The birefrigent material could have been fingernail polish ...

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On 01-14-2004 Maxi said:
>A more likely possibility, imo, is that Patsy herself inflicted the scrape on JBR's hymen with her fingernails. Given the type of injury, their shallow position within the vaginal vault, and the position of a young child's hymen, I think they could have been inflicted by a too vigorous wiping of a wiggling child.<

Then Why_Nutt said:
>I can agree with that theory. The entire pedophile-intruder theory ignores that most important word: "shallow." The injury just barely grazed JonBenet's interior. How could that possibly be if someone was intent on probing her for pleasure? It is that very shallowness which, in my opinion, is at the heart of any "gentle molestation" claim. If the abrasion represents a graze from a fingernail, then, of course, the birefrigent material may be a flake from nail polish. This makes sense. A pedophile rooting around in JonBenet's underwear, leaving DNA on her panties but not on her genitalia, and managing to abrade her inside while leaving not a scratch on her pubic area or labia, does not make sense.<

Maxi and Why_Nutt have opened my eyes to a different perspective on what might have really happened to JonBenet.

Without a doubt Patsy Ramsey wrote the ransom note. The small piece of duct tape over JBR’s mouth did not have saliva or mouth/teeth prints on it and the cords around JBR’s wrists were loose. Competent LE (including the FBI) and knowlegeable forum posters know the crime scene was staged. There was an attempt to cover-up what really happened to JonBenet.

Even though I believe the Ramseys, particulary Patsy, were involved in JBR’s death and subsequent cover-up, it was always hard for me to fathom any of the Ramseys molesting JBR (even slightly) with a broken paintbrush. That part has probably kept many people from believing in Ramsey guilt.

After reading the above posts by Maxi and Why_Nutt, I suddenly realized the “molestation with the paintbrush” did not necessarily happen. It is conjecture, not proven fact. Because there was a miniscule amount of birefrigent material found in JBR’s vagina, it was theorized by some, and ASSUMED by others, that the birefrigent flake came from a paintbrush. That is not necessarily true. Why_Nutt is right that it could have come from fingernail polish.

Let’s look at a scenario that fits all of the evidence available to us.

The Ramseys arrive home on Christmas night. Burke says JBR was awake and went up the stairs on her own. She walks through the kitchen ahead of her parents who are busy with other things. She sees a bowl of pineapple on the table and since she had not eaten much at the White’s house, she grabs a couple of pieces with her hands and pops them in her mouth.

Neither John nor Patsy see her do this, and so do not know that pineapple will later be found in JBR’s stomach. JBR's grabbing and eating the pineapple would explain the sticky residue found on her hands during the autopsy.

Eventually, JBR is put to bed, and Patsy (still in the clothes she wore to the White’s) is in a hurry to finish packing and get to bed since they are leaving early in the morning. JBR has been put to bed in the red top she wore to the White’s along with thermal leggings because Patsy can't find JBR's pajamas. Patsy also puts JBR in a pull-up with over-sized panties in case JBR has a night-time accident.

As we all know, the photos of the White’s Christmas party have never been released, and there is a reason. It is my belief they show JBR wearing the red top. When first questioned, Patsy said JBR wore the red top to the White’s Christmas party, but later, she changed her story and said JBR wore a white top. Patsy had to change her story because JBR was found in the white top, and she and John said JBR was asleep when they got home.

Before Patsy goes to bed, she decides to get JBR up to go to the bathroom in to keep her dry for the morning. She goes to JBR’s room and tries to rouse the sleeping JBR. As Nedra said, JBR did not like being wakened and taken out of bed, and she may have fought Patsy. Patsy half drags a reluctant and fussy JBR to the bathroom. There Patsy discovers that JBR has already wet her pull-ups, and she starts to undress JBR to clean her up. There is no urine on JBR’s bed sheets as the pull-ups caught it all.

Patsy sets JBR on the toilet, and JBR is whining and struggling to get free and back to bed. Patsy, who is tired and feeling pressured, is trying to pull off JBR’s leggings, her oversize panties and her wet pull-up in order to change her. Patsy is getting very exasperated with JBR’s non-cooperation. She tries to wipe JBR’s bottom as JBR struggles to get down from the potty. Because JBR’s is squirming, Patsy’s fingernail catches part of the interior of JBR’s vagina as she wipes JBR. JBR yells and begins to cry, “You hurt me.” JBR furiously starts trying to get away from Patsy.

Patsy grabs hold of JBR’s red shirt top (with her right hand) to gain control of JBR and to pull her close to calm her down. By this time, a completely irrational and exhausted JBR is struggling and pulling with all her might against her mother in a test of wills. As JBR pulls away, Patsy tightens her grip on the shirt top with JBR’s full weight going against her. Patsy is also trying to get hold of JBR with her left hand, but JBR is flailing at her. Somehow during the struggle, Patsy loses her grip on JBR and with opposite motion, JBR is flung away from Patsy and hits her head on a hard porcelain surface.

Patsy watches horrified as JBR lies still. She grabs JBR up in her arms, and rocks and moans and prays that JBR will be all right. Patsy still has on the rings she wore to the White’s dinner party, and as she holds JBR close, the rings of one hand make a mark on JBR’s lower right face and the rings of her other hand make marks on JBR’s back. JBR doesn’t respond, and Patsy thinks she is dead. Immediately, in her hysterical state, Patsy thinks she will be charged with JBR’s murder (even unintentional manslaughter) and she is afraid she will lose Burke and her family. What to do?

In her panic, Patsy begins the cover-up. She finishes removing the red top from JBR, balling it up near the sink (where it was found later), and puts JBR in a white top (the one JBR wanted to wear to the White's). She cleans JBR including wiping her legs for urine. Patsy has already removed JBR’s wet pull-up, so she puts the oversize, fresh-out-of-the-package panties (that JBR wore over her pull-ups) back on JBR. She decides to stage a fake kidnapping that went bad, but before she can write the ransom note, she must do something with JBR’s body.

Patsy gets a blanket from the dryer upstairs and carries JBR down stairs to the room they call “the wine cellar.” It is very secluded and hard to find. It’s the one place she can think of that neither Burke, nor anyone else, might accidentally find JBR before the police do. She realizes she has to do more than write a ransom note, and Patsy thinks to construct a ligature of some sort. In her mind, it will point to an intruder AND will also remove any strangulation marks that might show up because of her grip on JBR’s shirt during the struggle.

Patsy is now in a semi-state of shock, and on autopilot. She breaks one of her paintbrushes and finds some cord that JBR had removed from some doll packaging. Patsy knows a few knots from sailing and even more knots from when she did macrame. She ties the cord on to the broken paint stick. Some of the fibers from her red top get caught in the ligature, but they are so small, Patsy doesn’t notice. Then she gets behind JBR (so she doesn’t have to see her face) and pulls the ligature tight a couple of times. She is careful not to pull too tight, but then leaves the ligature around JBR’s neck for "evidence" of an intruder. Later post mortem swelling will make the ligature look very tight against JBR’s neck.

By this time JBR has truly died and begun to go into rigor mortis. In an effort to make it look like an intruder had bound a kidnapped JBR, Patsy takes the rest of the cord not used for the ligature and loosely ties it around JBR’s upraised arms. Patsy gets a small piece of duct tape from her paint box that she uses to keep brushes together and puts it over JBR’s mouth. Then she gently places JBR in the blanket, and wraps her lovingly like a “papoose.” Patsy then turns off the light and relatches the door.

Now Patsy must write a ransom note, and this takes up quite a bit of time, especially since she has to wear gloves so as not to leave any fingerprints on the note. After she finally finishes, she places the ransom note on the circular steps. She starts calling for John.

It may be that in Patsy’s panic, she woke up John and told him what happened, and he helped her with some of the staging. Patsy assured him it was an accident, and for his own reasons, whether to keep the family together and have a mom for Burke, or whether Patsy had something on John, he decided to go along with her story.

The whole point of my post is to say that the “molestation with the paint brush” is not a FACT. It could have been caused by Patsy’s fingernail while wiping JBR at the toilet.

Please do not misinterpret what I have said. I do not believe Patsy flew into a rage at JBR because of a bed-wetting incident. I believe there was a struggle between Patsy and JBR in the bathroom, and there was a horrific accident. In Patsy’s terrified and panicked mind, she feared she would lose everything. The image of her “perfect” family and “perfect” world would be lost.

Excellent Cherokee

It certainly makes lots of sense. You have reinforced my belief that there are new theories to explore, even 7 years later. It's never too late I guess.

I agree that the scenario you describe is a perfectly plausible theory
Shellac from paint brush, "latex" glove material, material from cord.
I see no reason to assume that it is nail polish much less that its Patsy's nail polish.
Toth said:
Shellac from paint brush, "latex" glove material, material from cord.
I see no reason to assume that it is nail polish much less that its Patsy's nail polish.

What about nail polish from an intruder?
Barbara said:
Excellent Cherokee

It certainly makes lots of sense. You have reinforced my belief that there are new theories to explore, even 7 years later. It's never too late I guess.

I agree that the scenario you describe is a perfectly plausible theory

Thanks, Barbara.

One other thing I would like to add is that the changing of the two tops (red or white) did not have to happen for this scenario to work. It very well could be that JBR wore the white top to the White's dinner party, and the red top was balled up at the sink because JBR took it off to change to the white top.

I only speculated on the change of tops because the photos from the White's dinner party have never been released by the BPD for evidence reasons.

I do believe that it's possible JonBenet was awake when the ramseys got home and that she ate the pineapple as you describe. The pineapple is the "bugaboo". Burke supposedly said JonBenet was awake and entered the house under her own steam. The Ramseys made a big play about her being "zonked". I think it may have just been easier for them to say that - but out a whole line of questioning.

I'm interested in the sticky residue on her fingers. That would make a lot of sense if she had eaten pineapple. I'll look out the autopsy report and try and find a quote about that.
I've seen little specks of wood in cheap toilet paper which could also account for the speck of whatever the heck it was.
Cherokee - great job! Yes, fingernail polish... that could very well be.

Also, the red sweater could certainly have been part of a struggle whether or not JB wore it to the Whites.

Maybe Steve Thomas's theory is the closest to the truth after all. And didn't Dr. Krugman say it appeared to be a classic case of "toilet rage"?

But I wonder where the prior abuse fits in. IMO John was molesting JB because I find it so hard to believe he'd actively participate in a cover-up without powerful motivation to protect himself, and if it were truly an accident with no prior abuse to hide, why wouldn't the Ramseys present an accident scenario and call for help?
Britt said:
Cherokee - great job! Yes, fingernail polish... that could very well be.

The tiny piece of birefringent foreign material in the vagina could have been nail polish, or almost any other glistening material. But the most likely candidate by far, IMO, is the stick tied to the ligature. From the autopsy report:

" ... a length of a round tan-brown wooden stick which measures 4.5 inches in length. This wooden stick is irregularly broken at both ends and there are several colors of paint and apparent glistening varnish on the surface. Printed in gold letters on one end of the wooden stick is the word "Korea".

If a painted and glistening wooden stick is "irregularly broken" at both ends then the surface paint on those ends is already fractured and will easily flake off.

I think the stick had been in the vagina.

I agree BC. My nailpolish tends to erode off over time, particularly at the ends of my right hand nails since I am right handed. It doesn't flake off.
The birefringent material was silica which is contained in talcum powder
or the silica may have come from the jar of hand cream which was sitting open on JonBenet's dresser.
Didn't ST or someone say that the birefringent material was cellulose?
Maxi said:
Didn't ST or someone say that the birefringent material was cellulose?

I'm not Steve, but I did say that. It's in PMPT as a footnote. If I recall correctly, it said it could even be cotton. Sigh...I could find that footnote if necessary. :-)

I have entertained the thought that it could have been from a PullUp that she'd worn recently, too.

The dictionary definition might stray somewhat from a coroner's definition, too, as in an autopsy.
Okay, it's in PMPT, hardback, page 396:

"...The police would have to track down the origin of the small amount of cellulose that had been found in JonBenet's vagina.*

*Cellulose is a carbohydrate of high molecular weight that is the chief constituent of the cell walls of plants. Raw cotton is 91 percent cellulose. Other important natural sources are flax, hemp, jute, straw, and wood."
Maxi said:
What kinds of cellulose would be birefringent?

I've thought about this, too, Maxi. I think there's probably wood in the paper for a PullUp, but, I have to admit I'm not all that knowledgeable of what components make up all the things that might have been in JB's vagina to leave such a deposit. From what I've read, and I sure could be wrong, it means 'shiny' more or less. Could that be talc, varnish from the paintbrush? IMO, we really need to know more to connect the 'kinds' to what was found inside JB. Another huge piece of the puzzle.
Imon128 said:
"...The police would have to track down the origin of the small amount of cellulose that had been found in JonBenet's vagina.*

Nail polish is not yet eliminated, even if cellulose was found, as nail polish is made with cellulose.

Nail Polish
Nail polish contains nitrocellulose to help make the polish glossy when it dries.

Nail care - the truth
Six groups of chemicals constitute nail polishes.
Cellulose film formers – (nitrocellulose) these add gloss to the nail.

STAIN: Usually pink or red, stiff, shiny and built-up
CONTAINS: Red dye or pigmentin a liquid cellulose acetate base, solvent, plasticizer
Thanks, why_nutt for the info. If only we could totally nail down that source, I think it would be a big puzzle piece solved, in some ways. We can only hope and keep digging into our minds to put it all together.

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