Nothing really changes - dateline 11/24


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2011
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You guys should try to get a video on demand of last night's Dateline Show. Everything I have been trying to say over the past several years is pretty much on the show. You watch it and decide for yourselves in what I say is PROBABLY true.

Check out the guy who was the first suspect in the Sarah Goode case and decide whether or not the cops tortured him or not. Why would he lie about something like that?

Simple enough to explain - let the cops and DA play the taped interrogations to prove the suspect wasn't tortured. And why was he put in a jail cell for 2 days?

Check out the lawyer that represented the guy that was convicted. The lawyer gets it - most others don't have a clue. If you look close enough you might think the lawyer is not so much saying his client is innocent, he seems to be truly concerned that his client MIGHT have been framed.

For the record? If I had to take a guess I would say the guy that was convicted did it. BUT this isn't what it is all about.
If you folks can get last nights DATELINE I urge all of you to watch it. It should make you understand how bad things really are with the SCPD.
If you folks can get last nights DATELINE I urge all of you to watch it. It should make you understand how bad things really are with the SCPD.
I watched it on youtube.
SCPD is bad news.
I think they are selective as to who they punch and kick around.
Do you think that would work on LH or karate guy?

The quality of the tape is poor.
Yes I saw that that was on awhile ago, the problem is these suburbanites don’t want to belive how much of dirt bags these pigs with badges are they worship athority and don’t think twice about questioning these people. Well there scared to.
If you folks can get last nights DATELINE I urge all of you to watch it. It should make you understand how bad things really are with the SCPD.

Thanks for posting this hawk.. if locals have optimum cabal, you can see the full episode on free on demand, under NBC in the primetime shows tab. I watched it last night and it was well done.

Ya gotta wonder if all this bad press is wearing down the morale of scpd and creating this bad environment. Hopefully all the good members of scpd, which imo, i feel far outnumber the corrupt handful within the ranks, can eventually turn the tables and right the ship. Strength in numbers.. the good and awake within the dept need to join forces and rebel if sini and the eventual new police commish dont get things turned around quickly.
There is a woman that was a long time victim's advocate. I believe most of her work was pro-bono. She did this because she lost a child many years ago. She was seen by the media leaving one of the court appearances and asked her opinion on how the proceedings went that day. She gave her opinion as it was. No attack on the prosecutor ( who she knew ) it was just a plain honest take. Two drunks from the DA office ( they will remain unnamed ) called her and lambasted her for making what she thought to be innocent remarks. She was no longer welcome in the DA office. Much of her good work went to another person well known to many of you. Only this person is well compensated
Thanks for posting this hawk.. if locals have optimum cabal, you can see the full episode on free on demand, under NBC in the primetime shows tab. I watched it last night and it was well done.

Ya gotta wonder if all this bad press is wearing down the morale of scpd and creating this bad environment. Hopefully all the good members of scpd, which imo, i feel far outnumber the corrupt handful within the ranks, can eventually turn the tables and right the ship. Strength in numbers.. the good and awake within the dept need to join forces and rebel if sini and the eventual new police commish dont get things turned around quickly.

Most cops in most PDs are honest hardworking people who go into the profession to do good. Most wanted to be accepted by their fellow workers and senior officers. The ambition of many new cops is to be accepted and trusted by their peers. Many of those role models are the 'big guys' that make the cases and the headlines. Some good guys get lost along the way.

It has always been my opinion that Burke came into the PD not as a cop but was a CROOK.

Bottom line is you can be reasonably confident should you have inter-actions with the SCPD that you will get a good shake for your money.

SINI? Seems to be a decent enough fellow but innocent enough not to understand what he is really up against. He should keep his counsel of David Kelley. He won't put him on the wrong path.
Nothing changes? The now DA, or former police commissioner was elected DA on 11/7/17. Prior to that he had a long campaign with good polling numbers. In any case the 11/7 election victory meant he was not going to be the PC on 1/1/18. It now seems the Belloney Administration has just begun their "nationwide" hunt for the next PC. You folks do realize they can pick a new Pope faster than that?

Maybe Suffolk should add a little color to the blessed event by having vigils outside of PHQ and/or Chief Exec. Office when they pick the new PC with a plume of smoke.
Sorry if I missed it but what was the name of the episode? I'll youtube it tonight

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