WHY was JonBenet really killed - Motive?

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John Douglas wrote a book called "The Anatomy of Motive", this is still packed away as well.

In a nut shell IF the motive of 'a' murder can be found, the murder can be solved, well, duh.

JonBenet visited the school nurse two Mondays in a row the first two weeks of December. WE don't know why.

Could she have been being molested after weekends at home, why not on a Friday, or a Wednesday. It would seem to me that something had to have caused the visits as a 'result' of happenings in the home. WHO visited the family home those two particular weekends?

Did JonBenet tell her mom about her visits to the nurse, and did her mom log any trips to Dr. Beuf, AFTER the visits to the school nurse?

Was this when the dictionary fell into play open to the section on incest?

Was perhaps the person who was doing this given a wild lecture etc. Is this when the secret visit from Santa was dreamed up - to get even with the 'person' who told?

Was this the motive?

Could you even begin to imagine the wrath of Patsy for having someone abuse her daughter?

IF you can then can you even imagine her response to the father of the person who did the abuse? To say the family was sitting a very hot seat Christmas night, is a fact.


WE already must surmise that the note may in fact be MAJOR BOGUS. BOGUS to cover for someone who did the crime. Mr. Ramsey had already lost one daughter, and now another, IF one of the sons was involved, this would mean yet another child would be gone. Was this the motive for a cover up?


How far did the BPD dig to determine any business problems with Access Graphics, that could have caused the murder?

Could business dealings have been the motive?

JonBenet being exposed to public scrutiny parades, competitions, tours of the family home, someone very close to the family, to know all of the personal things in the bogus ransom note. WHY write the note? Just kill and get out of the house.

Was that the motive? Drooling perps do not know such intimate facts about the family EVEN IF they came through the home on a tour.

Discovery Channel today raining her today. Major detectives say that the murderer criminal does everything possible to DISTANCE themselves from the victim. So why include all of the personal information about the family?

The major motive was not the $118,000.00. Why mention the figure at all? How was the money spent? Who wanted a piece of the $118,000.00 pie that did not get any? Did the little girl who suffered enough to go to the nurse, and cause the lashing about incest, kill out of total frustration with his lot in life.

Was this the motive?

What other motive could there have been, we have a bogus nonsense 2.5 page ransom with in house murder.

The Court TV show the other night mentioned that there were seven unlocked ground level* windows in the Ramsey home 'the day after' Christmas. Well, when were they unlocked, easy deal to unlock a window. I assume the BPD checked for scuff marks, or forensic items in those windows.

One of the last famous cases that Lou Smit solved was a fingerprint on a screened window, in the Black Forrest area of Colorado. Little girl taken, no leads. Lou sniffed about and ferreted out the killer and found the body. Little girls last name was Church. I assume that Lou checked for fingerprints on the 'unlocked' windows of the Ramsey house.

*Sissi or someone check I do believe they did say there was one unlocked window on an upper level also, as part of the seven counted unlocked windows.

Who had a reason to kill JonBenet, and were they using drugs and/or alcohol on that night? Was that ransom note written the night of December 23rd in the evening time after the 911 call? Was another call placed after the 911 call to cover a 'supposed' accidental dialing?

I think that it would require an extreme emotion to kill a child. We are programmed to protect children so it had to be a monster who did this.

My guess is that the killer was driven by hatred or jealousy.
I joined Websleuths during the heyday of the Ramsey murder case. Then, and for a good many years, I thought perhaps either one or both of the parents had something to do with this. For awhile, I entertained, as did many on this forum, the thought that Burke had something to do with this.

Now that I've read just about everything I can get my hands on re: this case, I am on the fence. And that says a LOT for me, because I truly thought at one point that Patsy and/or John had something to do with the murder of JonBenet.

I have to admit, I'm leaning more toward the 'intruder' theory now. I can't say I'm completely 'there,' yet...but pretty much.

I don't think this case will ever be solved. Short of a confession, or unless someone who knows something comes forward, I think this crime will go down with the likes of the Lizzie Borden case. A truly unsolveable crime... :mad:
Camper, greaat thread by the way! :blowkiss:

Whenever I post on this forum I qualify my knowledge of it, as I have not spent the time learning all about it as other posters have. And yet is is such a fascinating case I always come up with thoughts about it.

First I would say who ever wrote the ransom note would be a person who would expect one to be found at the scene. That alone would date them in my mind as to being someone older, as ransom notes used to be common, but don't think they are so much anymore. Now a telephone call seems to suffice.

That leads me to believe it was Patsy who wrote that note, especially since her handwriting matched it so well.

Then the other thought I have is I remember the son had a friend who had been to the house on a regular basis I think. The Garrotte {sp} is an age old weapon for strangulation, but has found a renewal of use in murder and also for enhancement of some people in enjoying sex more. Bad way to express that thought! LOL

So I am wondering if it could be a teen adolescent friend of her brother who was experimenting with the new 'in' procedure of the Garrotte and then when he was into it he realized he had hurt her too badly and had to kill her as she knew who he was. She could have been hit on the head or stun gunned while the Garrotte was in place, which is why there were a couple of ligature marks on her neck, not one simple indentation.

I wish I never had done this, but yesterday I went back and read the autopsy report that was integrated with photos of her. Her neck was a real mess, and it could be someone worked quite hard to get her to eventually die. It went long past the sex thing.

Who ever did this had abused her sexually before, right, although I don't think by regular methods of intercourse, but possibly fingers where the nails left abrasions in her vaginal area. I think from reading that report her hymen was in place.

To me that all kind of points to a teenager experimenting, who had no idea what he would run into and then had to really work to kill her to protect himself.

Somehow Patsy discovered who had done this to her, having maybe knowledge this kid had been to the house and she put 2 + 2 together. Then to protect her son of any complicity in the case, she figurerd she would try and point the police in the direction of a kidnapping gone bad with the writing of the ransom note. I bet the words poured out quickly from her mind as to what to say, and John was probably standing beside her giving her thoughts as to what to address in the note. So it wouldn't have taken that long to write a 3 page note and I don't think the police were called immediately anyways.

And it really worked, didn't it, if this is how the crime went down. I just wonder about a teen being there, and who he was and was he thoroughly investigated by everyone in this case!

The other thing is I think maybe Patsy saw the body and tried to remove the
Garrotte, which is when the red fibres got intertwined in it. She ran into trouble, when it wasn't working, she tightened it up again so it would look like it was when she found it. Which is why those tell-tale fibres were trapped in the evidence and not just lying on it as it would be if the fibres wafted through the air and landed on it.

A cause for a lot of thought!

The likely motive was to silence JonBenet.

Assuming there was prior sexual abuse, whoever killed her knew if she lived she would talk.

The motive seems obvious to me.

Camper said:
Did JonBenet tell her mom about her visits to the nurse, and did her mom log any trips to Dr. Beuf, AFTER the visits to the school nurse?
According to Beuf's records, he last saw JonBenet in November 1996 for an exam for a sinus infection.

But Thomas's book (p. 304 hb) reports that Patsy called Dr. Beuf three times on December 17, reason unknown.
UKGuy said:
The likely motive was to silence JonBenet.

Assuming there was prior sexual abuse, whoever killed her knew if she lived she would talk.

The motive seems obvious to me.
I agree. Although I think it was Patsy's physical abuse of JonBenet that directly precipitated the murder, IMO that abuse was caused by Patsy's psych issues from her own childhood abuse. IMO her abuser could have been either of her parents.

I also think it's possible John or someone else was molesting JonBenet OR that Patsy imagined they were, which fueled her issues.

I think it's even possible this was a premeditated murder by Patsy and that the head blow was no accident. Psych power and rage could provide more than enough physical strength... and/or perhaps one of her other personalities helped out here.

I've always thought psychology/psychiatry is the key to resolving this case.
So great to see you OVER HERE. You have one of the more sleuthy minds, having watched and read your points on the SP case.

You left out the cracked skull, who did that and why, IF she was already dead. Just wild unadulterated rage at causing the whole mess?

I cannot imagine Dr. Beuf not visually checking this dear little girls problem. But do you think Patsy convinced him it was BAD bubble bath? Was a sales job done on those three visits, or was Patsy in the dark about what was causing a problem for JonBenet.

I am thinking since the Santa visit was to be a 'secret' perhaps as most of sexual abuse cases, the tiny person is warned to keep 'stuff' secret.

Wonder what JonBent told the school nurse, or how she voiced her reason for the visit, or what the reason was.

Watching Forensic files today, and they had several hours of psychics working on cases.

I remember reading on JonBenet case that a psychic came into the Ramsey home, and said that a yellow rain slicker in a closed door closet was involved in the case. The door was not opened when the psychic told of the slicker. Never heard another word about this. Surely a slicker would have had a wealth of good fingerprints on it. I read also that there was in fact a rain slicker in that closet.

Anyone smarter than I about the slicker??

Britt said:
I agree. Although I think it was Patsy's physical abuse of JonBenet that directly precipitated the murder, IMO that abuse was caused by Patsy's psych issues from her own childhood abuse. IMO her abuser could have been either of her parents.

I also think it's possible John or someone else was molesting JonBenet OR that Patsy imagined they were, which fueled her issues.

I think it's even possible this was a premeditated murder by Patsy and that the head blow was no accident. Psych power and rage could provide more than enough physical strength... and/or perhaps one of her other personalities helped out here.

I've always thought psychology/psychiatry is the key to resolving this case.


Yes the who is an open question but her death as a consequence of an incestuous relationship fuelled by anger or jealousy, then covered up by the abuser matches a lot of the evidence.

Also if it were not for the fact that JonBenet was the daughter of a millionaire , able to organise the media in support of their IDI theory, I think more people would pay attention to JonBenet's victimology, all the red buttons are pressed, including that of precocious sexuality!

"Could you even begin to imagine the wrath of Patsy for having someone abuse her daughter?"

But that leads to another question: who would the wrath be directed at? The abuser, or the abused. It is sad, but many parents tend to blame the victim.

"WE already must surmise that the note may in fact be MAJOR BOGUS. BOGUS to cover for someone who did the crime. Mr. Ramsey had already lost one daughter, and now another, IF one of the sons was involved, this would mean yet another child would be gone. Was this the motive for a cover up?"

Well, it certainly could have been. Wouldn't any of you do everything to protect the child you had left?

"The other thing is I think maybe Patsy saw the body and tried to remove the Garrotte, which is when the red fibres got intertwined in it. She ran into trouble, when it wasn't working, she tightened it up again so it would look like it was when she found it. Which is why those tell-tale fibres were trapped in the evidence and not just lying on it as it would be if the fibres wafted through the air and landed on it."

Scandi, that never even occurred to me.

"I cannot imagine Dr. Beuf not visually checking this dear little girls problem. But do you think Patsy convinced him it was BAD bubble bath? Was a sales job done on those three visits, or was Patsy in the dark about what was causing a problem for JonBenet."

Well, to hear her interview, she was completely stupid, at least in this area.

Motive? How about plain ol' selfishness?
Camper said:
John Douglas wrote a book called "The Anatomy of Motive", this is still packed away as well.

In a nut shell IF the motive of 'a' murder can be found, the murder can be solved, well, duh.

JonBenet visited the school nurse two Mondays in a row the first two weeks of December. WE don't know why.

Could she have been being molested after weekends at home, why not on a Friday, or a Wednesday. It would seem to me that something had to have caused the visits as a 'result' of happenings in the home. WHO visited the family home those two particular weekends?

Did JonBenet tell her mom about her visits to the nurse, and did her mom log any trips to Dr. Beuf, AFTER the visits to the school nurse?


This coincides with Linda Hoffman Pugh's statement that JonBenet began wetting the bed One Month prior to her murder.

Patsy called Dr. Beuf's office three times: within a time span of ten minutes. When asked about the calls...Patsy said she could not recall placing those calls or what illness JonBenet was suffering.

That is an outright lie...any mother would remember placing three calls to their daughter's pediatrician.

Someone was molesting JonBenet the month of December. Patsy was busy with her shopping, trips to New York....one with just John in which Burke and JonBenet stayed with their grandparents. An opportunity for Grandpa Paugh to molest JonBenet? Sure. The Christmas party of the 23d was another opportunity for Grandpa to molest JonBenet....and his sudden flight out of Boulder?
:eek: Ooooh, I need to go do some reading Camper! LOL And Super Dave, I've been thinking about those red fibres since Jayelle or someone told me about them the other day.

Camper, I know there was a thread about what actually killed her, the choking or the hit on the head. What I meant in my post is that they happened at the same time So someone was trying to get her to pass out using the Garrotte and saw how damaged her neck was, realized he had to kill her. picked up whatever it was besides her that was used {can't remember what it was} and with total frustration like you said and hit her hard enough to crack her skull. Realizing she was not dead at that point, that person reefed on the Garrotte and she was dead.

Do you know about one of Brett's friends that was at the house? But the grandpa, that sounds very possible. Did they investigate him? And of course that would be a good reason for Patsy to write the note.

Now I need to go read a bit to familiarize myself with the basics. :D

The motive for JBR's murder lies somewhere between Tate, LaBianca, and Danielle VanDamme.

I think the killer wanted the gratification like DW, but also wanted to leave this status message behind. 'Death to pigs' is kinda the same as 'you're not the only fat cat so dont think killing will be difficult'
The small foreign faction needed $118,000.00, they didn't get it, they offed her. Get over it.
If I had to state a motive from what I know now it would be - necessity, as her body had become too damaged and she knew the person, so they had to protect their pwn identity.

Paradox said:
The small foreign faction needed $118,000.00, they didn't get it, they offed her. Get over it.
Nope. Perp killed JBR way before JR even called the bank.
scandi said:
If I had to state a motive from what I know now it would be - necessity, as her body had become too damaged and she knew the person, so they had to protect their pwn identity.


Oh Scandi, where have you been all these years, you will have it solved in no time flat. I am guessing that grandpa Paugh escaped the radar, but here in mushroom country WE donut know. But, but, did he come back again Christmas, nopey I donut think so. I think perhaps the 23rd was the straw that perhaps caused the ramblingsome note to be pre-written and _________ fill in the blank.

Victory over JonBenet never having to endure further abuse from the __________ fill in the blank person.

Perhaps the dictionary being opened to incest, was used to explain to JonBenet - not Burke as many suspected early on.

IF that was the case, then HOW could PR and JR claim so firmly that they did not kill their child, and ultimately pass the lie detector test?

BUT WHO called 911 on the 23rd ?, what had happened earlier in the month of December, that caused JonBenet to be found on the 23rd crying that she did not feel pretty. During the incest explanation (during early Dec/school nurse/Dr. Beuf etc) was it told to JonBenet that little girls were not pretty who did things like had been done.

I am thinking IF IF JonBenet fessed up to her mom about what had happened and explained WHY she went to the school nurse early on in December mom would and could have pretty much gone overboard mentally, and called the Dr. three times as reported. Betcha the school nurse called Patsy AFTER JonBenet went to see her.

Somehow upon reflection on my post here, IT does not fit. WHY would PR kill her child over what a grandpa did to her previously and who was not in Boulder Christmas night?

Jayelles said:
...My guess is that the killer was driven by hatred or jealousy.
I thought that I had read years ago where Patsy said that Jon Benet was her best friend. I thought that was such an odd statement that a mother would consider her 5-6 year-old child her best friend.

With this statement in mind, I think that Patsy suspected John of molesting Jon Benet. Perhaps, John went to Jon Benet's room when he thought that Patsy was sleeping. She crept in and caught him molesting the child.

Patsy struck out at Jon Benet. She is enraged and jealous--enraged that Jon Benet didn't trust her enough to tell her of the incest and jealous of her at the same time. Patsy killed JB because of this and also to punish John.
Who was the school nurse at High Peaks Elementary in 1996, and what does she have to say about why JonBenet had been in to see her two Mondays in a row in December?
Paradox said:
The small foreign faction needed $118,000.00, they didn't get it, they offed her. Get over it.
In order for that to be correct, it would have to have been an Access Graphics employee, bank employee or friend who was not only knowlegeable about the prior year's bonus amount as well as other personal facts alluded to in the note, but someone who also had a thorough knowledge of the layout of their home, knew them well enough to know that Patsy came down that particular staircase every morning, and also had access to JBR to sexually assault her in the days prior to her death as well as on Christmas night. Let's see, who does that leave on the list?

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