A message to the community with regard to our childrens safety


Help Find Maura Murray
Aug 14, 2003
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(I only copied the end of it)

...Take time, when possible, to walk with your child to the bus stop; know who their friends are and where they are supposed to be going. Verify it and make sure there will be appropriate supervision (verify that with the one-incharge); teach them how to avoid suspicious &#8220;looking/acting&#8221; people; keep an eye on them even when playing in their own yard.

Teach yourself and then your child how to be safe. Pray for the families of lost and or missing children everywhere.

P.S. I am the father of three sons who were murdered in 1988.

&#8212; Larry Mitchell

More: http://www.frostillustrated.com/news/2005/1228/Opinions/019.html
I wanted to post my thoughts on a separate post, to make sure they weren't confused with part of the story.

I found that while reading news today.

I thought in light of everything we've been seeing lately in the news and in particular all the cases I've personally been following that we might benefit from that story. Someone lost not one child but three, and wrote that from his heart.
Someone felt that.
Some of us here have felt something similar, to a lesser or greater degree.
And we could feel it in the future if we aren't careful ... or even if we are.
Hold on tight to your children. We can't control the evil in the world, but we can try our best to love, help, teach, respect, admire, praise, listen, talk, discipline, be reliable, accountable, responsible, giving ... be a friend, a parent, a confidante, a teacher ... be there.

It's not easy.
No one's perfect.

I make plenty of mistakes but I learn from them and it makes me better.
I hope to be a good parent when it's my turn.
I hope to never go through what this man has, and to never have to endure that kind of pain and loss.

This is just my opinion.
I live about 5 minutes from my sister in law and she calls me alot to go to the bus stop and pick up her girls who are 11, 13, 15 and 17.....well i complain alot because i think that they are old enough to walk down to the end of the road together since they get off the bus 2 at a time and there are other kids there as well,plus i have a son as well i need to run around, but then i think about all these young children and teens abducted and murdered and i always go and then get them.......

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