Websleuths Makes the News Down Under

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Hats off to our incredible Websleuths members. You made the news in Australia


Wowie Kazowie, Tricia!!!

Websleuths: Citizen detectives and professionals helping police solve crimes
By Mark White, The Sydney Morning Herald, May 3, '15 - 2:19 am

[... you said]

"On Websleuths, the discussion turned to the possibility Moore had killed him. "She came on the forum blasting away," says Griffith, "and the police called and said just let her go. I told the moderators, 'Don't monitor anything she says, don't edit anything'. She basically talked herself into being arrested." Shakespeare's body was found, and Moore convicted of murder."



This is wonderful news! You've developed a marvelous career that offers hope to victims and their families. I wanted to thank you for that great cause.

Websleuths Rocks!

:websleuther: :loveyou:
Many thanks to Mark White for writing this article, which is appearing in quite a few national publications across the country.

I hope this brings us an influx of new Aussie members. :)
Many thanks to Mark White for writing this article, which is appearing in quite a few national publications across the country.

I hope this brings us an influx of new Aussie members. :)

Aussie Ms Gator here, at your service. Saw the article this morning and pointed it out to a friend who actually piqued my interest initially in true crime. I daresay she won't be far behind me. :)
wonderful may it bring more of us crazy aussies to the site, thanks Trish for this great site. :happydance:
Allison was everyone's mum next door and everyone involved with Allison's murder on WS became a like minded caring family. If my memory serves me I think it was Aunty ? who had the weird feeling that Allison was under the Kholo Bridge and we were all concerned when she wanted go take a look.
Our wonderful DocWatson who lived so close to the Baden-Clays and offered the best of medical advice.
I can never forget Allioop our verified solicitor who kept up up to speed every step of the way & I remember she dug deep and purchased many of the court documents along with others.
Oh the laughter and the tears, the Google walks up hill and down dale searching roundabouts for street cameras, scratching our collective heads on why some aged parents would do the now infamous 'Grannie pash' and grope in public view awaiting MSM cameras. We learned about mobile phones pinging from surrounding towers, maggots and the process of decomposition.
The real gobsmacking moment was when Allison's inlaws spoke so badly of her on the witness stand but jubilation was when justice prevailed to see her murderous and adulterous husband get a long gaol term. Halalulia!

History repeats itself over and over again.....
enough is enough with domestic violence.
Just read the article and wow, like I have said before, this place rocks! The people here are smart and good hearted, they care and make a difference. Thanks Tricia for an opportunity to be here and be part of it.
Feeling grossly misrepresented to be honest - Psychiatric Nurse? (did he mean Paediatric? even though I work with giants now) And certainly not the case that brought me here to WS, but very glad WS got a nod!

Serves me right for not replying quickly to the journalist!
Hats off to our incredible Websleuths members. You made the news in Australia

Websleuths: Citizen detectives and professionals helping police solve crimes

Would be nice if a WS member like me put a nail in the coffin on the infamous Chris Dawson case - believe me I'm trying Sgt Poole of the NSW murder investigation sqd owes me a drink or two already :-))

Kidon Gadol - not known to him by that name.

some details are here - Chris Dawson: Husband faces murder trial over 1982 disappearance of wife

Hint - some of it revolves around the internal door mechanisms in the house at Bayview, Sydney, NSW at the time it was on sold.
Would be nice if a WS member like me put a nail in the coffin on the infamous Chris Dawson case - believe me I'm trying Sgt Poole of the NSW murder investigation sqd owes me a drink or two already :))

Kidon Gadol - not known to him by that name.

some details are here - Chris Dawson: Husband faces murder trial over 1982 disappearance of wife

Hint - some of it revolves around the internal door mechanisms in the house at Bayview, Sydney, NSW at the time it was on sold.

Disposal of Lynn Dawson's remains -

for those who are wondering I'd put money on it that Lynette Dawson was put on a surfboard wrapped in chain,.. all drugged up swum out to sea in to the Pacific (not the sea at Bayswater - it's too shallow and there are too many pleasure boats to drag anchor over the summer... you never know what might be fished up...) and pushed off.

I'd put money that two cars went in convoy to that beach just in case of a mechanical failure . Everything aligns. Chris is and was strong swimmer, a paid weekend life guard at a sea pool .. possible involvement of brother, Nice warm Jan 8th Ozzie summer weather. Full moon two nights before (or after, I forget which - I did check).

Body was never found. Extreme flintiness of waste ground in the area of CD's home in Bayswater because of the clay type and the summer dry out . There was some history of Dawson spiking his wife's booze. She rarely drank, just wine. That version of the murder makes a lot of sense (my version).

The police have no theory as they have no cell ph tracking etc as this was back in 1982.

Disposal of Lynn Dawson's remains -

for those who are wondering I'd put money on it that Lynette Dawson was put on a surfboard wrapped in chain,.. all drugged up swum out to sea in to the Pacific (not the sea at Bayswater - it's too shallow and there are too many pleasure boats to drag anchor over the summer... you never know what might be fished up...) and pushed off.

I'd put money that two cars went in convoy to that beach just in case of a mechanical failure . Everything aligns. Chris is and was strong swimmer, a paid weekend life guard at a sea pool .. possible involvement of brother, Nice warm Jan 8th Ozzie summer weather. Full moon two nights before (or after, I forget which - I did check).

Body was never found. Extreme flintiness of waste ground in the area of CD's home in Bayswater because of the clay type and the summer dry out . There was some history of Dawson spiking his wife's booze. She rarely drank, just wine. That version of the murder makes a lot of sense (my version).

The police have no theory as they have no cell ph tracking etc as this was back in 1982.

For those who are waiting desperately for the house theory from Kidon here it is ...

Lynn was suffering from husband's physical abuse. This will be detailled at the trial by a neighbour while under legal oath.

2 I'd suspect Lynn D had tought her elder daughter how to call triple zero for the police in case LD was disabled by an attack. Paul and CHris Dawson might suspect this.
Remember this is in the days of rotary phones so to get a 4yr old trained on this (not only the sequence but also what to say to someone in police hq ) might be a bit of an ask.

3. If intent was to drug Lynn and then take her out and kill her by drowning or other means then they had to be sure that if the 2 girls got up late at night and found the house was dark and empty they did not panic and try to call Granny (Lynn's mother) or even the police.

4. Ergo the girls' BR door may have been modified so it had a push button privacy lock on the outside. Or some other non obvious method. Such a modification would breach the NSW fire regulations. Chris is an arrogant prick and he might have sold the house without the lock being put to rights. The subsequent owners might have remembered having to pay a handyman to change it - or they might have left it but commented that it was perhaps little bit of a safety risk (NSW bush fire region).

5. None of this is proven to relate to Chris D unless he did it himself and his fingerprints are still in the lock work but if found, it is strong circumstantial evidence. Since Lynn and Chris paid for the house to be built from scratch it can be established what components were installed and what the standards and codes for bedroom doors in fire risk areas of NSW were at that time.

I am only mentioning this online because the NSW police have now had about sixmonths + to investigate my suggestion.

NSW Trial is now set for about April of 2022 - it has been dragged out to hell because of Covid 19 and other matters.

cheers, Kidon G.

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