CT - Jeremy Barney for rape, torture of 3 children, Sharon, 2003


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Jan 4, 2004
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Please y'all pray for the healing of these kids...and be warned the
article is graphic and EXTREMELY disturbing. I literally feel sick.

'Monster' terrorized
3 Massachusetts kids
19-year-old gets 20 years
for sex, psycho abuse

Following courtroom testimony that sounded like the script of a Hollywood horror movie, a bespectacled 19-year-old was sentenced to 20 years in jail and 20 years of special parole for the sexual and psychological abuse of three Massachusetts children.

Jeremy Barney was described as a manipulative monster for the 18 months of abuse he inflicted on three young children.

The parents of two boys and a girl who were between the ages of 6 and 13 in 2003 described the horrors the family continues to endure.....

More at link...but please be warned...this is
one of the most disturbing things I've ever

Link~ http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44725

20 years??????????

with love and
prayers for y'all,

The whole family is in desperate need of our prayers. What a truly horrific thing. Prayers headed their way.
Ya'll are just not going to believe this, but there is an almost identical story over in the Bizzare forum. I seriously thought it was the same and went to check the boys names and they are different.

How can there be two teenage boys running around raping children and pets?

This story is so horrible. I can't understand how the parents let this go unnoticed for so long? A few times, I can understand...but to be raping their children for many months, wouldn't something come out?
Another remider NOT to allow any strange male (no matter what the age) to be alone with your child(ren).................
{{{{{shivvvver}}}}} I hope they never let this guy out!!!!
messiecake said:
Another remider NOT to allow any strange male (no matter what the age) to be alone with your child(ren).................
Exactly... I am not blaming the parents for putting their kids in the care of a sexual sadist, but I agree with this statement messiecake made.
Horrible! Unfortunately, it doesn't end here. This article claims the abuse came to light when the oldest (victim) child started abusing his 8YO sister. :mad:

The horrible secret that the three children hid for over a year for fear that their babysitter would make good on his threats to hurt them or their parents surfaced when the victims’ parents discovered their 13-year-old son had contact with his 8-year-old sister, the arrest warrant showed. The teen admitted Barney introduced him to *advertiser censored* and sodomized him repeatedly while he was working for the family as their babysitter.

After a three-month-long investigation by Trooper David Montini of the State Police Western District Major Crime Squad, authorities determined Barney not only molested all three of his charges, ages 13, 8 and 7, but the children said they were cut, burned and physically abused by Barney between July 2002 until October 2003.

Police reported they interviewed one of Barney’s friends, Matthew O’Toole, a former Sharon resident, who admitted Barney visited his house and used his computer to download child *advertiser censored*. In a written statement to police, O’Toole said Barney wanted to see photos of both boys and girls ages eight to 10 years old, and at times as young as five years old, and masturbated.
I have read this one over and over trying to find words to respond....but something just doesn't seem right about this. Doesn't anyone else find it incredibly hard to believe that he did the damage that he did to these children AND pets without anyone having ANY suspicion??!! For 18 months??? Safety pinned the cats paws to the carpet? Unless the cat was declawed he had to end up with some pretty vicious scratches...and did not the family notice the injuries to the children and the pets? I mean according to accounts he didn't just molest the children, he physically injured them, injuries that would have produced blood and severe pain. I can understand children hiding molestation, many have done it for years, but cutting? Safety pins? You would think the parents would have noticed something, wouldn't you?

How very very sick....:(
lady-eowyn said:
I have read this one over and over trying to find words to respond....but something just doesn't seem right about this. Doesn't anyone else find it incredibly hard to believe that he did the damage that he did to these children AND pets without anyone having ANY suspicion??!! For 18 months??? Safety pinned the cats paws to the carpet? Unless the cat was declawed he had to end up with some pretty vicious scratches...and did not the family notice the injuries to the children and the pets? I mean according to accounts he didn't just molest the children, he physically injured them, injuries that would have produced blood and severe pain. I can understand children hiding molestation, many have done it for years, but cutting? Safety pins? You would think the parents would have noticed something, wouldn't you?

How very very sick....:(
Thank you you raised a valid point.

Sometimes children are victimized and then embelish their stories for a myriad of reasons(strange as it may sound it can make them "feel better") or overzealous LE or counslers "help" the story along.

These children were abused *but* I do agree the deatils are "hinky" and this happens all too often which sometimes destroys a good case.
messiecake said:
Thank you you raised a valid point.

Sometimes children are victimized and then embelish their stories for a myriad of reasons(strange as it may sound it can make them "feel better") or overzealous LE or counslers "help" the story along.

These children were abused *but* I do agree the deatils are "hinky" and this happens all too often which sometimes destroys a good case.
Yes, I do think they were abused...I hope nobody gets the idea that I was saying otherwise...but I just can't add all the details up in my mind and make sense of them, unless these parents were incredibily inattentive to their children :confused: (and pets)
Typically with this age of children, they were threatened to the point that they would not tell their parents and probably wouldn't have admitted to it if asked. The injuries were probably blamed on "accidents" and even possibly on fights between the siblings. Under threat the children probably verified the perpetrator's version of events. Probably the parents liked this older boy and just accepted the stories for all of the injuries. It doesn't sound as though the parents were particularly attentive to the children, because I don't know how they missed the psychological clues the children must have left.

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