Zimmerman Real Time Trial Thread Only *NO DISCUSSION* 06/27/2013

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If those of you watching could please update this thread as much as possible it will be greatly appreciated by those unable to watch the trial while at work.

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Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Side note: I missed it, but word is @Yamiche was great on The Last Word on @msnbc last night talking trial. Look it up folks.

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 5m
Rachel Jeantel is back on the stand. #TrayvonMartin #GeorgeZimmerman Jury is on their way in.
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
ICYMI: Trayvon Martin's friend describes final phone call (from @AP) #zimmerman http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_268748/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=mGlnUFHp …

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Court is in session. #TrayvonMartin

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Will begin with cont cross examination of Rachel Jeantel

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
Good morning all. Just waiting in judge to come in to get started at #zimmermantrial

Evan Benn Evan Benn ‏@EvanBenn 9m
One TV network in particular was called out for multiple no-no's. It's the one that begins with the third letter of the alphabet.
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Evan Benn Evan Benn ‏@EvanBenn 10m
Other behind-the-scene notes: 3 news orgs got booted from court Wed for various media-policy violations. We all got a stern wrist-slap today
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Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 48s
Full house in public gallery for #zimmermantrial including pastors from some prominent churches in Sanford. #trayvonmartin

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 6m
West says Jeantel first said Zimmerman said "What are you talking about " then changed it to "What are you doing around here?"
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Handful if jurors make note of West pointing out Jeantel altered her characterization of what she heard #zimmerman say to #trayvonmartin
Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 6m
State has no objection to letter coming into evidence, but does to Jeantel reading it. It was written by a friend based on what she said.
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Don West is reading letter Jeantel wrote to @SybrinaFulton with help of a friend to explain details of her call w/ #trayvonmartin

West asks about her change in Trayvon's response to GZ from "what are you talking about?", to "what are you doing around here?"

Asks is she sure of the second phrase or was she just trying to figure out what he said, she says yes, she is sure.

He asks if she said 'it was a racial thing' because Crump asked her about this and had said this. Not in the transcript that he said this. Prosecutor objects, judge sustains, she can only testify about what she heard there, not what he had said before.

She says she had not heard about it being a racially charged event before, no, not from the parents either.

Did someone talk to you last night about your demeanor in court? no, she went to sleep.

You didn't know anything about this case on the news prior to interview with Crump on 3/19? no, she didn't want to know

No one else told you, no

What information did you base your statement that it was a racial event: because TM was being followed by GZ, she got it from what TM told her about where he was and what was happening and how she interpreted it...she agrees.

What did he tell you that makes you think it was a racial event? because GZ was watching and following TM....what makes that racial? describing the man GZ as a 'creepy *advertiser censored* cracker'....it was because TM called GZ a racial name? no

Did she tell mother/Crump and prosecutors this before in interviews? no, nobody asked her exactly what TM said that night, repeats question, judge says to West allow her to finish response, go to next question

She didn't tell mother or put in letter to mother what TM called GZ because she did not think important...

He asks again why she told Crump it was racial and that phrase is the only reason why...
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
As West continues to ask about language Jeantel says #trayvon used to characterize #zimmerman as racial. State objects, judge says move on

Natalie Tolomeo Natalie Tolomeo ‏@NatalieTolomeo 4m
West asks Jeantel if she thought it was racial because #TrayvonMartin made it racial by saying #Zimmerman was "a creepy a-- cracker."
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Christina Vazquez Christina Vazquez ‏@VazquezReports 8m
West alleging the recording doesn't include Crump's question asking Jeantel if this was a "racial thing" -she earlier said she thinks it was
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 10m
West asks if Jeantel is feeling OK. "You seem so different than yesterday." Judge asks him if that was an actual question. Awkward moment.

Stephanie Wash Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 15m
Jeantel tells West more than once that she is sure that Trayvon asked Zimmerman why he was following him.
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Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 14m
Jeantel said Crump asked her if she thought shooting that night was "a racial thing." She said yes.
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Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Say all that to say that some jury members squirming/stoic expressions on faces. What that means, who knows. #zimmerman

Asking her about interview with news, after Crump interview, by phone. She got a text from ABC and reporter wanted to ask her about TM, what kind of person he was. Asks did she tell them her real name and age? no

No other interviews between 3/19 Crump interview and 4/2, first interview with prosecutor, de la Rionda? correct...interview was recorded, correction was under oath? yes...going over who was in the room..

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
#trayvonmartin mother @SybrinaFulton and father @BTraymartin9 have been basically staring straight ahead during testimony 2day.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Jeantel says that @SybrinaFulton was sitting beside her as she gave interview with state atty and law enforcement for 1st time. #Zimmerman

Jeff Weiner Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 5m
Jeantel: ABC wanted to talk about "what kind of person" #TrayvonMartin was. Used nickname. #GeorgeZimmerman
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Tony Pipitone Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 4m
Juror 5, prolific note taker, scribbling again when learning Sybrina Fulton was with Jeantel during interview with prosecutors.
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Grilling her about interview arrangements of first LE interview, who was there, who picked her up, she was picked up by LE, etc., he restates situation, objection, leading, judge says ask one question at a time.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Know clue how this comes through via TV, but the courtroom has a still, awkwardness b/c of objections, judge's tone.

Asks did she tone down language since mother was sitting next to her? yes

Did you realize you were going to be a witness? no

Was that why you said, GZ was watching TM, instead of actual words, when Crump asked her about what happened? not all of the answers, just the one phrase that TM said to describe the man.

Did not tell about TM saying, get off, get off?
Did she decide not to tell in front of mother to not upset her? Objection, judge says she stated before they did not ask her about it. next question

Re-asks again, why did they not ask her about it, objection, judge says that is up to them what to ask, not her

Bringing out again that she said something different in Crump interview, about phone cuts off...says he didn't ask her, state did ask about what happened then, after phone dropped.

Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 11m
Jeantel: "I never thought I was a witness, a serious witness ... An important witness." Admits it shaped her answers in 4/2 statement.
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 13m
Jurors and gallery laughs as Jeantel describes state atty as "bald headed dude." Jeantel: "Sorry man, I don't know you." #zimmerman

West sighing, frustrated...
She explains to West that as she said before, she did not take time to tell everything to Crump, was rushed, he was not an officer.

She did tell the officers the entire story, asks West, you got it?

Again asking about things she chose not to tell Crump was, TM saying, get off, get off? objection, overruled, she says, yes

In 4/2 interview, she did have a chance to tell de la Rionda everything? yes
Even if it was different from what said before? yes

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 3m
Jeantel: "The state had asked me more," & took more time. Says that's why there was additional testimony. #GeorgeZImmerman #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

When she last reviewed her LE statement? at FDLE, watched the tape a couple of weeks ago. Did not review Crump interview.
Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 8m
Jeantel said she didn't tell Crump about Trayon saying "get off" because Crump wasn't a police officer and rushed the interview with him
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

West again going over all prior testimony about TM's walk from store.

When she told TM to run, he was heading for the back of his father's house? yes, GZ was following him, was still in car? correction, she doesn't know.

Then phone cut off, yes, and she called him back.

From what direction was TM running? doesn't know, he repeats again, objection, judge says ask her what she knows, not to speculated what happened or where TM was running?

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 9m
Jeantl: Trayvon's phone kept hanging up while he said Zimmerman was following him & when he was trying to lose Zimmerman b/c of a bad signal
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Now having her look at list and times of calls between her and TM.
Corey Dade ‏@CoreyDade 7m
Defense atty: Once u told #TrayvonMartin to run, was #Zimmerman still in car? Jeantel: "I don't know about that, sir." #GZtrial
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

West asks was she on the phone with TM for all of time during incident except for the 20 sec. phone was off? yes

Taking recess for 15 min.

Bill Shaeffer talking about West's question to witness about, did anyone talk to her last night, she denied but obvious someone did talk to her about her attitude. It might be OK as long as the case was not discussed. She is different today. He thinks it was very bad that LE had TMs mother there during witness interview...put a lot of pressure on her.
The part I listened to this morning, sorry its kind of disjointed:

West asking about APRIL 2, 2012


Who was there? Who was in the car with you?

TC, the bald dude (De li Ronda), I don't know his name, sorry, and Sybrina.

When the interview began, in Ms Fulton's living room,

I take it you know Ms Fulton would hear exactly what you said because you were sitting by her.

Yes, Sir.

And that is why, for example, you cleaned up some to the language Trayvon used. Yes, sir.

Didn't think at that time she would be an important witness in the case. Didn't want to hurt Ms Fulton's feelings.

About language, for example?

Yes, that's the only thing I changed around.

Not crying, just tearing a little up.

Do you associate that with pain and grief and suffering? Of course.

DeLa asked if she had gone to the hospital, she said 'yes'. Lied because it might be painful to Ms Fulton.

In the meeting w Ms Fulton on Mar 19, in the written statement for Ms Fulton, in neither of those did you say Trayvon said "get off, get off".

On Mar 19, you had a meeting with Ms Fulton out in front of her home. Yes, sir.

With the letter.

She (Sybrina) did not ask for examples, reasons, none of that. The State asked me that.

I did not think it was important, I was not being asked about that.

The interview with Mr Crump on the phone, on Mar 19th, later the same day.

Asking her if it was about 30 minutes, she doesn't remember.

He did not ask her about "get off, get off".

Told Mr Crump: why you following me? what are you talking about or what are you doing around here? heard the bump, and the phone cut off.

The State had asked me more, sir.

Like I told you from the beginning, that interview lasted 13 minutes, so I rushed on it. I had more time when I was talking with the State.

Yes sir, because Crump is not Law Enforcement.

Like I told the mother from the beginning, if LE wants to hear everything, I will tell them.

"Get off, get off."

Second interview, by LE with De la Rionda. I never thought the interview would be at the mother's house with the mother.

Has not read all of the transcript of the interview of April 2nd.

2 weeks ago at the FDLE, listened to the recording.
Two detectives were present.

Reviewed statements. Watched the interview with you (West). Did not review Crump interviews or recordings.

The phone kept hanging up that day. Bad signal. Did not know when the phone would disconnect.

While at mailbox, phone hung up at least once.

Disconnected in the mailing area. - Rachel

After he left the mail area, and began walking towards where he was staying, did the phone cut off again. Did you call him back? Yes, sir.

I don't know if Mr Zimmerman was still in the car when I told him to run.

Still following him sir. Trayvon told me he was on the phone still watching him.

West is trying to reconfigure her story of the walk home.

Knew he ran, because she could hear the wind.

When he ran, the phone cut off. She called back. How long between the lost the connection and her calling back? I don't know sir.

Second to last: 6:54:16 - 7:11:47 (when Trayvon ran)

20 second disconnect

Last call: 7:12:06 - 7:15:43 - 3 minutes

10:35 AM: A 15 minute RECESS
Court back in session. Judge reads rule about objections...seems directed to West/defense...cannot speculate about why an objection is made or how she rules on the objection, later said this is for jury's benefit.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 59s
Judge is reading instructions to jury re: objections by attorneys.

Fin Gomez Fin Gomez ‏@finnygo 3m
Tracy Martin, and Sybrina Fulton, #TrayvonMartin's parents in 2nd row again. #Zimmerman sister is in family row behind GZ.
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Updated Friend: Trayvon Martin encounter racially charged (from @AP) #zimmerman http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_268748/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=HaxZvhuW …

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
We are back in session. #zimmerman
West asking about where TM was when she called him back after phone had gone off...he was by the back of father's house, not near.

Trayvon was breathing hard, tired from running, then said he saw the man again, the man was close to where he was....yes

TM then asked GZ, why you following me for? just a question, not aggressive.
Repeats question, objection, judge says answer question...yes

The GZ says, what are you doing around here? yes

The last thing you heard was a noise like something hitting somebody? yes

She says TM got hit...he says you don't know that. Judge, ask the question, witness says, no

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 2m
West in a loud voice: You don't know if Trayvon drove his fist into Zimmerman's face?
Jeantel: No.
Judge to West: Lower your voice.

Goes to LE interview, de la Rionda, asks her did you hear anything else? she said she could hear a little bit, like the headphones cut off, heard get off, get off. She had never said this before. de la Rionda asked her if she could tell who said that. He says she stated could not be sure it was TM.

Witness asks to see transcript. Brought for her to go over relevant sections. Then he asks what the transcript says when de la Rionda asks her who said, get off, get off. She said I could have heard TM, acc. to West. She says it was, I could hear TM....he speaks over her about what transcript says, she speaks over him answering, judge says one speak at a time.

Witness says they didn't hear me right.

West wants to play tape; judge asks is it in evidence, needs to be marked for ID and get submitted first. Prosecutor asks for sidebar.

Bill Shaeffer says witness has a point that she was not understood, since it's obvious we are having a problem understanding her in court and jury may agree, the transcript could be incorrect.
10:58 AM EDT

Judge: Back on the record, if counsel will approach for a moment.


Bring the Jury back in.

Someone asks to take something up with Court before Jury comes in. Judge says they are on their way so come on and approach. Sidebar. Jury coming.

Jury is back. Judge is going to read to the Jury about the rules about Objections and how the Jury is to interpret them. Does that clear that up? Jury says yes.

West is trying to choreograph his presentation of visual aids. (They need classes in Law School about how to use electronic equipment for these lawyers)

Showing on big screen an aerial shot of the community at Twin Lakes. Ms Jeantel does not recognize it, nor is she familiar with it.

West wants to coordinate her story of what she says Trayvon said on phone to how it plots out on the 'map'.

Are you sure it was him breathing or just the wind noise? It was his breathing, he was tired, he was breathing hard.

West: And, thats when Trayvon said, "what are you following me for?" West tries to suggest by repeating the phase in a loud aggressive voice and manner. She says, NO. He did not say it like that.

Now back to what she told Crump.

[Sorry, he is trying to confuse her and me. Not going to worry myself about missing stuff, cuz its all over the place.]

Brings up a de li ronda intvu, where she said trayvon said "like a little 'get off'."

Rachel has asked for the written transcript so she can tell West what she said. (He wants to play a recording of the interview.) Judge has asked West to give her a copy of the transcript. West can't find it. Apparently there are two different versions of the transcript of the interview with di li ronda, so she is being shown two transcripts.

He had asked me to make it clear did you say, did he say "get off". West trying to impeach her. Now he is reading out loud one of the transcripts. West is reading one of the transcripts, Rachel is saying that the transcript is wrong, that what West is saying the transcript says she said, is NOT what she says she said.

Bernie asks to approach the bench regarding the two transcripts.

Judge tells Jury they need to take care of a court matter outside their presence so she sends them off.

Ms Jeantel stays.

Going to play a recording.
Recording: "I could hear a little bit. I could hear like a little get off."

Rachel tells West she was saying: "I could hear Trayvon"

West wants recording of interview put into evidence.

Bernie objects to the recording being entered into evidence.
Judge calls for sidebar because Judge does not take speaking objections.

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 5m
West is reading from Jeantel's transcript of her interview with state. He says she said person saying "get off," "coulda" been Trayvon
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
West wants to play jury section of interview Jeantel did with prosecutor. Trying to note a difference in her statements. #Zimmerman

Tape is played. West talking about de la Rionda leading her down the path. Judge says what is your question. West again asks what did you say there? She says she could hear Trayvon. West says that is not what it says, prosecutor objects, sidebar.

Bill S.....he hears 'I couldn't hear Trayvon', but prosecutor says the next section clarifies it. He has sympathy for witness, been asked same questions over and over, 19 years old, on stand for 5 hours already. What she said, couldn't, or could've hear TM?

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Jury sent out. Judge is listening to recording of state atty interview with Jeantel. She's adamant she heard Martin's voice say "get off"

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 11m
West is reading from Jeantel's transcript of her interview with state. He says she said person saying "get off," "coulda" been Trayvon
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