WH Interview with Joe Fisher, WAVY-10, 22 March 2015

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Wesley Hadsell makes so many strange/interesting comments in the Jailhouse Interview with Joe Fisher, it's hard to know where to begin in terms of discussing them. But one thing that stood out to me while re-watching it this morning, is that in the very beginning, WH tells us that LE did verify the jacket found (or planted) at the home he broke into. So, I think it is a fair assumption to make that AJ's Longwood Jacket was, in fact, recovered at this location. How it got there, I will leave for others to speculate.

I sure would like to hear Andre & Colin's take on that night they found the clothes. I'd like to hear, now that all of this other stuff has transpired, what they think in hindsight.
I just watched the video for the first time. I have read everyone's opinions and analyses of the interview, but had not watched it before now. My thoughts after watching it are just that -- my thoughts. This is absolutely pure speculation on my part, but I had a very strong gut reaction to the video and had to share my thoughts.

My feeling is that WH's emotional response is authentic. I believe he is genuinely upset. More specifically, he seems to show sincere pain and an almost uncontrollable anger beneath the surface when he talks about what Texty may have done in regard to AJ. He references "information" and I couldn't help but wonder if WH found out that AJ and Texty were being intimate, and that WH's perhaps inappropriate feelings for AJ were the basis for a very extreme reaction to the idea (or information?) that "his" AJ had been "violated" or in any event "known" by Texty.

In my opinion, personalities like WH's (which tend to be more than a little bit possessive) are apt to put the objects of their affection (appropriate or otherwise) on pedestals, and to hold them to impossible standards of purity and inaccessibility. I believe he might have come to the house that morning and walked in on AJ perhaps filming a video or taking pictures of herself to send to Texty. OR maybe he went through her phone while she was in the shower or otherwise occupied. Maybe he walked in on AJ and Texty (forgive me if we already know this didn't happen). Alternatively, he might have seen something on a GoPro? JUST SPECULATION.

Another thought is that he saw a picture on her phone of her on Texty's couch (perhaps in a compromising position?) or with Texty. Maybe she had on the jacket (and nothing else?) while sitting on the couch and he sent her a picture and told her he sleeps with her jacket every night (under his pillow) and thinks of her.

I think if this did happen it would make WH crazy with jealousy and rage, especially if he was on cocaine at the time. I think his reaction would have been even more intense if drug use was involved. I can see him confronting AJ and being so out of control that he went too far and accidentally killed her in his blind anger. This is not a stretch given his propensity for violence, his control issues (IMO), and his drug use.

I believe that if this is what happened that WH would blame Texty for what happened. Narcissists and sociopaths (not that he IS one, but IMO he certainly seems to have the characteristics) are notorious for blaming others for their actions. They almost ALWAYS blame others for their emotions and their emotional reactions to things. Additionally, they convince themselves that certain regrettable things that happen when they are in the clutches of their self-righteous and/or indignant rage are actually out of their control. Therefore, their lies are not really lies to them, because in their skewed view of events and reality, this is what REALLY happened. As Faulkner said, "Facts and truth really don't have much to do with each other." Indeed, the narcissist and/or sociopath will often feel that they, and they alone, have a superior understanding of the truth, and will have little to no remorse about misrepresenting the facts in order to impart their truth to you.

Please understand that I am not a mental health professional, and this is just my opinion. I just got a very strong feeling from watching WH speak that he was absolutely devastated/enraged about Texty. Why is WH so worked up? Jealous rage is the only thing that fits, IMO.

Again, just my opinion, just my thoughts and just my (convoluted and perhaps confusing) explanation for the visceral reaction I had watching the interview. I hope this makes some sort of sense! This is only my second post and I am hesitant about my wording in order to stay within TOS. Thanks everyone.
Good observations Traymar and welcome to the discussion.

While I don't think there was every anything between AJ and Texty, I do think WH thought there was or at least entertained himself with the idea there was and that was enough to tick him off. I agree that he harbors some kind of nasty anger toward Texty and I think it's for the exact reasons you've touched on.

He needed a target. What better target than the kid he already didn't like...
I sure would like to hear Andre & Colin's take on that night they found the clothes. I'd like to hear, now that all of this other stuff has transpired, what they think in hindsight.

You and me both sister!

According to WH in the interview, he received a tip, or whatever. Maybe not spoke to him, but left a message. She sounded like maybe she was coming back from work? That's the way she made him believe. (eyeroll)

So they're driving around looking. He saw a lime green blanket on the left side of the road.

Then... 'all of the sudden something blue is on the side of the road, it's obviously a clothing item'

Not 'all of the sudden WE SAW something blue', but all of the sudden it is there.

Why the change? Blue clothing does not just magically appear on the side of the road.

There was something he saw, and then there was something else that was suddenly there.

I wonder if he was able to plant it then and there, but I also wonder if he went out before going out with A and C. So he knew the green blanket was already there, he saw it already. KWIM?
Traymar, interesting thoughts about pictures Texty and Anjelica may have exchanged.

WH says: 'I was getting all these texts, pictures and whatnot of things that my daughter was saying about him, things he was saying... people were telling me that he had... um, we had a convo back in 2011, as you know...'

I'm guessing some of that was the 'Help' conversation between AJ and her cousin... but I don't recall there being any pictures in that conversation. And no 'whatnot' either.
I suspect a lot of that "whatnot" was exclusively in WH's twisted imagination.
Some people believe that they can ace lie detector tests if they believe their own lies. At the point of this interview, he had been spreading the idea that texty was responsible for the better part of three weeks. I think he convinced himself it was true. I have said it before, and I'll repeat it until I'm blue in the face, I don't believe there is any way texty would have been allowed to leave the vicinity for boot camp if there was even the slightest bit of a possibility that he was involved. And I think the Army (I believe he left for Army?) would not allow him in if he was part of an open investigation.
I think the only thing Texty is guilt of it is being very young, a bit of a smart *advertiser censored*, and still smitten with his teenage sweetheart. If those things are indicators of violence, then I think ALOT of us have violent tendencies in our youth. ;)

I believe Texty was set up 100%. It kind of ticks me off that it worked, at least on some level.
Thanks, Kadoober and O Mom. I am not sure I explained myself very well, but it seems that you all understood it perfectly anyway. I am just trying to follow the emotion for directional clues, because there is so little information elsewhere. I agree that Texty is certainly not guilty of anything whatsoever deserving of censure, etc. I was only trying to figure out why WH seemed so sincerely distraught while talking about him. I got the feeling that WH was feeling something akin to betrayal -- by AJ perhaps, but maybe also by Texty -- especially if WH had been "grooming" AJ (in his own mind if not otherwise) for himself. IMO, WH is a somewhat overzealous product of the (typically) Southern "culture of honor." He seems to be a hyper-vigilant protector of his own honor, and quick to resort to socially unacceptable means of retaliation when he feels violated (or treated with disrespect). IMO, this personality type feels that any action he takes in response to these affronts is justified because of the profound anger he feels. "Yes I did that terrible thing, but I was so mad..." etc. Needless to say, this is pure speculation on my part.

One more observation is that WH seems to be (as are many sociopaths -- not saying he is, but just speaking generally) particularly attuned to how people are responding to him, whether it be positive or negative. Con men live and die by the response of their audience. WH seems to be deliberately (and from a lifetime of experience, more likely than not) projecting the image of an honest, reformed, caring and maybe somewhat simple man who might have -- or no, might not have, done something he shouldn't have done -- or should have done, but maybe shouldn't have done then -- anyway, but the only reason he did this thing is because he is SO good and passionate and sincere and just couldn't help it, his feelings of making things right just being so overwhelming.

Again, this is all just my opinion. Incidentally, in reading about "vindictive narcissists," I came across a very interesting piece regarding:

"the 'law of false attribution,' or an in-built human tendency to believe that whenever we experience pain, an outside agent (some other person) has caused us to feel it. For the vindictive narcissist, the subject pain is a profound and quite literally unbearable sense of shame." [emphasis mine] The article is here.

Again, all my opinion only. Thank you for your warm welcomes. I am sick about this case and think of AJ constantly. If I can do any tiny bit to help bring justice for AJ, I will be deeply satisfied. I am so impressed with all of you and very happy to be here (though not happy about the circumstances it is needless to say).
Thanks, Kadoober and O Mom. I am not sure I explained myself very well, but it seems that you all understood it perfectly anyway. I am just trying to follow the emotion for directional clues, because there is so little information elsewhere. I agree that Texty is certainly not guilty of anything whatsoever deserving of censure, etc. I was only trying to figure out why WH seemed so sincerely distraught while talking about him. I got the feeling that WH was feeling something akin to betrayal -- by AJ perhaps, but maybe also by Texty -- especially if WH had been "grooming" AJ (in his own mind if not otherwise) for himself. IMO, WH is a somewhat overzealous product of the (typically) Southern "culture of honor." He seems to be a hyper-vigilant protector of his own honor, and quick to resort to socially unacceptable means of retaliation when he feels violated (or treated with disrespect). IMO, this personality type feels that any action he takes in response to these affronts is justified because of the profound anger he feels. "Yes I did that terrible thing, but I was so mad..." etc. Needless to say, this is pure speculation on my part.

One more observation is that WH seems to be (as are many sociopaths -- not saying he is, but just speaking generally) particularly attuned to how people are responding to him, whether it be positive or negative. Con men live and die by the response of their audience. WH seems to be deliberately (and from a lifetime of experience, more likely than not) projecting the image of an honest, reformed, caring and maybe somewhat simple man who might have -- or no, might not have, done something he shouldn't have done -- or should have done, but maybe shouldn't have done then -- anyway, but the only reason he did this thing is because he is SO good and passionate and sincere and just couldn't help it, his feelings of making things right just being so overwhelming.

Again, this is all just my opinion. Incidentally, in reading about "vindictive narcissists," I came across a very interesting piece regarding:

"the 'law of false attribution,' or an in-built human tendency to believe that whenever we experience pain, an outside agent (some other person) has caused us to feel it. For the vindictive narcissist, the subject pain is a profound and quite literally unbearable sense of shame." [emphasis mine] The article is here.

Again, all my opinion only. Thank you for your warm welcomes. I am sick about this case and think of AJ constantly. If I can do any tiny bit to help bring justice for AJ, I will be deeply satisfied. I am so impressed with all of you and very happy to be here (though not happy about the circumstances it is needless to say).

Great thoughts and interesting insight into behaviors/emotions expressed. I do have to say though that culture of honor mentality isn't limited to Southern folk (I know you said "typically" but just had to say that). It's also a prime earmark of certain types of life-long criminals among their own, regardless of which culture they grew up in (East coast, southern CA, etc.)

Just a bit of thinking out loud :)
Great thoughts and interesting insight into behaviors/emotions expressed. I do have to say though that culture of honor mentality isn't limited to Southern folk (I know you said "typically" but just had to say that). It's also a prime earmark of certain types of life-long criminals among their own, regardless of which culture they grew up in (East coast, southern CA, etc.)

Just a bit of thinking out loud :)

Thank you, and yes, you are so right. I would say that among criminals the code is particularly strong. In that situation, it is sometimes a matter of life and death, so it's easy to see how the instinct would be honed over time.
Thank you, and yes, you are so right. I would say that among criminals the code is particularly strong. In that situation, it is sometimes a matter of life and death, so it's easy to see how the instinct would be honed over time.

Some say it becomes "second nature" but I don't believe that. I believe it's FIRST nature, that increases in depravity and deceit over time and with each crime. Especially the crimes they were never caught for, or punished for.
Thanks, Kadoober and O Mom. I am not sure I explained myself very well, but it seems that you all understood it perfectly anyway. I am just trying to follow the emotion for directional clues, because there is so little information elsewhere. I agree that Texty is certainly not guilty of anything whatsoever deserving of censure, etc. I was only trying to figure out why WH seemed so sincerely distraught while talking about him. I got the feeling that WH was feeling something akin to betrayal -- by AJ perhaps, but maybe also by Texty -- especially if WH had been "grooming" AJ (in his own mind if not otherwise) for himself. IMO, WH is a somewhat overzealous product of the (typically) Southern "culture of honor." He seems to be a hyper-vigilant protector of his own honor, and quick to resort to socially unacceptable means of retaliation when he feels violated (or treated with disrespect). IMO, this personality type feels that any action he takes in response to these affronts is justified because of the profound anger he feels. "Yes I did that terrible thing, but I was so mad..." etc. Needless to say, this is pure speculation on my part.

One more observation is that WH seems to be (as are many sociopaths -- not saying he is, but just speaking generally) particularly attuned to how people are responding to him, whether it be positive or negative. Con men live and die by the response of their audience. WH seems to be deliberately (and from a lifetime of experience, more likely than not) projecting the image of an honest, reformed, caring and maybe somewhat simple man who might have -- or no, might not have, done something he shouldn't have done -- or should have done, but maybe shouldn't have done then -- anyway, but the only reason he did this thing is because he is SO good and passionate and sincere and just couldn't help it, his feelings of making things right just being so overwhelming.

Again, this is all just my opinion. Incidentally, in reading about "vindictive narcissists," I came across a very interesting piece regarding:

"the 'law of false attribution,' or an in-built human tendency to believe that whenever we experience pain, an outside agent (some other person) has caused us to feel it. For the vindictive narcissist, the subject pain is a profound and quite literally unbearable sense of shame." [emphasis mine] The article is here.

Again, all my opinion only. Thank you for your warm welcomes. I am sick about this case and think of AJ constantly. If I can do any tiny bit to help bring justice for AJ, I will be deeply satisfied. I am so impressed with all of you and very happy to be here (though not happy about the circumstances it is needless to say).

I appreciate your thoughtful post. It's great to have you here.
Good observations Traymar and welcome to the discussion.

While I don't think there was every anything between AJ and Texty, I do think WH thought there was or at least entertained himself with the idea there was and that was enough to tick him off. I agree that he harbors some kind of nasty anger toward Texty and I think it's for the exact reasons you've touched on.

He needed a target. What better target than the kid he already didn't like...

I agree that I don't think there was anything current between AJ and him, but JMO I think there has been in the past.
Greats thoughts, eloquently expressed!

I am getting frustrated with having to spin our wheels with so much speculation. We have so little to go on that is solid. I have a feeling that there are a lot of answers in WH's own words, but I swear, every time I try to really dig into them I end up feeling drunk.
Regarding potentially unseemly pictures passed between AJ and Texty... it's possible they exist, even without a current relationship between the two of them. AJ strikes me as a well rounded, wholesome kind of girl, but some of the things kids do these days without batting an eyelash shocks the heck out of me. 'Harmless flirting' nowadays... ain't what it used to be.

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