KS - Toby Young for helping prison inmate escape, Lansing, 2006

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Good! Shame on Toby Young for abusing her authority on dogs and her position of trust. Hope she likes prison cuz it is where she's going. No dogs for her, though :p
Escaped Inmate, Dog Trainer Captured 1 hour, 51 minutes ago

ATHENS, Tenn. - A Kansas prison volunteer and the convicted murderer she's accused of helping escape in a dog crate have been captured in Tennessee after more than a week on the lam, authorities said. U.S. marshals caught the pair Friday after a brief car chase on Interstate 75 between Chattanooga and Knoxville. Toby Young, who ran a dog rescue program at Lansing Correctional Facility, is charged with helping John Manard escape Feb. 12 in her van. Prison officials have said guards' familiarity with Young, 48, helped her pull off the escape.

The two had more than $10,000 in cash and two semiautomatic weapons, authorities said. They also bought hair coloring and an electric razor that may have been used to alter their appearances, officials said. Manard, 27, was serving a life sentence for first-degree murder, aggravated robbery and possession of firearms in the 1996 killing of a man during a carjacking. He now will face additional charges of aggravated escape from custody.

Young is married to a firefighter and has children, but authorities believe her family was not aware of her plans. Her husband, Pat Young, did not want to comment on the capture in a statement Saturday. "I want to assure you that no matter what may come of this, it will remain a private and personal matter," he said.


I'm so very disappointed in Toby Young's choices. :(

Mostly, I'm ticked off because she totally screwed up a terrific program that really benefitted the rescued dogs that would otherwise have probably been 'put down' - not to mention the immense benefit to the incarcerated men who will be back in society someday. What a damn shame!!!

Toby was 21 years older than the murderer she helped to escape - a dude young enough to be her son. (!) She had a firefighter husband & kids at home. And a business that had it's own rewards!

I mean, geesh - come on, what was she thinkin'???? :confused:

13th Juror
My oldest daughter is a professional animal trainer..she has been taking a lot of good and not so good natured ribbing because of this idiot. What really angers me,other than what she did to her own family,is what she may have done to all the critters out there looking for good homes.
I knew it was just a matter of time before I knew someone who did something CRAZY, and it would end up being talked about here. I don't know Toby all that well, but I subbed in a Bunko group years ago that she was part of.

This is the STRANGEST story. Who knows what was going through her mind when she helped this guy escape from prison. She's got a family, and comes from a really good family. My husband has worked with her father (before he retired), and said he was just a great guy. Toby did have cancer, but beat it. My friends and I have talked a lot about this, and the ones who knew her well, have no explanation for what she did. How could a normal woman, with a family and husband do such a thing? Why on earth would she risk everything for this slimeball? My friends were wondering if the cancer was back, and that had something to do with her actions. Not that it's an excuse, but knowing her, even though I don't know her well, there's just no way I would have thought she'd do something as nuts as this. It's things other whackos do, not a woman who lives in the burbs, and has a normal life.

I remember when Manard and his cohort in crime killed a man for his car. I don't remember all the details, but I think this guy was sitting in his car while his wife was inside a beauty salon getting her hair cut. The area that this happened was a safe area, and so I am sure this guy thought he had no reason not to sit in the car.

The first thing I thought when I heard this was that she's a "rescuer." If I remember right, they never did determine who pulled the trigger that killled the man (I don't think so, anyway). Maybe he convinced her that he was wrongly convicted, and maybe she felt she was rescuing him. I don't know. None of it makes sense.

It just is so hard for me to reconcile the fact that this woman would do such a thing. It will be interesting to hear what the circumstances were...and what her thinking was at the time. Because this doesn't make sense...not at all. :(
NanaMcZoo said:
My oldest daughter is a professional animal trainer..she has been taking a lot of good and not so good natured ribbing because of this idiot. What really angers me,other than what she did to her own family,is what she may have done to all the critters out there looking for good homes.
The first thing the warden said is, this incident would not effect the dog program, so I expect he mean't what he said. There were others involved in the dog program that will carry it forward.
Do you think it was a romantic interest? A lot of older gals like 'em young. :rolleyes:

scandi said:
Do you think it was a romantic interest? A lot of older gals like 'em young. :rolleyes:


It seems like it would have to be doesn't it? What other reason would there be for a woman to make the decision to give everything up including the children she had given birth to? I doubt that the prisoner cared a hoot about her. He probably sweet talked her into believing that he cared knowing she was fool enough to help him get out of there. I wonder if she believes it was all worth while now? And most of all....did they really think they could escape and just blend into society?
Bobbisangel said:
It seems like it would have to be doesn't it? What other reason would there be for a woman to make the decision to give everything up including the children she had given birth to? I doubt that the prisoner cared a hoot about her. He probably sweet talked her into believing that he cared knowing she was fool enough to help him get out of there. I wonder if she believes it was all worth while now? And most of all....did they really think they could escape and just blend into society?
It just goes to show that we never know who is driving someone else's bus. This woman apparently had a deep character defect/personality need, whether caused by her childhood, or even her marriage, that this guy tuned into, and connected with. In cases like this, wouldn't it be interesting if they could figure out, what it was in this particular woman's background that allowed her life to be consumed by this nefarious plot, with a man so much younger than her, and a convicted murderer to boot.
Buzzm1 said:
The first thing the warden said is, this incident would not effect the dog program, so I expect he meant what he said. There were others involved in the dog program that will carry it forward.

Buzz, I am so pleased to hear that the 'rescued dog program' will continue at the prison. Thank you for relating that bit of info to us. Much appreciated! :)

I have been rescuing & rehabilitating animals from shelters and 'dumping sites' for years. Several years ago, I received permission to begin 'a comfort program' at a local nursing/retirement facility where my elderly aunt was a resident and a longtime patient in the rehab wing. (7 yrs)

Aunt Penny has since passed away - but the comfort and joy that these 'rescue dogs' bring to the residents there was so therapeutic and helpful for all concerned that we still make the afternoon trips to the facility twice a week. The residents really look forward to the 'doggy visits' and for many folks - it is the highlight of their day.

Rescuing animals and bringing joy, love & meaningful purpose into their lives gives me the greatest high I could ever ask for. It's the best! Couple that with bringing a measure of comfort & happiness to senior citizens who are confined due to infirmity - brings me so much joy & contentment that I can't even put it into words. <so, just insert great big smile here!> :D

Bottom line - I'm delighted that the dog program will continue at the prison. :D

Still - I can't figure out Toby's bizarre behavior in giving up so much -- in order to plan & execute the escape of a convicted murderer. :confused: That one is simply 'over my head', I guess.

Thanks again, Buzz. :blowkiss:

LuvBeaches - most interesting inside tidbit! Please do keep us posted on Toby's travails through the justice system as best you can. Thanks! :)

13th Juror - definitely an 'animal person'! :D

NanaMcZoo said:
Thanx Buzz. Luv Beaches,I'm sorry you and your friends are being affected by this. Best to you all.

It's sad because you just don't expect someone like her to do something like that. But then again, who knows what was going on in her mind. I feel horrible for her husband, boys and her family. I'm sure they want to know what made her do such an irrational act. It's crazy. I expect people who do things like this to have a screw loose, but when someone does something like this, and they appear to be normal, it kind of blows away your perceptions of what good vs. bad should be like.

Last night, our local DA was on TV and he said that in Kansas, she'll get a max of two years in prison. He said that's the state law. That did surprise me. He said if the feds file charges, she could be looking at more time.

I know there has to be more to the story. I do not believe she just "flipped" and helped this guy escape. Something must have been going on in her life.
13th Juror said:
LuvBeaches - most interesting inside tidbit! Please do keep us posted on Toby's travails through the justice system as best you can. Thanks! :)

13th Juror - definitely an 'animal person'! :D

I think I may try and attend any of the trial activities. He'll just be tossed back in the clink, and have time added (I think), but I like to see what she does.

I was also worried about the dogs. I did know early on that the program would continue, which is good. I am a "cat" person, and for the life of me, I couldn't imagine leaving my critters high and dry like she did. And considering the program she was running, and the successes it was enjoying, I am SHOCKED that she left those dogs in the position she did. What was going through her mind???? Leaving her husband, her children, her family, and those dogs that she loved so much...and for what...to help a convicted killer escape. They always catch them! It's not like they are going to get away for long...I don't get it. Not at all.
luvbeaches said:

Last night, our local DA was on TV and he said that in Kansas, she'll get a max of two years in prison. He said that's the state law. That did surprise me. He said if the feds file charges, she could be looking at more time.


If she only gets two years, the sentencing standards, in Kansas need to be reviewed.

Manard, 27, was serving a life sentence for first-degree murder, aggravated robbery and possession of firearms in the 1996 killing of a man during a carjacking. He now will face additional charges of aggravated escape from custody. {Additional charges??--he's already serving life, what are they going to add??)

Young is married to a firefighter and has children, but authorities believe her family was not aware of her plans. Her husband, Pat Young, did not want to comment on the capture in a statement Saturday. "I want to assure you that no matter what may come of this, it will remain a private and personal matter," he said.
luvbeaches said:
The first thing I thought when I heard this was that she's a "rescuer." If I remember right, they never did determine who pulled the trigger that killled the man (I don't think so, anyway). Maybe he convinced her that he was wrongly convicted, and maybe she felt she was rescuing him. I don't know. None of it makes sense.

It just is so hard for me to reconcile the fact that this woman would do such a thing. It will be interesting to hear what the circumstances were...and what her thinking was at the time. Because this doesn't make sense...not at all. :(
Thanks for that insightful post! I remember Steve Huff wrote about this, did you comment on his story? The "rescuer" title fits IMHO.
Ixions Fire said:
Thanks for that insightful post! I remember Steve Huff wrote about this, did you comment on his story? The "rescuer" title fits IMHO.

No, I didn't. I don't even recogonize the name. Where was this story?

All of my friends said the same thing about the "rescuer." Some know her very well, and don't get it. Either she lost it recently, or she's got some long-term issues. Either way, something went wrong.

I'm still hanging on to the thought that since the authorities never did determine who pulled the trigger and killed the man and somehow he convinced her that he would be spending most, if not all of his life behind bars for something he didn't do. But in the end, it didn't matter which one actually pulled the trigger, they both were involved in the commission of a crime that cost an innocent man his life. She has a son that is about Manard's age, and I wonder if that had anything to do with it. He was up for parole in the not too distant future, but I doubt he would have gotten it. Our DA is a fighter when it comes to keeping these guys behind bars. I also am a believer, that if you kill someone in the commission of a crime, you should kiss your life goodbye...as a free person. The victim doesn't get another chance at life.

Today we drove past the place where the original crime was committed. It's hard to believe how senseless this crime was. Manard is now where he should be. I can't even begin to understand what her defense will be. This guy was involved in a crime that cost someone their life.

But it still boggles my mind when a upstanding citizen pulls something like this. We've have several prisons in this area, and I'm always worried when someone breaks out. However, they usually don't hang around here, they leave the area. I probably couldn't sleep at night if I lived near the prisons.

Toby is lucky she is alive. Many of us thought that he'd kill her once they were out of the area.
Buzzm1 said:
If she only gets two years, the sentencing standards, in Kansas need to be reviewed.

Manard, 27, was serving a life sentence for first-degree murder, aggravated robbery and possession of firearms in the 1996 killing of a man during a carjacking. He now will face additional charges of aggravated escape from custody. {Additional charges??--he's already serving life, what are they going to add??)

Young is married to a firefighter and has children, but authorities believe her family was not aware of her plans. Her husband, Pat Young, did not want to comment on the capture in a statement Saturday. "I want to assure you that no matter what may come of this, it will remain a private and personal matter," he said.

Yes, the laws do need to be changed. I was really stunned when he said that about the 2 year sentence. My guess is, that they will also get her on federal charges. He's serving life, but he has the possibility of being paroled. So my guess is that is why they are adding more charges. They want to make sure he stays put.
I saw on the news last night, that they found "items" that indicated their relationship was sexual in nature. The owners of the cabin (where they were staying), said they saw them walking hand-in-hand on several occasions. This is really weird. I have to say, I was surprised when they announced this information. I've always thought she rescued him, but it appears she may have been motovated by other things...or maybe a little of both.

As of yet, her husband has not appeared on any local channels (not that I've seen). It's always her family.
luvbeaches said:
I saw on the news last night, that they found "items" that indicated their relationship was sexual in nature. The owners of the cabin (where they were staying), said they saw them walking hand-in-hand on several occasions. This is really weird. I have to say, I was surprised when they announced this information. I've always thought she rescued him, but it appears she may have been motovated by other things...or maybe a little of both.

As of yet, her husband has not appeared on any local channels (not that I've seen). It's always her family.

Thanks for that update, luvbeaches! :blowkiss:

On Inside Edition today (Tues. 2/28) - an exclusive 1st interview with Toby Young by a Kansas City reporter.

It was candid n' heartbreaking. I don't know what happened in her brain but - imo, this gal is not 'a gamer or player'.

Toby's chief concern seemed to be that she had let her Dad down. She verbalized how much she loved him and wanted to apologize to him. She also stated she had not spoken with him since her capture and incarceration. She said she just wanted to go home & straighten this all out.

Wearing her black n' white jail stripes - Toby looked bewildered, sad, sorry & confused. When asked about helping the inmate escape - 'what made her do it?' - she responded quietly that she didn't wish to talk about that.

I don't normally feel much compassion for folks who committ crimes but I gotta say that my heart went out to this gal. She's just not the criminal type .. she's much more like your next door neighbor.

She didn't mention her husband or kids. The reporter said she'd be back in Kansas within 10 days. Just too sad for everyone! :(

13th Juror

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