MD - Donald Brunstetter, convicted pedophile, up for parole

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Jul 13, 2010
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On Friday, July 30 at 10:30AM, Donald Scott Brunstetter will have his second parole hearing since being convicted of, and subsequently admitting to numerous counts of Assault, Child Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse by a Parent or Custodian, Second, and Third Degree Sex Offenses against a child under the age of 10, and Unnatural or Perverted Practice.

Although his combined sentence for all charges totalled 55 years, the judge on the case decided to suspend a portion of each sentence and to have Mr. Brunstetter serve several sentences concurrently rather than consecutively. When we left the sentencing hearing, he had just 10 years to serve, provided he did not cause additional trouble while incarcerated. (He is credited 1 day for every 2 days he serves, so his fifteen year sentence really amounts to just 10 years.

My daughter still struggles in many areas of her life. She has huge boundary issues, is unable to get and keep gainful employment, in spite of several attempts at college and certificate programs geared toward get her on some sort of career path. Her sentence has ALREADY been 15 years, and there is no end in sight. Why does this man get to walk away from the wreckage he caused (after just 7 years) if he gets paroled, when she can't?

Please take a few minutes to write a letter protesting the early release of this man at the upcoming hearing. If we succeed, it will be his LAST parole hearing before his sentence (reduced to 2/3 of the original 15 years due to credit for "good behavior" while in prison) runs out, and he is released in 2018.

Send your letters by snail-mail, email, or FAX to:
David Blumberg
6776 Reisterstown Road, Suite 307,
Baltimore, MD 21215 - 2341


FAX: 410.764.4433
This is it everyone.

If you have not sent your letter to help keep pedophile Donald Brunstetter behind bars you have only a handful of hours left to do so.

This is your chance to actually have a hand in making sure this monster is kept where he belongs!

From Lisa B

"Please take a few minutes to write a letter protesting the early release of this man at the upcoming hearing. If we succeed, it will be his LAST parole hearing before his sentence (reduced to 2/3 of the original 15 years due to credit for "good behavior" while in prison) runs out, and he is released in 2018.

Send your letters by snail-mail, email, or FAX to:
David Blumberg
6776 Reisterstown Road, Suite 307,
Baltimore, MD 21215 - 2341


FAX: 410.764.4433"
Email sent. Please keep us posted as to the results of the hearing. And I am so very sorry for what your daughter has been through, as well as yourself. Hugs to you both.
This is it everyone.

If you have not sent your letter to help keep pedophile Donald Brunstetter behind bars you have only a handful of hours left to do so.

This is your chance to actually have a hand in making sure this monster is kept where he belongs!

From Lisa B

"Please take a few minutes to write a letter protesting the early release of this man at the upcoming hearing. If we succeed, it will be his LAST parole hearing before his sentence (reduced to 2/3 of the original 15 years due to credit for "good behavior" while in prison) runs out, and he is released in 2018.

Send your letters by snail-mail, email, or FAX to:
David Blumberg
6776 Reisterstown Road, Suite 307,
Baltimore, MD 21215 - 2341


FAX: 410.764.4433"

I truly hope this helps.
My Step Daughter was abducted in 1985 at age 11. She returned to us when she escaped at 18. The incident destroyed her life and that of everyone that loves her.

My question before signing is do I just sign it or include her story as well.

Much Thanks
Email sent! Does it matter if we are not from the same state?
I hope mine reaches them in time and makes some sort of difference. I am so sorry that this is even an option in this day and age. To her mother, You being there for your daughter has to mean the world to her. Some are not so blessed. Please hug her and tell her it's from Tami who lives every day hoping to spare even 1 person from one moment of my hell. It keeps me going and gives me purpose. I have yet to understand "why me" but I make sure I do anything in my power to stop someone else from wondering with me. You are loved and you are not alone.
Praying for good news tomorrow.

I am very impressed with the Maryland Parole Commission's timely responses. I emailed Mr. Blumberg on Sunday early afternoon, and received his response same night and response from Ms. Ogle on Monday.

From: Blumberg, David
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2015 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: Deny parole to Donald Scott Brunstetter, Inmate #352456

Thanks for the letter. Ms. Ogle will explain the process for you.

From: Ogle, Ruth ﴾
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015

Your e-mail will be placed in Mr. Bruntetter’s file for consideration at his upcoming parole hearing. The Parole Commission appreciates the interest you have taken in this case.

Ruth Ann Ogle, Program Manager (Hearings)

I sent the email. Thanks for replying Tami. I too hope this petition helps to keep this monster behind bars.
My Step Daughter was abducted in 1985 at age 11. She returned to us when she escaped at 18. The incident destroyed her life and that of everyone that loves her.

My question before signing is do I just sign it or include her story as well.

Much Thanks

If you want to include your story, that would be helpful. If you prefer not to, that is okay too!
Email sent! Does it matter if we are not from the same state?

It doesn't matter WHO you are, or WHERE you are. This is about telling the parole board something they may not know. That is to say, pedophiles reoffend. The only reason he has not had a new victim in 7 years is that he has been locked up. He is a pathological liar, and THAT is what MY statement will be about.

I want them to see that he lied to me before we got married, about finances and his mental health and disciplinary background, after we were married, about his mother's failing health, specifically that she had Alzheimer's, and then about his having fallen off a ladder soon after we met (which got him a bottomless bottle of oxycodone and a great excuse for not working/bringing in any money).

He lied about having been married before, he lied about the circumstances of his 7 year old son's conception and birth. For reasons I don't know, his parental rights were terminated to his oldest (known) son, after a CPS investigation I have no details about.

He lied in court (over an "obstruction of justice" charge), telling the judge he was newly married (true) and that he had just learned we were expecting a child together (we were NOT. My tubes had been tied for 8 years by then, and he knew it). He told the judge he was working as a leasing agent to avoid incarceration, then turned around and filed disability a year later saying he had not been employed in over two years.

He lied to me about illegal drug use (it was either crack or meth, but I don't know the difference) and about other women.

He used to put the dog food in the bottom tray of the shopping cart to avoid paying (my daughter told me later), and would lie about supposed "defects" in everything from purchased goods to noisy hotel rooms to get discounts and/or refunds.

After we split, and I learned what he had done to Lauren, he lied to CPS and said she made it up. He lied to his mom and to his lawyers as well. The detective that went to his place of employment to interview him was told several times that "Donnie is off today", and it later turned out that he was TALKING to Donnie, who was lying about not being there (obviously). When charged, he pled "Not Guilty" and refused plea deals.

He had his attorneys probe my daughter's online accounts (she was 15 by then, and of course the things she posted were "emo" song lyrics and creepy photos) gathering information which was used to make her look bad in court.

He was ultimately found guilty, but then called in 3 "character witnesses" who had never been to a moment of the trial, so they had heard no testimony at all regarding the accusations. One was a stripper, who I had NEVER MET (and therefore useless as far as telling the court anything about how he acted with my daughter), a man who lied and claimed he was his father (a prominent businessman) because he has the same name (but is a Junior), and his mom, who swore her son was a "good man" and that she could not understand why we would lie about this when she had always thought we were so nice.

He appealed the conviction, but 6 months later, wrote to the judge to admit he had LIED, and that he was factually guilty. Of course, his light sentence could not be extended by that point, and his 55 year sentence boiled down to 10 or less.

At his last parole hearing, when asked where he planned to live if released, he said he could not stay with his mom as she had... Alzheimer's. I actually BELIEVED it, (she is getting older) until I saw photos on her retirement community's website of her enjoying trips overseas, and noticed that she also served on several boards and committees. I don't know why I had forgotten he told ME the same thing when we met. I sent a letter to her and got a call from an intermediate party who reassured me that she is in very good health. No Alzheimer's.

When asked about his "confession" he was quick to correct the "mis-impression" that he'd molested Lauren "hundreds of times" insisting it was really "only" 25 or 30 times.

He said that, if released, he would like to volunteer his time working with the elderly or animals. First of all, he needs a PAYING JOB, not VOLUNTEER WORK, and it should NOT be with children, animals, or the elderly, as they are more vulnerable than other demographics. He is a scam artist and a con man, and my hope is to convince the board that his assurances that he is reformed are just more lies.
Thought I would let someone know I was able to get mine in just in time it seems. I hope it helps.
Dear Ms. Tillman:

Your e-mail regarding Mr. Brunstetter will be placed in his file for consideration at his upcoming parole hearing. The Parole Commission appreciates the interest you have taken in this case.


Ruth Ann Ogle, Program Manager (Hearings)
This is what I included in mine, I wish I would have included some statistics, it's quite vague:


I don't live in your city or state but I came across the story of what this man did online, and all I can ask, as a mother of a two year old daughter, that you don't let this man get out early.

His sentence is already too short. Once he walks free not only can he commit these acts again, he will be able to live a normal life, something his victim will never have the chance at. She will carry the weight of what happened to her with a special sort of pain that will last a lifetime.

Please uphold his sentence and make him serve his time for the awful acts of child abuse he committed.

Thank you, from a concerned citizen and mother,
Sent. I have every hope that this will help. My thoughts are with you and your family.
My letter is sent. As another writer suggested I too mentioned that of course he has been good in prison there are no children there to molest. His history is one of deceit and laziness. He feels he can get away with things as in the past. Please don't grant him parole>
Here is what I sent (I thought they wouldn't pay attention if it was too long!)

To the Parole Board,

I have much to say to try to convince you that parole should not be granted to Mr. Brunsetter, but I think a quote from her mother might be the strongest argument:

"Her sentence has ALREADY been 15 years, and there is no end in sight. Why does this man get to walk away from the wreckage he caused (after just 7 years) if he gets paroled, when she can't?"

We MUST be the advocates for children. We will never move forward as a society with a broken and damaged future that sees no hope for justice. This man is no human; he has chosen to victimize the weakest among us. Until we can give his victim one day of peace for every two days she lives with what he did to her, the scales are not balanced. This is your chance to put your weight to use for her. For all of our children. For all of us.
I hope I am doing this right. It is my first post. Here is what I wrote ina an email to the Parole Board earlier this afternoon. Pardon its length!
Please deny parole to Donald Scott Brunstetter. His hearing is to be held tomorrow, July 30, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. He was convicted on, and subsequently admitted to, many counts of child sexual abuse. Although the combined sentences equaled 55 years, Mr. Brunstetter's sentence was reduced such that he is only required to serve 10 years provided he causes no trouble in jail.

He has served only 7 years and for reasons not apparent to any sane, decent human being, he is up for parole.

Meantime, any of his victims are serving a life sentence: They will never be paroled from the horror of the abuse they suffered, or the practical consequences of that abuse measured in the inability to succeed in either education or in the workplace, much less in an intimate relationship with another human being.

I am appalled that my home State of Maryland would even consider allowing this monster to walk out of prison after serving this tiny fraction of his already inadequate sentence.

As you know, most child molesters do not stop abusing children. For the sake of the children of Maryland, please deny parole. Indeed, if anything, the sentence ought to be increased to the 55 years that the crimes required.
I did elaborate what my child has been through. I also stated there is no cure for people like him and any monster pedophile should never be released to inflict the kind of damage he has done quite likely to many children. Praying that another testimony like those that suffered at his hands will deter his release.
okay I just sent a letter about 15 minutes ago. I hope that it keeps Mr. Brunstetter behind bars for his full sentence. It is just a shame that he was not sentenced for the whole original time. I think that those who live in Maryland should consider voting the Judge out of office if he can be voted out of office. This young women may never recovered sufficiently to live her life free from this burden caused by this

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