LA LA - Ylenia Sole Carrisi, 23, New Orleans, 6 Jan 1994

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Jun 16, 2012
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I came across this case researching Tammy Leppert. She is also someone missing that had been in movies and TV shows. Surprisingly, I didn't find a thread for her here on Websleuths.

Missing Since: 1/6/1994 from New Orleans, LA
Age: 23
5'9", 120lbs, blonde hair, green eyes
Last seen in a floral dress and waist length white coat


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An archived article from 1994:

Ms. Carrisi is a minor television celebrity in Italy, for a short time a counterpart of Vanna White on an Italian game show. But she is best known as the daughter of two Italian singers, Al Bano and Romina Power, and as the granddaughter of the American actor Tyrone Power and his actress wife, Linda Christian.

Ms. Carrisi and her parents came to New Orleans on vacation last July, says Fabrizio Mazza, the Italian Consul here, and Ms. Carrisi met a street musician, Alaxander Masakela, a 54-year-old cornet player with a Jamaican accent. Enchanted by the city and apparently by Mr. Masakela, Ms. Carrisi stayed behind when her parents went on to Florida, saying she wanted to write and paint.

According to accounts in the Italian news media, as described by Dr. Mazza, Ms. Carrisi rushed to Florida two days later, telling her parents that she feared that two men were trying to drug and kill her.

Nevertheless, Ms. Carrisi, who was on leave from her studies at the University of London, returned to New Orleans on Dec. 30. The Times-Picayune, New Orleans's main newspaper, quoted Ms. Power as saying that her daughter wanted to "find characters for a book she was writing."

The young woman mingled with street musicians and the homeless, and took notes. She stayed with Mr. Masakela in a scruffy hotel on St. Charles Street, five blocks from the French Quarter, where Mr. Masakela played his cornet for donations.

On Jan 6. at 11 P.M., a young woman jumped into the Mississippi River near the Aquarium of the Americas, on the edge of the French Quarter. Shortly before, she had told a security guard, "I belong in the water." The woman swam through the fast brown currents about 100 yards toward the middle of the river.

A barge then came by, making waves. The woman screamed for help and then vanished. The Coast Guard searched 90 miles of the river, almost to the Gulf of Mexico, and found only the body of an unidentified man. Lure of the River

The security guard, Albert Cordova, has tentatively identified photos of Ms. Carrisi as depicting the woman who spoke to him.

Ms. Carrisi's parents last heard from their daughter on Jan. 1, and despite her apparent drowning, they say they fear she is being held hostage.
Mr. Masakela wherever he may be, seems to have been the prime suspect and may well have gotten away with murder.

She was staying with him at the hotel. He never declared her missing. He seems to have been the last person to have seen her alive. He's been involved in other cases of mistreatment against women. Many of Ylenia's belongings were found in his possession. He tried to pay for the hotel with her traveller's cheques after she went missing. He tried to pay for the hotel with her traveller's cheques after she went missing. He tried to pay for the hotel with her traveller's cheques after she went missing.

Yes. I wrote that THREE times. Unbelieveable!


Is there anybody out there?

This missing case is very famous here in Italy, and has been followed several times by television program Chi l'ha visto? which he deals with disappearance and unsolved crimes; note the difference of views on the case from the parents : the father is convinced that his daughter is dead perhaps committed suicide or drug problems, while the mother is convinced that her daughter is still alive; I take an extract from wikipedia in Italian where it is written: To even deny with firmness (swearing), from the day of the disappearance today, the fact that Ylenia is drowned in the river, is also a mysterious boy of Marc Back name that knew Ylenia to “Damages them” and offered own aid to the Carrisi for the searches, that it assures to have met Ylenia time after January 1994. The boy in question never is not interrogated and he does not appreciate to speak about this history to the journalists, never not even is in fact not interviewed. The newspapers and the tv have not never published a its photography and rarely in all these years it has mentioned he. During a nose-dive of “Who has seen it” is transmitted an extract of phone call that the newsroom of the program has made it, without but revealing its name, in which she has assured with force that Ylenia was still weever in 1996, very two years after the disappearance, and that the police invented the suicide in order to close the case;

besides this a fotoreporter Italian it is convinced that Ylenia is ancota via, and it would have taken a photo to Venice in 2000


Moreover also the head of the Police of New Orleans, Warren J. Riley asserts that the Carrisi would be found to Sant'Anthony's, an Greek-orthodox convent of Phoenix. How never do all these people assert that Ylenia is still weever? Only personal ideas and suggestions?

"Ylenia Carrisi killed by a truck driver"
The ability to solve the murder of Ylenia Carrisi, the eldest daughter of Al Bano and Romina, arrives in these hours from the United States.

The girl would have been killed by a truck driver to whom he had hitched a ride on his journey on the road when he was 24 and the turning point, writes 'the Day', came thanks to the revelations of the alleged murderer, Keith Hunter Jesperson, after a long and careful investigation by the sheriff of the county of Palm Beach.

The track is considered by Interpol very reliable, so much so that, two weeks ago, he sent the police in Cellino San Marco to take samples of the DNA of the singer and his sons Yari, Cristel and Romina Junior. To these findings are added those of the mother, Romina Power, which in the days of the withdrawal of the police was in New York and are now in the hands of the Ris of Rome. After extrapolation of the profiles, can be compared with that of the bones of a woman found in Holt, Florida, on September 15 of 1994, that is nine months after the complaint of disappearance of Ylenia.

In 1996, Jesperson has confessed to killing a girl he met in a service station in Tampa, Florida, who called Suzanne and, backpacker, was trying to get to California or Nevada. At that time, according to US investigators, Ylenia Carrisi attending a street in New Orleans - who was also suspected of murder - but, above all, used to be called just that name: Suzanne. With the confession of the truck driver, the Sheriff of Palm Beach has never stopped looking for a name to associate with those bones and with the help of an expert, he would have reconstructed the face of the young, and one recognized by the truck driver would be an amazing similarity with the face of Ylenia, so incredible start Interpol to go to sample the genetic home Carrisi.

After more than twenty years - during which time the Court of Brindisi declared presumed death of Ylenia - still no shortage of dark sides of this story (it remains, for example, the question as to why the remains found at Holt few months after the disappearance you have never been associated with that of the daughter of Al Bano) but now, thanks to the great strides made by science since that December 31, 1993, the day of the last contact with the family of Ylenia, could finally clear up .




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The teeth of the skull the same as those of Ylenia
The detective investigating the 20 women killed by the serial killer has no doubts Pending the results genetic Al Bano and Romina not want to comment

Texas for the extrapolation of the DNA and then back to Florida. Along with ... More articles about ... The skull of the unknown killed by serial killer Keith Hunter Jesperson was moved to Texas for the extrapolation of the DNA and then back to Florida. Along with the other bones of "Jane Doe" (as they are called by the Americans women without identity) is currently kept in the Office of the Medical Examiner district of Pensacola, Fla. The genetic profile will be (or has already been, who knows) compared with that of Al Bano, Romina Power and their three children in order to verify if the woman raped, strangled with three plastic ties in a truck from '' happy face killer "and then thrown into the middle of a bush at the side of the highway, near Holt city, belongs to Ylenia Carrisi, the eldest of the singers vanished from New Orleans on December 31 1994. The comparison between the teeth of the skull of the victim Jesperson and one of the beautiful Ylenia Carrisi, depicted thousands of times by Italian and foreign photographers, it shows some similarities that impress. (...) As the bill gown worn by the young woman asked a passsaggio the truck driver and serial killer "happy face" near Tampa city remembers the kind of clothes that Ylenia Carrisi loved to wear. Special Agent Dennis Haley American has few doubts about the identity of the body. A Jesperson showed twenty pictures of blonde young women and he has shown no hesitation the face of Ylenia.
"In the beginning - said Haley - did not want to cooperate. She was afraid of having to face a new trial but I told him clearly that the Justice Department would never have faced the very high cost of a new trial for a man who is serving seven life sentences. So he cheered and began to cooperate. These data are sufficient to say that the woman is Ylenia? Haley adds, "Before Christmas we will have the official results. People who care for them are very efficient. "
Details indicating a different track that currently used are tied to the times. Ylenia disappeared from New Orleans on Dec. 31 without taking away money but above documents. And where it is devoid of dollars and a passport? The body of "Jane Doe" is found only on Sept. 15, 1994, serial killer killed her probably 45-50 days before. This would show, if the woman was Ylenia, the daughter of Italian crooner has wandered for months through the United States without calling to the family, to whom he was very attached. Also linked to the father, despite talk of quarrels between the two occurred two days before the disappearance of Ylenia. They are worshiped but belonged to different generations, nothing more and nothing less.
Just Al Bano, after stating that in recent years he could write a book on all the tracks that have been followed, declined to release further statements. Romina Power is silent, the wound has never stopped bleeding.
Haley meantime, reiterates its truth: "I am twenty-one years that I try to put a face to that girl and just a couple of years ago I connected to Ylenia. When I asked the authorities of Louisiana to examining the file relating to the disappearance of Ylenia, I was not given the slightest help. There in New Orleans a file with the name of Ylenia, said that the archives were destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. "

Ylenia Carrisi, the confirmation of the DNA: its not the corpse found in Florida

It was thought that the daughter of Albano and Romina Power could have been murdered by a serial killer. But DNA is not matched: the confirmation of the sheriff in charge of the case

Not Ylenia Carrisi the corpse found in Florida and for which it was collected DNA Dad Albano: confirms the sheriff who is following the case. It was believed to be the turning point in the yellow of the disappearance of the daughter of Albano and Romina Power

The Confirmation - Final confirmation comes in the night Italian: Sheriff Dennis Haley puts a lid on the hopes of having found at least the body of Ylenia Carrisi, scomprasa in anything in New Orleans in 1993. It was thought that she had been the victim of a serial killer . But DNA does not lie.

"SHE IS NOT" - "The DNA of family Carrisi is not matched," he writes the sheriff. "We will continue to investigate, hoping to identify the corpse." And the yellow of Ylenia, therefore, remains open.
Mr. Masakela wherever he may be, seems to have been the prime suspect and may well have gotten away with murder.

She was staying with him at the hotel. He never declared her missing. He seems to have been the last person to have seen her alive. He's been involved in other cases of mistreatment against women. Many of Ylenia's belongings were found in his possession. He tried to pay for the hotel with her traveller's cheques after she went missing. He tried to pay for the hotel with her traveller's cheques after she went missing. He tried to pay for the hotel with her traveller's cheques after she went missing.

Yes. I wrote that THREE times. Unbelieveable!


Is there anybody out there?


I strongly believe that Alexander masakela murdered
Ylenia.I wonder if he still alive, it's sad that there is still no justice for Ylenia and for her family.
Last edited:
Italian article

My traslation, excuse me for small errors ;)

"Ylenia Carrisi è viva ma ha cambiato nome": nuova testimonianza choc. "L'ho vista e l'ho detto a Romina" - Più Donna

"Ylenia Carrisi is alive but has changed its name": new witness shock. "I saw it and told it to Romina"

"Ylenia Carrisi is alive but has changed its name": new witness shock. "I saw it and told it to Romina"

Is Ylenia Carrisi still alive? This is the question that everyone has been asking since 1994, when the girl disappeared into nothingness without leaving any trace. Over the years there have been numerous reports, which had often deluded Albano and Romina.

But nothing was ever certain and the mystery of his disappearance became more and more intense. In September, however, there were some implications on the story, a real indiscretion launched by Chi l'ha visto. A man named Beck had claimed to have been the last to have met her. Beck then revealed that after this discovery he immediately alerted Power. Always according to the story of this witness the girl is still alive but does not want to be found, confessing that Albano and Romina were aware of these movements and the fact that he changed his name.

His mother Romina Power has decided to break the silence.

Albano and Romina believe that Ylenia Carrisi has changed its name
After Marck Beck's statements collected by Federica Sciarelli's program, Albano had said he was fed up with this wanting at all costs to talk about the disappearance of his daughter. But now it is Romina who breaks the silence and goes out into the open once and for all. Here's what the singer told Maurizio Costanzo Show about his daughter Ylenia:

"Until proven otherwise, Ylenia is alive. This discourse is valid for you and for all the girls who disappear and you can not trace any more ".

So Romina is unleashed and she added:

"I do not know how it is possible that we can cure the most impossible and terrible diseases that exist and we can not find the missing persons who may have changed their names".

The woman has shown her disapproval of the New Orleans law enforcement officers who in her view are doing nothing to find Ylenia Carrisi. The couple is therefore not resigned, is convinced that their daughter is still alive in some part of the world. We hope that sooner or later you will be able to have certainties about this story that has been going on for 25 years. We therefore hope that Albano and Romina will be able to embrace Ylenia soon.
I also believe this Alexander Masakela murdered her but it was somehow covered up by this door man that said he was a woman jumping into the water and since no body weas found they couldn't prove murder and they put very little effort in finding the truth and possibly misisng out on good evidence.

Ylenia was a young attractive woman with a bright future (her father was a famous Italian singer), really sad she got no justice.

Ylenia Maria Sole Carrisi – The Charley Project

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  • Missing Since01/06/1994
  • Missing FromNew Orleans, Louisiana
  • ClassificationEndangered Missing
  • Date of Birth07/26/1970 (49)
  • Age23 years old
  • Height and Weight5'9, 120 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry DescriptionA floral-print dress and a waist-length white jacket.
  • Distinguishing CharacteristicsCaucasian female. Blonde hair, green eyes. Carrisi is an Italian citizen. She of American, Italian and Mexican descent.
Details of Disappearance
Carrisi was touring Central America and North America when she arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1993. She had gone with her parents on a trip to the city then decided to stay after the vacation was over and her parents returned to Italy.

At first she traveled to Florida, left a few days later, after telling her parents she feared two men in Florida were trying to drug and kill her. She traveled to Belize and Mexico before going back to New Orleans.

Carrisi, who speaks fluent English, immersed herself in the street culture there and kept company with street musicians and homeless people. She painted and took notes about the people she met, stating she planned to write a book, possibly a novel, about her experiences. Her father believes she may have been using drugs during this period.

At the time of her disappearance, Carrisi was staying in the LeDale, a cheap hotel in the 700 block of St. Charles Avenue, five blocks from the French Quarter, with 54-year-old Alexander Masakela (often spelled "Maskela"), a street musician who had performed in several countries in Europe. She checked in on December 31, the week before she disappeared.

Masakela said they slept in separate beds during the time they shared the hotel room and she refused to have a sexual relationship with him in spite of his urgings. He had a history of drug use and sexual violence as well as a reputation as a guru. Carrisi seemed fascinated by him. She referred to him as "my master" and said he had opened "completely new intellectual horizons" for her.

Carrisi was last seen in the city's French Quarter area on January 6, 1994. Her parents, who last heard from her on New Years' Day, reported her missing on January 18. They traveled to Louisiana shortly afterwards to assist in the search efforts.

No evidence regarding Carrisi's whereabouts was discovered. Most of her personal belongings, including her passport, backpack, clothing, camera, luggage and notebooks, were left behind at the hotel.

Masakela showed Carrisi's passport to the hotel staff after her disappearance and attempted to use her traveler's checks to pay the bill from their room, but the checks were refused because they were unsigned, and he was evicted. He told police he did not know Carrisi's whereabouts, but believed she was all right. He was arrested on January 31 after a former girlfriend claimed he had raped her, but released for lack of evidence after less than two weeks.

The only other possible lead was a security guard who saw a woman jump into the Mississippi River near the Aquarium of the Americas at 11:30 p.m. on January 6, the day Carrisi was last seen.

Prior to jumping, the woman was acting strangely and said, "I belong in the water." She swam for approximately 100 yards, began to struggle against the current and the wake from a passing boat, screamed for help, and then sank. She fit Carrisi's general physical description and was wearing similar, but not identical, clothing. It has never been established that the person was in fact Carrisi, but many authorities in New Orleans believe it was her.

Not everyone believes Carrisi is dead, however. No trace of her remains were found in the river, but it's possible she was washed into the Gulf of Mexico and out to sea. Since January 1994 there have been many reported sightings of her in the United States, Italy and elsewhere in Europe, even more than a decade after her disappearance. None of the sightings have been confirmed and Carrisi continues to be listed as a missing person.

Carrisi studied literature at King's College in London and earned excellent grades before she took a break from her studies to travel. She played a role in an Italian film in 1983, and in 1989 she was the letter-turner on the television show La Ruota de Fortuna, the Italian version of Wheel of Fortune. As a result, she was something of a celebrity in her native country.

She was born in rural Cellino San Marco in the region of Apulia in southeast Italy and comes from a performing family: her parents were popular entertainers in Italy in 1994, her maternal grandparents and maternal aunt were all film actors, and her two younger sisters have both appeared on Italian reality television. She also a younger brother.

Carrisi's American-born mother has since returned to the United States, but her father still lives in Italy. Members of her family are divided in their opinions to whether she is still alive. Her case remains unsolved.
Investigating Agency
  • New Orleans Police Department 504-826-1302
Source Information
I also believe this Alexander Masakela murdered her but it was somehow covered up by this door man that said he was a woman jumping into the water and since no body weas found they couldn't prove murder and they put very little effort in finding the truth and possibly misisng out on good evidence.

Ylenia was a young attractive woman with a bright future (her father was a famous Italian singer), really sad she got no justice.

Ylenia Maria Sole Carrisi – The Charley Project

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  • Missing Since01/06/1994
  • Missing FromNew Orleans, Louisiana
  • ClassificationEndangered Missing
  • Date of Birth07/26/1970 (49)
  • Age23 years old
  • Height and Weight5'9, 120 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry DescriptionA floral-print dress and a waist-length white jacket.
  • Distinguishing CharacteristicsCaucasian female. Blonde hair, green eyes. Carrisi is an Italian citizen. She of American, Italian and Mexican descent.
Details of Disappearance
Carrisi was touring Central America and North America when she arrived in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1993. She had gone with her parents on a trip to the city then decided to stay after the vacation was over and her parents returned to Italy.

At first she traveled to Florida, left a few days later, after telling her parents she feared two men in Florida were trying to drug and kill her. She traveled to Belize and Mexico before going back to New Orleans.

Carrisi, who speaks fluent English, immersed herself in the street culture there and kept company with street musicians and homeless people. She painted and took notes about the people she met, stating she planned to write a book, possibly a novel, about her experiences. Her father believes she may have been using drugs during this period.

At the time of her disappearance, Carrisi was staying in the LeDale, a cheap hotel in the 700 block of St. Charles Avenue, five blocks from the French Quarter, with 54-year-old Alexander Masakela (often spelled "Maskela"), a street musician who had performed in several countries in Europe. She checked in on December 31, the week before she disappeared.

Masakela said they slept in separate beds during the time they shared the hotel room and she refused to have a sexual relationship with him in spite of his urgings. He had a history of drug use and sexual violence as well as a reputation as a guru. Carrisi seemed fascinated by him. She referred to him as "my master" and said he had opened "completely new intellectual horizons" for her.

Carrisi was last seen in the city's French Quarter area on January 6, 1994. Her parents, who last heard from her on New Years' Day, reported her missing on January 18. They traveled to Louisiana shortly afterwards to assist in the search efforts.

No evidence regarding Carrisi's whereabouts was discovered. Most of her personal belongings, including her passport, backpack, clothing, camera, luggage and notebooks, were left behind at the hotel.

Masakela showed Carrisi's passport to the hotel staff after her disappearance and attempted to use her traveler's checks to pay the bill from their room, but the checks were refused because they were unsigned, and he was evicted. He told police he did not know Carrisi's whereabouts, but believed she was all right. He was arrested on January 31 after a former girlfriend claimed he had raped her, but released for lack of evidence after less than two weeks.

The only other possible lead was a security guard who saw a woman jump into the Mississippi River near the Aquarium of the Americas at 11:30 p.m. on January 6, the day Carrisi was last seen.

Prior to jumping, the woman was acting strangely and said, "I belong in the water." She swam for approximately 100 yards, began to struggle against the current and the wake from a passing boat, screamed for help, and then sank. She fit Carrisi's general physical description and was wearing similar, but not identical, clothing. It has never been established that the person was in fact Carrisi, but many authorities in New Orleans believe it was her.

Not everyone believes Carrisi is dead, however. No trace of her remains were found in the river, but it's possible she was washed into the Gulf of Mexico and out to sea. Since January 1994 there have been many reported sightings of her in the United States, Italy and elsewhere in Europe, even more than a decade after her disappearance. None of the sightings have been confirmed and Carrisi continues to be listed as a missing person.

Carrisi studied literature at King's College in London and earned excellent grades before she took a break from her studies to travel. She played a role in an Italian film in 1983, and in 1989 she was the letter-turner on the television show La Ruota de Fortuna, the Italian version of Wheel of Fortune. As a result, she was something of a celebrity in her native country.

She was born in rural Cellino San Marco in the region of Apulia in southeast Italy and comes from a performing family: her parents were popular entertainers in Italy in 1994, her maternal grandparents and maternal aunt were all film actors, and her two younger sisters have both appeared on Italian reality television. She also a younger brother.

Carrisi's American-born mother has since returned to the United States, but her father still lives in Italy. Members of her family are divided in their opinions to whether she is still alive. Her case remains unsolved.
Investigating Agency
  • New Orleans Police Department 504-826-1302
Source Information

Alexander masakela probably murdered Ylenia after she rejected his efforts to
have sex with her,I believe it's happened in another place and not in the Hotel , Her body was hidden and sadly the killer Alexander masakela escaped from justice and Ylenia couldn't bring to rest by her anguished family ,this is so sad.
So in Italy they think Ylenia is alive but she changed her me this is just impossible to believe.
Unfortunately 90% of missing people are not missing at all...they're dead and nobody knows (except their murderers)
I think this girl was murdered, maybe by Masakela, and buried somewhere :(
Actually, the Chi l'ha Visto report provides some evidence about its plausibility: Chi l'ha visto? - S2019/20 - La scomparsa di Ylenia Carrisi - 20/11/2019 - Video - RaiPlay
(you have to register to see the video, it's free)

A lady in a monastry looking exactly like Ylenia was found, but was so afraid she eloped.
Which is consistent with the Masakela's other victim behaviour.

The reporter also interviewed another lady who had to change identity after escaping Masakela's violence. She was so afraid of him she could only be interviewed by phone.
The report also gives evidence that Masakela changed his ID too.

It is not the most frequent outcome statistically, but the report I've seen from Chi l'ha Visto is that Ylenia having changed ID to escape Masakela makes this possibility likely.

I know they are not evidence beyond doubt, but leaving her possessions and changing her ID is actually consistent with his victims' behaviour (the others, who also changed their ID after escaping him, declined to be interviewed because they were afraid of being found by Makasela)
"At the time of her disappearance, Carrisi was staying in the LeDale, a cheap hotel in the 700 block of St. Charles Avenue, five blocks from the French Quarter, with 54-year-old Alexander Masakela (often spelled "Maskela"), a street musician who had performed in several countries in Europe. She checked in on December 31, the week before she disappeared. Masakela said they slept in separate beds during the time they shared the hotel room and she refused to have a sexual relationship with him in spite of his urgings. He had a history of drug use and sexual violence as well as a reputation as a guru. Carrisi seemed fascinated by him. She referred to him as "my master" and said he had opened "completely new intellectual horizons" for her. No evidence regarding Carrisi's whereabouts was discovered. Most of her personal belongings, including her passport, backpack, clothing, camera, luggage and notebooks, were left behind at the hotel. Masakela showed Carrisi's passport to the hotel staff after her disappearance and attempted to use her traveler's checks to pay the bill from their room, but the checks were refused because they were unsigned, and he was evicted. He told police he did not know Carrisi's whereabouts, but believed she was all right. He was arrested on January 31 after a former girlfriend claimed he had raped her, but released for lack of evidence after less than two weeks." Ylenia Maria Sole Carrisi – The Charley Project

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