MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #11

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11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was riding bicycles with his brother and a friend in St. Joseph, Minnesota on October 22, 1989 when they were approached by an unknown man with a gun. The man let the other boys go, but grabbed Jacob and walked away with him. Jacob has never been heard from again.

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MN MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, 22 Oct 1989 ***MEDIA THREAD***NO DISCUSSION*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

MN MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, 22 Oct 1989 ***CASE FACTS***NO DISCUSSION*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

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cGorg - please clarify what you mean to ask. Not sure if you're asking did DR make the statement before Kevin came forward?…..or, are you asking did the car DR described come through the driveway before or after Kevin did?

There is no doubt that his statement preceded Kevin coming forward. Dan was quoted directly, in the 10/24/89 St. Cloud Times. "I saw lights close together, like a small car. It caught my attention because it's unusual for a car to be out here at that time."

Sorry for the late response...have been gone a long while. I meant to ask: did DR's statement of a small car with lights close together occur BEFORE Kevin came forward or AFTER Kevin came forward. You answered the question, thank you.
Originally posted by ELOCsoul,

"This is Why I think LE is Focusing on DR"

"The following is just my opinion only, and is just my theory of why LE considers DR as a POI in the Wetterling abduction, particularly after Kevin came forward with his story. After a year of researching the case, I myself have not come to any strong opinions of whether or not DR was the perp. Aside from a strong body of circumstantial evidence, we do not know of any physical evidence linking DR to the crime. I'm equally open to the idea that the abduction was by car, as I am that it was on foot." ELOCsoul

"Anyway - here is why I think LE's focus has been on DR since Kevin came forward as the person who drove into DR's driveway. Please follow my logic carefully:" ELOCsoul

"In the days immediately following Jacob's abduction, DR stated that he saw a small dark car turn around in his yard. He confirms this in Joy The Curious' blog. The car had what appeared to be a woman or a child in the passenger seat, according to DR. This car, as he describes in the blog, would have been in the driveway at about the time of the abduction. DR also says he saw a large car turn around in the driveway earlier in the day." ELOCsoul

"We know from Kevin's story (again, Joy The Curious' blog), that he was driving a large car, and he was in DR's driveway after the abduction. Once he came forward with this information to LE, I believe that's when LE started looking at DR's story a little closer. With Kevin's car being a large car, and DR asserting it was not Kevin's car he saw around the time of the abduction - that would bring to (3), the total number of cars that turned around in DR's driveway that day / night. (2 that DR has spoken about, and 1 that Kevin admits to, and presumably that DR did not see)." ELOCsoul

"So, according to DR's story - after dark there was first a small car with a woman in the passenger seat coming through his yard at the time of the abduction. Then there was Kevin's large car with a woman in the passenger seat come through his yard after the abduction, which his dog did not alert him to and DR did not see (or at least not that we've been informed of). And finally, there was the dog waking up DR and alerting him to the searchers with flashlights in the woods." ELOCsoul

"Here is the problem for DR (again, this is just my opinion of what LE is likely thinking) - How is it that DR was alerted by his dog to the small car coming through the driveway at the time of the abduction, but yet he makes no mention of Kevin's larger car coming through the driveway a few minutes later? Remember, DR called 911 when seeing people with flashlights in the woods, after his dog woke him from his sleep." ELOCsoul

"From LE's point of view, I think they know that DR saw Kevin's car come through the yard. Furthermore, DR's statement that he saw a woman or child in the passenger seat of the car, and knowing it was very dark outside except for the yard light - that suggests that the yard light was between DR and the passenger side of the car. Otherwise, how could he see anything inside the car? The likelihood that the light was between DR and the car further suggests that DR may have been outside at the time, in or near an outbuilding. I think that LE believes DR saw Kevin's car after the abduction, and that DR made up the story about the other (2) cars that he saw that day / night." ELOCsoul

"Again, this is not my opinion of what happened, it is only my opinion of what LE's working theory may be. Would like to hear your comments!" ELOCsoul

Great work, great thinking!
Originally posted by ELOCsoul,

"This is Why I think LE is Focusing on DR"

"The following is just my opinion only, and is just my theory of why LE considers DR as a POI in the Wetterling abduction, particularly after Kevin came forward with his story. After a year of researching the case, I myself have not come to any strong opinions of whether or not DR was the perp. Aside from a strong body of circumstantial evidence, we do not know of any physical evidence linking DR to the crime. I'm equally open to the idea that the abduction was by car, as I am that it was on foot." ELOCsoul

"Anyway - here is why I think LE's focus has been on DR since Kevin came forward as the person who drove into DR's driveway. Please follow my logic carefully:" ELOCsoul

"In the days immediately following Jacob's abduction, DR stated that he saw a small dark car turn around in his yard. He confirms this in Joy The Curious' blog. The car had what appeared to be a woman or a child in the passenger seat, according to DR. This car, as he describes in the blog, would have been in the driveway at about the time of the abduction. DR also says he saw a large car turn around in the driveway earlier in the day." ELOCsoul

"We know from Kevin's story (again, Joy The Curious' blog), that he was driving a large car, and he was in DR's driveway after the abduction. Once he came forward with this information to LE, I believe that's when LE started looking at DR's story a little closer. With Kevin's car being a large car, and DR asserting it was not Kevin's car he saw around the time of the abduction - that would bring to (3), the total number of cars that turned around in DR's driveway that day / night. (2 that DR has spoken about, and 1 that Kevin admits to, and presumably that DR did not see)." ELOCsoul

"So, according to DR's story - after dark there was first a small car with a woman in the passenger seat coming through his yard at the time of the abduction. Then there was Kevin's large car with a woman in the passenger seat come through his yard after the abduction, which his dog did not alert him to and DR did not see (or at least not that we've been informed of). And finally, there was the dog waking up DR and alerting him to the searchers with flashlights in the woods." ELOCsoul

"Here is the problem for DR (again, this is just my opinion of what LE is likely thinking) - How is it that DR was alerted by his dog to the small car coming through the driveway at the time of the abduction, but yet he makes no mention of Kevin's larger car coming through the driveway a few minutes later? Remember, DR called 911 when seeing people with flashlights in the woods, after his dog woke him from his sleep." ELOCsoul

"From LE's point of view, I think they know that DR saw Kevin's car come through the yard. Furthermore, DR's statement that he saw a woman or child in the passenger seat of the car, and knowing it was very dark outside except for the yard light - that suggests that the yard light was between DR and the passenger side of the car. Otherwise, how could he see anything inside the car? The likelihood that the light was between DR and the car further suggests that DR may have been outside at the time, in or near an outbuilding. I think that LE believes DR saw Kevin's car after the abduction, and that DR made up the story about the other (2) cars that he saw that day / night." ELOCsoul

"Again, this is not my opinion of what happened, it is only my opinion of what LE's working theory may be. Would like to hear your comments!" ELOCsoul

Great work, great thinking!

Even so, it remains to discriminative thinking.
cGorg - please clarify what you mean to ask. Not sure if you're asking did DR make the statement before Kevin came forward?…..or, are you asking did the car DR described come through the driveway before or after Kevin did?

There is no doubt that his statement preceded Kevin coming forward. Dan was quoted directly, in the 10/24/89 St. Cloud Times. "I saw lights close together, like a small car. It caught my attention because it's unusual for a car to be out here at that time."

Interesting that Dan told the paper but did not tell the 911 operator after she told him a boy was abducted from his driveway about 2 hours prior to the 911 call Dan made about people at the woodpile. That would have been the 1st thing out of my mouth. Also, he did not tell the cops on the scene that night or the next day when they went to interview him at the school about the small car with the small boy/woman passenger that he supposedly observed at around the time of the abduction.
He points out the police with flashlights at his woodpile, but then never mentions the car in that call or to the deputy when he walked up to the scene.
I'm not very confident this case is ever going to be solved, unless he was taken in a vehicle.

"I'm not very confident this case is ever going to be solved, I'm not the quarterback, I'm not Brett Favre" DR
Do we understand how high powered LE's flashlights are? When DR saw numerous officers with high beam flashlights did it really look like they were stealing wood. The woodpile was turned into an enclave of daylight, they weren't running logs back to their trunk.
I think ELOCsoul has got it pretty much right.

DR's description of what he saw does not perfectly agree with the facts as we know them. I've never considered this all that important since memory, particularly memory of innocuous events, is often wrong on details even when key facts of the event are quite clear. Anyone familiar with the Erin Corwin case knows that the case broke when a witness saw a couple meet in two separate cars and drive away together in one of them. The witness was accurate on the description of the two people but very much off on the description of the car that drove off. No one ever questioned the honesty of the witness; he was never suspected of being involved. He simply saw something that was was unusual but hardly suspicious and remember some details better than others.

My own WAG (wild *advertiser censored* guess) of what happen was that the abductor drove up the driveway only as far as the woodpile and turned around there. He had explored the driveway earlier and knew where it went. DR could have seen Kevin's Monte Carlo and just remembered it wrong.

If DR did the abduction, it would have been foolhardy to lie about the car turning around in his driveway since, realistically, the driver of that vehicle would be expected to come forward immediately and give a full account of what he did and saw. DR would gain nothing and the misidentification would arouse suspicion. It would have made much more sense for a guilty DR to "remember" the fictitious car arriving at the time of the abduction and then correctly remembering Kevin's car.

Of course, based on the theory of the crime some posters have offered up, DR was committing a Capital crime in an impulsive, reckless manner and a pointless lie to the police would be perfectly consistent. Also consistent would be DR getting away with it because of another completely unpredicted lucky break.

It doesn't take a criminal genius to figure out that if a child is abducted right in front of your home, police are going to come knocking within minutes with a whole bunch of questions. The St Joseph PD failed to do this but such failure to follow routine procedure could hardly be counted on. The discovery of fresh tire tracks near Jacob's foot print certainly set the stage for the "abduction by vehicle" theory but DR would have had no reasonable expectation that anyone would drive up that driveway that night. Furthermore, with a struggling child in the dark, he would have no way of knowing whether or not a "track" led right to his door. The crime would have had to be a crazy lust driven act committed with little regard to consequences. We are expected to believe that a man who for years before and after this event has effectively concealed any hint of sexual interest in children would have one night of uncontrolled, murderous lust, only to "get away" with it due to a series of unforeseeable lucky breaks. Pretty far-fetched.

When I first started looking into this case, what convinced me of DR's probable innocence was the apparent lack of any "Kiddie *advertiser censored*" or other evidence that DR had any pedophile inclinations. We have not been told definitively that there was none found in his computer or in his room but, had there been any *advertiser censored*, DR would be in prison today and had there been "legal" evidence of pedophilia, it would have been turned over to the School District and action would have been taken. The fact that nothing was done after the search speaks for itself.

All that I have read on pedophilia and sex crimes against children confirms that while many, perhaps most, pedophiles "would never touch a child", they all of a "collection of pictures" they use to satisfy themselves . If they are not having direct sexual contact with children and they are not having vicarious contact through pictures or other forms of *advertiser censored*, they aren't pedophiles. And, without a doubt, it was a pedophile who abducted Jacob and did the Paynesville and Cold Springs assaults as well.
Read the case of the Amish girls who were abducted and let go just in the last couple of weeks.

The abductors are college grads.

Then ask yourself is people do incredibly stupid inexplicable things.
And who knows what special pics are at the Abbey for the criminals there.
I think ELOCsoul has got it pretty much right.

DR's description of what he saw does not perfectly agree with the facts as we know them. I've never considered this all that important since memory, particularly memory of innocuous events, is often wrong on details even when key facts of the event are quite clear. Anyone familiar with the Erin Corwin case knows that the case broke when a witness saw a couple meet in two separate cars and drive away together in one of them. The witness was accurate on the description of the two people but very much off on the description of the car that drove off. No one ever questioned the honesty of the witness; he was never suspected of being involved. He simply saw something that was was unusual but hardly suspicious and remember some details better than others.

My own WAG (wild *advertiser censored* guess) of what happen was that the abductor drove up the driveway only as far as the woodpile and turned around there. He had explored the driveway earlier and knew where it went. DR could have seen Kevin's Monte Carlo and just remembered it wrong.

If DR did the abduction, it would have been foolhardy to lie about the car turning around in his driveway since, realistically, the driver of that vehicle would be expected to come forward immediately and give a full account of what he did and saw. DR would gain nothing and the misidentification would arouse suspicion. It would have made much more sense for a guilty DR to "remember" the fictitious car arriving at the time of the abduction and then correctly remembering Kevin's car.

Of course, based on the theory of the crime some posters have offered up, DR was committing a Capital crime in an impulsive, reckless manner and a pointless lie to the police would be perfectly consistent. Also consistent would be DR getting away with it because of another completely unpredicted lucky break.

It doesn't take a criminal genius to figure out that if a child is abducted right in front of your home, police are going to come knocking within minutes with a whole bunch of questions. The St Joseph PD failed to do this but such failure to follow routine procedure could hardly be counted on. The discovery of fresh tire tracks near Jacob's foot print certainly set the stage for the "abduction by vehicle" theory but DR would have had no reasonable expectation that anyone would drive up that driveway that night. Furthermore, with a struggling child in the dark, he would have no way of knowing whether or not a "track" led right to his door. The crime would have had to be a crazy lust driven act committed with little regard to consequences. We are expected to believe that a man who for years before and after this event has effectively concealed any hint of sexual interest in children would have one night of uncontrolled, murderous lust, only to "get away" with it due to a series of unforeseeable lucky breaks. Pretty far-fetched.

When I first started looking into this case, what convinced me of DR's probable innocence was the apparent lack of any "Kiddie *advertiser censored*" or other evidence that DR had any pedophile inclinations. We have not been told definitively that there was none found in his computer or in his room but, had there been any *advertiser censored*, DR would be in prison today and had there been "legal" evidence of pedophilia, it would have been turned over to the School District and action would have been taken. The fact that nothing was done after the search speaks for itself.

All that I have read on pedophilia and sex crimes against children confirms that while many, perhaps most, pedophiles "would never touch a child", they all of a "collection of pictures" they use to satisfy themselves . If they are not having direct sexual contact with children and they are not having vicarious contact through pictures or other forms of *advertiser censored*, they aren't pedophiles. And, without a doubt, it was a pedophile who abducted Jacob and did the Paynesville and Cold Springs assaults as well.

If we follow this train of thought,,the Abbey is filled with molesters.

What are they doing to fulfill their needs? Who might have access to whatever these molesters have or are able to obtain?

Can they fly to where laws and over sight is really lax?
I think ELOCsoul has got it pretty much right.

DR's description of what he saw does not perfectly agree with the facts as we know them. I've never considered this all that important since memory, particularly memory of innocuous events, is often wrong on details even when key facts of the event are quite clear. Anyone familiar with the Erin Corwin case knows that the case broke when a witness saw a couple meet in two separate cars and drive away together in one of them. The witness was accurate on the description of the two people but very much off on the description of the car that drove off. No one ever questioned the honesty of the witness; he was never suspected of being involved. He simply saw something that was was unusual but hardly suspicious and remember some details better than others.

My own WAG (wild *advertiser censored* guess) of what happen was that the abductor drove up the driveway only as far as the woodpile and turned around there. He had explored the driveway earlier and knew where it went. DR could have seen Kevin's Monte Carlo and just remembered it wrong.

If DR did the abduction, it would have been foolhardy to lie about the car turning around in his driveway since, realistically, the driver of that vehicle would be expected to come forward immediately and give a full account of what he did and saw. DR would gain nothing and the misidentification would arouse suspicion. It would have made much more sense for a guilty DR to "remember" the fictitious car arriving at the time of the abduction and then correctly remembering Kevin's car.

Of course, based on the theory of the crime some posters have offered up, DR was committing a Capital crime in an impulsive, reckless manner and a pointless lie to the police would be perfectly consistent. Also consistent would be DR getting away with it because of another completely unpredicted lucky break.

It doesn't take a criminal genius to figure out that if a child is abducted right in front of your home, police are going to come knocking within minutes with a whole bunch of questions. The St Joseph PD failed to do this but such failure to follow routine procedure could hardly be counted on. The discovery of fresh tire tracks near Jacob's foot print certainly set the stage for the "abduction by vehicle" theory but DR would have had no reasonable expectation that anyone would drive up that driveway that night. Furthermore, with a struggling child in the dark, he would have no way of knowing whether or not a "track" led right to his door. The crime would have had to be a crazy lust driven act committed with little regard to consequences. We are expected to believe that a man who for years before and after this event has effectively concealed any hint of sexual interest in children would have one night of uncontrolled, murderous lust, only to "get away" with it due to a series of unforeseeable lucky breaks. Pretty far-fetched.

When I first started looking into this case, what convinced me of DR's probable innocence was the apparent lack of any "Kiddie *advertiser censored*" or other evidence that DR had any pedophile inclinations. We have not been told definitively that there was none found in his computer or in his room but, had there been any *advertiser censored*, DR would be in prison today and had there been "legal" evidence of pedophilia, it would have been turned over to the School District and action would have been taken. The fact that nothing was done after the search speaks for itself.

All that I have read on pedophilia and sex crimes against children confirms that while many, perhaps most, pedophiles "would never touch a child", they all of a "collection of pictures" they use to satisfy themselves . If they are not having direct sexual contact with children and they are not having vicarious contact through pictures or other forms of *advertiser censored*, they aren't pedophiles. And, without a doubt, it was a pedophile who abducted Jacob and did the Paynesville and Cold Springs assaults as well.

Here is another favorite teacher busted at age 61 who taught in the same school for over 30 years.
Today I took a guess that Jareds attacker may have driven a 1987 chevy celebrity, so I Bing image searched it, and this is what I found-

1987 Chevrolet Celebrity in Murder, She Wrote, TV Series, 1984-1996 IMDB Ep. 8.20

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: US


ford_guy US

◊ 2008-01-03 21:10


"Chevrolet actually did offer a police-package Chevrolet Celebrity during the mid-80's."

After seeing this I do believe Jareds attacker may be involved in LE.

"Chrysler had the K-car police models from 1982-1987, and Chevy had the Celebrity police special service package from 1984-1986. These were made for light duty police work only."

•He had a portable police scanner that resembled a big walkie talkie. It sat on the console between the front seats. At one point, one of the responding officers unclipped his police radio from his belt and showed it to Jared. “Like this?” he asked. “Yeah, like that,” Jared replied.

•The car was a mid-to-late 80s, dark-colored, 4-door sedan, with automatic transmission. The shifter was on the steering wheel.

•At one point, the man told Jared not to bother trying to get out because the back seat had child safety locks.

Would only the police package celebrity have child safety locks at that time?
I am confused.

Anyone can buy a used police car. Anyone.

But would a police car be on the auction block already?

How many years does a police car go before it goes to auction?
I am confused.

Anyone can buy a used police car. Anyone.

But would a police car be on the auction block already?

How many years does a police car go before it goes to auction?

Yes but this guy has a police scanner as well, did it come with the car, was the middle console made to hold it?
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