Joe Paterno's Family Releases It's Own Report critical of Freeh Report

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Joe Paterno family releases report
Updated: February 10, 2013, 10:04 PM ET

...Among the many Freeh conclusions the Paterno family report challenges is an email exchange that the Freeh report states is evidence Paterno and others knew about and closely followed a 1998 police investigation of Sandusky for sexual assault, which ended without charges being filed. In one email from Curley, with a Subject Line of "Jerry," Schultz is asked: "Anything new in this department? Coach is anxious to know where it stands."

Freeh concluded "Coach" referenced Paterno and that all three were in the early stages of a cover-up.

The family report deconstructs that conclusion -- at least as it relates to Paterno -- as a "fallacy" and "unsupported opinion." Sollers writes that Freeh investigators did not interview Curley or Schultz about what the emails meant; that statements Spanier made to Freeh investigators corroborate that neither he nor Paterno knew of the 1998 investigation; that Freeh failed to confirm directly "Coach" was indeed Paterno when it could have been Sandusky or someone else; that Freeh offered no evidence about what Curley meant when he wrote the email and what, if anything, he "conveyed to 'Coach,'" and "what 'Coach' said in response."...

JMO, but this report reminds me of Doctor Spitz's testimony in the KC trial. I believe someone said that Dr. Spitz's son defined his methods. He said his father reads the medical examiners report and then attacks them for not performing completely unnecessary procedures.

This report seems the same to me. In the above snippet I have no doubt that "Coach" refers to Paterno. I think Paterno was the only guy to be known simply as "Coach" at Penn State. If it had been Sandusky I think it would have said "Coach S."
Mike and Mike are going to be talking to a member of the Paterno family about this report at about 8am or 815am. You can hear them on ESPN Radio, ESPN Radio on the internet, or on the ESPN2 cable channel.

I'm probably going to go back to bed and record it. :offtobed:

ETA: They just said that Jay Paterno, Joe's son, will be in the studio with them at 8am
Mike Greenberg is saying that in the final days before his death JP said that he wished he had done more. I think that says a lot.
Sounds like the family is protecting the "brand". :rolleyes:

I don't understand how anyone, even a family member, can be 100% sure of what another person did. Standing up for their father/husband is understandable, they BELIEVE he had no idea and would have acted. But preparing and paying for a professional rebuttal and arranging media interviews gives me the impression "thou protests too much", and makes me agree it is all about the money and legacy. Heartfelt family members stating they are devastated by what happened to these boys and believe, if JP knew what was happening, he would have done something, is more honest and realistic.

I think JP knew, at a minimum, of one assault. One is enough. Yes, he is from a different generation, where, IMO, atrocities like this were ignored or swept under the rug, especailly for a male. That is not an excuse, but I can understand it. His family needs to stop the bullying and admit that there was a possibility, even if it was minuscule, that he knew something.
Thank goodness the world is changing. Thank goodness men are/were willing to risk embarrassment and being called liars. I believe the men from this case have taken these crimes from the shadows and showed everyone that abuse of boys is not acceptable, it is not part of the dues of a sport, and it is not to be ignored. These are real men. They should have a statue in front of the stadium.

I just watched the interview and it's nothing really astounding. Jay also glosses over the McQueary incident. It sounds like a weak attempt to explain things.

He said the rule about Sandusky not bringing any Second Mile kids to the campus after Sandusky retired was based on liability issues if one of the kids were to get hurt while on campus. I wonder why this wasn't an issue before Sandusky retired. Awfully coincidental timing. JMO

It was kinda weird too. Jay never referred to Joe Paterno as dad. He only called him Joe Paterno. :waitasec:
I read the new report. It has not changed my mind. It is pretty lame.

The Paterno family liked their exalted status and the deference paid to them. Now they aren't getting that anymore.

Some coinky dinks that also support the Freeh conclusions:

1. Sandusky's early very early retirement from Penn State with no further employment as a football coach.

2. McQueary's subsequent promotions despite an "extremely thin resume" as one sportwriter put it.

Wonder what all else will come out during the trials of the other administators from Penn State?

Joe Paterno family releases report
Updated: February 10, 2013, 10:04 PM ET

...Among the many Freeh conclusions the Paterno family report challenges is an email exchange that the Freeh report states is evidence Paterno and others knew about and closely followed a 1998 police investigation of Sandusky for sexual assault, which ended without charges being filed. In one email from Curley, with a Subject Line of "Jerry," Schultz is asked: "Anything new in this department? Coach is anxious to know where it stands."

Freeh concluded "Coach" referenced Paterno and that all three were in the early stages of a cover-up.

The family report deconstructs that conclusion -- at least as it relates to Paterno -- as a "fallacy" and "unsupported opinion." Sollers writes that Freeh investigators did not interview Curley or Schultz about what the emails meant; that statements Spanier made to Freeh investigators corroborate that neither he nor Paterno knew of the 1998 investigation; that Freeh failed to confirm directly "Coach" was indeed Paterno when it could have been Sandusky or someone else; that Freeh offered no evidence about what Curley meant when he wrote the email and what, if anything, he "conveyed to 'Coach,'" and "what 'Coach' said in response."...

JMO, but this report reminds me of Doctor Spitz's testimony in the KC trial. I believe someone said that Dr. Spitz's son defined his methods. He said his father reads the medical examiners report and then attacks them for not performing completely unnecessary procedures.

This report seems the same to me. In the above snippet I have no doubt that "Coach" refers to Paterno. I think Paterno was the only guy to be known simply as "Coach" at Penn State. If it had been Sandusky I think it would have said "Coach S."

I would be surprised if Sandusky would have to ask if he, Sandusky, was being interviewed, especially since he didn't know that he was being investigated. Thornburgh missed the mark and even in text conceded the point it was probably Paterno.

Based on the e-mails, I would question how many details Paterno, or Curley, knew about the 1998 incident.
Thornburgh noted a couple of things, that he got wrong:


The usefulness of the Report is also restricted
because many of the interviewees cited are not identified, limiting the reader’s
ability to weigh the witnesses’ credibility and reliability.

The SIC’s lack of access to these most significant witnesses, and the Report’s other
weaknesses about witnesses described above, calls into question the fairness, completeness,
thoroughness, and credibility of the findings in the Freeh Report as they relate to Mr. Paterno.

The burden of proof on the
prosecution in grand jury proceedings is not the higher burden of “beyond a reasonable doubt”
used during criminal trials, but rather whether the person “appears to have committed” an offense.

Further, a presentment is not
typically admissible in judicial proceedings as it constitutes inadmissible hearsay.

He has forgotten that an internal investigation is not a criminal procedure, or a civil one. The standard of proof is not "beyond a reasonable doubt." It is to be "morally convinced."

Further the rules which the NCAA operate under specifically permit a committee to use anonymous witnesses reporting to a committee and hearsay evidence.

I would also note that in the NCAA's case, the penalties were against Penn State, not Paterno.
I don't trust anything the Paterno's have to say at this point.

Colin Cowherd had Jay Paterno on his show yesterday. This morning, Cowherd played part of an interview he did with Jay back in 2010 in which the younger Paterno said his father was "dumb like a fox" and still very much in control of the ship.

Now, this story is that Joe Pa was a senile old coot for the past 15 years.

They are lying now or they were lying for the past 15 years in order to keep their father in power. Even the Pope steps down when his age and health no longer allow him to perform his duties at an adequate level.
This is about keeping Paterno's reputation clean. I don't know if it's because the family loved him so much or if they're trying to protect his marketablity. Maybe both.
I don't trust anything the Paterno's have to say at this point.

Colin Cowherd had Jay Paterno on his show yesterday. This morning, Cowherd played part of an interview he did with Jay back in 2010 in which the younger Paterno said his father was "dumb like a fox" and still very much in control of the ship.

Now, this story is that Joe Pa was a senile old coot for the past 15 years.

They are lying now or they were lying for the past 15 years in order to keep their father in power. Even the Pope steps down when his age and health no longer allow him to perform his duties at an adequate level.

That's cool the CC played that clip.
I can understand how Paterno wouldn't have realized it, due to lack of expertize. That doesn't explain why in 2001 wasn't turned over to those who supposedly did know, LE and DPW.
Paterno held onto power way too long (Fox Sports, Jason Whitlock)
Someone tell the Paternos there is a price for holding onto power too long. Tell their little adopted son Franco “Fredo” Harris, too. Tell Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett. And tell the Penn State board of trustees before it gets riled up and rejects the conclusions reached in the Freeh Report.

Joe Paterno played the game of thrones for 46 years. Only idiots and his namesakes thought he’d never lose. First power corrupts and then it evaporates. That’s the way of the world for as long as we’ve recorded history.
the rest at the link above
I can understand how Paterno wouldn't have realized it, due to lack of expertize. That doesn't explain why in 2001 wasn't turned over to those who supposedly did know, LE and DPW.

For me, that's the whole thing in a nutshell. If McQ told Joe "fondling" and something "of a sexual nature" occurred, why not report it? If there was the slightest question that it was more than showering and "horseplay," why not report it, just to have professionals investigate it to be sure?
Paterno family report does little to diminish belief coach knew of first Sandusky allegation

.............Still, amidst all the back and forth, Joe Paterno's situation can mostly be boiled down to a single question, and nothing in the 238-page "Critique" changed or challenged the Freeh Report's conclusion surrounding it.

Did Paterno know that Sandusky was investigated in 1998 by police for inappropriately touching a local boy while showering in the Penn State locker room?.............

Taken with the knowledge of the 1998 allegations, the 2001 testimony by a completely separate person who was an adult witness – not a victim – would send off every warning bell known to man. .................

The Penn State officials who knew of the 1998 case – president Graham Spanier, vice president Gary Schultz and athletic director Tim Curley are all facing criminal charges on this – should have reasonably acted in a different manner in 2001 than when they heard police were looking into Sandusky in
'98. They should've immediately called in authorities, alerted child welfare services and attempted to find the victim. Sandusky should have enjoyed not a moment of administrative benefit of the doubt. .............

If Paterno did know about 1998, then a second allegation that Sandusky was showering with boys, let alone engaging in what McQueary, at the very least, conveyed as inappropriate conduct, should've sent a man of even weak moral convictions into a flurry of activity.

No one gets innocently accused of fondling boys twice – three years apart...............

It goes so far as to take a multi-pronged defense of Paterno. The authors of the "Critique" suggested on ESPN that we have no idea who the coach is because Penn State has many different coaches. But really, would all the administrators at Penn State avoid telling Paterno that his current defensive coordinator was under investigation but instead discuss it with the field hockey coach? Come on. .............

In the end, though, the "Critique" did little to nothing to suggest Paterno didn't know in 1998. The report brought to light no new facts. So, barring further evidence being uncovered during the criminal cases expected later this year, the Freeh conclusion remains the far most likely scenario. ..........more.....

I do disagree with what he says about the sanctions....
Nike co-founder blasts Freeh report>&news_id=19313783&src=most_popular_viewed

BEAVERTON, Ore. (AP) — Nike co-founder Phil Knight has issued a statement blasting the Freeh report's characterization of Penn State coach Joe Paterno in the child sex abuse scandal involving assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.

Following the release last year of former FBI director Louis Freeh's report, Knight issued a statement saying he was saddened that Paterno apparently made missteps that led to "heartbreaking consequences."

But Knight now says that he may have jumped to conclusions, after a new critique that was commissioned by the Paterno family and carried out by experts that included Dick Thornburgh, a former U.S. attorney general and governor of Pennsylvania.

In a statement released Monday, Knight called the findings of the Freeh report unjustified and unsubstantiated. He also criticized the NCAA's subsequent sanctions on Penn State's football program as unwarranted............more.......

First he defended Paterno at the funeral, then after Freeh changed his on his side again......Easily swayed, eh? What a friend!
Nike co-founder blasts Freeh report>&news_id=19313783&src=most_popular_viewed

BEAVERTON, Ore. (AP) — Nike co-founder Phil Knight has issued a statement blasting the Freeh report's characterization of Penn State coach Joe Paterno in the child sex abuse scandal involving assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.

Following the release last year of former FBI director Louis Freeh's report, Knight issued a statement saying he was saddened that Paterno apparently made missteps that led to "heartbreaking consequences."

But Knight now says that he may have jumped to conclusions, after a new critique that was commissioned by the Paterno family and carried out by experts that included Dick Thornburgh, a former U.S. attorney general and governor of Pennsylvania.

In a statement released Monday, Knight called the findings of the Freeh report unjustified and unsubstantiated. He also criticized the NCAA's subsequent sanctions on Penn State's football program as unwarranted............more.......

First he defended Paterno at the funeral, then after Freeh changed his on his side again......Easily swayed, eh? What a friend!

Says the guy who uses, or at least used to use kids in foreign countries to make Nike sneakers.
Survivors network on Paterno report: Late coach failed in moral and civic duty

The director of the Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests on Tuesday blasted the Paterno family report, saying the late Penn State coach’s family does a disservice to victims of abuse by defending a “wrongdoer.”

“Joe Paterno never called the cops. All the ex-politicians and defense lawyers and public relations consultants can't change this one key, unrefuted fact. Over years and years, Paterno never called 911. Never,” David Clohessy, director of SNAP, said in a written statement.

While Clohessy did not refute Sue Paterno’s claim that her late husband “didn’t know what Sandusky did,” he said: “But adults are obligated to report suspicions – not just actual knowledge – of child sex crimes. And we are to call law enforcement, not our immediate supervisors. By this common sense standard, Joe Paterno failed kids.”................

Child sexual victimization continues and increases " when public figures defend wrongdoers, something, he added, Sue Paterno and her lawyers were guilty of doing by releasing the report.

“If Joe Paterno’s family really care about “the dangers of child sexual victimization," they should stop focusing on the reputation of the deceased and start focusing on the protection of the living,” Clohessy said.

More at link.....

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