MD MD - Clinton, BlkFem 13-35, UP2657, poss initials "C S", Sp Olymp t-shirt, Tweety Bird watch, Mar'00

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Unidentified Girl located March 25, 2000 in Clinton, MD

Unidentified Black Female
Located on March 25, 2000 in Clinton, Prince George's County, Maryland.
Cause of death: Blunt Force Trauma
Estimated date of death: February 25, 2000
State of Remains: Advanced Decomposition

Vital Statistics
Estimated age: 15 - 30 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 5'3"; 128 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: Black hair; brown eyes. She wore 12" hair extensions.
Dentals: No dental work
Clothing: "C.S." initials hand written on tag of clothing. T-Shirt with logo "1995 Special Olympics World Games, New Haven, CT, USA", a blue jeans jacket. Wearing plastic Tweety Bird wristwatch.

Case History
The victim was located on 11901 Brandywine Road, in a creek near Piscataway Creek Stream Valley Park, in Clinton, Maryland. She was unclothed from the waist down, and was possibly sexually assaulted.
The Doe Network: Case File 198UFMD

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Prince George's County Sheriff's Office 301-772-4925
Case Number: 00-085-804

Source Information: National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The 1995 Special Olympics, held in New Haven, CT had a large attendence of participants and spectators. There was still a website about them as recently as last year. The t-shirt that this girl was wearing might provide a significant clue, as well as the initials "C.S." found on an article of clothing.

The possibility that this girl may have been handicaped, either physically or mentally is aparent.

If a roster of participants or a list of special schools attending those '95 Games is still in existence, perhaps some new leads could be generated in this case.
Does anyone have any theories or ideas concerning this unidentified girl? She is one of Maryland's unknowns. I wonder if the below Maryland John Doe case might be related in some way. Both victims suffered blows to the head, both were submerged in water, and both died about the same time in early 2000. The victims were located about 25 miles apart.

Unidentified White Male
Located on April 13, 2000 in the area of Beaver Dam Creek on the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Maryland.
Vital Statistics
Estimated age: 30 - 55 years old
Approximate Height and Weight: 6'3"; over 200 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: The victim is possibly mixed with Black. This was determined recently by another anthropologists' work.
Clothing: He was wearing a green, hooded zip-up sweatshirt, a brown, L.L. Bean winter coat, size XXL, Lee denim jeans 36X36 and brown Original Rugged Outback hiking shoes. A set of keys on a large safety pin and four $1.00 bills were also found in the clothing. One car key was determined to be the key to some type of Volkswagon Vehicle.

Photos of Victim's Possessions and Artist's rendition of face shown in below link.

Case History
At 5:30 PM on Thursday April 13, 2000, members of the United States Park Police responded to the area of Beaver Dam Creek on the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center for the report of a dead body. Upon arrival they discovered the decomposed body of an unidentified male in the water.
An initial determination by the State of Maryland Medical Examiner revealed that the body is believed to have been in the water for up to two months. Evidence of severe blunt force trauma to the head was discovered. Due to advanced decomposition, positive identification of the body was not possible.
If you have any information concerning this man's identity, please contact:
United States Park Police
Criminal Investigations Branch
Detective Michael Horman
United States Park Police Crime Tip Line

All information may be submitted on an anonymous basis.
OCA Number: 200010092
NCIC Number: U-080001476
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

The Doe Network: Case File 74UMMD

My first thoughts on reading the girl's profile were that she may have lived in either a group home or some time of care home and just "slipped through the cracks".

I can't connect up the two murders in my mind...The man found may have fallen into the water from a height (fishing from a dam or outcropping?) struck an obstruction, and drowned. Its possible an abandoned vehicle may have been recovered in the area but never connected to this John Doe. Sounds as though he were dressed for an outdoor activity. Maybe he was ice fishing, fell through the ice (striking his head severely on the way down, or hitting something just after) and his equipment went with him?
Well unless he carried 2 sets of car keys he didn't arrive in the VW vehicle.
Why kill someone and steal the car but not take his keys? I suppose he could have been driving another vehicle & using a set of keys just for it and back home he had a second car- the VW and those keys were on the second key ring which was found in his clothes. But I am more inclined to think he simply was brought to the site by his killer/s. Since no wallet was reported as found on him I wonder if he had a wallet or not. I would expect him to have one if he had car keys as driving is supposed to require a drivers license (even though some people drive without one.)

As to the 2 cases being linked I think it bears looking into. They both died sometime in Feb/2000. It is possible he was taking care of the young lady more as a chaperone or guardian (the upper age for him was 55) than as a date and they were held up & the man was robbed and the girl raped and they were possibly taken to separate places and dumped.

Either way there do seem to be similarities in the way the deed was done was you pointed out.

We have really needed a national missing person DNA database for a long long time.

Richard said:
Does anyone have any theories or ideas concerning this unidentified girl? She is one of Maryland's unknowns. I wonder if the below Maryland John Doe case might be related in some way. Both victims suffered blows to the head, both were submerged in water, and both died about the same time in early 2000. The victims were located about 25 miles apart. . .
It is possible if she was menatally handicapped the family of the girl saw her pic in the paper but elected to keep quiet to continue drawing benefit checks.
Both bodies were found in Prince George's County, Maryland. But in the case of the man, he was found on Federal land and therefore his case comes under the jurisdiction of the US Park Police. The girl's case belongs to the Prince Georges County Police department.

There certainly are some differences in the cases. The man seems to be dressed for the outdoors, while the girl is wearing clothing more suited to indoors in the month of February. The strongest link, however, seems to be the proximity in time and location, as well as the method of death and body disposal. I wonder if any DNA testing was done on the two. Perhaps they are related in some way, maybe brother and sister, or father and daughter. If they were living together and only had eachother, it might explain why nobody has reported either of them missing.

The main argument in my mind against the two cases being linked is that the man was a pretty big guy, and probably pretty imposing. While the murderer of this handicapped girl would have been a real low life coward. I find it hard to visualize him taking on someone the size of the Beltsville John Doe.
Richard said:
The main argument in my mind against the two cases being linked is that the man was a pretty big guy, and probably pretty imposing. While the murderer of this handicapped girl would have been a real low life coward. I find it hard to visualize him taking on someone the size of the Beltsville John Doe.
That is an excellent point---I wonder where the John Doe's head trauma occured? If in the back of the head, it may be possible he was attacked from behind. The one and only thing that catches my attention, given that we agree the girl may have been mentally or physically handicapped...The John Doe having his keys on a large safety pin (so he didn't lose them?) and four dollar bills, as though someone had counted out exact bus fare for him. The VW key may mean nothing, possibly a momento.
Another factor that could tie these together is that both sites are just one mile off the beltway around Washington DC.
I know it said the girl's body was in a state of advanced decomposition; does anyone have an idea of what kind of time frame we're looking at between the her death and when she was found?
Sorry, my last post was incorrect.

Edited to correct mileage after putting in the street addresses.

The girl was found 8.3 miles off the beltway, and the man one half mile.
Richard said:
. . .The main argument in my mind against the two cases being linked is that the man was a pretty big guy, and probably pretty imposing. While the murderer of this handicapped girl would have been a real low life coward. I find it hard to visualize him taking on someone the size of the Beltsville John Doe.
Well if you point a gun at someone and tell them to turn around or to kneel down but then you actually use a hammer to kill them it is probably much quieter than pulling the trigger. I remember serial killer jet duncan had a gun but used a hammer in the house of the last family he attacked.

Just a thought.
reportertype said:
I know it said the girl's body was in a state of advanced decomposition; does anyone have an idea of what kind of time frame we're looking at between the her death and when she was found?
The entry states date of death was a month before discovery (Feb 25 to Mar 25).
reportertype said:
I know it said the girl's body was in a state of advanced decomposition; does anyone have an idea of what kind of time frame we're looking at between the her death and when she was found?
According to the doenetwork info posted:
The girls was found in March 25, 2000 and date of death was estimated as being February 25, 2000

The man was found April 13, 2000 but ". . .body is believed to have been in the water for up to two months." so that would place the date of death as estimated as possibly as early about Feb 13th. or as even as late as February 25, 2000 To my mind there is enough leeway in those estimates to see them as possibly having the same death date.
docwho3 said:
According to the doenetwork info posted:
The girls was found in March 25, 2000 and date of death was estimated as being February 25, 2000

The man was found April 13, 2000 but ". . .body is believed to have been in the water for up to two months." so that would place the date of death as estimated as possibly as early about Feb 13th. or as even as late as February 25, 2000 To my mind there is enough leeway in those estimates to see them as possibly having the same death date.
I had looked at both cases separately in the past, but in looking at them again, more recently, I noticed the closeness of estimated death dates. This could be simply coincidence, but to see how rare this is, take a look at the Doenetwork website and do a search for Unidentified Cases. Next choose the search option which allows you to look at cases chronologically. Look at the dates and locations. If you find coincidences like same or close death date, there is usualy a large distance between them - Like one may be on the West Coast and one on the East Coast. In most cases of matching dates and localities, the cases are known or believed to be connected.

I wonder if there are any marks on the skulls which might show a matching weapon. I wonder if there are any other similar cases of the same time frame and locality where the victim was identified.
shadowangel said:
...The one and only thing that catches my attention, given that we agree the girl may have been mentally or physically handicapped...The John Doe having his keys on a large safety pin (so he didn't lose them?) and four dollar bills, as though someone had counted out exact bus fare for him. The VW key may mean nothing, possibly a momento.
The large safety pin is something I recognize as the type of pin used aboard ship to close nylon mesh laundry bags. Each sailor puts his dirty laundry into a mesh laundry bag and secures it with a very large safety pin like the one shown. The whole bag goes through the washer and dryer and then back to the sailor to fold and stow his clothes. The pins are not sharp like other safety pins. I do not think that the pin would have been used to pin the keyring to his clothing, unless it was put through one of his belt loops.

Your implication that if the cases are connected, perhaps the man too was mentally handicapped? That is certainly a possibility.

There is an institute called Mellwood which is about midway between these two case sites. It is a training school and working program for adults with mental handicaps. They assist the students with living arrangements sometimes, although many live at home with their families. The school has vans and busses to transport students to work sites where they might do cleaning work or even work in fast food restaurants. I would think, however, that if either of these two were enrolled at such a school, that someone would immediately notice their absence and begin looking for them.

I have a feeling that somewhere there exists a list of people who registered for events and lodging, etc. in CT for the 1995 Special Olympics. This girl's name quite possibly be on such a list.

Although the girl's description has her as being between 15 and 30, I feel that her clothing, watch, hair braids, etc indicate that she is in the lower range of that estimated age.
Thanks guys. I read over that info three or four times and just didn't see the est. death date. You should see me look for keys!

If that's a coincidence, it's an awfully big one.
Some bits about John Doe...I went to this scene twice...The guy was strangled with barb wire - which tends to be a sexual sadist crime...Where he was found was about a mile off the road, back in a creek. There were no drag marks, or any type of weapons or any evidence of a murder found anywhere nearby. (But there was some time period between when he was killed and found). The barbwire that runs along the fence was at least a mile away from where he was found, and no broken pieces were found anywhere along the fence, so the barbwire he was attacked with was not cut from there...

There's speculation this might have been a gay lover type murder. The method of killing suggested a personal relationship with the killer, and barbwire suggests some sort of sexual overtone to the killing. To drag a body off the roadway down to the creek would have taken a lot of effort. Most likely he may have gone back into the woods with someone for some purpose, and then been killed and dumped.

A few miles away from this scene is an adult video store that shows extreme violence...
Edited to strike:You sound as if you were L.E. investigating. Were you?
I ask because I am wanting to understand the significance of the info you just posted that was not in the linked doenetwork report. Barbed wire strangulation is different than blunt trauma to the head, unless both were indicated but not both publicly reported.

Edited to add: Up until now I had not run a search to see what other info was available on this case. I see now that other info was indeed available.

I encourage readers to view:scroll down or do a "find" on the date "April 13, 2000":

I will later post more info as and when I find it. Thankyou to the person that posted about the barbed wire drawing my attention to the need to search for more info.

marylandmissing said:
Some bits about John Doe...I went to this scene twice...The guy was strangled with barb wire - which tends to be a sexual sadist crime...Where he was found was about a mile off the road, back in a creek. There were no drag marks, or any type of weapons or any evidence of a murder found anywhere nearby. (But there was some time period between when he was killed and found). The barbwire that runs along the fence was at least a mile away from where he was found, and no broken pieces were found anywhere along the fence, so the barbwire he was attacked with was not cut from there...

There's speculation this might have been a gay lover type murder. The method of killing suggested a personal relationship with the killer, and barbwire suggests some sort of sexual overtone to the killing. To drag a body off the roadway down to the creek would have taken a lot of effort. Most likely he may have gone back into the woods with someone for some purpose, and then been killed and dumped.

A few miles away from this scene is an adult video store that shows extreme violence...
I have to agree, that seems quite the discrepancy. Hate to see the person who could subdue and carry this guy....

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