But, seriously, it's in one of the interviews, I've forgotten which one. Someone is looking at photos, and there is one of the car with the door open and her coat is identified as being in the car.

Is there anybody out there who can help with this? Does it jag anyone's memory?
RedChief said:
I think it's mentioned in the Holy Bible, the book of Revelation?

Oh, Okay. Who am I to question the truth of an anonymous writer who wrote something thousands of years ago, during an age of superstition and scientific ignorance, and which was translated endlessly over the decades by men promoting their own agendas? Silly me.
BrotherMoon said:
Wow, you must have been tired after that!

I just say BS to the auto sex thingy.
I agree - I don't see a 6 year old being into this AT ALL, and even the 9 year old, to be involved in AEA is dubious. Add to this the late time of day, the Christmas excitement, etc., no.

I see the strangulation as intentional, not accidental, homicide plain and simple.
Is it possible that John Ramsey created that garotte and applied it to Jonbenet during a sick and dangerous sexual game?
Could Patsy have walked in on them in the basement,and flew into a rage?
BlairAdele said:
Is it possible that John Ramsey created that garotte and applied it to Jonbenet during a sick and dangerous sexual game?
Could Patsy have walked in on them in the basement,and flew into a rage?

Thanks for your post. Its entirely possible, excluding Burke, this is one of the other reasons to explain the cover ups, staging, inconsistent statements etc.

I think this was the FBI's generalized profile of the JonBenet's murder, and was a favorite amongst some BPD stalwarts.

It could be some variant on this theme is where the truth lies.
BlairAdele said:
Is it possible that John Ramsey created that garotte and applied it to Jonbenet during a sick and dangerous sexual game?
Could Patsy have walked in on them in the basement,and flew into a rage?


Yes, it's very possible that erotic asphyxiation was being employed on JonBenet. That thing wrapped around JonBenet's neck was not designed to be used as a garrote, even though it was eventually used as one. The device around JonBenet's neck was undoubtedly an AEA device. It's possible, but it wasn't likely John was the one using it that night. The DNA in the panties isn't from John.

In one of my BDI theories I hypothesize it was more likely young boys, and perhaps an older teen, who didn't know fully what they were doing and they accidentally strangled JonBenet. To direct suspicion away from the family, the grotesque staging was an attempt to coverup the sexual aspects of the crime and make it look like a kidnap attempt by a small foreign faction that had gone bad.

Where did the AEA device come from? I think John Andrew had something to do with its construction, and it was kept in JAR's blue suitcase along with his Dr. Seuss book and the blanket with JAR's semen on it. In this theory I would guess that JAR was also the childrens' AEA tutor.

I think it was just this morning that I read somewhere John had bought a new silk scarf and that he put it in JonBenet's coffin. I don't REALLY believe any of the family did it but I could be wrong, and if John really was into that kind of games, wouldn't that be why he bought the silk scarf?

Anyone know any man who'd buy a silk scarf? Does it seem strange? If it were for warmth it'd likely be a knit one, wouldn't it?

Oh, and wouldn't it be ironic if eventually our answer came from Revelation after it's been blasphemed by so many who aren't familiar with it? Nostradamus couldn't know its true meanings because as ancient Daniel wrote long before John wrote Revelation, we aren't meant to understand until it happens.

Not saying there's anything about the JonBenet case there, but it reinforces the earlier prophets, John couldn't have known personally. It may be telling us a bit about the JFK murder. This covert devil in sheeps' clothing posing as some kind of clergyman gets by with a lot, a reign of terror, during the consecutive terms of eight heads, probably meaning heads of state, one of them being one of the previous 7, chapter 17, and by some strange coincidence we've had exactly that many presidents since Dallas. I don't think I've ever said anything about it here before but who knows it might benefit us somehow to be watching this November, hopefully some new and better documentaries. Year before last, one showed a snapshot of a gunman behind the picket fence with a puff of smoke in front of his face so you could just see his eyebrow, and a police uniform. He was called "badgeman", and they said his name was Satie. I can't remember the first name, if they gave it. He was already deceased. Didn't see that docu last November. Just some info FWIW.
I always suspected sexual abuse of some kind either from John or Burke Ramsey.I think its a logical explanation for the many problems Jonbenet had,and needed to visit a doctor for.
Jonbenet apparently defecated in her bed.That is extremely unusual and usually occurs when a child is suffering from some form of abuse.What were all those bruises on Jonbenet?
Jonbenet apparently defecated in her bed.That is extremely unusual and usually occurs when a child is suffering from some form of abuse.What were all those bruises on Jonbenet?

Is that a fact that she defecated in her bed? I have always been suspect of the bedwetting because i believe that is an indication that theres something wrong at home..in a book by Louise Hay called You can heal your Life,she says it is fear of a parent ,usually the father.
I dont know about the bruises blairadele,i did see a video of JB over at CDR where she had one on her arm and that a spokesperson for the R's said she had fallen over the hamster cage in the backyard.
narlacat said:
What were all those bruises on Jonbenet?


Thanks for bumping up this thread. There's a lot more that should be discussed in regard to possible erotic asphyxia (EA) being used in the the death of JonBenet.

IMO JonBenet could have died, perhaps accidentally, of asphyxia while the perp was practicing EA on her. That was no garrote on JonBenet's neck. Garrotes look nothing like that. The cords on her neck and wrists appear to be designed for EA, a dangerous masturbation technique.

The injuries on JonBenet, other than the head blow, were likely from two main sources -- the EA device around her neck which caused multiple circumferential abrasions when the device was turned into a garrote, and jolts from a stun gun which caused abrasion-like burn marks during apparent torture episodes. Therefore, the EA was certainly non-consensual.

Of course, the encounter between JonBenet and the perp(s) might have been consensual at the beginning, and then degenerated.

It's important to note that when a thin cord is used in EA, like the ligature around JonBenet's neck, padding is required to prevent circumferential abrasions on the neck. Even with padding, the practice will often leave a tell-tale mark on the neck and is something for parents to look for in children suspected of messing with EA.

So if erotic asphyxiation was being used on JonBenet when she died, was padding used at the beginning? If so, where is the padding?

How about a red and black scarf -- an object that would also answer how fibers of those colors ended up in the knots of the ligature around JonBenet's neck?

The cops developed a roll of film found in the Ramsey's personal camera and discussed the pictures with Patsy Ramsey during the 1998 interviews:

PATSY RAMSEY: "Well, I don't know what this is -- that looks like cleaning fluid or Windex or something. I don't know what that would be sitting down there.


PATSY RAMSEY: " That's strange. I can't tell what that is."

TRIP DEMUTH: "It's a red object under the table?



PATSY RAMSEY: "There's -- looks like that scarf that we've seen previously."

TRIP DEMUTH: "Okay. Black and red scarf on the bar."


TRIP DEMUTH: "The other photo we looked at it was on the bar itself."

PATSY RAMSEY: "It was on the bar. This just looks strange to me."

TRIP DEMUTH: "Well, this photo was on your roll of film in your camera. And on the same roll is the next photo, a Christmas morning photo of the kids."

PATSY RAMSEY: "I don't have a clue why anybody would take a picture like that. I don't know. Who took the picture?"

TOM HANEY: "Well, it's on your roll."

So, was the black and red scarf used as padding while EA was being employed on JonBenet? And is that how black and red fibers got entangled in the knot?


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