Fleet White's Trust Deed

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Personal disputes do not belong in the JonBenet forum. Please do you mod a favor and head over to the Parking Lot when you feel the urge to fight coming on. The JBR forum is not the place to post criticism of fellow posters.

I draw your attention once again to the Report button on the lower left side of each post. It takes the place of the Alert button on the old forum. As you well know, a forum moderator is not on the forum 24/7. Even when a mod's name appears on the Members Online list, it doesn't always mean that she is actively on at that minute. Some of us just stay logged on and check in a few times ad day.

If a post you find offensive is left standing, it does not necessarily mean it has been reviewed and approved by the moderator. That's why we have the Report system. Don't sit there complaining or use it as an excuse to respond in kind. Hit the @#$! button! :doh:
Originally posted by Sabrina
The trust deed is listed in the Boulder Daily Camera....So the bottom line is this entire thread has perpetrated vicious "gossip" about someone's financial status when all the facts are not known. In addition, it is totally irrelevant to the case, the Ramseys and JonBenet's murder.
What's the problem? Fleet is a principal in a murder case. Mrs. Brady used to scour the newspapers every morning looking for any word about any of the principals in this case. If Mrs. B was still around she (as always) would have been first to point out the printing of Fleet's recent mortgage info. Now Candy does the exact same thing and people get unnerved by it.
It may have nothing to do with this case, but Fleet does. And at least we know now he's still alive!...LOL
Concerning the twins
I have read nothing in book form since the ne transcripts,and I know it wasn't in there,from there I went to A Candy Rose and read ,I believe the ST deposition,..this week I finished the Patsy and John transcripts(not the book) the "supposedly certified one"..If I had to guess..the twin information was in ST's deposition. The timing of when I remember reading it..does point to ST's depo...If ya' can't find it there..I will go looking for you:)
Why is it "gossip"? It's "gossip" because people are speculating the Whites are in so much debt they had to take a loan out on their home when it appears it was just a refinance. Unless anyone knows for sure, they should not spread wild rumors about one's financial status which is really not the publics' business nor is it relevant to the case.

By the way, some of the posts have been edited so the references to the financial problems are gone.

And I would like to add the same individual who caused the negative speculation (here and at other forums) has been accusing others of "gossip" such as Geraldo airing the Ramsey 911 tape or not 6 years ago! Don't ask me to explain because I don't quite understand the 911 thing myself. I just know that it's not right to discuss personal financial information about witnesses, and to speculate negatively about their finances especially when the circumstances are not known-- and it has absolutely nothing to do with the case.
Jayelles has posted "And while we are on the subject of 'gossip'. The dictionary defines gossip as 'discussing someone else's personal information in public'. Don't you think your posting Fleet White's financial affairs on the World Wide Web might well be defined as gossip?"

No, as Fleet White's "financial affairs" were already posted on the World Wide web via The Boulder Daily Camera website. White is also a public figure through his many lawsuits against public officials keeping him squarely in the public domain.

Posters who like White have posted over 600 pages of DA material on Nancy Krebs, posted stolen case file information, and White's buddy Spade posted police file evidence of the Ramseys comments about him. That didn't bother them or Fleet White at all, but they scream about Fleet White having a trust deed posted on him in the Boulder Daily Camera. He can't control the press in this country from reporting whatever they want that is factually correct on him, a public figure. They and I and we have a First Amendment right to publish on this public figure, by his own actions.

Just my constitutionally protected opinion.

"The appreciation of homes in Boulder and Longmont continued to slow during third quarter — so much so that the two cities together ranked 218th out of 220 metropolitan areas nationwide, a federal report said Monday."

"The federal agency that releases the 8-year-old index bases its findings on repeat mortgage transactions — including refinancings — handled through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The data isn't adjusted for inflation."

"Boulder, Longmont and Denver, as well as Colorado as a whole, each have watched their respective home value gains steadily shrink during 2003. The state's appreciation ranked 40th after first quarter and 48th after second quarter. In terms of metro areas, Boulder-Longmont went from 202nd in first quarter to 214th in second quarter."
Candy - a couple of things.

1. One doesn't have to 'like' Fleet White to treat him fairly.

2. I deleted the post you are referring to about 24 hours ago, so your point is moot.

3. The only reason that people are even discussing the word 'gossip' is because you have been calling lots of people at lots of forums 'stupid ignorant gossips' for weeks now.

You went to Roses's forum and started ranting about the 'stupid ignorant' posters who 'flocked' there to 'perpetuate some fraud' about the 911 tape being played on Geraldo - yet you were the first and only person to mention it. You accused Sabrina and I of being the ringleaders in said fraud - yet Sabrina told you herself that she had never heard any such tape and I have never discussed the tape at all (the only comment I ever made was to point out that some posters were trying to obtain a transcript of a show - something which happened to be true).

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Don't call people names and expect them to take it lying down.

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