Australia - Serial rapist Robert Fardon


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And just so you Victorians know that it's not just down there that these problems arise, we have one of the first prisoners who was sentenced to be detained indefinitely (which turns out to be meaningless), Robert John Fardon, to be released from prison tomorrow....! He has obviously been saying all the right things that he knows the court wants to hear:

Just came through on Twitter from @abcnews and @couriermail that the judge has ordered his release tomorrow!

Go figure...

EDIT: MSM link now:
And just so you Victorians know that it's not just down there that these problems arise, we have one of the first prisoners who was sentenced to be detained indefinitely (which turns out to be meaningless), Robert John Fardon, to be released from prison tomorrow....! He has obviously been saying all the right things that he knows the court wants to hear:

Just came through on Twitter from @abcnews and @couriermail that the judge has ordered his release tomorrow!

Go figure...

EDIT: MSM link now: Fardon was the first convicted criminal to be detained indefinitely in Queensland under Queensland's Dangerous Prisoners Sexual Offenders Act for sex crimes against women and children . Justice Mullins ordered Fardon be released tomorrow from custody under 34 conditions. The Supreme Court Justice who released this serial sex offender back into the community with women and children - was a woman! This may be evidence of a lack of understanding of the nature (internal deviant drive) of serial sex offending and the 'risk' to women and children in the first place. Of course he will be well behaved in a contained, structured environment such as jail.There are no women and children in jail. Now women and children in the community are potentially 'at risk' regardless of any electronic tracking in my opinion. Does this prisoner's desire to re-experience 'freedom' carry more weight than the safety of women and children in the community?
And just so you Victorians know that it's not just down there that these problems arise, we have one of the first prisoners who was sentenced to be detained indefinitely (which turns out to be meaningless), Robert John Fardon, to be released from prison tomorrow....! He has obviously been saying all the right things that he knows the court wants to hear:

Just came through on Twitter from @abcnews and @couriermail that the judge has ordered his release tomorrow!

Go figure...

EDIT: MSM link now:

Hi Doc, Fail to understand how this offender can be released. Does the fact that he is being released to the Wacol Prison Precinct mean that he is in fact still fully monitored? It that like a prison within a prison? I have posted another ABC link, which I hope is not a repeat of yours.
February 13, 2013 2:58PM

QUEENSLAND Corrective Services (QCS) Commissioner Marlene Morison said serial rapist Robert Fardon would be housed in accommodation at Wacol in Brisbane’s west after his release from prison on Valentine's Day.
Ms Morison said Fardon would be limited as to where he could go in the community.

“Offenders on these orders have strict conditions and intensive supervision, including GPS electronic monitoring, home visits, drug and alcohol testing and restrictions on where they can live and who they associate with,” Ms Morison said.

“Mr Fardon will be subject to electronic monitoring in the form of GPS tracking and will have curfew (initially 24 hours) and geographic limits imposed as required by his supervision order
From that same report...

Last month, a dangerous prisoner who was released on a supervision order was charged with rape after an alleged incident near the Wacol train station

Earlier, Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie was considering appealing a decision that would see the serial rapist walk free from prison on Valentines Day

Child protection advocate Hetty Johnston said Fardon's victims were appalled by the ruling to release him.

She said the decision "trashes the very notion of community safety".

"Fardon is not a changed man; he's a psychopath," the Bravehearts founder said.

"He's only ever going to be one breath away from snapping."
February 14, 2013

THE victim of Queensland's most notorious rapist has pleaded with the court to today keep him behind bars for fear he will reoffend.
Sharon Tomlinson, who was just 12 years old when Robert John Fardon brutally raped her at gunpoint 35 years ago, says a judge's decision to free him from an indefinite jail term was "a slap in the face" for all child sex survivors.

"I am mortified - the biggest thing that I'm angry about is they've released a predator and someone else is now at risk," she said yesterday.

"It's appalling, it's a joke, it's a slap in the face."
Fantastic news!!!...

Serial rapist Robert Fardon to stay in jail until Queensland government can appeal release decision

February 14, 2013 3:42PM

PREMIER Campbell Newman has vowed to do "everything possible" using the legal system to ensure notorious violent rapist Robert Fardon remains behind bars following the granting of a stay on his release.
"We will pull out all the stops to make that happen," Mr Newman said.

The Premier said the government had a contingency plan in place in the event they lose the appeal against Mr Fardon's release but said he could not reveal the details as yet.

A date for an appeal of Justice Mullins' decision to release Fardon was tentatively set down for February 27.
Serial Rapist Robert Fardon to stay in jail until Queensland Government can Appeal Release Decision,
by Brooke Baskin, Sarah Vogler, February 14, 2013 4:42PM,
PREMIER Campbell Newman has vowed to ensure notorious violent rapist Robert Fardon remains behind bars following the granting of a stay on his release.
Barrister Walter Sofronoff, QC for the Attorney-General, argued Justice Mullins erred by failing to take into account concerns on the level of risk. He said psychiatrists Dr Donald Grant and Dr Michael Beech, who gave evidence both determined the risk of him re-offending was ''high or moderately high, in one case''.''Those two opinions ought to have been determinative in refusing to release Mr Fardon,'' he said. Dr Beech's evidence indicated Fardon was a risk of re-offending on release from custody. A date for an appeal of the decision to release Fardon was tentatively set down for February 27.
Some progress with The Law in other Australian States:
NT law would keep sex offenders in jail, AAP, February 14, 2013 10:38PM.
NORTHERN Territorians convicted of the most "horrendous" sex offences could be jailed indefinitely under proposed laws.
The Serious Sex Offenders Act 2013, introduced in the NT parliament on Thursday, would enable the Supreme Court to order that serious sex offenders stay in jail or remain under continuous supervision if released.
The proposed sex offender laws came as a Queensland criminal waits to learn whether he will be released from jail.
Whilst I know and have great respect for Judge Debbie Mullins, I am very pleased that the attorney general is appealing her decision to release him.
Whilst I know and have great respect for Judge Debbie Mullins, I am very pleased that the attorney general is appealing her decision to release him.

Yes - I just don't understand what she was thinking. I know her too, Ali, and she is such a sensible person usually - one would normally class her as "one of the good guys". But this decision beggars belief - this guy was the reason that the Dangerous Prisoner Act was actually introduced and passed, if I remember correctly?

Decision time tomorrow, I think....
Yes - I just don't understand what she was thinking. I know her too, Ali, and she is such a sensible person usually - one would normally class her as "one of the good guys". But this decision beggars belief - this guy was the reason that the Dangerous Prisoner Act was actually introduced and passed, if I remember correctly?

Decision time tomorrow, I think....
A date for an appeal of Justice Mullins' decision to release Fardon was tentatively set down for February 27.
Tomorrow is Feb 27th.
Rapist Robert Fardon has incurable 'psychopathic personality' and should stay in jail, court hears, by:Tony Keim From: The Courier-Mail February 27, 2013 11:35AM.
INFAMOUS violent rapist Robert John Fardon has an incurable "psychopathic personality" disorder and should remain locked up indefinitely until he completes a sex offender treatment program, a court has been told. The hearing continues.
Rapist Robert Fardon has incurable 'psychopathic personality' and should stay in jail, court hears, by:Tony Keim From: The Courier-Mail February 27, 2013 11:35AM.
INFAMOUS violent rapist Robert John Fardon has an incurable "psychopathic personality" disorder and should remain locked up indefinitely until he completes a sex offender treatment program, a court has been told. The hearing continues.

What he actually needs is a castration! A real one, not a "chemical" one. And while that won't change his basic personality, it may make him much less of a danger to women (or any other sexual victim).

The problem with "sex offender treatment programs" is that they only work as long as they take the tablets. And of course, the first thing they do when they get out of jail is stop taking the tablets!

And even then, he should probably stay in jail anyway just for good measure. So should several others I can think of, including a couple who are discussed on these forums...!

Politically correct? Nope. Violating the offenders' human rights? I don't think they have any - they forfeited those the first time they offended!

Radical? Moi?? Hah!
Not sure which Thread to post this on, so given the frustrations of various Parole systems with violent repeat offenders, I provide this link FYI:
Why was Antonio ‘Mad Dog' Loguancio let off the leash? byMark Buttler, Anthony Dowsley, Herald Sun, February 28, 2013 10:08PM.
TO those who guarded him at Barwon Prison, Antonio "Mad Dog" Loguancio was Victoria's most dangerous man.
To a judge faced by his crimes, his depravity was such that to outline it in a published ruling would be "contrary to public morals".
Maybe it is time the public and Governments questioned Parole systems and means of management of violent repeat offenders.
Loguancio, 34, was jailed in December 1998 for 12 years for the long-running torture and sickening sexual assault of a woman. His crimes include rapes so horrific that the Sunday Herald Sun has decided not to publish the full details.
And while in jail, he has committed about 40 vicious assaults on other inmates and guards, prison sources said

A DEPRAVED monster branded “Victoria’s most dangerous man” has been allowed to leave jail on a shopping trip and is being prepared for early release.
Rapist Antonio Christopher “Mad Dog” Loguancio is so violent prison guards and police believe he is likely to kill after he is freed in December.
Though Loguancio’s sentence does not end until December, 2010, and he has continued his extreme violence in jail, the Adult Parole Board confirmed it has set a tentative release date of December this year.
And, in a move that has outraged victims of crime, Corrections Victoria recently granted Loguancio a “rehabilitation and transition permit”.

Loguancio is currently holding a seige in Melbourne. Police Special Operations squad have cordoned off a residential street for 24 hours in the hope of resolving the seige peacefully. This parolee has allegedly violated his parole, assaulted his girlfriend, is wanted for questioning over illegal weapons and made threats against Police and the general public.
I won't go back to jail: Antonio ‘Mad Dog' Loguancio during standoff with police in Glenroy, by Anthony Dowsley, Erin Marie, Herald Sun,
March 02, 2013 1:46PM.

We ask the Victorian Parole system: what was this parolee doing out of jail? Why was his desire for freedom more important that protecting public safety, we ask.

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