Michael Tracey, the whole TRUTH.

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Sep 13, 2003
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Thank you to Westword and reporter Alan Prendergast for FINALLY doing the work and exposing C.U. Professor Michael Tracey for the lazy fraud he is.

Please get a cup of coffee, put your feet up, and get ready for a great read.


Please comment on this thread. I am very interested in your thoughts about the article.

Tricia hi
Thanks for that article, very interesting so far.
Thanks to Westword and Alan Prendergast also.
I haven't read it all yet, am on page 3 where Tracey's little matey David Mills says this:

<<We didn't know what the police evidence was," Mills says. "We made a personal judgment, from getting to know them, that they couldn't possibly have done it>>

They made a documentary that half the UK saw and they didn't know what the police evidence was, what the?
Narlacat, amazing isn't it? It is laughable.
One of his fellow professors said that good journalists don't hand over their info to the cops. I like his statement.

Professor Presumption - that's a good name for Tracey.
Please, anyone who is even slightly interested in this case, please read this article. It is truly amazing.
Finally, someone really gets it! Thank you Westword and Alan Predergast! But this really bothers me:
Tracey and Mills are now hard at work on their fourth Ramsey documentary, and Mills says it will answer lots of pressing questions.

"The whole Karr episode needs to be properly and adequately explained," he says. "Michael Tracey has been attacked. Mary Lacy has been attacked. The reality, as far as we have been able to establish it, is that there was no alternative but to take that individual seriously. To bring him in at a cost of only $24,000 was an incredible value. When you really look at the evidence, this is exactly the sort of lead that needed to be followed up."

So the underhanded, vile, crockmentary maker is making another crock about the fraud, he won't admit he commited, laughable if it wasn't so disgusting and sad. Fakey Tracey making another crock about, what will no doubt be, a "I'm a hero, seeking justice for JBR and proving someone other than the Ramseys did it", I hope this new crockamentary is never picked up in the UK or US, or anywhere for that matter. He should be fired from his position which he hasn't hidden his disdain for (insuborination sp), and the REAL DOCUMENTARY WHICH SHOULD BE MADE IS THIS ARTICLE, BY MR. PREDERGAST, THE STORY OF FAKEY TRACEY, AND HOW HE'S COMMITED FRAUD UPON THE WORLD, AT THE EXPENSE OF A MURDERED CHILD AND THE DESTRUCTION/DISRUPTION OF MANY INNOCENT LIVES FOR HIS OWN GAIN!
On page 4 - enjoying this tremendously. Thanks Tricia.
This is really interesting, thanks, Tricia. Everyone should read this. Hope you don't mind, I just linked this article in at another board.
Yeah, that line leapt out at me as well, nc. Shameful.

Even more shameful that a panel of citizens used the same rationale to refuse indictments.

Normally, that kind of naivete just irritates me. In this instance I find it INFURIATING!

Depending on what handwriting expert you believed, the ransom note was possibly the work of Patsy Ramsey, or it most definitely was not.

Actually, they got it backwards. It was definitely her, possibly not, not the reverse.
Every crime scene is going to have some unexplained crud.

Like I always say, you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

The documentary even reports that the DNA in the undies matches other DNA found under JonBenét's fingernails, all of which "had come from the same unknown white male" -- a dubious assertion, since sources in the district attorney's office have described the fingernail sample as too contaminated or degraded to be meaningful.

Read that carefully, folks.
They're working on another crockumentary? :doh:

Say it with me people. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Is there no one that can stand up to this guy and tell him to just let it go already, he's just digging a deeper hole. What an idiot.

Great article Tricia, nice to see you were mentioned for your part in exposing this moron.

I took your advice, Tricia, grabbed a coffee and read the whole thing! Very interesting, very well-written, imo...

It makes me sick that CU doesn't turf this clown for good....it also makes me sick that anyone is willing to back up yet another "crockumentary"....WTF? :razz:
Actually, I read it over on Jamieson. Pardon me, I sometimes try to look for some hope that it was an intruder. Sigh, just looking for a mystery.


I saw him on Larry King. He was so enthusiastic about protecting the rights of the innocent. Yuch, obviously trying to undo whatever.

NO ONE should have the access to the back door of the District Attourney.
That business with JG, showing his file as a teaser. There's all kinds of apples in every crowd.
" the DNA of a white male"...I understand they can determine the sex of a person from it,but is it still true they cannot determine race?Sounds like a lie there.
Has anyone ever thought that advanced DNA techniques yet to be found might someday blow the tiny degraded amt of dna found in this case right out of the water?(like it hasn't already,but maybe more is yet to come) That's what I'm thinking..and wondering what on earth the IDI's are going to say then....
I saw him on Larry King. He was so enthusiastic about protecting the rights of the innocent. Yuch, obviously trying to undo whatever.

He sickens me. If I had his teeth, I could make two ivory-handled revolvers!

" the DNA of a white male"...I understand they can determine the sex of a person from it,but is it still true they cannot determine race?Sounds like a lie there.

It is.

Has anyone ever thought that advanced DNA techniques yet to be found might someday blow the tiny degraded amt of dna found in this case right out of the water?(like it hasn't already,but maybe more is yet to come) That's what I'm thinking..and wondering what on earth the IDI's are going to say then....

I actually heard someone on the "O'Reilly Factor" say that just might happen!
They say the truth will set you free, but it might do the opposite this time!

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