CO - The 2014 Hot Car Incidents Omnibus Thread


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Oct 16, 2011
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Because there seems to be a new incident every day, and to help raise awareness, I thought it would be useful to have a single thread for media reports of hot car incidents and links to existing threads/cases.

To start us off, here's one that happened last month in Colorado but is just now being widely reported: woman runs over couple who called 911 after seeing her child locked in a hot car.
Just adding some previously started threads, both of these incidents happened in 7/14 in Kansas:

Please help me link any cases you are currently following as well as posting new incidents as they occur--if a case warrants a separate thread/forum like the Cooper Harris prosecution a link to the main thread/forum here would still be helpful as we try to keep track of this 'epidemic' of the summer of 2014.
Update, June 20, 2014: The father in this case has been charged with aggravated manslaughter.


It's a moment that will likely haunt him for the rest of his life.

The father of a 9-month-old infant who died after being left in a hot pickup truck on Monday afternoon told 9-1-1 operators that the incident was a tragic mistake on his part.

I hadn't seen this one on WS yet?

Thanks for starting this thread Minette!
I appreciate you for starting this discussion, Minette.
I just cannot see how, with all of the dialog and press, these things continue to happen unless the parents know full-well what they are doing by locking their children in a hot car.
One thing that really strikes me about these incidents is how different the reactions of the public/LE are from state to state. For instance, in this case from back in April '14 a woman left her two children in her locked car while she went on a job interview and a sympathetic public donated over $100,000 to her. Her children survived and the charges were later dropped.
Jewels, I had not seen that one! How does this keep happening again and AGAIN, even with all this national publicity?? :(
There are so many, we almost need a forum so there can be a thread for each child.
Jewels, I had not seen that one! How does this keep happening again and AGAIN, even with all this national publicity?? :(

I don't know why it keeps happening, especially with parents now being charged. You would think parents would wake up now! I know I would even though my kids are grown I still pay attention when I have grand kids with me.
And this one a couple of weeks ago, here in the Atlanta area where you would THINK no parent could have missed the coverage about Cooper Harris' death and the felony murder prosecution of Ross Harris, but apparently parents who use a hot car as a babysitter have selective hearing: Mother leaves four children in locked car while she shops at Walmart.

ETA: there are lots of more MSM links about this case but I used this one because it has the picture of the mother instead of the one widely used in MSM of a couple of the children.
I guess one good thing is that the general public has become more aware and is more likely to call 911 when they see a baby in a parked car instead of thinking 'not my business.' OK, this guy is not the sharpest tool in the shed, obviously. He left his baby in a parked car outside a courthouse while he was inside in a hearing on another matter. And this was after Cooper's death, smh.
Start Charging all of them and then maybe it will stop! The thing with charging them and going to a jury is the will probably get to much sympathy from the juror's and be found not guilty. imo

Charge them with a hefty fine even when there isn't a death like the above article. imo
I'm wondering if some of these people are hoping for a charity site to be set up for them.
I really wish there was more consistency from state to state as to the laws concerning leaving a child in a hot car. At the least, I think it is neglect, possibly abuse, and in some cases criminal neglect. Well, frankly, a lot of these people left their kids in the car on purpose for one reason or another--because "it would just be a few minutes," "I didn't think it would get that hot," "I didn't have a babysitter," etc. Those are bad enough. But somehow, if you claim to 'forget' that you had a helpless child in your car, that somehow becomes 'forgivable,' and you have 'suffered enough' and shouldn't be charged in the opinion of some, at least. But to me, that is the very definition of 'negligent' and I don't think anyone should get a pass for 'forgetting' a helpless child in a hot car. Thoughts?
The fact that some parents have committed suicide afterwards tells me that the theory of "busy parents + routine change" is responsible for some. You can't charge every occurrence of "x" manner of death as murder just because "x" has been faked by someone.

I never know what people mean by "they shouldn't get a pass", though. The ones who have done it on purpose (like probably the Harrises) will hopefully slip up and be caught. The ones who have done it due to "fatal distraction" will torture themselves for the rest of their lives. Remember the father who tried to get the cop's gun to kill himself when he found out? You don't reach for a police officer's gun if you're playacting.

(Nothing I'm saying here applies to parents who leave them inside to go shopping.)
The fact that some parents have committed suicide afterwards tells me that the theory of "busy parents + routine change" is responsible for some. You can't charge every occurrence of "x" manner of death as murder just because "x" has been faked by someone.

I never know what people mean by "they shouldn't get a pass", though. The ones who have done it on purpose (like probably the Harrises) will hopefully slip up and be caught. The ones who have done it due to "fatal distraction" will torture themselves for the rest of their lives. Remember the father who tried to get the cop's gun to kill himself when he found out? You don't reach for a police officer's gun if you're playacting.

(Nothing I'm saying here applies to parents who leave them inside to go shopping.)

This. I find it really upsetting that they are charging the foster father in KS with first degree murder. Negligent homicide, sure, first degree murder, not so much. We don't know the whole story yet. He did take the five year old in, and I saw it mentioned somewhere his partner was in the backyard when he got home. I'm imagining the five year old having an immediate need as they were getting out of the car, him rushing him into the house, hollering for partner to get the baby, not realizing he couldn't hear, resolving five year old's issue while partner comes in to the house, then assuming baby has already been put in the crib to nap.

There is no possible motivation. They wanted her. If they didn't, they only had to say so. She wasn't theirs yet, and they weren't obligated to keep her.

I read neighbors accounts of him curled up in a fetal position, crying inconsolably. You know, the way one would expect a loving parent to react. Quite different than making insurance arraignments and cursing at the police.
I guess one good thing is that the general public has become more aware and is more likely to call 911 when they see a baby in a parked car instead of thinking 'not my business.' OK, this guy is not the sharpest tool in the shed, obviously. He left his baby in a parked car outside a courthouse while he was inside in a hearing on another matter. And this was after Cooper's death, smh.

From Minette's link
"Courthouse sources told WSB-TV the father tried to take the baby through security but was told to take the baby out of her car seat and send the car seat through the scanner. Kidd turned around and left. Fletcher said she saw Kidd as he was leaving.
“He said, ‘I didn't know we couldn't bring babies in,” Fletcher said.
Fletcher said she tried to tell him that wasn’t true.
She said she watched as Kidd took the baby to the car, cracked the windows, locked the doors and went to court. Soon after, she unlocked the door and took the baby inside." BBM

Who is Fletcher who followed dad w baby in carseat in cthouse security line, followed him out to car, then extracted baby from car?
What relation to Kidd, the dad w baby? Perfect stranger?
Wording in linked article seems unusual, imo, but glad she did take baby from car & report it.

Why did Dad resist taking baby out of carseat (drugs or gun in carseat on or baby?)?
Putting my suspicious, cynical mind into park for the night.

Glad baby is okay.

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