Primetime Now

Oh good lord. Karr says he has touched a girl in every way but the no-no way. This is from the Hutchens tapes.

Her house is dripping with her tortured spirit. - another quote from the tape.

Edited for clarity
This may have already been said, but I was watching LKL (I live on the East Coast), and one of Larry's guests said they've never known a pedofile (sp?) to write a ransom note. That was quite a point!
You are all quite welcome.

Did anyone catch what Karr said about Polly? i think it was something about esp and knowing what happened to her? This man is beyond weird.


I think we all know what happened to Polly. Anyone that watches TV or reads a paper knows what happened to Polly. Poor delusional fool. Does he think he has the market cornered on what happened to these headline news stories?
Montana said:
This man is beyond weird.

He is creepy...really creepy. I heard someone say that they should have the DNA results by now. I wonder how long they'll keep everyone hanging on a thread about the DNA. But he is sure weird...acting and looking.
HeartofTexas said:
I think we all know what happened to Polly. Anyone that watches TV or reads a paper knows what happened to Polly. Poor delusional fool. Does he think he has the market cornered on what happened to these headline news stories?

Wasn't it said that he had corresponded with Richard Allen Davis? (I call him that b/c that's what he is. And if Karr did this to JBR he will forever be John Mark Karr). I wonder if he did, if -RAD told him sordid details of what he did to Polly?

God, that makes me weak with feeling ill... :sick:
This is just a thought that I have been tossing around in my head. I really don't think Karr is the guy but there was something that he said that has triggered this entire investigation. Karr ran in the same circles with some of the most heinous people on the planet. If the Ramsey's are truly innocent and an intruder (i.e. pedophile) is the killer then it is possible that Karr has been in contact with him. His obsession with this case is obvious and if he has devoted the kind of time to researching it as I think he has then its very likely he has met the killer. The difference between his research and the sleuthers here is that he ventured/lived in a world that hopefully NONE of us would be caught dead in.

If the murder happened say 1 to 3 years ago, I could see the BDA jumping all over this. But, for the most part, JBR was a cold case...there wasn't a big media uproar over the case not being solved. Probably over 50% of the country thought Patsy did it so when she died...most assumed she was now "meeting her maker."

I can't kick the thought that there has to be something there for BDA to pay for officers to goto Thailand and put all the time and effort into getting California to extridite him. My law professors were discussing this in class today so I know im not alone in this thought.

This is all based on the assumption that an intruder did it.
TopGunner said:
This may have already been said, but I was watching LKL (I live on the East Coast), and one of Larry's guests said they've never known a pedofile (sp?) to write a ransom note. That was quite a point!

the man who said this is Mark Klass, father of Polly Klass.
Did anyone watch this? It was just the first segment of the show, about ten minutes, but they played parts of the Hutchens tapes that were not played before. One of the excerpts was him saying he has a psychic tie to the dead girls. That it's like a seance. That was his word for it.

Well now I wonder. Is he a killer with a split personality or just a sensitive medium who also is a pedophile? He claims he never had sex with any little girl. So why even bring it up?

More is supposed to be on Nightline and the first child bride will be on Good Morning America. Since ABC has one hour of the tapes, I assume they will be releasing more of them little by little for the ratings. A shame it has to be like this. But then the police, who asked her to make the tapes, didn't want them back in 2001 since they figured he was just a 'KOOK'. And maybe he is. But here is what we have seen so far, he's like a chameleon:

- he looks like a fairly normal young guy with a mullet on that home movie tape, laughing with his children.
- he talks (and whispers) like a dangerous psychopath pedophile on the Hutchens tapes.
- he talks in a similar way but less creepily, in the emails.
- he's very concerned that he looks nice, with a crisp shirt and tie on the plane home, and spent 1/2 hour combing his hair before landing.
- and feels the jury pool will be tainted by seeing him in prison garb and chains, so it "upset" him.
- and he is so concerned that people thought he couldn't know the layout of the Ramsey house, so he blurts out how he was there since 5 pm on that night, until they came home at 10, giving him 5 hours to learn the layout of the house. Lest anyone think he wasn't there! Why not answer his mistaken relatives while he's at it since he's watching the news 24/7, and remind them he wasn't at their Christmas dinner since he must know they are still looking for photos!
- and the two female lawyers he talked to today for seven hours like him and think he is intelligent and special, different than you or me or anyone who ever walked on the planet, and is being treated badly, and was bruised by the press in Thailand, and they told him to say nothing else from now on. They say he never confessed, his comments were just sound bites taken out of context, but they could be used to incriminate him.

Note: Hello! I watched both press conferences LIVE. He was answering reporters' questions. These were not sound bites taken out of context!!! "Are you an innocent man?" "No."

OK what happened here? Is this a gentle, intelligent, sensitive, wonderful man or did he just charm the lawyers since he gets along so well with females? This guy, excuse me, is a narcissist who loves being in the spotlight and they can make anyone believe anything if they try hard enough. That is my theory right now. Whether he did it or not. He's not some sweet darling guy like the lawyers were trying to convince us. After hearing his horrible voice on the tapes, sorry, no sympathy for him.
"and one of Larry's guests said they've never known a pedofile (sp?) to write a ransom note. That was quite a point!"

Same thing on Nancy Grace: pedophiles DO NOT write notes.
SuperDave said:
"and one of Larry's guests said they've never known a pedofile (sp?) to write a ransom note. That was quite a point!"

Same thing on Nancy Grace: pedophiles DO NOT write notes.
There's always a first time for everything.
Watching the news shows last night where it showed JMK in the orange jumpsuit sitting in the hearing room, it struck me he looked so much like Scott Peterson!! It was the way he tilted his head a little to the side and up. The set of his mouth and chin, his eyes shifting around and a little arrogant look, wearing that orange suit just shouted SP to me!!

aspidistra said:

But here is what we have seen so far, he's like a chameleon:

- he looks like a fairly normal young guy with a mullet on that home movie tape, laughing with his children.
- he talks (and whispers) like a dangerous psychopath pedophile on the Hutchens tapes.
- he talks in a similar way but less creepily, in the emails.
- he's very concerned that he looks nice, with a crisp shirt and tie on the plane home, and spent 1/2 hour combing his hair before landing.
- and feels the jury pool will be tainted by seeing him in prison garb and chains, so it "upset" him.
- and the two female lawyers he talked to today for seven hours like him and think he is intelligent and special, different than you or me or anyone who ever walked on the planet, and is being treated badly, and was bruised by the press in Thailand, and they told him to say nothing else from now on.

This guy, excuse me, is a narcissist who loves being in the spotlight and they can make anyone believe anything if they try hard enough. That is my theory right now. Whether he did it or not. He's not some sweet darling guy like the lawyers were trying to convince us. After hearing his horrible voice on the tapes, sorry, no sympathy for him.
I agree completely -- he really has them conned! Of course, they are his defense lawyers --

If he's true to form, he'll crumble under investigation -- they should be able to get him to snap just by suggesting that he's stupid. Then the horrible side that his wives experienced would come raging outt, IMO.

If he did do it, the whole "accident" thing is getting on my nerves. The incident was still cruel, horrific and violating for a child - an "accident" doesn't make it any less heinous.
John Karr is bizarre and JonBenet's murder was bizarre. I was skeptical at first that JK had anything to do with JB's murder, but everyday I'm a bit more convinced he may be involved. Especially today with his first wife's mother saying she remembers the acronym S.B.T.C. in his letters. I hope she can locate one. A main hurdle for me is placing JK in Boulder 12/25/96. He apparently has said he was at a party of the Ramsey's on the 23rd with his brother. Which one, Nate or Michael? It should be fairly easy to connect one of them to the Ramsey's in Boulder during that time. I am eagerly awaiting this bit of info.
You would think someone who was at these parties would have come forward by now. Actually, you would think several people would have come forward.

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