The Kratz book

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Aug 19, 2008
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Here is a link to the preview of his book:

Be warned: the Forward is done by Nancy Grace.

I have read it, and it confirms that I won't be buying it to contribute to the Kratz retirement fund. JMO

I find it ironic that Kratz and Griesbach have both written books complaining that MaM got it wrong and then proceed to write their own mistruths. A small part of me was actually hoping that maybe there would be some good info in KK's book, since he was the prosecuting attorney (unlike MG, who was not involved at all), unfortunately now that I see mistruths or twisting of known facts in the preview, it brings the credibility of other information in the book that I can't verify because we don't have it available to compare.

Here are just a few examples that I found different than what we know:

TH called Barb's phone while she was on the road - she made this call at 11:43am, the tower she pinged off was her 'home' tower. She didn't get to her first appointment until approximately 1:30pm, in New Holstein. Where was she for almost 2 hours if she was on the road? And how did she get DP's fax with all the info for the BJ photo shoot if she was on the road?

phone records:


That on Oct 10th SA answered the door in a small white towel. Creepy, thought Teresa. TH told friends she didn't want to return - DP from AutoTrader was not able to say what day the towel incident happened. And when did the towel get so small? How does Kratz know what Teresa thought, DP didn't testify to her saying that. What friends said she didn't want to return? I know we have discussed this before, but if there are friends that could have testified to that, why didn't they?


There are more... many more!

ETA: is it ironic that the link to the book ends in the word "false"? LOL
Here are just a few examples that I found different than what we know:

TH called Barb's phone while she was on the road - she made this call at 11:43am, the tower she pinged off was her 'home' tower. She didn't get to her first appointment until approximately 1:30pm, in New Holstein. Where was she for almost 2 hours if she was on the road? And how did she get DP's fax with all the info for the BJ photo shoot if she was on the road?

That on Oct 10th SA answered the door in a small white towel. Creepy, thought Teresa. TH told friends she didn't want to return - DP from AutoTrader was not able to say what day the towel incident happened. And when did the towel get so small? How does Kratz know what Teresa thought, DP didn't testify to her saying that. What friends said she didn't want to return? I know we have discussed this before, but if there are friends that could have testified to that, why didn't they?


I agree Missy! How did the towel become a "small white towel"? A little embellishing the story, huh?

A. After she was out there, around October 10th, it was like about a week or so after that, she had stated to me that he had come out in a towel.
Q. He meaning whom?
A. Steven Avery.
Q. Had come out where?
A. She didn't specify, she just said that he had come out, just in a towel.
Q. All right. Did Ms Halbach describe for you anything else about that, any other details about seeing Mr. Avery in a towel?
A. The only -- I just said, really, and she said, yeah, and she said, yeah, and she laughed and just said kind of, ewww, you know.

Add to that~~

ANGELA did tell me TERESA had confided in some people at the AUTO TRADER magazine when she (meaning TERESA) had been at STEVEN AVERY's residence on a prior occasion, he had come out of the house trailer to meet her wearing nothing but a towel.

CASO report, page 15

So, where does the "Small, white" come from? KK's sick imagination? For all we know, it was a beach towel.

It is not in testimony and it is not in CASO reports?

Lastly, if TH was on the road at that time, then why were her whereabouts during that time NOT investigated?

link to a letter from KK's book. It was sent from SA to Kratz on June 18th, 2013.

I am not sure what the reference to CA is about? It can be interpreted a few different ways IMO Maybe she has info? Around this time he was still accusing EA of having something to do with TH's disappearance. According to this article, EA had a restraining order against SA in 2014.

Prison documents show in 2014, Earl Avery contacted Waupun Correction Institution to tell them his brother was violating his order not to contact him. The prison had already twice told Steven Avery "to cease any and all contact with Earl Avery."

I am not sure what KK was trying to show with this letter, but IMO the only way they would get 'money' is if the appeal was successful, and he was exonerated. Right around this time, actually 4 days prior, the court records state, Motion Seeking the Appointment of Counsel; Petition for Appointment of An Attorney; Affidavit of Indigency. So he was looking for a lawyer at the time. (one was appointed in July of that year) That info can be found here:;jsessionid=2C0A75441922BF0AA21D808FE2532504.render6
BCA ~ just from the bit I read ... the "little" and "creepy, thought Teresa" were just a few of many embellishments!

Like I said in my first post, it's ironic that the premise of the book is to set the record straight and clear up what MaM got wrong, and in doing that, IMO he is changing the facts, or embellishing, or whatever word you want to use LOL
Here are interesting things I have noticed skimming around the preview

He refers to the unsealed evidence box as "unsealed." The quotation marks are in the book as if using scare quotes changes objective facts.

He spends a lot of time whining about how persecuted he is.
Hilariously enough, on some website he was considered to be as evil as Hitler, Ted Bundy, and the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.:laughing:

Kratz' first words
My name is Ken Kratz

He describes MaM fans as being "incurious" among other insults.

He goes on to talk about how poorly he is mistreated, briefly describes Teresa as the "real victim", then goes on to talk more about how poorly he is treated.
He (much) later goes on to talk about how proud he is to be an advocate for the rights of the Halbach family. (When??)

On why Avery committed the crime:

Most people probably assume he acted on impulse, that killing Teresa was an uncontrollable heat-of-the-moment act, or even a sexually charged crime of passion.

Avery is obsessive. In jailhouse calls, he'd get stuck on a topic, especially if someone had been critical of him. Steven feels every slight to the core and never lets anything go. It eats at him, week after week, month after month, year after year.

Then he goes on to recount the testimony of (the original) jailhouse snitch Jessey Werlien about how all Steven thinks about is rape and killing and that he diagrammed a "torture chamber" and talked about this stuff to "anyone who would listen" but they apparently haven't found a second source.

Nancy Grace believes Dassey's confession and refers to his IQ as normal (well, maybe his IQ isn't particularly low when compared to hers...?).
She of course, seems to be pretty vague about which parts of his confession is true. Just that it is even though there are many contradictory statements.

The most important thing though, is I cannot see any place where he cites any sources. For example:
He says "experts" describe Avery as "typically sociopathic". Which experts, when did they say this? Did they actually sit down and talk with him? If not, then these "experts" have committed an ethics violation trying to diagnose someone they haven't had as an actual patient, assuming they are experts in psychology/psychiatry. If they're not mental health experts, then what are they doing trying to diagnose him with a personality disorder and why would anyone listen?

This problem follows around pretty much all of his claims. He never points us in any direction to verify any of his claims. Which might seem a bit much to expect for a pop-fiction memoir, but c'mon. Cite your sources. This is middle school stuff. Probably elementary school nowadays.
by the way, the free preview shows at the bottom that pages 41-172 are not shown. The book is only 172 pages long, longer including the Forward. If my math is correct ( me out lol), 23% of the book is shown in the preview!
by the way, the free preview shows at the bottom that pages 41-172 are not shown. The book is only 172 pages long, longer including the Forward. If my math is correct ( me out lol), 23% of the book is shown in the preview!

I can see pages between 41 and 172. Do I have different pages available? I feel like I have half the book.
Saul ~ I admit, I skimmed over the Forward (because of who wrote it lol) and the first bit. I know enough about KK, I didn't need to read his own take on himself LOL

That being said.... no matter how I feel about him, or how creeped out I am by him, I don't feel it's necessary at all to contact him, threaten him or his family, this includes MTSO, or CASO, or anyone else that has a connection to this case. I wish people wouldn't do that. But JMO ;-)

And you are right, I didn't see any sources either, it's just him, his memory I guess, but his memory is likely failing (possibly from all the drugs? :thinking: ) I could have gone on with some of the other things I read and what is misrepresented but I didn't have time today ... maybe tomorrow after work :) LOL Lots of facts left out of SA's prior incidents.
I can see pages between 41 and 172. Do I have different pages available? I feel like I have half the book.

if you scroll all the way to the bottom it says "pages 41-172 are not shown in this preview" .... if you have more pages than me.... I'm calling conspiracy hahaha

I do think there is more pages though, because the "forward" I don't think is included as page numbers? the hard copy of the book on amazon said it was 192 pages, did NG take up 20 maybe?

JMO but 192 pages seems pretty short, I feel like I could type that up in no time! And I bet I could source my facts.. just sayin' :)
by the way, the free preview shows at the bottom that pages 41-172 are not shown. The book is only 172 pages long, longer including the Forward. If my math is correct ( me out lol), 23% of the book is shown in the preview!
What the heck...I only see a preview for pages 1 - 15... 9 pages of forward... or 8% w/o forward and 13% with forward....

But, if you are getting pages 1 - 40, then you have 28% including the forward and 23% without it.
What the heck...I only see a preview for pages 1 - 15... 9 pages of forward... or 8% w/o forward and 13% with forward....

But, if you are getting pages 1 - 40, then you have 28% including the forward and 23% without it.

Ok wait, I was wrong... looking again, it jumps from page 4 to page 22. I thought it was odd that it would show so much LOL
Saul ~ I admit, I skimmed over the Forward (because of who wrote it lol) and the first bit. I know enough about KK, I didn't need to read his own take on himself LOL

That being said.... no matter how I feel about him, or how creeped out I am by him, I don't feel it's necessary at all to contact him, threaten him or his family, this includes MTSO, or CASO, or anyone else that has a connection to this case. I wish people wouldn't do that. But JMO ;-)

And you are right, I didn't see any sources either, it's just him, his memory I guess, but his memory is likely failing (possibly from all the drugs? :thinking: ) I could have gone on with some of the other things I read and what is misrepresented but I didn't have time today ... maybe tomorrow after work :) LOL Lots of facts left out of SA's prior incidents.
Well, if you ever go missing~~KK will be my first suspect~~because you know~~he creeps you out...LOL

By the way~~he creeps me out too. :D

...and if he ever answered the door for FedX or UPS in a small white towel, well then he is just guilty then...
Saul ~ I admit, I skimmed over the Forward (because of who wrote it lol) and the first bit. I know enough about KK, I didn't need to read his own take on himself LOL

That being said.... no matter how I feel about him, or how creeped out I am by him, I don't feel it's necessary at all to contact him, threaten him or his family, this includes MTSO, or CASO, or anyone else that has a connection to this case. I wish people wouldn't do that. But JMO ;-)
His second sentence is "You may know me as the chief villain in the Netflix docuseries Making a Murderer blah blah blah..."
It is wrong to threaten him, people oughtn't do that.
But man, starting off that way really reeks of a persecution complex. According to google books, he uses "I" or some derivitive 38 times. He uses "Teresa" 38 times. "Halbach" 40. Avery 41. Making a Murderer 44. Steven 36. Just kinda shows where his priorities are in this book.

And you are right, I didn't see any sources either, it's just him, his memory I guess, but his memory is likely failing (possibly from all the drugs? :thinking: )

He says his son put his career on hold to help research the book. So presumably there was SOMETHING somewhere that he looked at.
His second sentence is "You may know me as the chief villain in the Netflix docuseries Making a Murderer blah blah blah..."
It is wrong to threaten him, people oughtn't do that.
But man, starting off that way really reeks of a persecution complex. According to google books, he uses "I" or some derivitive 38 times. He uses "Teresa" 38 times. "Halbach" 40. Avery 41. Making a Murderer 44. Steven 36. Just kinda shows where his priorities are in this book.

He says his son put his career on hold to help research the book. So presumably there was SOMETHING somewhere that he looked at.
You couldn't pay me to read the book.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

link to a letter from KK's book. It was sent from SA to Kratz on June 18th, 2013.

I am not sure what the reference to CA is about? It can be interpreted a few different ways IMO Maybe she has info? Around this time he was still accusing EA of having something to do with TH's disappearance. According to this article, EA had a restraining order against SA in 2014.

Prison documents show in 2014, Earl Avery contacted Waupun Correction Institution to tell them his brother was violating his order not to contact him. The prison had already twice told Steven Avery "to cease any and all contact with Earl Avery."

I am not sure what KK was trying to show with this letter, but IMO the only way they would get 'money' is if the appeal was successful, and he was exonerated. Right around this time, actually 4 days prior, the court records state, Motion Seeking the Appointment of Counsel; Petition for Appointment of An Attorney; Affidavit of Indigency. So he was looking for a lawyer at the time. (one was appointed in July of that year) That info can be found here:;jsessionid=2C0A75441922BF0AA21D808FE2532504.render6

I guess I should have expanded on this, since I have read speculation elsewhere that a very early on tweet from KZ was in reference to the letter linked above.

KZ tweeted back in January 2016:

Kathleen Zellner
Kratz letter to SA:Confess so I can write book & profit.This bloodsucking gives vampires a bad name #MakingAMurderer

Post #6 in Zellner tweets.​

With the above tweet was also a photo of the letter that KRATZ sent to SA. Here:

kratz letter snip.PNG

Sure seems to me that there are other letter's before the 2013 one, and also between the 2013-2015 letters. Would like to see those too.
We wouldn't want key information left out of the story - like letters that may have preceded this one. That could be unintentionally misleading.
We wouldn't want key information left out of the story - like letters that may have preceded this one. That could be unintentionally misleading.

Beginning six years after the trial, in January 2013, Steven Avery and I exchanged a series of letters. He knew that I was no longer a DA and no longer represented the state and he invited...

That is where that page (page 164) ends and 165 is not viewable in my preview. Page 166 is the only letter I can find, the one where Steven suggests Kratz be his attorney.

He monitors Jodi's commissary purchases, her clothing allowance and *****es about the number of cigarettes she smokes.
-(page 40)
[The *****es is the B-word. Female dog]
Emphasis mine. Is Kratz supposed to sound like a dude with a grudge in his own book? Also, I think smoking is one of the few topics that you're allowed to nag a spouse over endlessly. Weird that that seems to offend Kratz.

Also, Steven "fixates" (Kratz's word) on the money Jodi spends and this makes sense. Since someone outside of prison is generally filling up the person's account. According to Kratz, this person was Steven. I'd be pretty annoyed too if I was giving someone money to live on and they were spending large portions of it on cigarettes. Prison commissary stuff is usually pretty expensive compared to the outside world prices. Even Kratz calls the phone bills "bloated" (page 40)
If Steven was in fact innocent, who better to prove he was railroaded than one of the people who put him in prison who's fallen on hard times?

My own opinion, naturally.
I guess I should have expanded on this, since I have read speculation elsewhere that a very early on tweet from KZ was in reference to the letter linked above.

KZ tweeted back in January 2016:

Kathleen Zellner
Kratz letter to SA:Confess so I can write book & profit.This bloodsucking gives vampires a bad name #MakingAMurderer

Post #6 in Zellner tweets.​

With the above tweet was also a photo of the letter that KRATZ sent to SA. Here:

View attachment 109618

Sure seems to me that there are other letter's before the 2013 one, and also between the 2013-2015 letters. Would like to see those too.
This just makes me ill.

Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk

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