Alternate Theories

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Aug 19, 2008
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If not Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, then who is responsible for the murder of Teresa Halbach? Use this thread to explore the possibilities.

A few general guidelines:
  • Work within the context of the questions raised in the docuseries.
  • Back up your ideas with facts and links.
  • Exercise discretion, and keep it reasonable.
  • Use initials.
Please understand that the guidelines might be adjusted on a case-by-case basis. If a discussion goes too far, the mods will put on the stops.

The objective is to encourage a lively, thoughtful examination of all of the facts and possible scenarios, without bringing harm to innocent indviduals.
I don't see this as a high probability theory, and it's not even one that I came up with. Maybe ridiculous, but given the characters in this case, I found it interesting thought. Fargo-ish

I developed the base theory a bit more.

Someone mentioned the possibility of EA and RF , who were driving around junkyard in a golf cart that day hunting rabbit, might have accidentally shot teresa halbach.

Teresa arrives on property at about 2:45 and takes pictures and finishes interaction with Steve Avery

As she is walking back to the vehicle, the errant shot strikes teresa in head, a non fatal shot.

That's when the snowball starts rolling downhill and when they see her still alive even though being struck in the head and struggling, they apply a 2nd shot, to end any further pain and/or quiet her?

CA is summoned for advice on how to proceed. Should they report the accident ? Would these guys with rap sheets be believed ? Both CA and EA likely untrusting of LE to give them a fair shake as an Avery.

At this point they load teresa halbach into the rav4 and move the vehicle to the quarry - the propane guy sees them leave at 3:45-4:00pm-ish

One of the guys loads up another vehicle with tires, a burn barrel from janda residence, and other things needed to burn the body. CA is the mastermind of this plan.

At the quarry CA first locates the bullets in the head and gets rid of them

then they begin burning around 4:15-4:30pm

They load remains into into the burn barrel , accidentally leaving one pelvic bone fragment

They drive the rav4 back to property in the back road near where it was found on 11/5 and unload the barrel.

EA hides the car with the same skills displayed later in hiding from police when they come to interview him.

EA removes plates and hides them in a car nearby

Golf cart is used to move burn barrel back to janda residence.

They pour the bones out and cover them, so they are not visible.

they notice Steve Avery with his bonfire roaring.

CA has a master plan, but must wait until Steve is done to move the bones from janda residence to firepit

Steve is done with bonfire heads to bed. Whatever him and Brendan were up to is irrelevant - cars and whatever.

Under cover of night, CA / EA put bones back in burn barrel -- oops missed a few - and move the rest to the still smoldering Steven Avery firepit

CA maintains close relationship with police during investigation as was reported.

EA, the master hider, hides the valet key in steve's nightstand. (teresa must have used the valet key!)

CA makes anonymous call tipping off searchers that the car might be at junkyard

EA is of course there to allow them access to the junkyard when they arrive saying "I know how it feels to lose someone...." as reported.

EA says -- we haven't looked over in that area yet or "those are where the newest cars are..." whatever it takes to make discovery quick.

Rav4 is discovered.

Bones are discovered.

Police discouraged that they have found nothing to tie avery to vehicle - plant blood evidence.

CA anonymous tip to police regarding key

Police need a bullet 5 months later to place halbach in the garage where they have a deer blood stain

Plant the bullet under compressor etc and find it

Let's go to trial. CA and EA inherit the junkyard.

It's very rough, and highly unlikely , but compared to the complexity of many of the theories we see -- it's not the only crazy theory is it ? :websleuther:
Awhile back (thread 2 I believe) I posted the 4 people the defense mentions in the post-conviction motion as wanting to be brought into court that were excluded due to Denny. My belief is that these four had the best opportunity to commit this crime. I'll list them below as Persons 1-4, w. initials. BD does not refer to Brendan, btw. The numbers correspond to the number in the post conviction motion.

Person #1 (ST)
104: Motive to kill Teresa was violent and volatile personality. According to co-workers, ST is a short-tempered and angry person capable of murder
105: Prior experiences w. the court system show ST to a violent and impulsive person, particularly towards women. Charged w. criminal trespass and battery in 1994, as a result of an incident where he went into the home of CW (a female) at 3AM, who was asleep w. ML (a male). ST walked into her home, told her "you will die for this b----" and hit ML, knocking him unconscious
106: Charged for recklessly causing bodily harm to CW's son, RW, disorderly conduct, and damage to property in 1997. ST allegedly accused CW of seeing another man and attacked her, in addition to punching her 11 year old son, RW.
107: Charged w. trespass and disorderly conduct in 1998 for entering the home of his mother w.o permission. Shoved her and called her derogatory names after finding she moved some of his fishing equipment and it was missing
108: TRO filed by CW against ST. CW alleges ST called her repeatedly at work and threatened to "kick her a--" among other derogatory statements. Went to her home and threatened to hurt her, and followed her
109: Assaults CW again in 2002. Shoved her against the wall, took her phone so she could not call police, and punched her w. closed fists twice in the shoulder
110: Had motive to frame Steven. At the time, he was the boyfriend of Barb Janda, now husband, and stepfather of the Dassey children. If he or one of them killed Teresa, he would have motive to frame someone else, and Steven would be a convenient choice.
111: Opportunity to kill Teresa, w. frequent access to to Avery property
112: Testified he was at Janda home twice on Oct 31. Barb, and likely ST, would have known Teresa was coming to the property to photograph Barb's van, and could have seen Teresa photographing the van.
113: ST's alibi is BD (not Brendan, one of Barb's other sons, Person #4), their alibis are mutual. Each clcaims they saw the other driving, both were going hunting, no one else can verify their whereabouts that afternoon.
114: Co-worker claimed that ST approached him trying to sell a .22 rifle belonging to one of the Dassey boys (.22 was believed to be the murder weapon)
115: Co-worker testified ST left work and was a nervous wreck on the day Steven was arrested. Another said ST had claimed one of the Dassey boys had blood on their clothes, and that got mixed up w. his laundry.

Person #2 (CA)
117: Potential motive to kill Teresa. Assaulted his former wife and had an aggressive history w. women who came up to the Avery salvage yard. Charged in 1999 w. sexual assault by use of force, allegedly held his then wife DA down and had sex w. her against her will. DA also stated that CA tried to strangle her w. a phone cord
118: DA alleged CA contacted her, violating domestic abuse injunction in place. Entered her property against her will numerous times, and tried to block her from leaving/prevent her from calling police.
119: Aggressive behavior extended to women customers at Avery Salvage Yard. ZL claimed that CA sent her flowers, gave her $100 bill, repeatedly asked her on dates, and told Calumet investigators she was afraid of him. Similar experiences w. different women detailed in 120-121
122: Motive to frame Steven- jealousy of Steven over money, his share in the family business, and his fiancee Jodi. Upon Steven's release from prison, he would be involved in the business more and more, and each would get a third of the share. CA's daughter, Carla, said CA did not want Steven working at the salvage yard.
123: Steven was looking to receive a large sum of money as a result of his exoneration. Could have believed that if Steven went to prison, his lawsuit proceeds would go to himself and other Avery family members.
124: Jodi was afraid of CA. She told another woman in jail that she was afraid of him, and that he had come over to Steven's house w. a shotgun because he was mad they were dating, and had awoken to find him in Steven's residence in the middle of the night uninvited.
125: Opportunity to kill Teresa. Was on property daily, and would have been aware of anyone coming from Autotrader to photograph cars on the lot. Allegedly asked Steven if the photographer had come to the yard sometime on Oct 31. Told LE on Nov 6 that he recalled that Steven may have left work to meet w. a girl and take some pictures
126: Motive to frame Steven. Could have planted key in Steven's room and smeared blood in Teresa's car from a rag that was used on Steven's finger. Framing Steven would improve his situation
127: Prime location to see people coming to do business on the yard. His trailer is closest to the location where Teresa's car was found. Anyone driving Teresa's car would have driven past his trailer.
128: Told LE he spends a considerate amount of time working in pit area, yet never noticed Teresa's car. Has no alibi for Oct 31 as he lives alone. Access to firearms.
129: LE gave him crucial information relating to their investigation.

Person #3 (EA)
131: Similar family business motives stated above w. CA. Told LE of his willingness to incriminate Steven "if my brother did something, I would tell." His wife greatly disliked Steven. Was on Avery property as well, had access to Teresa, and a bloody towel to plant Steven's blood in her car.
132: Charged in 1995 w. sexually assaulting his two daughters
133: Means to kill Teresa. He had been shooting rabbits on the grounds, riding around the property on a golf cart.
134: Admitted to driving the golf cart past where Teresa's car was found, and claimed he did not see her car (even though his companion would claim he knew every car on the lot.) Again on November 4, when in pit w. Steven, did not see Teresa's car. Cadaver dog alerted to a golf car parked behind a small garage at the main residence of the salvage yard.
135: Knew Teresa was coming, was familiar w. Autotrader magazine, and Steven had told him he had to go home because someone was meeting w. him from the mag
136: Hid under clothes in an upstairs bedroom when police came to collect DNA
137: Along w. CA, would have known more about Avery Salvage Yard and its day to day business than anyone else.

Person #4 (BD-Not Brendan)
139: Evidence he did not like Steven. Said Steven had in the past "lied in order to stab you in the back"
140: Opportunity, he was at home at the time Teresa was on the property. Since she was photographing his mother's car, he would have known she was coming. Admitted he saw Teresa and her car out of his window. Means to shoot Teresa- he was a hunter w. access to guns.
141: Suspicious explanation of movements on Oct 31. Claimed to have gone hunting, said ST would say they passed on the highway- that he would be able to verify "precisely the time" but did not explain why that time would be so important. Stated he took a shower before going hunting, Barb Janda stated he took one when returning home.
142: Physical examination found scratches on his back, he told LE they came from a puppy. The physician said the scratches looked recent, and were unlikely to be more than a week old.
I don't see this as a high probability theory, and it's not even one that I came up with. Maybe ridiculous, but given the characters in this case, I found it interesting thought. Fargo-ish

I developed the base theory a bit more.

Someone mentioned the possibility of EA and RF , who were driving around junkyard in a golf cart that day hunting rabbit, might have accidentally shot teresa halbach.

Teresa arrives on property at about 2:45 and takes pictures and finishes interaction with Steve Avery

As she is walking back to the vehicle, the errant shot strikes teresa in head, a non fatal shot.

That's when the snowball starts rolling downhill and when they see her still alive even though being struck in the head and struggling, they apply a 2nd shot, to end any further pain and/or quiet her?

CA is summoned for advice on how to proceed. Should they report the accident ? Would these guys with rap sheets be believed ? Both CA and EA likely untrusting of LE to give them a fair shake as an Avery.

At this point they load teresa halbach into the rav4 and move the vehicle to the quarry - the propane guy sees them leave at 3:45-4:00pm-ish

One of the guys loads up another vehicle with tires, a burn barrel from janda residence, and other things needed to burn the body. CA is the mastermind of this plan.

At the quarry CA first locates the bullets in the head and gets rid of them

then they begin burning around 4:15-4:30pm

They load remains into into the burn barrel , accidentally leaving one pelvic bone fragment

They drive the rav4 back to property in the back road near where it was found on 11/5 and unload the barrel.

EA hides the car with the same skills displayed later in hiding from police when they come to interview him.

EA moves plates and hides them in a car nearby

Golf cart is used to move burn barrel back to janda residence.

They pour the bones out and cover them, so they are not visible.

they notice Steve Avery with his bonfire roaring.

CA has a master plan, but must wait until Steve is done to move the bones from janda residence to firepit

Steve is done with bonfire heads to bed. Whatever him and Brendan were up to is irrelevant - cars and whatever.

Under cover of night, CA / EA put bones back in burn barrel -- oops missed a few - and move the rest to the still smoldering Steven Avery firepit

CA maintains close relationship with police during investigation as was reported.

EA, the master hider, hides the valet key in steve's nightstand. (teresa must have used the valet key!)

CA makes anonymous call tipping off searchers that the car might be at junkyard

EA is of course there to allow them access to the junkyard when they arrive saying "I know how it feels to lose someone...." as reported.

EA says -- we haven't looked over in that area yet or "those are where the newest cars are..." whatever it takes to make discovery quick.

Rav4 is discovered.

Bones are discovered.

Police discouraged that they have found nothing to tie avery to vehicle - plant blood evidence.

CA anonymous tip to police regarding key

Police need a bullet 5 months later to place halbach in the garage where they have a deer blood stain

Plant the bullet under compressor etc and find it

Let's go to trial. CA and EA inherit the junkyard.

It's very rough, and highly unlikely , but compared to the complexity of many of the theories we see -- it's not the only crazy theory is it ? :websleuther:

I don't think this is by any means one of the most absurd theories out there, but I do think that involves too many people/potentially mixed motives. Certainly not impossible, and not "crazy", but not one of the most probable theories in my book.

I don't believe CA, EA, and RF are all involved. I also don't believe this theory explains SA's involvement. If Teresa was shot on the way out, how didn't Steven hear/see what happened? I also don't necessarily by that they would go to CA IF they did accidently shoot Teresa. There wouldn't be, at this point, any debate about whether or not to go to LE- the 2nd shot would not have been accidental, it's a finishing shot, and first degree murder. If this was how it went down, I'm not convinced they'd bring CA in OR that CA would even want to be involved.

Steven reports Teresa leaving his property by 3PM in his original statement. It is possible he is mistaken, but what do they do w. Teresa's body in that 45 min span. Remember, bus driver reports her car on the property at 3:30-3:45, as do Blaine and Brendan. This is the same time period (roughly) the propane guy spots a car that he believes may be hers as driving away from the Avery's. They likely aren't both right. I tend to think the propane sighting may be a misidentification. Also, RF does not arrive at the Avery property until 5PM, so a big hole in the theory there.

What other vehicle is used? If Steven is having his bonfire, how is he not noticing them taking the burn barrel, leaving it back at Barb's, driving around w. the golf cart, and Teresa's car coming back to the property? Just luck that he happened to be absent during all of this?

Is there any evidence that EA guided searchers where to look, or that there was a tip about the key?

Key to proving this theory would be locking down a timeline, particularly when RF arrived. Next would be what type of gun they were hunting with (was it a .22 caliber?) After that, it would be Steven's movements during this time (could he be substituted in for CA?), as well as attempting to ascertain everyone else's movements during that time. If ST/BD are in no way involved, how to explain their explanations/timeline inconsistencies? Coincidence? Just some thoughts after reading this :)
Thought it was also worth mentioning that in Part 1 of Avery's appeal, pg 39, they mention Buting actually tried to suggest during closing that Person 4 (BD) killed Teresa, but was forced to backtrack after the State objected.

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Thought it was also worth mentioning that in Part 1 of Avery's appeal, pg 39, they mention Buting actually tried to suggest during closing that Person 4 (BD) killed Teresa, but was forced to backtrack after the State objected.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Which appeal ? can you quote how that went ? or point to document.

it's also important to note that Blaine changes his testimony on Bobby Dassey.

His original statement, the one used in the avery trial (video of this is around) was that Bobby Dassey was home sleeping when he got home.

Then in the Dassey trial, he says that Bobby was not there when he got home.

Whenever a person , especially a brother, changes his testimony about something, I do wonder why.

Blaine's testimony shows that Bobby Dassey MIGHT have been home all the way up to 5:00 potentially. It also conflicts his testimony of his alibi I believe.

But to be honest, I don't even have a good idea of the possible time frames bobby and tadych are CONFIRMED on the property.

I do know that Scott Tadych would have left with Barb that night to go to the hospital.

But again, we have to think about , if the propane guy was right, someone might have taken teresa off the property. So at that point everything going on, on the property, is not as important as who is NOT on the property -- that was there at the time Teresa was there. Scott ? Bobby ? 2:45 - 4:00pm is the most important time period in this case imo -- and we have witnesses and people changing their accounting for this time period more than any other time period. Suspicious to me -- Blaine, Brendan, Bobby, Scott, even Steve (via defense narrative conflicting with 2:45 account on video on NG) -- have changed their accountings at one time or another.

All suspicious to me.
The bus driver testified in court that she dropped Blaine and Brendan off between 3:30-3:40 at the end of Avery Road (not sure if this is what you are referring to as "long road". At the end of the driveway she saw Janda's van and a woman who appeared to be taking photographs.

The propane man testified that he saw a green SUV driving away from the Avery property, and he later said he thought than the car may have been Teresa- after Teresa had been reported missing. A lot of cars look similar to eachother, and he saw it driving- making the chances of him being mistaken much larger. Testifying later that you believe you saw a green SUV that may have been Teresa's is not super reliable testimony to me, although of course it bears consideration.

From the 2010 Avery Appeal, RF testified that he arrived at the Avery property around 5pm, and EA was working at the time. 5pm is also the time period where Barb and ST arrive back at the property to leave for the hospital in GB. Rabbit hunting on the golf cart did NOT happen until after 5pm, making an accidental shooting by EA and RF remote- I cannot see a situation where Teresa would have been on the property at that time.

EA allowing someone on that property to discover her car, but then hiding when he has to give a DNA sample is very contradictory IMO. I don't think EA would have let people on that property to look around if he knew her car was there, UNLESS, he was attempting to frame Steven and wanted it found. Even then, how is he to know that they wouldn't focus on him as well? He had prior sex offenses, and clearly did not want his DNA taken. I just can't see him willingly letting them on the property if he was involved, unless by that point he already planned to frame Steven.

The reference to Buting trying to point to BD as a the killer in closing, it was from Part 1 of his Appeal from 2009, on page 39, covered under point #80. It does not give much more detail than what I gave, but they cite the Avery Transcript March 14, pgs 214-222, which would give the full context of the closing, if we ever get to see the transcripts.

As for the relevant time period 2:45-4PM: We know for certain that Blaine and Brendan were not there until 3:30 at the earliest. This calls into question both Steven and BD's testimony (Steven stating Teresa left at 3PM, BD saying he saw her at 2:45PM). EA ended work at 5PM when RF arrived, and Barb and ST were at the property around 5PM. CA unaccounted for during all this time.

As for the bonfire, Bryan Dassey states that he didn't find it odd as Steven had bonfires monthly, and someone had asked Steven to burn something (I can't remember the guys name, but it is in Bryan's statement) Brendan also mentions that the bonfire was pre-planned by Steven, but only Brendan showed up. In the context of this being a salvage yard, I don't see burning tires at all unusual. It appears as if these guys burned just about everything.

I am most interested in what CA was doing during this time, as well as Steven. I am interested in BD and ST, but even if Blaine is telling the truth when he says BD was sleeping when he got home at 3:45, that means that BD had to kill and hide Teresa between 3 (when Steven says she left) and 3:30-3:40 (when the boys get back home) AND get back into his home, change, and look like hes sleeping. Very narrow window IMO. I'm not super interested in EA, although I definitely don't think he can be ruled out. I am very interested in CA- the sex offender w. the history of making women at the salvage yard uncomfortable, who has the best view to see what happened, yet sees nothing and has no alibi during this time period. It is an absolute travesty that someone didn't at some point try to lock down his movements. I would give anything to see his police statements, just saying.
This is my favorite theory. I've seen it on FB and Reddit, and although I'm not sure what side I'm leaning toward, this definitely gives me something to think about:

"The police didn't kill TH. AC (officer) located that RAV4 with the assistance of MH (brother) and RH (ex bf) who illegally trespassed onto the Avery Salvage Yard on the night of November 3rd 2005. MH and RH suspected something was up since the Avery Salvage Yard was the last place they knew TH visited on Oct.31st Halloween day. They went snooping on the property and found the car. They checked the car and found the key in the ignition and blood in the cargo area. MH or RH removed the key from the ignition to ensure that no one could easily move the car off of the Avery property... freaked out about this huge discovery they call the Manitowoc Sheriffs Department. AC fielded the call that night and went out and met RH and MH at the Salvage Yard so he could view the car for himself. RH and MH show him the car and to be certain its TH's he "calls" in the plate number to dispatch. AC has to "call" in... instead of "radio" in... the plate number to Manitowoc dispatch because he wasn't in his police cruiser at the moment, but rather on foot and in the "field' on the Avery Salvage property.

This mistake places AC at the scene and in contact with TH's RAV4... 2 days before it is officially located on November 5th, 2005, by PS (searcher).... This is problematic for AC because all call and radio transmissions to dispatch are recorded and logged onto the Manitowoc Police server. AC is now operating outside of police protocol at a potential crime scene that he has no official directive to be at. He tells MH and RH to basically STFU about what they found and not mention to anyone that they were ever on the Avery Salvage property that night. RH or MH turns the RAV4 key over to AC. MH and RH are told to go home. AC then immediately calls Lt. JL (officer) and briefs him about the discovery of TH's car and breaches of protocol he committed on the Avery property, also about RH and MH being there. Lt JL realizing that AC calling in the plate is a serious mistake with potential consequences orders AC to remove the license plate from TH's car and then report to him immediately.

What JL and AC, or the others for that matter, don't realize at this point and are completely unaware of is that BD (brother of BD, our convicted suspect) and ST (BD's stepfather) have kidnapped, raped, shot and then burned TH in the privacy of the gravel quarry off of Jambo Rd on Halloween evening. They choose to burn her body to dispose of their DNA evidence of the crimes. They hid TH's car in the rear of Avery Salvage and wiped it clean of their prints. believe it is ST's idea to secretly transport the cremains of TH from the gravel quarry and dispose them into SA's burn pit. ST transports TH's cremains in secret by using one of BJ's (BD's mother) burn barrels from her yard. ST fails to collect all of TH's cremains from the original burn site in the gravel quarry, thus leaving some behind that FBI investigators later find... but he also fails in making certain all of TH's cremains are out of BJ's burn barrel after dumping them into SA's burn pit. This is why investigators found small bits of TH in BJ's burn barrel. Thus making a total of three sites where TH's cremains are found. ST and BD are unaware that RH and MH have found TH's car on the property and that JL and AC are now involved and in play with their scheme. .........By shear colossal luck, two completely independent frame jobs targeting one man, SA were shaping up into the perfect storm. On one front, from JL and AC regarding the RAV4, ....and on the other unconnected front by ST and BD regarding the cremains of TH. One party wasn't aware of the other's involvements at any point during the days leading up to the official discovery of TH's RAV4 at the Avery Salvage Yard hence why the investigation and murder trial made zero sense to anyone especially the Jury.

None of the evidence could be connected because it was all unrelated... everybody was guessing. But SA's attorneys had zeroed in on a part of it but couldn't fully form a solid defense to prove it. The Jury couldn't conceive that Manitowoc officers could have conspired to kill TH to frame SA as KK (prosecutor) insisted they had to if they wanted to follow the theory the defense presented of the frame up of SA by Manitowoc officials. And KK was right... Imagine ST's confused and utter relief when SA's blood was found in the car and the RAV4 key found in SA's bedroom..... he must have been like.... WTF?! A quote from ST after SA is convicted of TH's murder.... "THIS IS THE GREATEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN" ..... We will see ST, we will see....................."
This is my favorite theory. I've seen it on FB and Reddit, and although I'm not sure what side I'm leaning toward, this definitely gives me something to think about:

Snipped for brevity... Honestly, as outlandish as it may seem to others, this fits my theory to a T. I'm not convinced MH and RH are involved (except that why tf did they access her voicemails but whatever), but I'm almost certain AC was snooping, found the car, and ran with it, and that ST/BD (not Brendan) were the culprits. JMO!
I find the idea of two people being involved together, whether it'd be Bobby and Scott or Chuck and Earl , is less likely. Not impossible, but hard for me to believe.

That's why I believe police targeted Brendan, as that it's more believable that Steven could influence Brendan in that way. Threaten him was the original angle if you look at the interviews. Then they went in directions of "you planned this, right ?" Brendan at this point is wiling to modify the story however they want so he can, to get home and watch TV or go back to school.

I get it that Scott and Bobby and Chuck and Earl are all suspicious. But the rape/murder duo doesn't make as much sense to me.

I kind of think that there is 1 person that planned to do this, and if anyone else was aware, it's a mistake and something that needed to be dealt with on the fly.
ok... for clarification... Max, you did post again after me, right? did you delete it, or did a mod? Just want to know in case this is something that we should not be discussing?

I seen it... then got a phonecall ..... do I need a bigger tin foil hat? LOL
I did, I posted a blog, not even the article itself. Must not be allowed. I don't think I said anything specific about an individual, but I can honestly see why it doesn't belong here. It's very far-fetched.
I did, I posted a blog, not even the article itself. Must not be allowed. I don't think I said anything specific about an individual, but I can honestly see why it doesn't belong here. It's very far-fetched.

Thanks! So maybe a mod could clarify?
Thanks! So maybe a mod could clarify?
A blog first must be approved by an administrator before it can be linked as a source. That particular blog has not been approved. You might also refer to the opening post of this thread.

The theory in question isn't open for discussion here on WS, at least not at this point.
A blog first must be approved by an administrator before it can be linked as a source. That particular blog has not been approved. You might also refer to the opening post of this thread.

The theory in question isn't open for discussion here on WS, at least not at this point.

Thanks Bessie! I won't discuss it here anymore then either ;-)
A blog first must be approved by an administrator before it can be linked as a source. That particular blog has not been approved. You might also refer to the opening post of this thread.

The theory in question isn't open for discussion here on WS, at least not at this point.

The only reason I even replied is because it was posted -- see post #8.
I also assumed that it was a valid topic since the convoluted brian link has been posted so many times.

I personally agree that it's probably not a good idea to discuss it, because mentioning it add support to it's validity on some level. I personally think it's fiction. (but has been fun researching)
The only reason I even replied is because it was posted -- see post #8.
I also assumed that it was a valid topic since the convoluted brian link has been posted so many times.

I personally agree that it's probably not a good idea to discuss it, because mentioning it add support to it's validity on some level. I personally think it's fiction. (but has been fun researching)

yep lol I had seen it numerous times come up, but didn't post until shadowraiths posted about it ;-)

I don't think it's a bad idea to discuss... but again, from what I have seen, SA's new lawyer has all the information, so if there is any truth to it, I'm sure we will see it come back up at some point in an appeal or whatever.
Hi all, I apologize for bringing it up and causing the confusion. And I agree, if there is anything worth discussing, I am sure it will show up in court documents.

Eta ~ I mod'd my own post (was post #8) as well as the response to my post.
I find the idea of two people being involved together, whether it'd be Bobby and Scott or Chuck and Earl , is less likely. Not impossible, but hard for me to believe.

That's why I believe police targeted Brendan, as that it's more believable that Steven could influence Brendan in that way. Threaten him was the original angle if you look at the interviews. Then they went in directions of "you planned this, right ?" Brendan at this point is wiling to modify the story however they want so he can, to get home and watch TV or go back to school.

I get it that Scott and Bobby and Chuck and Earl are all suspicious. But the rape/murder duo doesn't make as much sense to me.

I kind of think that there is 1 person that planned to do this, and if anyone else was aware, it's a mistake and something that needed to be dealt with on the fly.

Agree that IF this was a rape/murder it's unlikely two people were involved in the rape/murder (group sexual assaults happen, but are pretty rare) but I'm not convinced another party wasn't knowingly involved after the fact.

I'm not a huge fan of the BD/ST theory (although I do believe it's definitely a valid theory worth considering) because I feel the window for the murder to happen is really narrow if we involve BD. Blaine and Brendan initially stated they woke Bobby up at 345. That gives him from 4-5 to commit the rape/murder, hide the body, and get cleaned up as he was back at the house at 5. Also, who burned the body? BD is back at home at 5, and spends the next 3 hours sleeping/watching tv (per his statement) ST is in GB w. Barb from 530-730

If Steven didn't do this (and I'm not 100 percent ready to rule him out btw) then I think the best suspect would be CA. While ST/BD do have suspicious alibis that should be probed further, they are accounted for during significant portions of the night, which narrows the timeline. The timeline for CA remains wide open. Until someone can pin down his specific locations during the 245-5 time period, he's the #1 alternate suspect in my book. He knew Teresa was there, he knows the property well/can access everything on it easily, has a history of aggressive behavior w. Women customers, and had a violent, volatile relationship with his ex-wife, w. Multiple incidents of violent behavior, including violation of domestic abuse injunction, threats, stalking, preventing her from calling LE, and forcible rape.

Would like to add that assuming CA did not murder Teresa, I believe he knows something and/or aided after the fact. His house was at too central of a location to see nothing if he was in it alone all night like he said (his reason for having no alibi was he lives by himself) Brendan states repeatedly they drove the RAV4 past his house and that he "probably knew". He also sees Steven and CA together in the garage the day after the murder talking and working on a car, which LE immediately tells him Ian true because it doesn't fit their narrative. He was very involved in this from the beginning, and I just don't buy that he knows nothing. Someone on that property knows something and saw something, IMO

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Would like to add that assuming CA did not murder Teresa, I believe he knows something and/or aided after the fact. His house was at too central of a location to see nothing if he was in it alone all night like he said (his reason for having no alibi was he lives by himself) Brendan states repeatedly they drove the RAV4 past his house and that he "probably knew". He also sees Steven and CA together in the garage the day after the murder talking and working on a car, which LE immediately tells him Ian true because it doesn't fit their narrative. He was very involved in this from the beginning, and I just don't buy that he knows nothing. Someone on that property knows something and saw something, IMO

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I agree that I'd not be surprised if CA knew at some point. Earl as well though. Fabian said that Earl knew every car on the lot, which means if there was one with a poor hiding job that stuck out, he'd most certainly notice that.

I'd also like to know what exactly each person's job was, as it relates to the junkyard. Does chuck tow the cars ? Who would be the one to walk with customers into the yard if they were in search of the car ?

At some junkyards, they just let you wander, but the whole idea of having someone like Earl who knows all the cars, is to expedite that search for a car that fits customer's needs.

If that car was there since 10/31, do I believe that chuck, earl, ore even fabian never noticed it ? Within the context that it's part of their job to move around that junkyard ?

What is steve's role ?

Is anyone clear on what their roles are, in regards to the business ?

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