Lin Wood on Dan Abrams 1/21/04

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candy said:
Lin Wood will be on Dan Abrams on Wednesday, January 21st.

Thanks for the info Candy.

Will there be any other guest or will it be a one man show as usual? More spin?
Barbara said:
Thanks for the info Candy.

Will there be any other guest or will it be a one man show as usual? More spin?

I'm sure it will be the usual spin. A one man show with Lin Wood earning his paycheck in spinning the truth of this case and blackmailing anyone who dares to question the Ramseys innocence. The public isn't buying it though.
That's why he is still out there peddling his stuff.

Proffessional law enforcement department's like Boulder Police, do not make a habit of trying their cases in the public. They can't. Should this case ever come to trial - which they hope - it would hurt the case.
SO they bite their lip and let Wood spin his web of deciet.
They know the case. They know who did it. And one day they hope to finally bring justice for JonBenet.
So Wood and Abrams will be making the claim that "we invited Boulder police, or Dr. Lee, or blah, blah, blah to come on - but they declined." They know full well that they CANNOT come on and discuss evidence in this case.

I won't watch it if it's just Wood on there as the only guest spinning his BS.
K777angel said:
I'm sure it will be the usual spin. A one man show with Lin Wood earning his paycheck in spinning the truth of this case and blackmailing anyone who dares to question the Ramseys innocence. The public isn't buying it though.
That's why he is still out there peddling his stuff.

Proffessional law enforcement department's like Boulder Police, do not make a habit of trying their cases in the public. They can't. Should this case ever come to trial - which they hope - it would hurt the case.
SO they bite their lip and let Wood spin his web of deciet.
They know the case. They know who did it. And one day they hope to finally bring justice for JonBenet.
So Wood and Abrams will be making the claim that "we invited Boulder police, or Dr. Lee, or blah, blah, blah to come on - but they declined." They know full well that they CANNOT come on and discuss evidence in this case.

I won't watch it if it's just Wood on there as the only guest spinning his BS.

The Boulder police department was composed of nothing more than buffoons and rank amateurs; by the way, color me generous, for that is an extremely high rating.
I like Dan Abrams (tho I liked him more back in his CourtTV days). But I probably won't watch if it's just Lin Wood. That man is good eye candy, but his slip sliding spin makes him unattractive, IMO. I'll probably just read the transcript.
Lin Wood appeared on Larry King and Dan Abrams following the 911 tape release and neither of them challenged anything he said. I only read the transcripts, but they both appeared to be soft interviews.

My husband is interviewed on tv and radion from time to time and he's usually given some idea beforehand whether the interview is going to be "friendly" or "challanging". A friendly interview means that the interviewer will present him with questions which allow him to put his message across. A challenging interview means that he will have to convince viewers/listeners of the validity of his message. He find the latter more stimulating, but it is my opinion that Lin Wood would only agree to friendly interviews. This is sad in a way because it makes it appear more and more as though TeamRamsey have something to hide.

I am sure that other presenters would have challenged him on the Aerospace issue where Larry King let it go.
Maxi said:
I like Dan Abrams (tho I liked him more back in his CourtTV days). But I probably won't watch if it's just Lin Wood. That man is good eye candy, but his slip sliding spin makes him unattractive, IMO. I'll probably just read the transcript.

My thoughts exactly, Maxi.
K777angel said:
I'm sure it will be the usual spin. A one man show with Lin Wood earning his paycheck in spinning the truth of this case and blackmailing anyone who dares to question the Ramseys innocence. The public isn't buying it though.
That's why he is still out there peddling his stuff.

Proffessional law enforcement department's like Boulder Police, do not make a habit of trying their cases in the public. They can't. Should this case ever come to trial - which they hope - it would hurt the case.
SO they bite their lip and let Wood spin his web of deciet.
They know the case. They know who did it. And one day they hope to finally bring justice for JonBenet.
So Wood and Abrams will be making the claim that "we invited Boulder police, or Dr. Lee, or blah, blah, blah to come on - but they declined." They know full well that they CANNOT come on and discuss evidence in this case.

I won't watch it if it's just Wood on there as the only guest spinning his BS.

IMHO it's WASTED "ENERGY!"; I agree with above Well-Said/Post; Ditto that too!!! :banghead: :waitasec: :snooty: :rolleyes: :liar: :slap: :furious: :angel: :( :mad:
...I can be alot of >?things but I refuse to be a mind-controlled puppet on a string at this time IMHO hee hee LOL!!!
Shawna said:
I wonder if Woody is going to defend the Atlanta parents who murdered their six year child during an exorcism gone wrong? :furious:

Thanks for the info/read/url; TIME W/TELL; maybe they know the R's?; wonder if Woody can "juggle" like Geragos(sp?) can/or appears to do? ... IMHO this is horrible but "not new under the Sun"! FYI:
September 20, 1999

Dear Mr. Kane,

I wish to talk with the grand jury about the subject of the book Presumed Guilty by Stephen Singular: various ways child *advertiser censored* and/or abuse could have been the original motive(s) for what became JonBenet's murder. One obvious possible connection with child *advertiser censored* is through JonBenet's pageant life. Pam Griffin, JonBenet's costume maker, says in the book (p.110) "One time Randy [Simons -also pageant photographer for JonBenet] wanted to shoot Kristine [Pam's daughter] nude, but I said absolutely not."

There are other possible connections between the Ramseys and the child *advertiser censored*/sex world that should be investigated. Keeping a lid on this ultimate taboo could mean death for a headstrong child like JonBenet who couldn't otherwise be silenced.

Child *advertiser censored* and abuse are deeply ingrained into Boulder society. Some evidence is:

The Child and Family Advocacy Program provides statistics that 204 Boulder County children under 20 were sexually abused in 1998. (Daily Camera 7/12/99, p. 1C)
"Parent of the Year" Zack Prendergast returns his award when it is found he had been a trainer for The Children of God, a cult which advocated sex from infancy. (Daily Camera 8/5/99, p. 3B) Mr. Prendergast also runs fathering workshops. (Daily Camera 9/19/99, p. 1B)
First Baptist Church treasurer Jerry Berry is arrested for fondling 3 little girls. Police find albums of child *advertiser censored* and seize 5 computers. (Daily Camera 8/14/99, p. 1B)
The popularity of the late poet, former Boulder resident and Naropa professor Allen Ginsberg, avowed member of NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association, whose motto was "Sex by 8 or it's too late." ( [First the Ginsberg document, and now the entire site, have disapeared -editor]
There have been many other recent child sex abuse cases here, including several with the convicts in possession of JonBenet's photos, including Sean King. The above are all prominent people. Related evidence includes:

The existence here at 1050 Walnut St. of a large *advertiser censored* *advertiser censored* media company, New Frontiers Media, now rapidly expanding (Daily Camera, business section, 7/21/99, 8/9/99, 8/18/99, 8/20/99) An acquaintance of mine says his former girlfriend had been drawn into this world.
SANE rape support program closes. "But two SANE nurses, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said many within the program were frustrated by the constant plea bargaining of Boulder County's sexual assault cases. 'We've been operating for two years now and in that whole time, none of us have ever had to go to court to testify,' one nurse said. 'That's very concerning to us, that none of these cases are going to trial.'" (Daily Camera, 9/2/99, p. 1A)
All the referenced newspaper articles are available from me on request.

The inability of the FBI to explain to former Denver DA and Lockheed-Martin executive Norm Early why they never took charge of the Ramsey case -an apparent kidnapping of a top Defense contractor executive's daughter by foreign terrorists- is suspicious and an apparent violation of the "Lindbergh Law." Det. Linda Arndt stated on TV last week that she specifically asked for FBI assistance and did not receive it. She received no backup of any kind, having been told everyone was in a meeting -for hours starting about 7:30 AM the day after Christmas. Were they in a meeting with or about the FBI? Mr. McFarland has a contact with information that Lockheed-Martin security were in the Ramsey house before the BPD. We have available a video of Mr. Early discussing the issue on a recent TV show.

John DeCamp, Esq., former Nebraska State Senator, in his book The Franklin Coverup describing the State of Nebraska's investigation into the failure of Omaha's Franklin Saving and Loan, shows that the FBI protected child molesters and killers and intimidated child victims and witnesses. One of Mr. DeCamp's former-child clients Paul Bonacci won a related $1,000,000 judgment against Larry King, the former president of Franklin, just this spring.

[In the rest of this version of the letter for the public, names have been replaced with *advertiser censored*, YYY and ZZZ. In the version for the DA, the real names were used and more details given. -Evan Ravitz]

The Singular book also concerns -disguised to avoid libel- Mr. *advertiser censored*, a highly ranked official in Boulder City government. Mr. *advertiser censored* has admitted to two prominent and respected friends of mine that in 1991 a box of sex toys and *advertiser censored* were found in his City Hall office during an office move that occurred when Mr. *advertiser censored* was out. He further admitted that 3 women employed at City Hall alleged he harassed them, though none filed charges. I was in mediation with Mr. *advertiser censored* when I learned these things, and that City Council had sent him to counseling. I asked who was paying for his therapy and he said that he was.

The late Ron Porter, when he was President of the Boulder Bar Association, moved to investigate Mr. *advertiser censored*, but apparently nobody would talk. There should be some record of this. I also have 3 names of eye-witnesses to what was in the Pandora's box.

What we suspect is that Mr. *advertiser censored*' *advertiser censored* was child *advertiser censored*, for 3 reasons:

Mr. YYY, then a City Hall administrator, after we talked 10 minutes on the subject in 1992, told me "He [Mr. *advertiser censored*] gives me the willies. I'll keep my kid away from him." He recently denied to me that he knows anything about Mr. *advertiser censored*.
I received the enclosed anonymous letter in 1992. I gave the original to Det. Tom Wickman on May 5 this year when he and Mr. Trujillo interviewed Dr. McFarland and I.
Mr. Porter would not be likely to start an investigation of Mr. *advertiser censored* for the unpleasant but legal possession of non-child *advertiser censored*.
If Mr. *advertiser censored* has possessed child *advertiser censored*, he would want to keep the spotlight off other people's similar "peccadilloes." This is the "Belgian Syndrome" mentioned in Dr. McFarland's interview with Donald Freed. Because DA Hunter was on vacation incommunicado at the time of the murder he could not be contacted for advice on proceeding with the highest profile case ever here. The grand jury should determine if Mr. *advertiser censored* was consulted.

If indeed a network of highly-connected pedophiles exists here as in Belgium and France, Mr. *advertiser censored* or others could have acted to keep (sincere) FBI investigators away. A one-time "suspect" in this case told me he was shown a bookcase of videos in the home of prominent Boulder drug-case attorney Mr. ZZZ and told these were all child *advertiser censored*. Mr. ZZZ left Boulder soon after the murder and moved to a monastery in Wyoming. Phone records of *advertiser censored* and ZZZ should be examined for calls to FBI or Lockheed Martin numbers that morning.

DA Hunter and the police might be reluctant to investigate Mr. *advertiser censored*. According to the Singular book (p. 90) Hunter said "If this got into the hands of certain people in the media it would further embarrass Boulder and make the town look worse than it already does. What are you going to do with this information?" You the outsider should exhaust all leads, this being a government of laws and not of men.
for remaining(1) paragraph(not posted) in above-referenced URL (has closure=name/address info FYI).
SisterSocks said:
The man knows the law---- He's hot for the Ramseys ..... :boohoo:

DNA Could Be Major Break in JonBenet Case
Date: 12/30/2003; Publication: AP Online; Author: JON SARCHE, Associated Press Writer

AP Online

Dateline: DENVER
If the attorney for JonBenet Ramsey's family is right, the murder of the 6-year-old beauty queen could be solved by some faceless crime lab technician.

A male DNA sample that was found on JonBenet's underwear was submitted recently to an FBI database, said attorney Lin Wood, who called it a "dramatic development" that could clear John and Patsy Ramsey.

But experts are not so optimistic.

A suspect will be found from the DNA database only if he had been required to submit a DNA sample after being convicted of a violent felony, said Zack Gaskin, technical director of forensics for DNAPrint Genomics of Sarasota, Fla.

There was no immediate match, but Wood said new samples from criminals and crime scenes around the country are added daily.

There is also a national backlog in DNA testing that could further hinder the investigation.

"One of the issues that's crippling the country is we have a lot of registered offender samples that are either owed to certain agencies or you have a bunch that are collected that haven't been put into the database yet," Gaskin said. "The problem there is that crime labs around the country are inundated with work."

FBI officials declined to comment on the size of the backlog, but the agency in 2000 said some 500,000 DNA samples were awaiting submission from crime labs around the country.

As of October, the latest information available, the FBI-managed database contained 66,714 DNA profiles from evidence collected at crime scenes and more than 1.4 million DNA profiles of people convicted of violent crimes.

The database has helped solve more than 10,000 cases since it became operational in 1998, the FBI said.

"It's amazing what they can do with DNA these days and these databases are still relatively new," said attorney Craig Silverman, a former Denver prosecutor who has followed the Ramsey case. "Absent a DNA hit or a confession, it would be very tough to convict anybody for this horrific crime."

JonBenet was found beaten and strangled in the basement of her Boulder home on Dec. 26, 1996, and the case soon became a tabloid sensation. A cloud of suspicion surrounded the girl's parents, who insisted the crime was committed by an intruder.

A grand jury investigation ended without charges in 1999, but the case got new life this year when District Attorney Mary Keenan took over the case from police.

Test results in 1997 and 1999 were not of high-enough quality to submit to the database, but a new DNA profile was worked up and submitted last month, Wood said.

Keenan would say only that DNA information in the case has been sent to the database. Wood was more specific: The test results are from DNA from a male unrelated to the Ramseys that was found intermingled with JonBenet's blood in her underwear.

"I think that it is in all probability, if not almost undisputedly, from the killer," Wood said. "I think that when you get a match of the DNA in her blood, you will have identified her killer."

IMHO totally Amazing what ONE can do/say ... Grace(?)? :o ... hum reminds me of SILKWOOD(Kerr-McGee) Nov 18 (1118...?) FYI:

Historical Context: Print -- Video -- Online
The Life and Accidental (?) Death of Karen Silkwood
(this essay based heavily on Richard Raske's book)

[1] Karen Gay Silkwood was born in Longview, Texas, in 1946. She grew up in Nederland, Texas, with mother Merle, father Bill, and sisters Rose Mary and Linda. Some of her notable childhood activities included playing the flute, tennis, and volleyball, as well as baby-sitting at the First Baptist Church Nursery. In high school, Karen was an A student and a member of the National Honor Society. One of the most telling events of her early life -- showing both her headstrong ways and love of science -- was the fact that she took chemistry class, even though she was the only girl. Her mother wanted her to take Home Economics instead and protested, even going to the teacher; he told her Karen was performing better than most of the boys, so she let it rest. Karen's grades got her a scholarship from the Business and Professional Women's Club, which she applied toward her education at Lamar College. She studied medical technology, but only for a year.
;;; on (url above)
The whole segement was about Gary Condit's lawsuit against the tabs. It was a faceoff between Lin Wood and Michael Kahane, American Media (the tabs) lawyer.
candy said:
The whole segement was about Gary Condit's lawsuit against the tabs. It was a faceoff between Lin Wood and Michael Kahane, American Media (the tabs) lawyer.

Michael Kahane????.....LOL! - How funny is that.
Is there a DA involved in this named "Alexia Hooter"?
Oh wait.... wasn't the police chief's name "Ramsey"?!

By the way, Candy, did you know a "Kahane" is a Hawaiian transexual?...LOL!
I can't wait to post the transcript when it is available tomorrow on the Abrams website.

Lin Wood and Gary Condit will make millions from this suit against the tabs. Mr. Kahane was a disgrace, defending the indefensible. Once again, the tabs never learned their lesson. The stories on Condit shown by Lin Wood on TV are all false and defamatory. They have no defense.

As long as the reprehensible "sources" and writers write this garbage for the tabs, Lin Wood will be a multimillionaire, thanks to them.
candy said:
I can't wait to post the transcript when it is available tomorrow on the Abrams website.

Lin Wood and Gary Condit will make millions from this suit against the tabs. Mr. Kahane was a disgrace, defending the indefensible. Once again, the tabs never learned their lesson. The stories on Condit shown by Lin Wood on TV are all false and defamatory. They have no defense.

As long as the reprehensible "sources" and writers write this garbage for the tabs, Lin Wood will be a multimillionaire, thanks to them.

HUM...what does "MONEY BUY THESE DAYS!?!?" ... wonder if MR. L. Lyn Wood "Sleeps WELL at nite??? or at ALL???"...or does it matter?... what is his BIO anyway/ w?...??? :doh: :rolleyes: :p :blowkiss: :doh:
:blowkiss: :croc: :hand: :p :silenced: :) :rolleyes: :twocents:

Thomas, one of the detectives investigating the homicide, resigned from the police department in 1998, lambasting the Boulder County District Attorney's Office for failing to prosecute the case. He subsequently wrote a book about the investigation, identifying Patsy Ramsey as her daughter's killer.
Blazeboy3 said:
HUM...what does "MONEY BUY THESE DAYS!?!?" ... wonder if MR. L. Lyn Wood "Sleeps WELL at nite??? or at ALL???"...or does it matter?... what is his BIO anyway/ w?...??? :doh: :rolleyes: :p :blowkiss: :doh:
:blowkiss: :croc: :hand: :p :silenced: :) :rolleyes: :twocents:

Thomas, one of the detectives investigating the homicide, resigned from the police department in 1998, lambasting the Boulder County District Attorney's Office for failing to prosecute the case. He subsequently wrote a book about the investigation, identifying Patsy Ramsey as her daughter's killer.,9485,1101991025,00.html
Did an Intruder Kill JonBenet Ramsey?
Although no suspects other than JOHN and PATSY RAMSEY have been named in the 1996 murder of their daughter JonBenet, a key figure in the investigation remains convinced that the killer was a pedophile bent on kidnapping who broke into the Boulder, Colo., home and assaulted the six-year-old while her family slept.

LOU SMIT, a retired Colorado Springs homicide detective, worked on the case for 18 months before quitting in protest over the direction the probe was going. Smit formed another theory using key pieces of evidence. He believes the killer may have spotted JonBenet as she glided by in a convertible in Boulder's holiday Parade of Lights. On Christmas night, while the family was out, he entered through a basement window, roamed the house and penned a ransom note, using a legal pad and black Sharpie marker he found near the kitchen.

Around midnight, after the family's return, he slipped upstairs to JonBenet's room and, using a stun gun, temporarily immobilized her. He carried the youngster to the basement and sexually assaulted her while simultaneously choking her, apparently for the thrill, with a garrote--a favored tool of pedophiles, Smit says--fashioned from the handle of one of Patsy Ramsey's paintbrushes.

When JonBenet woke, tore the duct tape from her mouth and began screaming, Smit theorizes that the killer panicked and struck her, perhaps with a heavy flashlight. With no time to retrieve his note from upstairs, the killer broke a window and fled. Later, police found a scuff mark from what appeared to be a boot on the nearby wall as well as unidentified boot and palm prints.

From his experience with more than 200 murder and fantasy-stalker cases, Smit believes the killer intended to go to Mexico--that is why he demanded the odd sum of $118,000, which at the time was close to a million pesos, and some of it in $20 bills, for easy exchanging. "I believe the Ramseys are innocent," says Smit. "If it's an intruder, it's not the parents, and I think it's that simple." He adds, "The theory doesn't determine the evidence. The evidence should determine the theory."

Those were comforting words to JonBenet's family. JEFF RAMSEY, John's brother, told TIME, "We want to do whatever we can to find the killer, hopefully with the help of law-enforcement agencies." BY RICHARD WOODBURY AND JEFFREY SHAPIRO/BOULDER
...+ :doh:
1,021 Number of days between JonBenet Ramsey's murder and the inconclusive end of the grand jury probe
...+ :doh:
Shylock said:
Michael Kahane????.....LOL! - How funny is that.
Is there a DA involved in this named "Alexia Hooter"?
Oh wait.... wasn't the police chief's name "Ramsey"?!

By the way, Candy, did you know a "Kahane" is a Hawaiian transexual?...LOL!

TY; ROFLMAO...totally!...THANKS for the laughter/MEDICINE!?

P.S. ...FYI I'll be in Honolulu HAWAII on 2/22/04 and have purchased tickets to see/be there at the Sylvia Browne/John Edwards ...SHOW! :blowkiss:
John Edward & Sylvia Browne Live in Hawaii
See Your Favorite Psychic and Medium Together!

Date: February 22, 2004
Sponsored by: Hay House, Inc.
Location: Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
Directions: Click Here

For orders received after February 18, 2004: please pick up your tickets at Will Call on the day of event.
candy said:
I can't wait to post the transcript when it is available tomorrow on the Abrams website.

Lin Wood and Gary Condit will make millions from this suit against the tabs. Mr. Kahane was a disgrace, defending the indefensible. Once again, the tabs never learned their lesson. The stories on Condit shown by Lin Wood on TV are all false and defamatory. They have no defense.

As long as the reprehensible "sources" and writers write this garbage for the tabs, Lin Wood will be a multimillionaire, thanks to them.

Yes, it's very sad that Lin and Condit will actually make money from this. Mr. Kahane spoke very well, but as the nature of civil attorneys is to file motions forever, it becomes much cheaper for the tabs to settle. IMO, it in no way means guilt, just dollars and cents sense.

I couldn't believe that Lin Wood actually kept a straight face accusing the tabs as the reason Condit's reputation is ruined and the reason why he was not re elected. It was nauseating, as is Lin Wood.

I hope the tabs go the distance in this case (as I do in every civil case) because as their lawyer stated, the tabs are not responsible for Condit's bad reputation or not getting re elected, CONDIT IS REPONSIBLE!

Condit and Wood will make it so expensive to go the distance, I am afraid, the tabs will likely settle. Condit, going by the past, will not be happy to have to sit down and answer all those questions in a depo about his personal life, his relationship with Chandra, and his personal sexual preferences (with men or women).

It's bad enough to look at Lin and the Ramseys, but it's even worse to look at Lin and Gary Condit. What a bunch of disgraces.

BTW, those "reprehensible" sources have been the only ones to get correct information (because they are willing to pay) in many cases where others can not. Their "garbage" is not always garbage. Condit and Wood are the reprehensible garbage.

To think that they will profit only turns my stomach more.
From Jeff Shapiro on the tabs and their "sources":

That's when Lewis turned to his "sources," which consisted of a former prosecutor who loved getting his name in the papers and a former Boulder detective who was sour with the department. For a couple of C-notes a week, both of these characters would allow the Globe to use them as "sources." In other words, the Globe fabricated quotes and scenarios and then got the OK from their "sources," who would concede they were "possible," and boom! The next Globe cover story emerged.

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