How I know the Ramseys did it....

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Nov 15, 2004
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Yes, I was on the Karr bandwagon....mainly for hope that someone would be charged.

However, there are two facts that point to the Ramseys and only the Ramseys:

1) Their completely bizarre behavior immediately after the ransom note was found. Refusing to give statements, giving statements only after being provided copies of their previous statements on the day of, interviews together. Basically hampering the investigation in ways that they knew would prevent them from being exposed and tripping over themselves.

2) They seem completely happy with the progress of the investigation until and unless someone points the finger at them...then the lawyers start foaming at the mouth. Think....your daughter was killed in an apparent attempted kidnapping.....and the police focus completely on you and only you and bungle the case every way possible. You have police, investigators, and DA's leaving, resigning, getting fired. I would be screaming at the top of my lungs that they weren't looking for anyone but me and that they were incompetent. JR and PR seemed 100% at ease with starting their lives over and never thinking about it again.

John Walsh used his son's death to start up AMW. Polly Klass's dad started the Polly Klass foundation. John and Patsy slinked away to Atlanta/Michigan and if it weren't for people they were suing because they said JR/PR/BR did it, we would have never heard from them again. They were happy as two pigs in a blanket as long as their name wasn't mentioned. That tells me that someone in that house killed her, the Ramseys understand that it was an accident, and that they wish not to see that person prosecuted.

Someone did it in that house...probably a Ramsey and probably an accident....and then the coverup began. The Ramseys steered the ransom note to implicate a certain person and that pointedness (as someone stated, the RN was aimed at the housekeeper) is what doesn't make sense. No one made the connection between the Ramsey's intended scapegoat and the scapegoat....therefore, much of what was written in the RN doesn't make sense.

I think I read that the housekeeper sued the R's after DOI was published and she saw things written about her in it.She may have made the connection more than anyone else did.I have to wonder if she didn't say anything for fear of being sued herself.
She told ther GJ that Patsy killed JB, JM. Ain't that enough?
The forensic evidence links the Ramseys directly with the deceased as discovered in the wine-cellar. e.g. fibers and prior sexual abuse!

SuperDave said:
She told ther GJ that Patsy killed JB, JM. Ain't that enough?

Dave, I never heard that. Where can I find that?


I just read the entire link posted and, although I can't subscribe to the entire theory (sorry, but some of this is just really out there), I think there is one relevant point that I'm not sure any have made regarding Patsy's behavior and that behavior tied in with some sort of weird religious practice.

I remember reading that Patsy reacted to JonBenet's death very strangely. She actually threw herself on top of JonBonet's body and begged for Jesus to bring back her daughter. Who DOES that? Would most of us react that way if we had been (God forbid) in a similar type situation? I know I wouldn't...

BOTH parents were behaving strangely that day, after JonBenet was found. But in reviewing Patsy's behavior especially, it doesn't take too much to then go from that point to accepting that JUST maybe, Patsy was capable of a lot more than just bending over her dead daughter's body and asking Jesus to bring back her daughter...
...that being said, I have heard of these sexual perversion rings being centered (some of them, if this is true) in Boulder and in other parts of Colorado. I just can't wrap myself around how weird some of these practices are, if these things are true. But if Webb's theory is correct (and just 'how' would he know) awful and horrifying is that.
SuperDave said:
She told ther GJ that Patsy killed JB, JM. Ain't that enough?
I hadn't ever heard that,either.But thx for the link.
Some of that is kinda far out there,however,I don't have a problem thinking there might be or have been a pedo. ring ,and JR used JB in it somehow,for whatever reason or reasons.
With the way JB was dressed and made-up so sexually for the pageants,I can't help but think it was done for someone or for some group,moreso than for just the pageant competition itself.

This guy, Webb, is weird. Who IS he? He says he lived just down the street from the Ramseys...REALLY. Can he back that up? And just HOW does he know all this stuff he's writing...does he have his own inside door into the DA's office in he friendly with some, if any, of the Detectives working on this case?

This guy's creepy...not sure what to believe. Otoh..I really like, admire and respect Steve Thomas. He's a great Detective and he's NORMAL. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Ah, well, that link kinda just collapses towards the end into the typical "MK-ULTRA conspiracy sex ring" stories I've heard of before. Whenever I hear the name Cathy O'Brian I just tend to roll my eyes.

Not everything in that link is off the meter though.
The housekeeper before Hoffman did not think a stranger killed JonBenet.

From Linda Wilcox's 1998 interview:

LINDA WILCOX: My reaction might have been a little bit different. I was out of state. I had attended my grandmother's funeral that very afternoon. I was staying at my mom's home out of state. My honey, from back here, called me, on the phone. He doesn't keep up with my personal business life and he thought I still worked for them. Because he called and said, 'When do you work for the Ramseys?' I said, 'The Ramseys?' and he said, 'Yeah, John and Patsy.' And I said, 'I haven't been there in a year and a half.' And he said, well someone has murdered JonBenet and it was just instant shock. Just at that moment, my mother had turned on the television, she has cable, and her local news came on and they showed the picture of the house. And I'm like, Oh my God, something is really bad and I said, 'Do they know who did it?' and he said, "well no" and was telling me a bit of what he knew. This was on the 27th. Because that's when he got ahold of me. I was travelling on the 26th and he (couldn't understand). My initial reaction was, a stranger didn't kill that child.
LINDA WILCOX: Gut feeling more than anything. But even now, more than then, I would (something) on everything I have that a stranger did not kill JonBenet. The lay of the house doesn' would be very difficult. Possibly, there are people who are professional. But then they would have done a professional job. Lots of little things contribute to my belief. Someone who didn't know that house, really well, couldn't have done what they done (sic) without being noticed. It's not possible. It is physically impossible. You had to know little things. Like for example, you walk in the room and hit the switch, the light doesn't come on. See, cause when the room was redone, they put in a ceiling fan, one of the metal ones, without a light kit on it. The only light in her room was the lamp between the two beds. You have to physically walk over and turn it on. It isn't run by the switch. The switch was meant to run the overhead ceiling light which was removed to install the ceiling fan.
SuperDave said:
Hi SuperDave,

this is the segment that interests me -

"Both Denver and Boulder, Colorado, are major Satanic centers whose activities have, at various times been under investigation by Jefferson and Denver county authorities as well as the FBI and others. A witness of these activities came fourth and gave testimony of two crack babies that were first taken from their parents and given to foster parents. Later they were taken from the foster parents by Denver SOCIAL SERVICES after the husband was murdered in very strange circumstances and were given to a single woman who had turned up out of nowhere after the murder and offered to be a nanny to the children. The witness claims watching the ritual sacrifice of both babies on Halloween and the Ramsey's, DA Hunter, Lt. Governor Gail Shoettler's and several others 'very high up' in Colorado politics, linked to the Governor's office, being present as well. The Satanic ring centered in Denver connects into Boulder, Colorado..."

I have never heard of any of this and would like to know just how factual it all is. There appear to be many inaccuracies in the rest of the article, so it does make me suspect that this bit is all hype as well. Nevertheless, if it is true, or even partially true, it is very, very interesting.

(And thanks for the link)

ETA: and you've just gotten me addicted to the Stew Webb and Tom Heneghan website. Thanks a lot Dave....
SuperDave said:
She told ther GJ that Patsy killed JB, JM. Ain't that enough?
Do you have a link to a statement made by the house-keeper, herself,that she told GJ that Patsy killed JonBenet? If not, no, the information is not enough.
PB - Have you read the Newsweek piece?

LHP - No.

PB - At the home of John and Barbara Fernie, Patsy stood up and offered condolences... Let me read what NW has to say about you. They had brought several thick books about crime-scene photos, they showed her a pic of JBR's thermal blanket, it had stains on it, they showed her a pic of JBR's bed, looking at the comforter, the bed looked barely disturbed

LHP - That was my feeling, that the blanket was in the dryer. I think the blanket wasn't on her bed that night. I don't think a stranger would know where the blanket was. the R's didn't even have a hamper, they just left clothes lying around.

PB - Only you and PR knew it was in there. How do you feel about how the R's are trying to put the blame on you?

LHP - It hurts a lot.

PB - YOu were extremely loyal to her.

LHP - I don't believe the intruder theory at all. That door they're talking about was like that for months.

PB - Haddon was either uninformed or was lying to protect his client.

LHP - That door was like that for months before JBR was murdered.

PB - What has changed in your mind in the last 28 months.

LHP - The R's have lied about numerous things. They've lied about the door, they lied about the knife, they lied about the Swiss army knife. I put in the cupboard myself.

PB - What do you know about bed-wetting?

PB - How did they treat bedwetting?

LHP - It didn't come up much, but every time I came in the sheets were already off the bed.

PB - How was PR dealing with it, was she getting more frustrated?

LHP - There's no way JR could be a father and not know about it.

PB - You know at least of three lies. Why would the R's come out with the pry marks as evidence of an intruder. They knew about the Swiss army knife. People need to hear this, particularly the people who believe, for whatever the hell reason, well I don't know why they believe it...

LHP - I asked PR for a loan. I think she must have, because the police asked me about it.

PBn - She says you owe her money.

LHP - She owes ME money.

PB - I asked her about the front door. PR told me all the doors were locked. They also attempted to make your husband a suspect as well.

LHP - He had only been in the house four times. One time to fix closet doors, and one time to put up Christmas lights. Everybody who knows us knows we didn't kill JBR. I have never hurt a child and never would. I loved the whole family.

PB - What is Burke like?

LHP - He's a real quiet little boy.

PB - What have you come away with in this?

LHP - We've been hurt. I loved Patsy so much, I would have done anything for her.

PB - You know she knows you didn't do this. She's trying to set somebody up. This doesn't have anything to do with you, and she must be going through her own personal hell.

LHP - I really cared about her. (crying) I don't believe the blanket was on the bed. There were only two people who knew...

Do you have a link to a statement made by the house-keeper, herself,that she told GJ that Patsy killed JonBenet? If not, no, the information is not enough.

The statements in post 18 are from the housekeeper, herself.

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