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She Was...An American Girl...
May 10, 2005
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Raven Abaroa, AKA Samuel Peters, has not yet been charged with the murder of his wife, Janet Christiansen Abaroa. But with recent revelations, it seems that, at the very least, things aren't looking good for Raven, specifically in the context of being innocent of killing his pregnant wife.

His silence speaks volumes.

I am concerned that Raven, if he feels he is about to be charged with the murder of his wife, would try to flee the United States. His brother Derek wrote online at his *myspace* account of how he and a friend traveled via Mexico to Cuba. Could that have been a trial run for Raven, just in case?

WS'ers, what do you think? Would Raven try and fly like a bird?
Well now, most birds can surely fly...but down South, we have hunting seasons for various critters and varmints you know!

Let's see what the NC hunting season looks like for 2005/2006 -

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Crow/Raven[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of each week
between June 1, 2005, and Feb. 28, 2006 plus
Labor Day and Christmas Day

Pretty broad season to hunt those pesky crows and ravens it seems!

Hmmm. Now, how do we lure them in for the hunt I wonder.

Crows seem to like corn. What do ravens eat?

"Ravens eat rodents, insects, grain, fruit, bird eggs and refuse. They consume much carrion, especially in winter and will even prey upon sick and injured animals."

So, seems a raven will eat just about anything - from rats to trash to injured animals. Not too picky I guess.

Seems to me a raven is not so hard to hunt actually. And dang, I bet they have hunting seasons all over the US, and outside our borders too! Shoot, I bet if someone was after a particular raven even, with the right description, details, etc., that ol' raven would sooner or later find it's way back South - where it belongs!!
SouthEastSleuth said:
Well now, most birds can surely fly...but down South, we have hunting seasons for various critters and varmints you know!

Let's see what the NC hunting season looks like for 2005/2006 -

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Crow/Raven[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of each week
between June 1, 2005, and Feb. 28, 2006 plus
Labor Day and Christmas Day

Pretty broad season to hunt those pesky crows and ravens it seems!

Hmmm. Now, how do we lure them in for the hunt I wonder.

Crows seem to like corn. What do ravens eat?

"Ravens eat rodents, insects, grain, fruit, bird eggs and refuse. They consume much carrion, especially in winter and will even prey upon sick and injured animals."

So, seems a raven will eat just about anything - from rats to trash to injured animals. Not too picky I guess.

Seems to me a raven is not so hard to hunt actually. And dang, I bet they have hunting seasons all over the US, and outside our borders too! Shoot, I bet if someone was after a particular raven even, with the right description, details, etc., that ol' raven would sooner or later find it's way back South - where it belongs!!
Well, all kidding aside, he did hightail it out of North Carolina pretty quickly. There is nothing tying him to NC. But really, there is nothing tying him anywhere. He has no home, no money, no job. So, what is there to keep him in the US if he fears going to prison for the rest of his life?
Moxie said:
Raven Abaroa, AKA Samuel Peters, has not yet been charged with the murder of his wife, Janet Christiansen Abaroa. But with recent revelations, it seems that, at the very least, things aren't looking good for Raven, specifically in the context of being innocent of killing his pregnant wife.

His silence speaks volumes.

I am concerned that Raven, if he feels he is about to be charged with the murder of his wife, would try to flee the United States. His brother Derek wrote online at his *myspace* account of how he and a friend traveled via Mexico to Cuba. Could that have been a trial run for Raven, just in case?

WS'ers, what do you think? Would Raven try and fly like a bird?
Hmmmm. Ok, so much to say about this --

Let's start with being a fugitive, crossing state lines, crossing international borders, etc. Seems to me, and Lord knows I could be wrong, that once you start doing all those sorts of nasty maneuvers, you get quickly elevated to a whole new status - FEDERAL CRIME. Darn, guess that would mean that pesky ol' FBI would now enter the picture. And they are so relentless sometimes. They seem to have all sorts of sneaky ways to track down criminals!!

Now, this Cuba thing. My, my, talk about a hornet's nest of angst. Simply going to Cuba as a US citizen is banned, for the most part with some exceptions (scholarly type things mostly). Slipping in there as a fugitive? Geez. I mean first of all life in Cuba's a little different than life in the good ol' US of A! Unfortunately poverty is a huge issue for those poor folks. Jobs hard to come by. That nasty ol' Castro always looking over your shoulder. I'm thinking that some fugitive from the US might have a tough time down there!! Now sure, Cubans I think are HUGE soccer (futbal) fans!! So who knows, maybe there's a market for soccer gear or something.... But generally speaking? I dunno. Seems a bad choice somehow.

Now, that said. There's always our friendly neighbors to the North - Canada!! Ice Hockey. Maple Leaves. Winter Sports. Beautiful scenery. Nice places up there. Oh wait. Canada has extradition agreements with the US. Hmmmm. Maybe not a good thing for a fugitive on the run.

Mexico. Ok, again, Mexicans love some futbal. Ok, check.
Speaking Spanish. Probably a good thing to know. Not too terribly hard to learn.
Let's see. Ok, standards of living are generally a little different than the US, but hey, you take what you can get when you're on the run, right?
Extradition. Whoooa. Shoot. They extradite to the US as well.

Well, those are the choices relatively close to the US. Guess there are always planes to take a person anywhere they can afford to go. Now, that said, we have Homeland Security now... and those dudes seem to be all about lists, checking backgrounds, security, on and on and on. Somehow I bet if a person is tagged as a Federal fugitive, all sorts of bells, whistles, and alarms might go off when they try to leave the US!! JMO, of course....

A phrase just keeps whizzing thru my head -

"you can run, but you can't hide!"
My question is, wouldn't he be hard to spot if he grew a goatee, took a dip in a friends pool and suddenly had orange hair & goatee?
While I wouldn't necessarily put it past him if he's in a certain "mood", I really don't believe that he would run if he believed that he was going to be arrested. I have absolutely nothing to base this on - I just don't think he'd run. He does have that precious angel to keep in mind when making his decisions, and I think that he does love Kaiden enough to realize that running is the worst thing that he could do at this point. JMO.
..having not yet been arrested, ( as far as we know right this minute) , raven then hasn't yet attained fugitive status, so what's to stop him from crossing borders , with kaiden, right now ?

...i can see him going back to utah..( check, he's done that ) where he can semi-relax with HIS family ( ie: not have to do the fake cry thing he was doing in virginia)run some plans/scenarios past his most trusted family/friends.......develop a plan ( especially now with LE reading his mail, he's gotta be sweating ) ......

...oh, stop by the bank, drain the trust fund account.........and try to quietly slip away into mexico, change his appearance, join a group/tribe of some sort, (after all he does claim to be part hispanic/part native american, he could easily hide out down there through ties of his mexican grandfather's.)......

...i would hope that LE has their eye on him NOW.........although i do believe that he does truly love kaiden, i also believe that his love for raven supercedes all else, yep, i vote that he is a flight risk........
lauriej said:
..having not yet been arrested, ( as far as we know right this minute) , raven then hasn't yet attained fugitive status, so what's to stop him from crossing borders , with kaiden, right now ?

...i can see him going back to utah..( check, he's done that ) where he can semi-relax with HIS family ( ie: not have to do the fake cry thing he was doing in virginia)run some plans/scenarios past his most trusted family/friends.......develop a plan ( especially now with LE reading his mail, he's gotta be sweating ) ......

...oh, stop by the bank, drain the trust fund account.........and try to quietly slip away into mexico, change his appearance, join a group/tribe of some sort, (after all he does claim to be part hispanic/part native american, he could easily hide out down there through ties of his mexican grandfather's.)......

...i would hope that LE has their eye on him NOW.........although i do believe that he does truly love kaiden, i also believe that his love for raven supercedes all else, yep, i vote that he is a flight risk........

Well, he would certainly be a fugitive, IF - he's accepted the embezzlement plea, and IF as part of that deal he will be "serving" probation. And again, I could be wrong, but, if you're serving a probation sentence, and fail to apprear to your probation officer as scheduled, etc., can't a warrant be issued for your arrest? Now, that said, it does seem that there is still another court date, presumably to wrap up everything with the embezzlement issue...but even with that in mind, taking off RIGHT NOW, without having settled the embezzlement charges, would seem to be a serious deal, but, I could be wrong.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Well, he would certainly be a fugitive, IF - he's accepted the embezzlement plea, and IF as part of that deal he will be "serving" probation. And again, I could be wrong, but, if you're serving a probation sentence, and fail to apprear to your probation officer as scheduled, etc., can't a warrant be issued for your arrest? Now, that said, it does seem that there is still another court date, presumably to wrap up everything with the embezzlement issue...but even with that in mind, taking off RIGHT NOW, without having settled the embezzlement charges, would seem to be a serious deal, but, I could be wrong.
To me it would prove he was guilty. For if he was innocent, why run?
Will his probation require him to live in NC? Or is that something he can do anywhere?
Since he has established residence in Utah, I'm believe he would be able to serve his probation in Utah.
terminatrixator said:
Since he has established residence in Utah, I'm believe he would be able to serve his probation in Utah.
I think you're right. I was just researching and all it said was that house arrest/electronic monitoring was not available out of state. I guess Utah will be home for awhile...provided he doesn't run.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Well, he would certainly be a fugitive, IF - he's accepted the embezzlement plea, and IF as part of that deal he will be "serving" probation. And again, I could be wrong, but, if you're serving a probation sentence, and fail to apprear to your probation officer as scheduled, etc., can't a warrant be issued for your arrest? Now, that said, it does seem that there is still another court date, presumably to wrap up everything with the embezzlement issue...but even with that in mind, taking off RIGHT NOW, without having settled the embezzlement charges, would seem to be a serious deal, but, I could be wrong.
...i see what you're saying thought was , since his final court date on the embezzlement is this coming friday, the 26th, would he now have a four day window of oppurtunity to skip the country? prior to his being placed on probation ?would his name cause any red flags at the border today if he tried to run ?
...i feel that ( if guilty ) he's probably fairly worried now that LE is going through their email ( esp. if he has knowledge of something they'll uncover ) and that he's looking to 'get out of dodge' while he can.....
Moxie said:
To me it would prove he was guilty. For if he was innocent, why run?
I agree. I think if he is innocent, he wouldn't run and if he is guilty, he wouldn't run trying to prove he's innocent. Besides, I don't think the mommy apron strings are long enough to go into other countries.
I predict this Vulture will become a Jail Bird and have his wings clipped. He's not gonna fly the coop. :twocents:
In all reality, why would Raven flee? The only time Raven will check in with a probation officer in Utah will be to pay his restitution. He will not be watched like felons are because he has pled out to a misdemeanor rather than the felony charge. That is the problem with plea agreements they drop it so the state does not have to spend a lot of money monitoring their probationers. Yes he will sign a probation agreement, perhaps to not drink, no computer sales, and to pay restitution to the courts to reimburse the company he stole from.

Most states are broke and cannot afford to pay another state to watch their probationers - it sucks but it is the way it is done in most states for lessor charges.
I think that if he is guilty, and knows he is about to be charged, he will run.
Marstan said:
In all reality, why would Raven flee? The only time Raven will check in with a probation officer in Utah will be to pay his restitution. He will not be watched like felons are because he has pled out to a misdemeanor rather than the felony charge. That is the problem with plea agreements they drop it so the state does not have to spend a lot of money monitoring their probationers. Yes he will sign a probation agreement, perhaps to not drink, no computer sales, and to pay restitution to the courts to reimburse the company he stole from.

Most states are broke and cannot afford to pay another state to watch their probationers - it sucks but it is the way it is done in most states for lessor charges.
If he takes off, it won't be because of felony embezzelment probation...but that he might be faced with a double murder charge.
juliagoulia said:
If he takes off, it won't be because of felony embezzelment probation...but that he might be faced with a double murder charge.
I agree. He won't flee because of embezzlement. He will run if he gets charged with Janet's murder.
..that's what i was thinking as well..........that the embezzlement wouldn't cause him to run, since it was almost a done deal anyway, and now that he's accepted the plea he's no longer on the court docket for friday.

...however, with LE closing in..i would be afraid he'd run prior to being charged with murder, ( esp. if raven knows something big that we don't about what LE may find during the search of the email accounts..)

..he could buy a used car...load it up with some cash...head off into mexico......
..i'm sure LE has their eye on him, if he's a POI......

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