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Sep 13, 2003
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Hi Everyone,

Many of you know the very shy man we call "Hawkshaw". OK, KIDDING about the shy part.

Hawkshaws knows a lot about the Long Island Serial Killer case. In addition Hawkshaw knows a lot about the workings of the police department, D.A.'s office and more.

Hawkshaw, in the days to come, will be posting his thoughts, theories, and antidotes about all things law enforcement.

If you choose to respond to Hawkshaw and you disagree with him that's fine as long as you are gracious and mature in your responses.

Not sure when Hawkshaw will be here but hopefully soon.

Take Care,
Toughest things to do in a situation like this is to find a place to kick off. The rest usually follows on its own steam. Ask any question about anything and I will try to answer it. Note* I wear boxers,not briefs.

I thank our Webmaster for making this available for me to rant and rave to the readers and to allow me to maybe educate you about how corrupt the Suffolk County system really is.

OK - story for today:

Driving on the L.I.E. earlier today a box type truck passed me by. It had the name of a Master Concepts cabinet maker out of Bay Shore, NY. It brought back memories of my former son in law's horror show.

Spota/Burke will offer false evidence the SIL helped burglars rob his store on an October night in 1999. The MC owner would first report the burglars removed $100,000.00 from his safe. Problem is the insurance company didn't agree and I believe they offered him more like $15,000 for his alleged loss. Undaunted , the owner did get an accountant to make up invoices stating he had bought equipment worth near that amount. Yes, I know who the accountant was, he was the cousin of my SIL's then best friend, and he told me what happened. I also learned the owner asked the cousin to get his friend, my SIL to light a fire under the detective's azzez to investigate the case. As this came to my attention 5 years after the burglary this was difficult to prove.

I interviewed the owner about this information and, of course, he said this wasn't true. I also mentioned to him the detectives working the burglary case did an outstanding job in this investigation. He said to me: If going on vacation for the next three weeks is an outstanding job then so be it. I have written evidence this WASN'T true.

I also mentioned to him the detectives did several polygrpaphs of at least one person he suspected of burglarizing his store. He said that wasn't true despite the fact I have evidence to the contrary. SCPD, actually did a great job investigating this case - they just wasn't able to make a case - through no fault of their own.

The detective that had this case was brought in by the DA to testify in my son in law's case. IMO, he gave testimony that exculpated my son in law of committing this crime. At the time of his testimony he had since been transferred from the local precinct detective squad to the DA Squad. No beef with him as he testified to the truth. That it was near impossible, given the logistics of who was where that it was near impossible to the SIL to act as a lookout for this crime. The detective even confirmed that the losses the owner said were lost suggested it was a lie.

So if you believe the SIL went to the detectives to investigate this case then you would have to believe the SIL would be crazy to go to the detectives urging them to investigate a case he was allegedly involved in.
To be perfectly candid with you I spoke to the SIL about his going to the detectives he said he couldn't recall that much less who the detective was. it was basically a non-event so he simply forgot it, but his friend didn't forget asking for the SIL's assistance n getting the detectives involved when he simply said 'yes' .
YOU folks should visit the case of the death of a Michael Divers, 8/28/15. He was a 50ish attorney that died after being sat on by two men for more than 10 minutes after a confrontation with them at a Sweet 16 Party. There is video footage of said incident and the case was presented to a grand jury with No True Bill returned. The lawyer for one of the suspects was none other than Jim Burke's attorney. Even the TV Sarah Wallace report showed this video.

As far as I am concerned the new DA to be will not prove himself to be the real deal until he investigages this case and many others.
Your Investigation lesson for today. First thing I want to make clear to you is at this time my observations should be broken down into two periods: Pre-Sini/Post Sini - Like B.C. and A.D.

One observation with SCPD is the bigger the LIE the easier it is to believe. I know this because when I was doing the defense case of my son in law I just couldn't believe anyone would have the gall to make up such lies. It set me back with my investigation. The great lawyer we had was a tried and true battlefield lawyer. I couldn't get him to attack the detectives directly because he KNEW such an approach with a brain dead jury would hurt the case - not help it. He was right, of course.

Little Jimmy Burke was the master of the lie. Who was going to prosecute him for perjury when the DA concocted the lies? When a mealy mouthed poor excuse for a judge would not have the guts to do the right think after hearing lies after lies, after lies?

LittleJim even tells you how he was so impressed with the detectives in the Pius case that he wanted to be just like them.

Read Little Jim's testimony for the Pius trial. Read the part about the bike being placed against the tree. Just enough of the lie to make the brain dead believe in the lie. BTW the thought came to me that the popular TV show The Walking Dead came from a movie producer sitting in at a SCDA jury !!!

Jimmy would use the lie....half lie throughout his career - people are stupid so why not let them figure it out for themselves and believe they are so smart?
LE should investigate the death of Lilia Aucupina . This was not a suicide.
Dateline would call it "Family Secrets".
They should really re-open the murder case of Peter Ghattas, 9/24/03. Never did close it. Same detective that had that case is the same detective that wrote the letter to Newsday, and published that he heard the Shari Gilbert tape and found nothing on it that suggested her life was in danger. And the tape has yet to be released.

The murder of Peter Ghattas is the same PG that honest detectives brought in to investigate a widespread crime ring and the primary person he was giving information on was a Joe Careccia, better known as James Burke's neighbor, 9/03/03, cops brought Ghattas was brought to Spota and Burke's office and three weeks later, 9/24/03 he was murdered outside of Rob's Pro Tow, Ronkonkoma, NY. Catches a bullet to the head and that case remains unsolved.

One of at least 3 people he was giving information is a Eddie Wright, drug dealer and a fellow that boasted of killing people on a contract basis. He is currently serving 40+ years in a federal prison. Peter G gives information about some pretty dangerous people and leaves without any protection or anything the sort of it. Where does he go? He goes right to the mouth of the Lion's den, Rob's Pro and catches a bullet.

Word is that not only was he a state witness, he was a federal witness, too. In other words the FEDS may have screwed this one up.

Several years later the owner gets arrested by the FEDS for drugs and illegal gambling. The stories that were printed at the time said he threatened his girlfriend because she said the owner said he knew about the murder. Never heard another word about that little detail, but he did do a couple of years and was fined for more than 250K and had another several hundred K forfeited upon conviction.

A licensed pistol was stolen out of a house occupied by the Rob Tow's owners girlfriend.

The mother in that house told me she always suspected one of the guns stolen from that house was used to kill Ghattas.

The gun, so far as I know was never recovered.

Police reports say that on the day of the burglary the owner was seen in his car parked down the block. Joe Careccia brought Eddie Wright and David Cipkin to the house to be burglarized. Cops came up with their usual fairy tale putting a gun in Wright's hand after the burglary. A real bit of creative writing.
They should really re-open the murder case of Peter Ghattas, 9/24/03. Never did close it. Same detective that had that case is the same detective that wrote the letter to Newsday, and published that he heard the Shari Gilbert tape and found nothing on it that suggested her life was in danger. And the tape has yet to be released.

The murder of Peter Ghattas is the same PG that honest detectives brought in to investigate a widespread crime ring and the primary person he was giving information on was a Joe Careccia, better known as James Burke's neighbor, 9/03/03, cops brought Ghattas was brought to Spota and Burke's office and three weeks later, 9/24/03 he was murdered outside of Rob's Pro Tow, Ronkonkoma, NY. Catches a bullet to the head and that case remains unsolved.

One of at least 3 people he was giving information is a Eddie Wright, drug dealer and a fellow that boasted of killing people on a contract basis. He is currently serving 40+ years in a federal prison. Peter G gives information about some pretty dangerous people and leaves without any protection or anything the sort of it. Where does he go? He goes right to the mouth of the Lion's den, Rob's Pro and catches a bullet.

Word is that not only was he a state witness, he was a federal witness, too. In other words the FEDS may have screwed this one up.

Several years later the owner gets arrested by the FEDS for drugs and illegal gambling. The stories that were printed at the time said he threatened his girlfriend because she said the owner said he knew about the murder. Never heard another word about that little detail, but he did do a couple of years and was fined for more than 250K and had another several hundred K forfeited upon conviction.

A licensed pistol was stolen out of a house occupied by the Rob Tow's owners girlfriend.

The mother in that house told me she always suspected one of the guns stolen from that house was used to kill Ghattas.

The gun, so far as I know was never recovered.

Police reports say that on the day of the burglary the owner was seen in his car parked down the block. Joe Careccia brought Eddie Wright and David Cipkin to the house to be burglarized. Cops came up with their usual fairy tale putting a gun in Wright's hand after the burglary. A real bit of creative writing.

Edit / Delete
The Half Lie and Jimmy Burke learned it before he was 14. He did it for Mike Q, and continued doing when he framed my former SIL. Let the brain believe they came about this on their owned and it works like a charm. God only how many times he did it after Pius and when he framed the SIL.

I was reading the grand jury testimony and knew the rest of the testimony before I got to the end.

Careccia would testify as to how the burglary was to unfold. He gave the SIL specific instructions as to where he was to wait in the King Kullen parking lot. Very specific. Said he ran to the front window and saw the police car parked where he ordered it to be. When asked if he could ID the driver he said he couldn't. . Guess what, the ONLY person we know who was there at the KK was the SIL. I can say with great confidence not even Careccia was there.

So what does a jury supposed to conclude? They would conclude if Careccia was lying then why wouldn't he just say the cop was there.

All the FEDS had to do was to find Careccia for the truth and he would have told them the truth - for a change and Burke would have been arrested and convicted at least 10 years ago and never would be the top cop in Suffolk County. It was really that simple. .
All the FBI had to do to put this Criminal Enterprise to bed was to speak to Joe Careccia, Jake Feinberg, David Cipkin, and that little jerk Dan Brosnan and the whole Spota Criminal Enterprise would have been history in 2006. They didn't even have to twist and arm to get to the truth.

When the defense needed the FEDS to authenticate the travel records of the SIL, records they sent the defense BUT they wouldn't appear in court because it "WASN'T IN THEIR INTERESTS". The defense got it in through other means. Had there been a conviction it carried a minimum sentence of 20 years!
All you folks have to do is to play a little true to life detective story; WE WILL CALL THIS GAME: WHO DO YOU BELIEVE.

A, dirt bag named Daniel Brosnan received a traffic ticket on 11/16/99. He said the ticket was written at 12:15AM. He said he was made to wait there until about 12:50 am as the SIL was talking car to car with another police officer, who was later identified as a PO John Cerato, 3rd Pct. Car# 308, given his summons and let go.
That version is in clear contradiction to the FACTS of the case: Those facts are totally supported by the police radio transmissions made by the SIL and PO Cerato.

to be continued
Jake was nothing more than a giant lump of shyte before he got out of short pants. Jake was a self-admitted stick up man, burglar, drug dealer that eventually went ‘straight’ compared to what he was doing with other crimes by selling mortgages for companies that were there today and gone tomorrow.
Had to be let go by a notorious mortgage broker because he took so much Ketamine and Vicodin the guy would pass out.
Joe Careccia told detectives that Jake, my son in law, and others did the armed robbery of Strathmore Bagels on 7/25/00.
From what I was told the detectives that took that statement investigated the matter and told Spota it was all BS., and Joe is a pathological liar.
The SIL was in Europe for that one. Jake worked at Strathmore as a kid and gave the information the safe had the owner’s life savings.
A new team was brought in and the decision to frame my SIL had not yet been made.
In May, 2004, detectives laid in wait for Feinberg driving his car and nailed him for DUI and possession of drugs and paraphilia. At the time Jake was on probation for another drug violation.
Feinberg is brought in and confesses to the armed robbery of Strathmore, and is let go with no bail and no violation of his probation. He signs an agreement that if she be arrested for any crime, NOT convicted the deal will be null and void. Two months later he is arrested outside the Midtown Tunnel for exactly what Suffolk arrested him for in May. They let him go again only this time with the cooperation of the Queens County DA.
What I am convinced the DA wanted to do was to ‘corroborate’ Careccia’s lies with Feinberg for the Strathmore robbery which carried a minimum sentence of 20 years upon conviction. That crime was nestled right in between a burglary on 7/10/00, and a burglary on 7/30/00. It has always been my belief the 7/10 burglary was never intended to be a charged crime.

It was never intended to be a charged crime because the armed robbery was all they needed to put the SIL away for 30 years.

But something went wrong on the way to the grand jury and after Careccia told Judge Hudson on 7/2/04 admitting all of his crime , or say he did. What happened is Spota's eagle eyed detectives did their homework and found the SIL was in Europe for the robbery.Oooooops.

With a perfectly good liar on their hands and they can''t use him anymore, Spota's boys scour all the records of open burglaries and will fit the SIL, Careccia, and Feinberg into that scenario. Why waste someone that is willing to lie. So they used Jake when the 'burglary' was really a failed insurance fraud by the owner. It also happened to be an after hours bar that cops and Burke often frequented.

Funny how this well known after hours joint closed that night at 12:30AM when it often opened late and stayed open until the sun shined.

It gets better, a lot better and that ******* of a judge only made it worse when he assessed the SIL $4,000.00 in restitution, upon conviction. When that charge was reversed I sent the owner my version of a check on a piece of toilet paper and told him he can try case it, and if he couldn't then he knows what to do with it.

Jake died at 31 several years ago. When you are mainlining Ketamine and swallowing 30-40 vikes a day it has a way of killing you..
A few years ago I posted on two different Boards that concerned themselves with matters of Suffolk and Nassau County. They were the Schwartz Report and 631 Politics. I posted almost entirely on Suffolk County. I also gave a lot of attention to the Comment column on Newsday. 631, both widely read Blog Boardt eventually disappeared without explanation. Newsday allowed comments to last forever. In the topic of framing my former son inlaw there were over 3,000 posts.

In Schwartz I posted a letter written by an attorney to Spota and an appellate judge named Skelos, it was an 'indictment'of a powerful political leader and it was taken down. I, and others put it back up again. That Board soon disappeared like the summer wind. Posted it again on 631, and guess what, that disappeared, too. Note* The political leader is now in federal prison. The other character I wrote about day in and day out is now, guess what? If you said federal prison BINGO.
A courageous Newsday reporter was following up information about Jim Burke. A source informed the reporter that a certain police Suffolk County LT was present when a call came from NYPD that James Burke was picked up in Brooklyn for soliciting a prostitute.
The message was: “ We got him here, again” NYPD was asked to let him go. NYPD told to let him go. NYPD told Suffolk if you want him you have to come and pick him up.
The reporter went to the LT.s house to make inquiries ad was told he didn’t know what she was talking about. A week or so later Newsday receives a letter from the SCPD Superior Officer Council ( Union) to ‘cease and desist’ making further inquiries of Burke. Not that the SOC had any standing on such matters but they did it anyway.
Newsday complied and the story was never printed. So much for the courage of LI’s premier paper.
THANK YOU for your posts and all the time you’ve invested sharing all this info. It’s great to have it all in on place, in on thread, too. And thanks to Tricia for welcoming it!

I’m still reading through everything. Its enlightening.
The other day I was talking with a retired Suffolk cop. Now he knows of me and knows what I have been doing for the past years. He said to me "you have no idea what they are capable of". Those were the same words I said to the NYS SIC some years ago when they asked me why would SCPD frame your son in law. I told them " you have no idea what they are capable of.. One investigator looked at the other investigator and both smiled when one said, " Oh, we know what they are capable of.''

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