S-West FL. Baby bald eagles are hatching on livestream Dec 2016

It's like a real Hatchimal!
No babies yet
Its cold and windy here today...... they will stay tucked under momma and daddy even if they do hatch. Not sure how weather will affect it... slow down maybe?
I have been following the livestream on my FB feed. I can still remember several years back when my kids were younger and they would come in several times a day from their play outside and ask me to pull up the Decorah Ustream to check on the eggs and later thee hatchlings.

They are busy being teenagers now and are less interested but I still find the eagles parenting fascinating.
feeding time RIGHT NOW if anyone is watching
Hi All! Thought I'd post this here to share with those interested. Link to a camera mounted over an eagle nest in Florida where Harriet, M15 and their eaglet E9 reside. E9 was born less than 2 weeks ago. I've become very attached to this Eagle family and I've learned a lot about Eagles from observing them. They are very good parents.
They are most active during the day and that is the best time to watch them feed their chick. One parent stays on the nest at all times while the other hunts. There is a river nearby so they eat a lot of fish.
There is another egg in the nest but it's not viable.

Enjoy! There is a lot of info in the link about the Eagles story, how to tell them apart, etc.

The second egg has not hatched?

No. We'll probably never know why. The chick didn't develop properly or the egg just wasn't viable for whatever reason. The parents keep sitting on it though :(
No. We'll probably never know why. The chick didn't develop properly or the egg just wasn't viable for whatever reason. The parents keep sitting on it though :(

This is really a neat live cam. Thanks so much for sharing.

So beautiful those birds are and their nest is amazing.

We have an occasional hawks nest in our trees and they also build really large nests. Its so neat to see those eagles.

People dont realize that birds like eagles and hawks try to put their nest way at the top of a tree for safety reasons. They can see anything approaching from below if they are at very top and they dont have to worry about attacks from above except for other flying birds which they usually can defend themselves.

Its natures wonder at its best. I love the company describing how they let nature takes its course. We humans have to realize that we sometimes do more harm than good if we interfere with nature.

Only people that really know what they are doing should ever try to help or interfere with nature. A good example is when humans try to touch babies to help them back in a nest and then the mother will sometimes abandon the baby altogether because human scent is now on the baby. Just a small example. I did onetime help a baby chick that fell out and I wore rubber gloves and put it back. I saw the mother come back and all was fine because I had the rubber gloves on. I probably should not have interfered at all but it was one of those situations where I knew the baby was way too small to be trying to fly. He had no feathers yet hardly :)

The people who are managing that eagles nest area seem to have very good advice and they are doing things the right way.

thanks again for sharing.
Thanks for the comment! I'm so pleased others are enjoying it. It is so interesting to watch the interactions between the parents. Harriet obviously wears the pants in their relationship and bosses M15 around lol. They use a lot of vocalizations to communicate with eachother. I especially enjoy watching them bond by feeding eachother and working on the nest together.
I totally agree with you: It is very important to keep a hands off approach and let nature unfold. Humans are the biggest threat to to wildlife even when we're trying to help.....like the person in Yellowstone who put a baby bison in her car because it looked cold. It later died because it was rejected by the group :/. Obviously there are times when it's needed but best to be left to 'experts'. In the summary at the bottom of the page it tells the story of Harriet's first chick who was taken from the nest by an owl. It was found alive a few days later, taken to an eagle sanctuary and eventually rereleased.
If i came across a baby bird fallen from its nest it would be hard for me to leave it too. Smart call wearing gloves to keep your smell off the chick.
Three weeks old today. Happy B-Day E9. Absolutely adorable.

E9 has grown so fast the nonviable egg looks like a golf ball next to him/her.
It's been so wonderful to take a break from some of the heartbreaking cases here to watch our little E9 grow so big. I was just watching him/her get so close to the edge and worry, but his parents are sitting in the attic watching nearby as well. I guess it's still a couple of months away from fledging time but it looks like it could happen any day. Thanks again for this thread. I look at it every day.

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